Book Read Free

Tundra Witch

Page 15

by SL Perrine

  She was in her school uniform, digging into a bowl of cereal when Gianna entered. “I got your message, little one.”

  The girl turned, and her eyes grew wide. “Mamma! I knew you would. I did it last night before bed. Sarah said you went out. You had an awfully late meeting.” She looked at her mother with a sad expression.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to tuck you in. I had to finalize some arrangements with Mrs. Brewster. She’s having a retirement party for her husband next month and was frantic about the invitations. You know how she can be.”

  “Yes, I do. The woman is cranky all the time.” Mila rolled her eyes.

  “Did you go to class with your papa, last night?”

  “I did. Though, it’s not quite the etiquette class I thought it would be.”

  “How so?”

  “He said it’s a family tradition that I can’t speak with anyone about. So, I can’t…” she looked down into her bowl.

  “Hey, it’s ok. If papa said not to speak to me about it, then it’s ok not to. You know we must always obey, papa.” She reassured her daughter she wouldn’t ask her anymore, gave her a kiss and left her to finish preparing for her day. She had a language tutor at six and needed to be ready for Jax to bring her to school at seven.

  Thinking of Jax, Gianna went back to her study, opting to speak to him after Mila was at school.

  Anthony got up an hour early, hit the treadmill and showered before getting up the nerve to make a very difficult phone call. He didn’t know what the conversation would be like after so many years not speaking to her. When Ravana picked up the phone on the first ring, he knew there was no turning back.

  “Speak.” She boasted through the phone at him. It took him a minute, but before he could say anything, she yelled at him. “Do you forget, my dear Anthony…there is such a thing as caller id?”

  “No, Ravana, I haven’t. Just didn’t know you still have my number.”

  “Oh, luv I’ll always have your number. How are you? Living the boring life, yet?

  “Boring life? What’s that?”

  “Oh, you know; married, a house, 2.5 kids, and a dog. Nasty little vermin.”

  “The kids or the dogs?”

  “Both. Really, what’s going on in Jersey these days?”

  “Well, seems like I’ve gotten myself mixed up with some witches of the naughty variety, and not your type of naughty.”


  “Ever heard of the Moretti family?”

  “Not off the top of my head. Need me to put a Keeper on it. Dig up some info?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind. I’d be eternally grateful.”

  “Like old times, grateful, or is there someone keeping that part of you taken care of?”

  “What exactly are you asking, here?”

  “Is this about a girl or not?”

  “Isn’t it always…”

  “Same old Anthony, always getting yourself into danger over a woman.”

  “No, Ravana. Last time I was in danger, it wasn’t just some woman.”

  “Yes, I’m aware. So, how about I get Delia to dig up some dirt and, in the meantime, I’ll ask my good friends, Mr. Rancid and Mr. Conceited what kind of dirt they have.”

  “Same connections?”

  “Unfortunately. They’re like cockroaches, they follow me everywhere. A girl can’t get a break.”

  He laughed and let a heavy silence hang for a moment. He wanted to ask but couldn’t bring himself to do it. “Ok, I’ll wait to hear from you.”



  “I hope this one’s worth it.”

  “I hope so too.”

  Anthony hung up the phone and dropped it in his pocket. He only just realized he never made it to his apartment. Racing up the stairs, he was happy to find both Gianna and Giovanni’s study doors closed. That was another matter he would need to work on; getting into Giovanni’s study might prove difficult.

  Anthony headed back down to his apartment. He finished the cold coffee that waited for him, and after cleaning his mug and plate from his breakfast, headed to the car. He needed to make sure to get rid of the weapons before Mila got in it.

  Of course, Nico was already two steps ahead of him. The truck sat parked in front of the doors as always, but when he looked in the rear and backseat, he saw that the weapons were gone.

  “Looking for something?”

  “Yes, actually. I had a few items in the car. Might you know where they are?”

  “If I did, I’d have to say they were placed in a locked cabinet in your room. I don’t know that I do, however. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

  Anthony shook his head and laughed. “Nico, tell me something?”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “You’ve been here a while, right?”

  “Yes, of course, you already know that though, so what’s the real question?” Anthony looked up at the house, and Nico got his meaning before he said anything. “Mr. Jackson, it is not wise to discuss many things inside certain areas in this house. I can say your apartment is a safe place, as of this morning. Right here might be when certain individuals are not home.”

  “Those individuals home now?”


  “So, would you be straight with me for a moment?”


  “I’m here to keep the women of the house safe. So, if I needed information that would help in keeping them safe, where would I get that?”

  “In a certain study, that’s locked and warded to the hilt. Nobody besides the owner and his assistant gets in that room. Moretti only allows staff to enter and clean while he’s home. However, he backs up all his files on a hard drive that’s stored in the safe in his bedroom. That room he does not lock.”

  “He has a backup?”

  “You’ve heard of backing up your files, haven’t you? That is what he does. The drive in a safe behind the portrait of him and his Mrs. Moretti. Though, I suspect he doesn't ward it because he doesn’t realize anyone knows it’s there.”

  “How do you know it’s there?”

  “Sarah found it. The picture fell when she was dusting. It’s on a hinge, and she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t take it down to clean it. When the hinge broke, she needed a witch to fix it.”


  Nico spread his hands. “I have my talents.”

  “Everything makes so much sense now. Do they know?”

  “The Moretti’s? No. Though I suspect Mila does. She’s bright for a child.”

  “That she is.” Anthony looked down at his watch and realized he had five minutes to gather up Mila for school. “Thanks, Nico.” He rushes to the door but turns back. “And if I were to ask you who you report to?”

  “Oh, no contest. Mrs. Moretti has the staff well taken care of. Everyone reports to her. Just be careful around cook and, of course, Matteo.”

  Anthony laughs, knowing full well he needs to stay clear of Matteo. The cook, on the other hand, he had no idea of. He opens the door and inside is a bouncing little girl with rosy cheeks, emerald green eyes, and dark curls. His heart swells as she rushes to him for her morning hug.

  "Morning. You ready to go?"

  "As ready as I can be," Mila said while waiting for Nico to open her door.

  Anthony had to shake his head and found himself maneuvering between Nico and Mila. “I got her, brother.”

  Nico smiled and wiggled his pinky finger at Anthony.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know,” Anthony groused facetiously.

  He helped Mila into the car and assisted her with the belt buckle. “You are definitely your mother’s child,” He said while marveling at her precociousness.

  “Thank you, Jax!” she replied.

  He tickled her under the chin. “All the brains, all the beauty, all the manners, and half the attitude.”

  “Should I try harder?” she asked with her face scrunching up in confusion. “I want to be just like mamma.”

Anthony couldn’t help but laugh before replying, “I’m sure you’ll surpass everyone’s expectations one day, ceol mo chroí. Don’t rush to grow up too soon.”

  “What’s keyhole muh cree mean, Jax?”

  Anthony guffawed and even Nico joined in over her verbal interpretation.

  “Don’t laugh at my pronunciation,” Mila pouted. “I don’t know that language. What does it mean?”

  Anthony couldn’t quit laughing and Nico came to his rescue when he saw the storm gathering in Mila’s eyes. “It means you’re someone very special to him, Ms. Mila.”

  “Oh. Well you could have just said that, Jax. Geesh.” She rolled her eyes for emphasis.

  “And there’s her mother’s attitude,” Nico whispered to Anthony as he closed the door. Anthony smirked at Nico and clapped him on the shoulder as he walked around the SUV.

  The ride to school, usually filled with the chatter of the young girl, was noticeably silent. She would normally be telling Anthony about the previous night with her mother, or what she expected from her day. She was having a particularly hard time with one of the Rossi twins and usually started out with that. For some reason she sat staring out the window with a look on her face suggesting she was hard at work, thinking about something.

  “Want to share with the class?” Anthony broke the silence after five minutes of watching her in the rearview.

  “I’m thinking.”

  “About?” He slowed his speed, not wanting to get to the school in too much of a hurry. “Inquiring minds want to know.”

  “Well, mamma asked about etiquette school, and I couldn’t talk to her about it. Well, I wanted to, but I couldn’t. The words wouldn’t come out. Papa said I couldn’t say anything to her about it.”

  “Did she seem upset about that?”


  “Then what’s the matter?”

  “I wanted to talk to her. It’s weird. The words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.”

  “That is magic, kiddo,” Anthony noted the time and pulled the car over so he could turn in the seat to look at her. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I do.”

  “Can you,” he asked tentatively, “with me?”

  “I don’t feel like I did when I was with mamma. So, maybe.”

  “Then why don’t you tell me where you went?”

  Mila sat back in the seat, her eyes transfixed on the shoes on her feet. “It was a weird house out in the middle of … well, nowhere. I’d been there before, but there was never a house there.”

  “What did you do there?”

  “Nothing really. Papa showed me around. He said it was my… legalicy?”

  “You mean legacy?”

  “Yes, I think that was it. I wonder why I can tell you and not mamma?”

  “I have an idea, but for now let’s get you to school.”

  The man’s eyes were wide above the cloth gag. He tried to frantically speak to the men hovering around the large, stone altar he was currently bound to as he pulled and twisted against the restraints. They were oblivious to the noises he made and the fear his body exuded. He eventually fell silent and watched the two men in silence; the only sounds in the room for a long moment were the labored breaths wheezing through his nose and around the gag. The smaller of the two approached and ran a delicate finger along the brown skin of his leg from his knee to his groin.

  “Can we play with him, Gio?”

  “If that’s what you desire, Matteo.”

  The man named Matteo picked up a wicked looking blade from the stone beside the bound man’s body. The man redoubled his efforts as Matteo brought the blade closer. Matteo severed the elastic of the man’s underwear and pulled the tattered remains away from his body.

  “Oh, Gio. He has a lovely cock.”

  Giovanni sidled up behind Matteo and slid his hand down his pants. “You should take it in your mouth, Matteo,” he suggested as his hand worked beneath the fabric of Matteo’s pants.

  Matteo did as Giovanni commanded and began to fellate the restrained man as Giovanni unfastened Matteo’s pants. He slid them to his ankles, undid his own pants, and pulled his engorged member from within. With very little ceremony, he hilted himself in Matteo’s ass. Matteo gasped and arched his back, his mouth slipping off the bound man’s penis.

  When he caught his breath, he looked over his shoulder. “Wherever did you find him, Gio?”

  “He’s a friend of the Manny’s; came to the house looking for him this morning. I asked him inside, and ten minutes later the little whore was begging to swallow my load.”

  “He what?” Matteo asked, his voice dropping dangerously low.

  “You heard me.”

  The knife flashed in the flickering light of the candles throughout the room, and a deep crease appeared below the man’s chin. Arterial blood sprayed across Giovanni and Matteo; covering their bodies as Giovanni thrust harder into Matteo’s backside. When the blood slowed, and the man’s struggles died down, Giovanni pushed Matteo on top of the bloody corpse and continued to pound away as Matteo groaned his pleasure into the chest of the dead man beneath him. “Oh fuck, Gio.”

  With a few final, brutal thrusts, Giovanni released himself in Matteo. When he’d pumped the last of his load, Giovanni collapsed on top of him.

  “You never disappoint me, lover,” Giovanni whispered in Matteo’s ear as he began to twitch back to life still deep inside Matteo.

  Chapter 18

  Waiting for Anthony to get back to the house seemed to take forever. Gianna just hoped he wasn’t following up on leads without her. She smoothed her hair with her hands and pressed her palms against her dress. She hadn’t made the decision until the moment her hand reached out for the fabric. It hung in her closet for years. She only ever wore it once for an anniversary dinner. “A waste of a good custom order, if you ask me.” She thought to herself as she touched the material.

  It wasn’t her color. Red never seemed like a proper color for her, but the night she met Jax she was wearing it. He looked at her like he never had since. So, maybe she was on the right path. The thin straps held snug on her shoulders down to the sweat-heart top. The flowing cotton skirt made her feel like royalty, the fabric hugging her hips and moving with her body sinuously.

  Gianna paced the foyer entrance. Her hands wrung together creating so much friction she could have set fire in them. Her black heels clicking against the tile. She balled her fists, leaving them at her sides when a black SUV like Anthony’s, stopped in the front of the house. Three men exit the car and head up the stairs toward the open front door. She met them just outside.

  “May I help you, gentlemen?” She stopped in front of them.

  “No, I don’t think so. We’ve been sent by Mr. Moretti to collect something.” The man in the lead began to move around Gianna to enter the house.

  Gianna put up a hand, and the man stopped in his tracks; the two behind him looked back and forth to each other but didn’t move. “I don’t think you heard me. May I help you?”

  “You know he’s not going to like this.”

  “Frankly, I don’t care. I don’t know you, and I’m not letting you waltz into my home. Now, if you’re here to collect something, allow me to assist.”

  The man relented and gave Gianna a nod. As soon as she released him he rushed her; the other two quickly followed. They pinned her hands behind her back and picked her up. One of the men pulled her over his shoulder.

  “Put me down.”

  “Now, now, Mrs. Moretti. We just need to collect something, and we’ll be on our way.”

  “What, exactly have you come to collect?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” the man dropped her to her feet inside the door, letting it slam closed behind them. “This way. I’ll keep the Mrs. under control.”

  One behind the other, the two men moved toward Giovanni’s office. With her hands still pinned behind her back, the man holding her walked her down the hall as well. With any luck, Gianna thou
ght Nico would be around somewhere and help her. When they made their way to the door of Giovanni’s study, she noticed the other two men were able to get inside. Clicking against the tile sounded behind her. The man who held her forced her into the study and down into a chair opposite her husband’s desk.

  Turning in her chair, she watches a man enter the office. He’s wearing his black hair slicked back against the sides of his head. His dark Italian skin shown light against the black suit he wore.

  “Gianna, how lovely to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately. I’ve been…”

  “Making yourself scarce?”

  “Something like that.” He moved into the seat behind the desk and crossed his legs. “I look good in his chair, don’t I? I look even better by his side.”

  “Yes, but if he weren’t ashamed of it, he wouldn’t need me to be by his side in public. Would he?”

  “You are a sassy little thing. I almost forgot.”

  “You forgot we were friends…family, even?”

  “No, in a way we are family. You're married to him, I’m screwing him.”

  “That doesn’t make us family. That makes you Gio’s whore.”

  “Ouch. It bothers you that much? I haven’t seen that dress in years. Knowing what you do about Gio and I, doesn’t that free you up for love as well? Or at least to finally get a little action of your own? Mmm. Is that why you’re all dressed up? That Manny of yours is simply adorable. If I weren’t so smitten with Gio, I’d bottom with your Anthony in a Nanosecond.”

  “His name is Jax.” She said without meaning to. This man was trying to get under her skin, and she almost let him. “I don’t think you’re his type, but I’ll be sure to give him the message.” Gianna slouched against the back of the chair, crossing her legs to match Matteo’s.

  “Feisty. Gio said you’d grown a little backbone. That makes this so much better.” He stood and handed the three men something from a drawer. “You see,” he motioned for the men to leave following them to the door, “Gio would never do this himself. He thinks he needs to have a beautiful woman on his arm; that people won’t accept us. I think he just has a soft spot for you. I think he carries a little bit of affection for you since you gave him Mila and all. So, I think it only fits I give him the best gift a man could give his lover.” He closes the door and placed the skeleton key in the hole, locking it.


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