Book Read Free

Tundra Witch

Page 24

by SL Perrine

  “You okay?” the vampire asked.

  “There’s something inside me begging to let it loose. Scratching and gnawing at my insides like a parasite.”

  “That’s funny,” Ravana said. “Anthony once described to me how he felt going into battle. He used those exact words.”

  “What do you know about his family, Ravana?”

  “Not much. I know they’ve all passed. He doesn’t know it, but I bought their headstones. He couldn’t afford it.”

  “You could?”

  Ravana shrugged. “I have more money than I know what to do with.”

  Gianna’s mind boggled at the thought of that much wealth. “How?”

  “Live long enough, and money attainment becomes ridiculously easy,” Massimo interjected.

  “You should talk, you’ve probably attained as much as I have.”

  “Not quite, but I have some.” Massimo shrugged.

  Gianna looked around at the men in the van. “It’s fairly easy to see what Red spends her money on.” She jutted her chin in Massimo’s direction. “What about you?”

  “That’s why he has what he does, he doesn’t spend it on much. If it weren’t for me, he’d still be living in a rundown building with mushrooms growing in his ceiling.” Ravana teased, and Massimo shrugged silently, not disputing his mate’s claims.

  “What else do you know about Anthony’s family?” Gianna asked, bringing the conversation back to where they started.

  “Anthony told me that he was the only one in his family with any magic and that his ancestors were from Ireland. Always said he thought his power was druidic in nature.”

  “But you think otherwise or know something else.”


  “Now isn’t the time to be vague with me, Ravana.”

  “I once had Delia sample his DNA, unbeknownst to Anthony.”


  The van lurched as the driver swerved around something in the road and Ravana thumped a fist against the panel beside her as everyone caught their balance. “That’ll be enough of that, Ms. Stanford!”

  “Sorry, Ms. Moon,” Stanford called from the driver’s seat. “Deer in the road.”

  “And?” Gianna asked again when they were all seated properly.

  “His family comes from somewhere in Asia within the Himalayas.”

  “How is that possible? Anthony looks about as Asian as I look like a man. No DNA is that precise.”

  Here, Delia interjected. “I beg to differ, Gianna. I have more resources at my disposal than most.”

  “So, Anthony’s Asian?”

  “No. He’s Caucasian but, if I had to venture a guess, they were a race of people that wandered into the Himalayas from somewhere else and settled down.”

  “Well, that was enlightening,” Gianna groused.

  “But isn’t it exciting?” Delia grew animated as she warmed to the discussion. “Sometime in Anthony’s distant past is a forgotten history with a race of people that-”

  “That’s enough for now, Delia,” Ravana ordered gently. She fixed Gianna with a serious look. “The short answer is that we know absolutely squat about Anthony’s familial origins and everything Delia knows has resulted in extensive speculation on her part.”

  “He’s kind of one of my favorite hobbies,” Delia agreed with a large smile as she pushed a stray hair that had fallen out of her bun behind an ear. “We studied for years until…” Delia and Ravana shared a look, and Delia turned, so she was facing away from Gianna.

  Realizing she touched on something neither of them wanted to discuss, Gianna grinned. “Should I be worried about your intentions, Delia?”

  “Oh, no, ma’am. My interest in Anthony is purely anthropological.”

  Massimo guffawed. “And that’s the only way she likes to study men.”

  Ravana smacked Massimo on the shoulder as Delia’s cheeks crimsoned. “You’re such an ass, Assimo.”

  “It’s not like it’s a secret. Besides, Delia knows she’s loved,” Massimo gives the blonde a wink.

  Ravana’s glare caused Massimo to sit back in his seat for the remainder of the ride. Which wasn’t long. Several minutes later, as the sun was threatening to sink below the horizon, they pulled onto the side of the road. They all piled out of the vans while slipping ear buds in their ears and donning tactical press-to-talk headsets. Ravana’s men also slapped a black, Velcro patch over their white V and crescent moon insignia.

  “The white reflects light,” Ravana said when Gianna looked at her quizzically.

  Gianna nodded her understanding and slipped a pistol into the holster on her thigh.

  “Sword?” Ravana offered.


  “All I have are back sheaths.” The vampire said as she handed a short sword in a scabbard to Gianna.

  “Thank you,” Gianna strapped the sword across her back as they all moved into the nearby tree line.

  “Hang back with me.” Ravana’s voice said softly in Gianna’s ear through the headset.

  She nodded acknowledgment and slowed her forward motion to allow Ravana’s men to pass. The men moved silently through the underbrush while spreading out in an assault line. They moved with their weapons held tight against their shoulders while the barrel of the firearm tracked in whatever direction they were scanning. In minutes they were standing on the edge of the clearing that housed the stone structure that was Giovanni’s stronghold.

  “Recon team; report,” Ravana ordered through the comm.

  “Inbound to your location. Two mikes,” a voice whispered.

  “Copy,” Ravana acknowledged. “Massimo?”

  “Copy. In position,” Massimo’s calm and self-assured voice returned.

  A minute later, two men emerged from the gloom. After a quick challenge and reply, the two men approached Ravana.


  “Multiple bad guys, boss. Thirty perimeter guards, one guard shack at each compass point against the building containing four guards each. Sixteen guards manning positions across the roof.”


  “Unknown. The walls are thicker than reported on the prints Delia supplied. Flir and infrared are useless.”

  “Audibles from the building?”


  “Radio traffic from the guards?”

  “Personal tower, minimum range, AM band, low frequency. Thirty-minute check-ins.”

  “Next check in?”

  Bradshaw checked his watch. “Roughly seven minutes.”

  Ravana touched the button at her throat. “Everyone catch that?” Clicks of acknowledgment sounded through the comm. She touched the button again. “Spread out. Prepare to take down the perimeter guards. Snipers, fix targets on the roof and standby for green. SNB’s will move in at speed and dispatch those in the guard houses.”

  “SNB’s?” Gianna mouthed her question to Ravana.

  “Supernatural beings,” Ravana replied quietly.

  Ravana waited impatiently as her toe tapped softly on the grass while occasionally checking her watch. When five minutes elapsed, the vampire pressed the talk button again. “Units ready?” Again, the clicks of acknowledgment sounded in Gianna’s ear. “Maintain position, frequency, and monitor radio chatter on AM band.”

  Another few minutes passed, and the guards began checking in. After the dispatcher acknowledged all check-ins, Ravana tapped the mic. “Snipers, targets acquired?”

  “Green.” Multiple voices reported in steady, rapid order.

  “Go,” Ravana ordered when all snipers had confirmed targets.

  Around the perimeter of the clearing sixteen muted shots rang out and sixteen men fell dead on the roof. Ravana’s men dispatched the perimeter guard by hand simultaneously. Gianna watched as blurs of motion crossed the open expanse between the tree line and the stronghold and entered the guard shacks. Faint cries and sounds of struggle came to her ears immediately after; followed by check-ins.

  “SNB one clear.�

  “SNB two clear.”

  “SNB three clear.”

  “SNB four clear.”

  “Roger that, SNB’s. All units, advance on the stronghold.”

  Ravana jerked her head towards the building and Gianna followed the vampire across the open ground as her troops exited the tree line and closed methodically on the building. Gianna was amazed at the precision Ravana’s men had executed their duties. They had the building surrounded, and their enemies outside the compound were dead. Once they were against the side of the building, Ravana tapped her mic again.

  “Anyone got eyes on an entrance?”

  “Entrance on the west side of the building.” An unidentified voice addressed the comm.

  “Sewer entrance on southeast corner.” Another voice reported.

  “Shouldn’t that be sewer exit?” A voice queried.

  “Stow it, Mo,” Ravana ordered.

  Gianna looked at the ground to hide her grin as the corner of Ravana’s lips turned down in annoyance. “Anyone else has anything helpful to report?”

  No replies came in, and Ravana ordered everyone to the southeast corner. They converged on the sewage access point as Evans was finishing cutting through the grate. He set the grate aside and backed off so Ravana, Massimo, and Gianna could approach. A small trickle of water and black sludge oozed out of the opening as Massimo bent down to peer into the dark opening.

  “Don’t care what you say, luv, this is going to be a shitty trip up that hole,” Massimo said quietly.

  “Good thing I packed shit-kickers. You afraid you’re going to get dirty?” Ravana asked in an equally hushed tone.

  Massimo shrugged. “I don’t particularly like going through the intestines to get to the asshole.”

  “Maybe I included the wrong vamp for the excursion, then,” Ravana snapped.

  Massimo’s mouth dropped open as Ravana pushed past him and entered the pipe. Gianna followed closely behind with others stealing in behind her as they shook glow sticks to life. The man behind Gianna passed her two, and she handed one ahead to Ravana. They traversed the pipe in semi-darkness and silence with Ravana choosing a direction seemingly at random whenever they came to a junction. Eventually, they arrived at a small cul-de-sac where other, smaller pipes, contributed their offal to the horrid stench permeating the air. A short ladder led to a covered opening above.

  Ravana looked at Massimo and darted her eyes at the ladder. The vampire sighed and started up the ladder to the manhole cover. He easily lifted the steel and slid it silently aside, so they could all join him in the chamber above. He offered Ravana his hand as she emerged, but she ignored the proffered assistance and stepped into the chamber on her own. Gianna took his hand, and he aided her to her feet.

  “I think I’m in the doghouse,” Massimo whispered in her ear. “Or she’s playing hard to get.”

  Ravana flashed him an annoyed look and Gianna let the corner of her lips turn up in a slight smile, jealous of the vampire’s interplay and missing Anthony’s own. Strangely, she could look back now and see all his flirtations that she missed when she allowed her false pride to stand in the way. She looked at Ravana and saw she was shaking her head no, her eyes all but telling Gianna not to think the way she was. Gianna sighed, before taking a calming breath.

  A quick perusal of the room revealed three possible exits, a large pump, and several mechanical boxes. Ravana faced her men and a series of hand signals passed between them before they split up and began exploring the doors leading out of the chamber.

  “Gia, you’re with me,” she said quietly. She looked at Massimo and handed him the manacles and dagger. “You go with them.”

  “Yep. Doghouse,” Massimo stated as he followed behind some of Ravana’s men.

  When Massimo was out of earshot for even his acute hearing, Ravana winked at Gianna and whispered, “Never miss an opportunity to chastise them, or they forget their place.” The vampire grinned, and Gianna smiled back.

  “You have your hands full with that one.”

  “That’s why continued training is always necessary.”

  “I don’t think Anthony does well with training,” Gianna stated in subdued volume.

  “No. He doesn’t.” Ravana agreed.

  “Speaking from experience?”

  “Too much. The man is as bull-headed as they come. It’s that wildness within him.” She gazed seriously into Gianna’s eyes. “Just remember that same wildness resides in you.”


  “Anthony would never choose a weak mate.” She glanced purposefully in the direction Massimo had left. “Just as I wouldn’t.” She turned her eyes upon Gianna again. “Just remember, when the time comes, to give in to your power. It won’t fail you if you embrace it. Come on.”

  The remainder of the burgeoning power she had worked so hard to control washed over her and Gianna suddenly realized she could smell Anthony. Her head jerked in the direction Massimo had gone. “Anthony,” she whispered. She took a step after Massimo, but Ravana grabbed her shoulder.

  “I know. I smell his presence as well. He is for Massimo to release if he will even require it. Should he not, Massimo will attempt to reason with him and direct him towards the Barathrum.”

  “Reason with him?” Gianna asked incredulously. “Anthony is the most reasonable man I know.”

  “You haven’t seen this side of him. You haven’t seen this side of yourself.” The vampire shook her head for emphasis. “Focus on Mila.”

  “And Giovanni?”

  “Leave him to me.”

  Ravana passed through a door with Gianna and her troops following. After several minutes of traversing stairs and halls, Gianna caught Mila’s scent. She pushed past Ravana and took the lead. Ravana allowed her to pass with a minor caution to remain quiet. It was hard for the mother, and mother to be. Every step brought her closer to Mila, and the power she had denied herself for so long.

  Ravana watched in awe as the becoming overtook Gianna. She witnessed a physical transformation tremble through her hourglass figure the closer she got to her daughter. Ravana was sure she grew a couple of inches, and her limbs had become thicker and rippled with strength, the muscles of her legs threatening to burst through the seams of her pants. Anger, feral and brutish in nature, emanated from her body in waves that caused Ravana to put a little more space between her and the transforming mother.

  “Had Anthony ever transformed like this physically?” Ravana asked herself as she thought back to moments shared in battle with the man. “Yes. He did. Why hadn’t I noticed it before? Because he’d never transformed this quickly.” She allowed her eyes to rake across Gianna’s body. “So why the huge difference?”

  They emerged through another door, and Ravana had to grab Gianna’s shirt to keep her from crossing the chamber. The woman turned on her with fiery eyes and snarled. Ravana quickly dropped her hand and patted the air in front of her. “Wait,” she whispered. “Were those fucking canines extending past Gianna’s lips?”

  Gianna looked through her for a moment, as if processing new information, before she stepped aside and let Ravana pass. Ravana entered the summoning room and raked her eyes about the chamber. Dozens of men kneeled about a colossal stone slab that Mila lay upon. Giovanni was orating from the book lying on the altar in some ancient tongue Ravana didn’t recognize. She tapped the record button over her left breast so Delia could review everything later.

  Looking around the room again, Ravana realized that Massimo had opened another door into the chamber off to their left. She tapped her throat mike and addressed Massimo.

  “Did you find Anthony?”

  “No sign of him. He must be in another part of the stronghold. The scent trail must be residue from when they brought him into the building.”

  “Anthony is coming,” Gianna said beside her, the words coming out of her mouth somewhat slurred.

  Ravana looked at Gianna and noticed she was now sporting elongated canines. “What the fuck is hap
pening with her?”

  A wooden door exploded on the other side of the summoning room and a snow-white beast, unlike anything Ravana had seen before, emerged from the hall in a shower of splinters. Its massive fists beat a staccato rhythm across its chest as a primal challenge issued from its maw. Time froze in the room as everyone turned to face the angry biped.

  “What the fuck is that?” Ravana asked aloud, forgetting to whisper.

  “Anthony,” Gianna said beside her before answering Anthony with a primal roar of her own.

  Ravana turned her head to give Gianna an incredulous look to see a slightly smaller version of the same creature standing beside her. She remembered those times she went into battle with Anthony, all the information Delia knew about Anthony and his past, and his indomitable will that never allowed him to lose, but she had never seen him like this. His transformation was so complete this time that he no longer appeared human. And everything suddenly clicked into place for Ravana with one over-riding thought. “Oh, fuck. This shit is entirely personal…”

  Chapter 27

  Anthony bounded across the stone chamber on a collision course for Giovanni, and all hell broke loose in the room. Gianna was already rapidly outpacing Ravana while Massimo stood dumbstruck in the doorway.

  “Move your ass, Mo!” Ravana shouted as she raced after Gianna pulling her sword.

  Giovanni’s acolytes rose from their knees and produced a plethora of weapons as small arms fire erupted throughout the chamber as Ravana’s men poured into the room behind her. Giovanni pointed into a dark alcove and then at Anthony’s bestial form. The Barathrum burst out of the alcove on an intercept course with Anthony as Massimo came across the comm.

  “What the fuck are those, Ravana?”

  “Gianna and Yeti have become… Yeti’s,” Ravana finally chose a word to describe the two.

  “Ironic,” Massimo intoned as he blurred across the room to meet Anthony and the Barathrum.

  “Caution, luv.” Ravana called. “Give it room.”


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