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Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2

Page 19

by Tigris Eden

  Olivia’s story was also predestined. Her father wasn’t a Seer like Francesca. Vega was the reincarnation of Inti, the Incan Sun God, and husband to the Moon. The goddess herself laid no claim to her lovers but kept them bound to her by their worship of her beauty. The unlikely alliance between Roman and Antonio set her teeth on edge. She could see the power-struggle between the two men. Both using the other to gain what they thought was rightfully theirs. She wondered if they knew they both fell for the same Goddess. What a wicked game you play Selene.

  Olivia realized she was that power. With the Bow and the Arrow, she could kill anyone with a sure shot. She’d never miss. The downside was that someone would always seek to control her. It wasn’t a gift she wanted, but because she was Rubana reincarnated, that meant that Francesca could be leading Blue into a trap. In her first dream, her sister had not been happy to see the Berserker warrior appear at the top of the mountain.

  “What did you dream, girl?” Roman asked, sitting forward. He was wearing a black leather trench coat that covered his expensive, dark Kiton suit. It was deep blue shadow plaid suit with a two-button jacket, notch lapel, and a front left chest pocket. She knew all this because her ex-husband had wanted the same damn suit. A suit that cost over ten thousand dollars.

  “What does anyone dream?” Olivia shot back.

  Antonio’s hand sliced through the air, snapping Olivia’s head back. She hadn’t expected the slap. Her lip swelled more, and she could feel the blood vessels beneath protest in anger.

  “You’re mighty good at that backhand,” she sneered. From the back of the plane, she could hear Callum growling. “I’m okay, Callum, thanks for the concern, but Pops here hits like a bitch.” Another shot to the other side of her jaw, and she saw stars. Damn, that hurt. Twisting her neck, she righted herself. She wouldn’t let them see that she was in pain.

  “Olivia, tell him where the Bow is.”

  She knew if she told them, things would only get worse. They were bad now, but without the Bow, the Hunters were powerless against the werewolves. She needed to get away from them, and fast. Maybe Callum would help her? She honestly didn’t know, but something had to happen.

  “It’s not a problem, Antonio. She’ll lead us there soon enough. If she doesn’t already know where the Bow is, she will soon. She’ll be compelled to seek it out. Patience, my friend. We just need to wait her out. Callum and Sasha will remain at your side,” Roman said. “If she goes anywhere, I want the two of you on her, don’t let her out of your sight.”

  Olivia looked out the window and realized that, although they were in Anchorage, she didn’t remember where Eden’s Den was. Maybe Callum would know. They disembarked the plane, Callum and Sasha on either side of her. Both were werewolves, and the tension between them held Olivia hostage as she walked in the middle. No one said a word.

  A black Range Rover was parked on the tarmac, and a man she’d not seen before waited with the door open. He was a Hunter. A made one by the looks of him. He still had color in his cheeks. A memory from Rubana’s past flared to life of a Hunter turning a human into a vampire. Draining the male of all his blood until he was an empty carcass. As the male lay on the dirt floor, he’d been given a choice: join the cause, or die. Of course, the male had chosen life. The Hunter opened his vein, allowing the other male to drink from him, and within moments, the change took effect.

  But he’d been left in what appeared to be his natural state until he aged. It wasn’t until a made Hunter aged that he took on the ethereal look of perfection. The lines would smooth away, and the blemishes would fade until the newly made Hunter looked almost too perfect. The man in front of her still had marks on his face. Damn, she hadn’t known any of that before. Her mind was open to memories that weren’t really hers, but in some weird way were.

  “Master, it’s good to have you. The Mistress is here. She showed up the day before yesterday. I’ve done as you asked. We’ve not made a move on the mountain since, and Eden’s Den is under constant supervision.”

  “Excellent, Marco. You’ve done well.”

  Roman and Antonio piled into the car first, followed by Sasha. As Olivia walked, Callum tugged gently on her arm. “Keep moving,” he hissed. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Blue would kill me if he knew I allowed any harm to come to you or your unborn child. Do everything that I say, and we’ll make it out of alive.” He dropped her arm, and Olivia slid into the car, her heart a little lighter at the thought of Callum having a plan. All she had to do was wait. Then, she’d be back in the arms of the man she loved. Loved? When had she fallen in love with Blue? Thoughts traveled at lightning speed, as one incident led to another. Their manner of verbal sparring, all the way to their lovemaking and his fierce promise to keep her safe. He’d done all of that and more in such a short period of time. She did love him, and she couldn’t wait to be back in his arms. If only to tell him that. It would be the first thing out of her mouth because who knew when she’d get the chance to tell him again.

  Wow, you’re really him, aren’t you?” Francesca asked Victor. Blue placed his hands on the bar and shook his head at the mentally challenged girl. There was no other word for her. Something was not right in her head.

  “I’ll ask the questions, witch,” Victor snarled.

  “I’m a Seer, not a witch. If you want to know who the witch is, I’d put all my cards on my sister, Olivia. She’s the witch.”

  Victor’s gaze collided with Blue, and he shrugged. What the hell could he do about it now? Olivia was his destined mate. Just like Nerina was Victor’s, and she was a Hunter—well, a hybrid now. The only one of her kind.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Olivia, Bödvar?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “She’s a witch?” Nerina asked, stepping inside and shaking the last of the snow off her jacket.

  “Neri, what are you doing here? You should be home, resting.”

  “And miss out on meeting a witch, Vic? No fucking way.

  Nerina walked over to Victor, and Blue watched as his best friend slid his hands into his mate’s hair so that she had no choice but to look up at him. “Neri, you’re still in a delicate state.” Nerina placed her hands around her mate’s back and pulled Victor in close. Their banter reminded Blue of the way he and Olivia were when they were together. He knew she wasn’t dead, but to have her spend any amount of time with Roman or Vega put ice in his veins.

  “When was conception confirmed?” Blue asked.

  “Allesandra confirmed yesterday. We haven’t announced it to the packs yet. We’re waiting it out.” Nerina supplied.

  “Which is why you should be back home resting.”

  “Give me a break, Vic, women have been having babies for thousands of years. I’m here to have a conversation, not rip the girl’s throat out. Not unless I must, of course.”


  “All right, you two, we’re trying to figure out how to get my mate back, not watch you go at it like a couple of pre-teens.”

  “Fuck off, Blue,” Nerina said after blowing him an air kiss that he caught in mid-air and stomped on.

  “Seriously, you all are awesome,” Francesca commented.

  “Does she ever stop?” Victor asked, looking pointedly at Francesca, who wore a huge smile on her face.

  “No. Now, can we get to the point where we find out where Olivia is?”

  “She’s already here. Marcos, one of Roman’s newly made, has had an eye on Eden’s Den for quite some time. No one is storming the mountain on Roman’s orders, and you’re all right where he wants you to be.” Francesca smiled and took a little bow.

  “You bitch!” Nerina roared. She lunged, but at the last-minute, Victor tagged her around the waist. “Why would you do this, bring us here?”

  Francesca let her smile drop, and Blue watched as the other woman turned cold eyes on Nerina. “Because, Roman needs the Bow, and I need my son back. You may not understand how it all works, but I do. They’re holding him, and I
must deliver Nerina to them. It is what it is. I’m truly sorry for my part in all this, and in time, you will forgive me.”

  The door to the club burst open, and in walked Roman and Antonio. Blue didn’t see Olivia with them. Where is she?

  “Ah, the daughter of my forgotten love, won’t you come and say hello to your father?” Roman purred.

  “When pigs fly,” Nerina said, laughing. Victor gripped her tighter around the waist and growled. “Where is Olivia?”

  “That’s for me to know and for you never to find out unless you want to cooperate.”

  “Take your witch and get the fuck out of here,” Blue warned.

  “I thought you had more manners than that, Bödvar.” Roman smiled, showing fang. “That’s no way to talk to me or your father-in-law. You are mated to his daughter, are you not?”

  “Keyword, I’m mated to Olivia, I don’t need Vega to give a blessing. We got it covered. Anyone who works with you is a piece of shit as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Yet, we worked so well together you and I. Master and his dog.”

  “What do you want, Roman?” Nerina asked.

  “You, of course. I need you on my side. You don’t belong here with them. You’re of my blood.”

  “You tried to kill me.”

  “I’ll try harder next time.”

  “Not gonna happen, Dad. I’m not the same person I was when we last spoke.” As usual, Nerina was a woman of action. Each time, she amazed everyone around her. She had come prepared. The meeting was only supposed to be Victor, him, and the witch, but Nerina had brought backup. Colin burst through the door with a handful of others. “There, now the odds are even. And, Father, when’s the last time you walked into Eden’s Den?”

  Blue smiled.

  Roman had never set foot in Eden’s Den, he also had no idea the power his daughter wielded, having direct contact with the goddess. Wind whipped through the club, and Nerina’s eyes flashed before the voice of Selene echoed throughout the room.

  “You will leave this place, Ambrogio.”

  “Selene?” Roman whispered, his face paler than usual.

  “Yes, lover. Are you so bold as to try and go against me?”

  “Have I not suffered enough?” Roman asked.

  “You will continue to suffer. You have an emotional reaction to everything. Your image is your downfall. True power is sitting back and watching the world around you as it exists, and adapting when necessary. True power is knowledgeable and knows when to show restraint. You are controlled by your emotions and greed. You, who are so easily controlled by others.” Nerina’s eyes landed on Antonio. “Inti, does your father know you’ve entered the game? That you seek power above your own station?”

  Antonio watched Nerina but said nothing.

  “You have no need to answer me, but you will answer to your father.” With a wave of her hand, Antonio was swept up into a whirling wind. His body contorted, and before he could let out a pained scream, he disappeared.

  “Whoa,” was all Francesca said.

  Nerina glanced over at Francesca and smiled. “Nerina doesn’t like you, but I know you for who and what you are. You’ll get your son back, but the journey won’t be easy. You see only what you want to see and not what you need to see. You’ve abused your gift. As punishment, the seen will now be unseen.”

  “What? Wait! What do you mean?” Francesca yelled, but Selene was gone, and back in her place was Nerina. Completely drained and drenched in sweat.

  “Neri, baby, you okay?” Victor asked, holding her limp body in his arms.

  “Barely. Get me out of here, Vic. I can’t stand to be in the same room as him.” Blue knew that meant Roman, who still hadn’t spoken. He stood as if he were in a trance. Francesca started to scream.

  “I can’t see, fuck what did she do to me?”

  “Only what you deserved,” Blue said, walking past her.

  Roman blinked a few times as if to clear his mind before he glanced back at Blue and Victor. “This isn’t over, I’ll have the Bow, and I’ll have you all under my rule.” With his last words, he left, Francesca following closely behind as she felt her way around.

  “This is why I wanted her ass to stay back,” Victor snarled.

  “Yeah, but without Nerina here, Selene would have been a no-show. Be happy your girl doesn’t follow the rules.”

  “Colin, what’s wrong with you?” Victor asked, looking over at his brother, who watched the door to the club close.

  “I think that female is my mate,” he grumbled.

  “Impossible. You’re a breeder.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe I’m not meant to breed. The ruling was never enforced, and as far as I’m concerned, even if it were given, I wouldn’t become that.”

  A breeder was a potent werewolf who had a combination so irresistible, females who were unmated would come from Packs far and wide to have his seed. It was a tradition that hadn’t been practiced for some time. Colin made a beeline for the door.

  “Where are you going?” Blue asked.

  “Where do you think? I’m going to follow them, get the female back. Maybe Roman will lead us to Olivia.”

  “Good point, I’m going with you.”

  “Right, I appreciate the backup, Blue.”

  “If that girl turns out to be your mate, we’re going to have a talk, little brother.” Victor said, eyeing his sibling from head to toe.

  Colin nodded before walking out, Blue following him.


  They were in a hotel down the street from Eden’s Den. A nice one, complete with a spa. Callum and Sasha shared a suite with her, and someone had laid out clothes—a white parka with faux white fur, black cargo pants, and a fitted sweater. All in her size.

  “You’re in there, and we’re in the two adjoining rooms,” Callum commented, pointing to a room with double doors. “You need anything at all, Olivia, call me first.”

  “Why wouldn’t she call me?” Sasha spoke up for the first time.

  “Because you’re a traitor, bitch. Don’t think I don’t know who and what you are,” Callum snarled. He was more animal than man, she realized. His hair was long, unkempt, and his eyes glowed constantly.

  “We need to be dressed in less than five minutes. The Mistress wants to meet her personally,” Sasha said, glancing in Olivia’s direction.

  “Who is the Mistress?”

  “Someone we don’t want to fuck with,” was all Sasha said.

  Olivia dressed quickly and waited for the others. Callum came out in a tight black t-shirt and jeans with boots. Sasha wore skin-tight leggings and a tank top with a small, cropped jacket.

  “Guess you guys don’t freeze as easily,” Olivia commented.

  “No, we naturally run hot.”

  Before they could continue their conversation, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Sasha answered, and four women walked in, all in black and silver, and all armed in one way or another. A female with short, blonde, spiked hair and a boatload of tattoos was the first to step inside. A woman with dark skin and braids down her back with soulful brown eyes came next, then an Asian lady with silver chopsticks in her bun walked in, followed by the leader of the group. And the only reason Olivia knew she was the leader was because the other girls gave her a wide berth as she entered. She had blood-red hair to match blood-red lips and wore a black bodysuit that molded to her body like a second skin. Two daggers were holstered at her hip, and her fingernails were painted a glossy pink—the only thing out of place on the woman.

  “You must be Olivia,” the woman said in a low, throaty tone.

  “You must be the Mistress.”

  “Hey, bitch, just because we need you, don’t mean we can’t hurt you,” the one with the blonde hair said, pulling a dagger from her hip and tossing it end over end into the air, making sure it sliced past Olivia’s cheek. All that did was piss her off.

  “Congratulations, you can throw a knife, want to see what I can do?” Olivia taunted, her arm re
aching forward. Her mind no longer had to think about using the arrows, they just came to her.

  “Oh, shit, do you see her eyes,” the dark-skinned female said, placing her hand on the gun in the holster at her side. She wasn’t quick enough. Olivia’s instincts kicked in, sending three arrows into the air. The first one hit the blonde in the wrist of the hand she’d tossed the knife with, the second whipped past the dark-skinned beauty, grazing her cheek and embedding into the wall behind her, and the third sailed towards the Asian female, hitting her in the thigh where her hand was reaching for her daggers. The only one left unscathed was the Mistress.

  Olivia turned to Callum and asked, “What’s wrong with my eyes?” Callum took a step forward, wary of her now. His eyes roamed her from head to toe.

  “You don’t know?”

  “I wouldn’t ask if I did.”

  “Your eyes turned silver. Like, liquid mercury.”

  “She’ll do. She’s perfect,” the Mistress said, breaking into their conversation. She looked at the other women in the room and sneered. “Kenzie, Myieko, go and clean yourselves up, you’re bleeding on the white carpet. Anika, go with them.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” was mumbled in unison.

  The three women left, leaving Olivia with the Mistress, Sasha, and Callum.

  “I know you don’t trust me, and I wouldn’t trust me either, but believe me when I say I can get you out of here.”

  Olivia looked to Callum to lead the discussion. Was this the plan he had in mind?

  “How can you get us out of here?” Callum asked. His arms were resting at his sides, but she could see the tension in his jaw. He didn’t believe the Mistress.

  “Easy. Roman and Antonio think I’m on their side. I’m not. I’m on my own side, with my own agenda. Olivia belongs with us. I can train her. It’s what I do. Nerina used to be part of my team, but she chose to leave. No harm, no foul. I’ve been searching for a replacement. Olivia can be that for me.”


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