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The Bartender (Modern Love World)

Page 18

by Piper Rayne

  I shake my head. “Just you.”

  He smiles. “Promise. Now go take care of your grandma.”

  I turn and begin to walk away, then think better of it and look behind me to watch him pull away in his Jeep. I smile to myself even though there’s not much to smile about at the moment.

  An hour later the doctor comes out to tell us that my grandpa has walking pneumonia and that they think his fever caused him to pass out. He’s suffered a concussion and they want to keep him in the hospital overnight, but they don’t think there’s any permanent damage to worry about.

  I pull my phone out to text Cole the details as my grandma and I make our way through the maze of hallways in the hospital on the way to my grandpa’s room.

  Cole’s texted me a couple of times to find out where Sparky’s leash and food are. I couldn’t help but laugh when he sent me a picture of Sparky trying to hump his leg as soon as he got in the door.

  I finish up the text as we reach the room and slip my phone into my purse.

  My grandma leads the way and I follow in behind her to see my grandpa sitting in bed with a large bandage covering his head. Apparently, he needed quite a few stitches to close the gash he received. His eyes are closed and his pallor is a little gray, but beyond that he looks to be okay.

  “Seems like he’s resting,” my grandma says to me.

  Not for long. My grandpa’s eyes flutter open and he gives a weak smile. “Edna, you’re here.”

  My grandma wastes no time in moving one of the chairs in the room over to his bedside. I follow suit and pull one up on the other side while the two of them embrace.

  “You almost scared us to death,” I fake-scold.

  My grandpa pats my hand in a gentle gesture. He’s putting on a brave face, but I can tell that he’s weak.

  “Nothing a little medicine won’t cure.”

  “How are you feeling?” my grandma asks.

  “Don’t you two lovely ladies worry about me. I’ve got a lot of life left in me yet.”

  “For real though, Grandpa. How are you?” I pin him with a stare that lets him know I’m not going to back down until I get a straight answer.

  “I’m a little woozy and my head is pounding from that fall. This fever has me feeling like crap, but whatever they’ve given me seems to be helping a bit with that.”

  I grip my grandpa’s hand in both of mine. “I’m so relieved that you’re okay.”

  “Me, too,” my grandma echoes. “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you, Lawrence.”

  He shakes his head in annoyance. “You two need to stop carrying on. I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. You could have been killed if you’d passed out on the stairs or if you’d lain there bleeding for too long. Next time you don’t feel well, Lawrence, you’d better bet that I’m dragging you to the doctor’s office.”

  My grandpa simply shakes his head and rolls his eyes, knowing better than to argue with my grandma when she means business.

  My phone buzzes in my purse so I pull it out and see that Cole’s made it to his house with Sparky. He’s sent a picture of the little mutt in his bed—on the side that I normally sleep on—with the caption, Looks like someone is gunning for your spot.

  I laugh a little.

  “What’s so funny, hun?” my grandma asks.

  “Oh nothing. Cole was just letting me know that he and Sparky have made it to his place.”

  “He’s a keeper, that one,” my grandma says and then winks at me. She’s fussing with the blankets on the hospital bed while my grandpa tries to get her to stop. “What exactly is going on with you two?”

  “I wish I knew,” I reply honestly.

  My grandpa gives up on trying to get my grandma to stop fussing with him and leans his head back against his pillow and closes his eyes.

  “You two will figure it out,” she says. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

  I slipped my phone back into my purse. “How’s that?”

  Her gaze slides over to my grandpa and a reverent smile forms on her lips. “The same way your grandpa looked at me when he was falling in love.”

  My face grows hot.

  I’m not sure what to say, but I don’t want to let her know how happy her words make me. I don’t dare hope that she’s right.


  I’ve barely seen Cole over the past week—I’ve been so preoccupied with nursing my grandpa back to health and making sure my grandma isn’t overdoing it.

  Now that he’s on the mend my thoughts have fallen back to my job search and Cole. Tonight, my focus is Cole though, because who finds a job on a Friday night?

  He had plans to go out with his brother, but even so… when Lennon called to see if I wanted to go out with her and Tahlia, I made up an excuse. I want to be waiting for Cole when he returns home tonight.

  He’s given me a key to use when I’m supposed to meet him at his place and I figure tonight is as good a time as any to put it to use.

  Me: What time do you think you’ll be home?

  Cole: Not too late. Probably around midnight…

  Me: Mind if I wait for you at your place? I have a surprise for you.

  Cole: Do tell.

  Me: No way. You can unwrap it when I see you. ;)

  Halloween is in a few days and I picked up a slutty devil costume to surprise him. I want to thank him for how supportive he’s been about the situation with my grandpa. Sparky is settled back home and life is beginning to return to normal. I can’t afford a weekend getaway or anything like that, but when I passed by a lingerie store the other day while out picking up my grandpa’s prescription, I had the idea that Cole might enjoy something better anyway.

  I know I would.

  I use Cole’s key when I arrive at his place and let myself in. It’s only around eleven, but I want to make sure I’m there with plenty of time to change and get ready.

  By eleven thirty I’m decked out in red thigh-high stockings, a lace and latex bustier with matching G-string and heels. A headband with little devil’s ears completes my get-up. The bright red color sets off my pale skin and dark hair nicely, if I do say so myself.

  I position myself on his couch at the perfect angle to showcase all the goodies and wait.

  And wait.

  And wait.

  Finally, at one a.m. I pull my phone out to see if he’s texted me. Nothing.

  Should I see where he’s at? He’s off enjoying a boys’ night with his brother and whoever else. I’m sure they’re probably just having a good time and maybe he lost track of time.

  I decide to send him a text that isn’t demanding, but might serve as a gentle reminder that I’m still here waiting.

  Me: Can’t wait for you to unwrap your surprise! ;)

  It’s close to two a.m. before I doze off and he still hasn’t returned or even viewed my text.

  I awake to a pair of large hands running up and down over my ass and dipping between my thighs. My cheek is pressed into the fabric of the couch and it takes me a moment to get my bearings before I realize where I am.

  “Mmm, I really like my surprise.” Cole’s voice heats my blood instantly and I shake off the last vestiges of sleep.

  “What time is it?” I ask.

  Either he ignores my question or he didn’t hear it. “Sorry I got hung up.” He squeezes both of my ass cheeks and lets out a sound that’s a mix between a moan and a growl. My nipples tighten behind the red lace in response.

  I’m still lying on my tummy while Cole’s hands explore my body and I take a quick glance over at the cable box to see that it’s a little past five a.m.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “It is now.” He leans forward and kisses the spot where my neck meets my shoulder and I close my eyes, letting my head fall to the side to give him better access.

  I can smell the alcohol on him. He and his friends must have had a good time tonight.

  With no warning, Cole lifts me by the waist and moves me fo
rward so that I’m hanging over the arm of the couch, my elbows resting on the end table.

  I yelp, but then wiggle my hips as his fingers slide the G-string down my legs, past my heels before he uses his hands to spread me. I’m bared for him to see.

  “Your pussy is as pretty as the rest of you.”

  I wonder for a second why he wouldn’t have let me know he was going to be so late, or why he didn’t return my text.

  I don’t voice my concern though. Partly because I’m not sure I really want to know the answer and partly because at that moment Cole’s tongue is running up the length of my pussy. He dips it into my entrance.

  How am I supposed to think clearly when he’s doing that?

  He pulls back for a second. “I hope you’re in the mood for rough, sweetheart.”

  I nod my agreement, unable to form any words. Right now, I’m in the mood for whatever he’s willing to give me. Every nerve in my body is firing off as his tongue laps at me.

  He concentrates his efforts on my clit, pulling and licking, and then pushes two fingers inside me, scissoring them so that he’s stretching me in the most delicious way. I push back on his fingers, so close to coming.

  Cole removes his mouth from me and straightens out on his knees behind me. I assume he’s about to fuck me but instead he uses one hand to circle over my mound and the other fucks me with his fingers at a rapid pace. There’s no chance for me to catch my breath and the intensity catches me off guard. I’m like a stick of dynamite with the match just out of reach. When he slaps my clit with his hand I buck back against him and cry out as the match lights the fuse and I explode. I’m lost in a sea of ecstasy and I don’t want anyone to throw me a life raft because this feels too damn exquisite.

  He slows his movements and brings me down from my orgasm, eventually pulling away from me. The couch cushion shifts and I know he’s now standing beside it.

  “What did you boys get into tonight?” I pant and fall back onto my heels so I can turn and face him. “You’re a wild man.” My comment is meant to be playful, but I can see instantly that I’ve touched on something.

  His gaze is as intense as it’s ever been and his hands clench at his sides. Cole’s usual calm demeanor is absent and now there’s a storm raging inside him, yet I have no idea why.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “I need you. That’s all.”

  He pulls me up and into his chest so that my soft meets his hard and his lips find mine in a savage fury. His tongue pushes into my mouth and I match his intensity. He’s ready to devour me and I’m absolutely ready to let him. It’s almost addictive being wanted by this man.

  Cole’s lips trail a path down my neck, igniting a fire in my veins.

  “I need you so bad right now, my little devil,” he murmurs into my skin. He roughly grabs at my breast through the lace and though I get the sense that he’s using me to push something else away, I don’t care.

  This man has become the center of my universe and I’ll happily give him anything he needs.

  He kisses my collarbone and then reaches for the lace that covers my breasts. He pulls the fabric down so that my tits are bared, but my mid-section is still covered by the latex portion of the bustier.

  Cole stares hungrily at my chest and grips one breast in each of his hands, sliding his thumbs back and forth over my nipples—nipples that are growing harder and more sensitive by the second.

  “Your tits are so perfect. I can’t believe I still haven’t fucked these yet.”

  “No time like the present.” And suddenly that’s all I want. For him to push me to my knees, squeeze my tits together, and thrust that perfect, unicorn cock of his between them while I watch him come undone.

  And so I do just that. I lower myself to my knees, but then there’s a loud banging on the door.

  “Cole! We need to talk!”

  I recognize the voice as Chase’s and wonder what the hell he’s doing here this early in the morning.

  “Shit.” Cole quickly helps me to my feet. “Go hide in the bedroom until I can get rid of him.”

  I’m still standing here stunned at the quick turn of events when he walks over to the door.

  Chase bangs again. “Open up! I know you’re there! Quit fucking around!”

  Cole looks over his shoulder at me. “Go!” he whisper-shouts.

  I move into action, scurrying into the bedroom and closing the door. Once I’m in there I put my regular clothes back on as fast as possible in case I am discovered. The only thing worse than that would be if it happened while I’m wearing slutty devil lingerie.

  I hear Cole open the door and greet his brother. And okay, maybe I have my ear pressed up against the door, but so what? This place was built more than a century ago and has thin walls and poor insulation so it’s not like I couldn’t hear their conversation even if I wasn’t trying so hard. I want to know what has Chase worked up into such a tizzy. Maybe Neiman Marcus ran out of his favorite pair of designer dress socks.

  I cover my mouth and stifle a laugh at the thought.

  “This isn’t a good time.” I can hear the bite in Cole’s tone. What has him so annoyed with his brother?

  “I don’t give a shit. You’d better make time or Dad’s going to find out about your little secret.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  Cole mumbles something that I can’t catch.

  “Why the fuck did you take off like that? The party was just starting to get good,” Chase says.

  “I told you before that I want no part in that. You need to come clean.”

  “And let a few pieces of ass ruin the future I have so carefully planned out? Forget it.”

  I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

  “Maybe you should have thought of that before,” Cole says, sounding more than a little pissed.

  “Come on, man. You know how it is.” Chase must have moved because he sounds closer to me now. “It’s just for fun. Those girls don’t mean anything. I love Tahlia, but the thought of fucking the same girl for eternity doesn’t exactly sound like heaven.”

  Oh, God. Poor Tahlia.

  I wrap my arms around my middle and press my ear against the door harder, not wanting to miss anything.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “I want you to tell me you’ll continue to keep my secret and stay out of my business.”

  “She’s going to find out. You know that, right?”

  I hear footsteps on the hardwood floor. “Not if you keep your mouth shut.”

  “Get your hands off me. I don’t even know how you can live with yourself,” Cole says.

  “Don’t give me that holier-than-thou bullshit.” Chase’s voice is louder now and has an angrier edge. “You used to fuck a new woman every night. I think you’ve probably fucked half the girls who work for you.” Chase laughs and I try hard to push away the memories of Cole deep in conversation with Steph from the Thirsty Monk. “You think any of those broads knew they wouldn’t be sticking around? You think they knew they’d be nothing more than a Webber wench?”

  I press my lips together and my eyes widen.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Cole asks in a low voice fuelled with venom.

  Chase laughs but it’s bitter-sounding. “That’s what Tahlia and all her friends call all the girls you bang. Webber wenches. Seems appropriate.”

  There’s some silence first and then some grunting and finally a bang on the bedroom door. I jump back, my heart racing.

  “I’ve told you that you need to come clean. I’m sick of this shit. Either you tell her or I will.”

  I think Cole must have Chase pressed up against the door.

  “Fuck you. You’ve got your own secrets, bro. And if you don’t keep your mouth shut Dad’s going to find out about all the women.”

  Cole must let Chase go because I hear him stomp off and then the door to Cole’s place slams shut a few seconds later.

  That’s when it rea
lly hits me. This isn’t a surprise to Cole. He knew. He knew Chase was cheating on Tahlia and he didn’t say anything. He lied to me. For how long I don’t know.

  Bile burns the back of my throat. I suck in a breath and will myself not to cry, though my eyes burn with unshed tears and I realize I’m shaking.

  When I push the bedroom door open Cole stands with his back to me, his head hung low. He pushes a hand through his hair and turns to face me.

  Defeat is all over his face. Everything that I just heard settles on my chest and it feels as if my lungs are shrinking, leaving me with no air to breathe.

  My best friend’s fiancé is cheating on her and I have to be the one to tell her. I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, knowing how much pain I’m going to cause her. The man she’s in love with has been lying to her for who knows how long. And, it seems, so too has the man I love.

  “Whit, let me explain.” He takes a couple of steps toward me, but I put my hand up to stop him. I don’t want him anywhere near me.

  “How long have you known?” It’s ironic because the voice that leaves my mouth is dead and void of all the emotion that feels like it’s slowly suffocating me.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “How. Long?” My jaw begins to ache from how hard I’m clenching my teeth together.

  “A month or so.”

  “I am such an idiot.” I pass him and rush to the living room where my bag is. Thank God Chase didn’t notice it. Once I snatch it up I turn to leave but Cole’s already standing in front of the door blocking my exit.

  “Where are you going?” There’s a desperate edge to his voice.

  “Where do you think I’m going? I’m off to break my friend’s heart!” I yell. I want to scream and rage at him for breaking mine, too, but I can’t think about that right now.

  Tahlia is engaged to Chase. They’re supposed to be getting married in the spring. My problem is miniscule compared to hers right now.

  “We have to talk,” he pleads and the expression on his face almost makes me want to hear whatever pathetic excuse he has for not being honest with me, but I don’t feed into it. What would be the point? More lies? More untruths?


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