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See You Sometime [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 9

by Tymber Dalton

  “Excellent.” He looked up at Cris. “Go bring the other bag in, please.”

  “Yes, Master.” He headed off to get it.

  Landry smiled. “Bob isn’t a fan of the violet wand. And while I am a sadist, I am not an asshole. Usually. Although Tilly has on occasion called me one, and I’m sure Cris would agree.” He smiled.

  She shrugged. “Everyone has different limits.”

  “Yes, quite.” He sat back, crossing his left ankle over his right knee, his head cocked to the side as he studied her. “You…intrigue me.”

  “How so?”

  “You obviously know your limits and you’re not looking for more than just play.”

  “Yeah, if you knew the bad luck I had trying to get divorced, you’d understand why.”

  “Ah. That brings me to aftercare.”

  She shrugged. “While I’d like it, it’s not mandatory.”

  He had a thought. “Bob is single.”

  “I’m not interested in dating anyone else, sorry. I’m not poly.”

  And especially not a subby guy. Nothing against them, but she wanted someone who would take charge. She’d dated a subby guy once, before she met Kelly, and every time they went out it was a good twenty minutes of back-and-forth, “What do you want for dinner? I don’t care, what do you want for dinner?”

  If they’d gone any farther and gotten married, they probably would have starved to death in a week.

  “I meant to help out,” Landry clarified.

  “I thought you said you were topping him?”

  “We are, but he’s a rather genial fellow. Perhaps when you meet him, he might be willing to do aftercare for you. Actually, could I ask a favor?”


  He smiled. “Usually, when Tilly is home, she helps us top him and does his aftercare. Just sitting with him for a while as he comes down, that’s all. A comforting presence. If you two hit it off, perhaps you can do that for him, as well? Gilo has apparently already dropped Abbey into bottomspace tonight, so I can’t ask her, and Cali’s busy as a host.”

  She thought about it. “He’s not, like, going to latch on to me and want to date or something, or think we’re besties all of a sudden, will he?”

  “Doubtful. He’s very…conservative. In terms of relationships, not political leanings. He’s been burned badly in the past.”

  “I’ll talk to him and then we can go from there.”

  “Excellent. Ah, here he is now.”

  She turned and saw Cris following a fairly hunky looking guy through the front door.

  Helloooooo, Bob.

  Chapter Ten

  Bob was a friendly guy with gorgeous blue eyes a different shade than Axel’s but still not as handsome as his—

  Wait. What? Why did I think that?

  When Bob had first entered the house, he’d put his stuff down, kicked off his shoes, and found Landry. There, he’d knelt in front of the sadist, offering up a leather collar for Landry to buckle around his neck.

  Landry did, then leaned in and whispered something to him before playfully ruffling his hair like she might to Barksley.

  A beloved pet.

  She halfway expected if Landry threw a ball for Bob and ordered him to fetch, he likely would do it on his hands and knees and come back with the ball in his mouth.


  Bob performed a low, formal bow, all the way to the floor, hands in front of him, before rising and walking off.

  A sudden craving she knew she’d need to unpack later once she was in private exploded in her stomach.

  Everything right about the lifestyle that she’d missed like hell once she’d discovered Kelly’s infidelity.

  She’d hated taking her collar off, even knowing the scum-sucking bastard had stuck his dick in other women.

  It’d added an extra level of pain to the process.

  An extra level of betrayal.

  She’d promised to serve him, and he’d promised to take care of her. She’d faithfully kept her end of the bargain but he hadn’t.


  She hadn’t had anyone to serve since kicking Kelly out, and even before then, since she’d been pulling away once she realized he was cheating. She missed it.


  She missed having a Sir of her own to take care of.

  To take care of her.

  To shut down her brain for blessed moments of time.

  While she hoped Axel could be that Sir, she realized now, with the beautifully brutal reality laid out before her, that they were going to have to dive into that pool sooner rather than later.

  Before she fell utterly in love with the guy, and him with her, and both their hearts got broken because he couldn’t give her what she needed.

  * * * *

  After Bob returned a few minutes later, Landry got down to business and quickly outlined to him what they’d already discussed.

  “Your thoughts, boy?” Landry asked.

  Bob looked at her and nodded. “I’m comfortable with that, Sir, if Skye is.”

  The more she observed Bob, the more she realized that, while handsome, she never would be romantically attracted to him. It was painfully obvious to her that he was definitely a slave at heart and only wanted to serve. Maybe in his normal life he was a kick-ass Alpha, but she’d seen flaming train wrecks when submissive women paired up with submissive men and tried to force the men to man up.

  It never worked for anyone, and only hurt more feelings.

  But friends? That she could definitely do. And she’d done aftercare for friends before, so it wasn’t like it was a totally foreign concept to her. But they’d all been women.

  The men staked out a bench in a corner of the living room and set up. Bob stripped and knelt on the floor in his bow pose, waiting. At some point he’d added leather wrist and ankle cuffs to his ensemble.

  He did have a nice ass.

  Skye sat on the floor, off to the side and out of the way, back leaning against the wall.

  Cali stopped by and knelt to whisper to her. “Get ready for a ride. Bob’s not a heavy maso, but his kink is taking it to make the sadist happy. Fucking hot as hell, too. But I’ve also seen Landry play on the light end of the scale.”


  The men helped Bob to his feet, blindfolded him and buckled a rubber bit gag in his mouth, then bound him to the bench with ropes.

  There was no warm-up. Landry started heavy and it went downhill from there for Bob. Cris knelt at the man’s head, one hand fisted in his hair, the other cupped around the back of his neck and holding the collar as Cris whispered in his ear.

  From Skye’s angle, she could see despite the way Bob’s fists clenched and his toes curled from the force of some of Landry’s impacts, his cock was hard and dripping pre-cum, which fell on the towel the men had positioned on the floor under that end of the bench before starting.

  Occasionally, Cris would say something to Landry that Skye didn’t understand. Then Landry would pause, run his hands up and down Bob’s back and ass, his arms, and lean in to talk to him. It finally hit Skye that Cris and Landry were speaking to each other in another language, maybe French. Bob apparently didn’t understand it, because Landry and Cris spoke to him in English, what little she could hear.

  Watching Landry play was horrifically beautiful. Brutal, skillful, sadistic, and finely attuned to Bob’s body language. Whether using a cane, a paddle, or his bare hands, Landry was the gold-standard Dom, in Skye’s book. They could have filmed the scene to use as an instructional video.

  She couldn’t wait to be the one on the bench.

  Then Landry reached under Bob with one hand, speaking to Cris in French and Cris whispering to Bob. As Landry stroked Bob’s cock, he laid cane strokes across his ass. After the tenth one, Landry barked a command and Bob’s entire body tensed, a low, long moan escaping him as he came in Landry’s fist.

  Holy…fuck! That is haaawt.

  The scene lasted only thirty minutes, but
it’d been hard, brutal, and deep. When Landry released Bob’s cock, Cris stroked Bob’s hair for a moment.

  “Good boy,” she distinctly heard.

  Her heart—and other places—painfully clenched.

  How long since she’d heard words similar to those directed at her?

  Too damn long.

  She blinked back a prickle of tears.

  They got Bob cleaned up and draped in a fleece blanket. Cris helped him up off the bench and over to Skye’s side, Bob still wearing the blindfold and gag. Instinctively, she opened her arms and gathered him close, letting him lay his head in her lap, facing her, his back to the room. He shivered, but didn’t make any noise or speak.

  Cris smiled down at them. “I’ll get you a bottle of water for him. Thank you for this.”

  “What about…” She pointed at her eyes and mouth.

  “When he starts moving around, you’ll be able to tell he’s coming up. Then it’s okay to take them off as he’s ready to and get him to drink something.”

  She gave him a thumbs-up and settled in, one hand resting on Bob’s shoulder, the other in his hair.

  Envy twisted through her, even though she knew it was silly to feel like that. No telling how long the three had been playing together. They were obviously good friends, to have that kind of intimate play between them.

  Cris brought two bottles of water, one for her and one for him. Cris wiped down the bench and moved their equipment out of the way so he could clean all of the implements they’d used on Bob. Meanwhile, another couple started using the bench.

  Once Cris finished with that, Landry led him out onto the lanai and off to the side. She could see through the sliders that Landry pointed at the concrete lanai deck.

  Cris dropped to his knees, and Landry whipped out his cock and started face-fucking Cris.

  Hard, brutally.

  Skye hoped she didn’t whimper out loud, but the mental image of Axel doing that to her nearly made her cream herself.

  I guess I’ll be rubbing one out when I get home.

  Landry finished, stroking Cris’ hair for a moment before tucking himself back in and letting Cris up. Then he pulled the man in for a long, tender kiss, giving him a smile and ruffling his hair before they headed back toward the house.



  Okay, yeah, she and Axel were going to have to address the BDSM stuff sooner rather than later. Denying she had these needs wouldn’t be fair to either of them. She’d resent Axel for not being able to meet them, and he’d resent her for pushing him into a role he wasn’t comfortable with.

  Best to figure it out now, and save their friendship, rather than trying to force it and blowing it all up.

  After about twenty minutes, Bob took a deep breath and let it out, then nuzzled the hand she had resting on his head.

  “Ready to sit up?”

  He nodded.

  She helped ease him up and took his gag off first so she could let him get a sip of water. Then she unbuckled the blindfold, and he blinked a couple of times, a bashful smile curving his lips.

  “Thank you,” he softly said.

  He was cute…in a puppy kind of way. “You’re very welcome. Glad I could help.”

  He was able to take over the bottle of water and took several more deep swallows. “Wow. He went extra hard on me tonight.”


  He smiled. “Tilly had to leave unexpectedly. Work. He’d planned to scene with her tonight, and she was going to be my Top, so he took his frustration out on me.” He twisted his head and she heard the soft crack of joints popping. “Lucky me.” Another smile.

  Then his focus returned to her. “Are you still comfortable with me doing your aftercare?”


  “I guess I should ask if you’re still comfortable scening with Landry.”

  “Honestly? Other than the handjob, yeah, I was envious of you.”

  He looked genuinely curious. “Really? Most people cringe when they watch him go full bore on me or Cris.”

  “I couldn’t take that kind of beating every time, but yeah, I would love to wake up tomorrow feeling like I’m pretty sure you’re going to.”

  Bob kept his throw wrapped around him while he grabbed his clothes and headed off to a bathroom. Skye got up and stretched. The couple on the bench looked like they were winding down. Landry and Cris had left their bags on the wall near the bench, ready to move into position when they were going to play again.

  In the dining room on another bench, a man was doing a pummeling scene on an unrestrained woman. She wore a bandana as a blindfold, another tied around her mouth as a gag, but she sat up on the bench, free to move around as he punched, slapped, and beat her.

  Cali had been standing nearby, talking to another woman, and walked over to join Skye.

  “That’s Walt. He’s another of the Tops I was talking about. That’s Tory. She’s a really heavy masochist.” She pointed to the woman she’d just been talking to. “That’s Holly, Walt’s slave and fiancée. She has fibromyalgia, and she can’t take a whomping. Tory’s just a friend.”

  Walt had a different style than Landry, but equally stunning. Perfect control, hesitating as he watched the effect of every impact, rubbing some hits in, varying the strength of every strike.

  “He uses implements, too, but Tory didn’t think she’d make it tonight, so he didn’t bring his bag. Her family thing got canceled at the last-minute and she called and asked if she could come anyway, and we said sure. Came straight here. Walt and Holly were almost here and she told him not to worry about implements. We offered to loan him some, but he said no, he’d just use his hands. I had the bandanas.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “Yeah. It’s fun to watch them play at the club. He’s got a killer custom playlist we put on when he starts a scene.”

  Okay, so Walt was definitely someone she’d enjoy playing with, she could tell just from this little bit.

  Cris walked in, caught her eye, and crooked a finger at her before disappearing.

  “I’m being summoned,” Skye said

  “Have fun.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  The bench had been cleared, the couple now cuddled on one of the couches in the living room.

  Skye grabbed her backpack and carried it over to where the three men were gathered.

  Landry’s eyebrow arched. “Still wish to play?”

  “Can’t scare me that easy.”

  His serious facade slipped as he laughed. “My, we are the brave girl, aren’t we?”

  “That’s me.”

  “Did you still wish to play with the violet wand?”

  “Sadist’s choice. Other than the handjob, I’m good with everything you did. I would like to request a warm-up, though. It’s been a while for me.”

  “Excellent. And aftercare?”

  “Bob and I are good.”

  “Go ahead and use the bathroom, if you need to, and meet us back here.”

  “Thanks.” Eager, nerves humming with excitement, she headed down the hall.

  This was really happening.

  She tried not to think about Axel, wishing it was him she was about to play with.

  Wondering what he was doing.

  Hoping he wasn’t worried about her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Thinking ahead, she’d packed a couple of beach towels and a small fleece throw of her own. In the bathroom, she went ahead and stripped, donned her collar and cuffs, got her blindfold and gag out, and wrapped the throw around her. After stashing her clothes in the backpack, she used the bathroom, washed her hands, and headed back to rejoin the men.

  She passed Cali on her way out. “Want me to stand by and watch, too?” Cali asked.

  “You said you trust them, right?”

  “Yeah, I just didn’t know if it’d make you feel better or not.”

  “I appreciate it, but there are enough people here that if I feel I need to scream for help, I�
��m sure someone will step in.”

  “Damn straight we will. Have fun.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  Skye kept the throw pulled around her. She wasn’t bashful after all her time in the scene, but she wasn’t a nudist or exhibitionist, either. She handed Cris one of the beach towels to spread out on the bench and left the other one on her backpack, with the throw. He also took her blindfold and ball gag from her.

  Then she turned to face Landry. “Whenever you’re ready, chief.”

  He looked amused. “My, we truly are the brave one.”

  She hoped she’d be the reason Cris got a second face-fucking that night. “Can’t all be green.”

  He chuckled and pointed at the bench. “Whenever you’re ready, my dear.”

  She climbed on, quickly settling into position. As he had with Bob, Cris knelt at her head while Landry used snap clips to attach her cuffs to the frame.

  “No rope?” she asked.

  “Bob likes a lot of bondage,” Cris said. “We opted for safety over security. If you need to stop, we can get you loose faster.”

  “Surprisingly, that makes me feel better, not worse.”

  “Oh, she’s a talker, Master,” he joked.

  “We shall take care of that soon enough.”

  Cris got the blindfold and ball gag on her. She had him keep the ball gag loose enough she could spit it out if she needed to, just in case they couldn’t understand her.

  Darkness descended, and Cris firmly held her ponytail. “If you need to safeword at any time,” he softly said, “don’t hesitate.”

  “Harder,” she mumbled.


  She pushed the gag out past her teeth. “My hair. Harder. You barely got me.”

  He laughed and increased his grip, his other hand cupping the back of her neck. Her head now rested on his shoulder. “Better?”

  “Yep.” She sucked the gag back in and prepared.

  Landry’s hands settled on her shoulders. He waited for a moment, then slowly stroked down either side of her spine, up again, around her shoulders—

  Ah. Mapping the territory.

  He hadn’t done that with Bob, but since they played regularly, he likely hadn’t needed to. But Landry was looking for bones, muscles, seeing where it’d be safe to hit and with what.


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