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Victory RUN: Collected Victory RUN 1, 2, 3

Page 54

by Devon Hartford

  I’m heading to my car to get an instrument cable. I parked here way early to get a decent space. There’s no parking for blocks now that the fans of the bands have started lining up.

  I’m still passing people waiting in line when I spot Kellan strolling across the street from his parked Dodge Charger. The car sparkles blue in the daylight. It reminds me of his skyburst blue Les Paul, which is in the case he holds at his side. He wears a Testament t-shirt, leather pants, and boots. He doesn’t have to get very dressed up to be hot.

  He waves, “Hey, Victory! Good to see you here!”

  “Hey, Kellan,” I smile. “Representing Testament, I see.”

  He glances down at his shirt and grins, “Yeah. I was in an Alex Skolnick mood today.”

  He falls into step with me as I stroll toward my car.

  I couldn’t accept Kellan’s offer to form a band with him. I already had the thing going with Olivia, Lucas and Logan. It didn’t feel right to toss that in the garbage. It would’ve been too much like what Scott did to me with Skin Trade.

  Kellan grins, “Your band ready to rock the house tonight?”

  “We’re taking first place,” I smile confidently.

  Kellan scoffs, “In your dreams. We’re gonna shut you guys down!”

  “Not without Switchblade, you aren’t,” I chide. “Who’s gonna play your guitar solos?”

  “What, you think I can’t shred the shit out of the solos to my own songs?”

  “I thought you said singing and soloing was too much extra work,” I mock snidely.

  Kellan shakes his head, “You think a little extra work is going to stop me? Hell no! After tonight, people are going to start calling Kellan Burns the new King of Shred Guitar.”

  I cackle, “You wish. I’m gonna be the one wearing the crown after tonight.”

  He smiles and nods. “A king has to have a queen, right? Maybe we can both wear it.”

  I sigh and smile at him. Ever since the night I slept at Kellan’s (but didn’t have sex with him) and told him about Victor, he’s been bugging me about starting a band. He’s never blatant about it. But he drops hints all the time when I see him at Rock & Roll High School. His perseverance is cute, but I just can’t do it.

  Also, I’ve been somewhat surprised that Kellan hasn’t put any moves on me since I made it clear a band with him is a no go. Although he’s super flirty, he never pushes it further. I kind of figured when he realized I was serious about not doing the band with him, he’d opt for sex instead. Nope. He meant what he said. He wants a band with me, not sex. I don’t know if he’s dating anyone to meet his physical needs or not. I never ask. Knowing him, he has to be. I don’t think a guy like him could go more than a day without getting laid.

  I say, “England doesn’t have a king. I’m taking the crown. You can be my palace guard or something.”

  He grins, “No, no, no. You’ll be my guard. Or a lady in waiting.”

  I frown, “I’m not waiting for nobody.”

  He chuckles.

  We now stand at my car and I dig my spare instrument cable out of the trunk. “Found it,” I smile and slam the trunk.

  “You could’ve used one of mine,” Kellan says. “I brought five.”

  Despite our competitive banter, I can tell Kellan has my best interests in mind.

  We walk back down the line of people toward The Cobra.

  As we pass, some chubby guy in line wearing a Savatage t-shirt says, “That’s her! From the video!”

  I turn to Kellan as we walk and mutter, “People keep telling me I’m in some video on the internet. I have no idea what they’re talking about. I thought it was some Skin Trade bootleg, but I never found anything. Do you know anything about it?”

  Kellan shrugs, “Naw.”

  A rocker girl popping out of her low cut and torn up Mercyful Fate shirt says, “That’s him! That’s the guy from the video! And that’s her!”

  I hiss at Kellan, “What the hell are they talking about!”

  Kellan shrugs, “Uh, I don’t know.”

  “Are you sure?” I say accusingly.

  He shrugs again. “So, is your band here yet?”

  “They’re driving over.”

  “What about yours?”

  “Joaquin and Dubs went to Guitar Central to get drum sticks for Joa. He forgot them at home. They’ll be back in no time.”

  I don’t tell Kellan that Lucas and Logan are still driving up from San Diego. I wish they’d left earlier, but they said they were having a problem with their VW bus. I hope they get it fixed in time. If not, they better rent a van or a truck and get their asses up here. Olivia is at work in Santa Monica, doing some recording thing, but she told me she finishes at five, which means she’ll be here any minute.

  If worse comes to worse, Liv and I can play over backing tracks like we did at The Dive Bomb open mic. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than me being up on the stage all by myself.

  That would suck.

  Chapter 116


  Kellan says, “I need to get my badge so I can get inside. Wanna come with?”

  “Sure,” I smile.

  We walk to the front entrance of The Cobra.

  “What up, Tony!” Kellan says to his burly bouncer buddy.

  Tony laughs uproariously, “Kellan! I haven’t seen your ugly mug in weeks! Where you been, boy?”

  They hug like macho men.

  I remember Tony from the night I played here with Skin Trade. He wears the same black t-shirt with the blood red Cobra Lounge logo stretched across his brawny chest.

  Kellan says, “I’ve been pretty busy teaching the kids.”

  Tony looks thoughtful, “Where was it you work again?” He starts snapping his fingers, “Rock School? School of Hard Rock? Something like that?”

  “Rock & Roll High School,” Kellan smiles.

  “That’s right!” Tony points at him enthusiastically. “How’s that going?”

  “Great,” Kellan says, “Now that we’ve got another awesome teacher.” He nods at me.

  Tony recognizes me, “I remember you! You were here that night with that band?” Tony starts snapping his fingers again. “Help me out. What was the name? Skin Brave? Shin Cave?”

  Kellan gives me a knowing smile.

  Tony chuckles, red faced, “Come on, you guys! You’re making me look bad. What was the name of the band?”

  I say sarcastically, “I don’t remember either.”

  “Whaddya mean?” Tony asks.

  I frown, “I’m not in that band anymore.”

  Tony looks surprised, “You’re not? But you guys had so many fans!”

  I shake my head, “Long story. We had a little bit of a falling out.”

  Kellan says, “In other words, the guys in her band were pricks.”

  Tony nods, “Pricks are always the problem.” He winks at Kellan, “Right?”

  Kellan bumps Tony’s fist and says, “Mine always is.”

  “That’s what she said!” Tony laughs heartily, until he’s red in the face again.

  Kellan chuckles with him.

  When Tony calms, he says, “Kellan, you need your badge, right?”

  Kellan says, “Yeah.”

  “G’wan inside,” Tony smiles and slaps Kellan on the arm heavily.

  Kellan is so big, he barely budges. He asks Tony, “You gonna watch the show tonight? We’re both playing.”

  “You and her?” Tony asks dubiously. “Together? That I’d like to see!” He grins.

  I say, “We’re in separate bands.”

  “Well,” Tony says thoughtfully, “Good luck to both of ya.” He grabs Kellan’s arm and winks at me, “But a little more luck to Kellan. He’s gonna need it.”

  Kellan scoffs, “You selling me up the river, Tony?”

  Tony shakes his head dismissively, “Never. Good luck to ya, kid. Now go get your badges.”

  Kellan and I take a few steps inside.

  Tony suddenly shouts behind us, “
Shit Stain!”

  Kellan and I whip around.

  Tony is cracking a grin, “That was the name of your old band, right? Shit Stain!”

  Kellan and I both laugh.

  I tap the tip of my nose several times then point at Tony, “You hit it on the nose, Tony.”

  He chuckles and waves as Kellan and me go inside.

  We stop at the table where they’re handing out badges to participating bands. Two girls in Guitar Central t-shirts sit behind the table with boxes full of manilla folders.

  Kellan walks up to the girl on the left with big boobs and platinum curls. Of course he does. Not that I care.

  Cannonballs, as I’m calling her, looks like a stripper they hired from one of the nearby Hollywood strip joints to be a door girl here at the show tonight. She wasn’t here when I arrived earlier. I guess they bring in the A talent closer to show time. Or she’s on stripper time, which means she just woke up.

  When Cannonballs looks up at Kellan, her eyes light up, “Hey,” she purrs at him.

  I’m waiting for her to do a cat crawl over the table top and pull Kellan’s zipper down with her teeth.

  “Hey,” Kellan smiles at her.

  “What’s your name?” she says breathlessly.

  Geez, she’s obvious.

  “Kellan Burns,” he says casually.

  “Ooh,” she giggles suggestively, “I like your name. Sounds like you’re on fire.”

  Kellan nods cockily, “I will be when I hit the stage tonight.”

  Of course he said that.

  Cannonballs chews on her inflated lower lip, “How about after? Will you still be on fire then?”

  “I’m always on fire,” Kellan chuckles.

  Cannonballs is leaning over the table, her eyes mesmerized by Kellan’s. She’s totally forgotten she’s here to do a job. She’s shooting sexual energy out of her eyes, and probably other bodily orifices, trying to snare Kellan so she can take him back to her lair.

  Not that I have anything against that. I certainly can’t blame her for trying. I know I did. But I didn’t have any luck. Who would’ve guessed Kellan would turn out to be such a Boy Scout under all that bad boy beauty?

  No one on my internal committee has an answer for that. They’re all stumped.

  Cannonballs picks up a Sharpie pen from the table and says to Kellan, “Can I see your hand?”

  He asks sincerely, “Do you need to stamp it?”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” she purrs.

  He holds out his hand.

  She writes a phone number on it, “Call me when you finish tonight.”

  Kellan grins at her, “Sure.”

  I guess you need big artillery like Cannonballs if you want Kellan in your bed.

  Cannonballs stares at Kellan, obviously imagining what they’re going to do later this evening.

  Again, not that I care.

  “So, uh,” Kellans says, “Do I get a badge?”

  “Oh!” Cannonballs says peppily, the spell finally broken. “What’s your band called?”

  “Suffer The Gun.”

  “Ooh,” she coos, “Sounds dangerous.”

  “That’s me,” Kellan smiles cockily.

  “I bet your gun is dangerous…” she sighs.

  Give it a rest already!

  I can’t tell if Kellan is enjoying this or not.

  Cannonballs finally finds the envelope with Kellan’s badges and hands it to him.

  “Thanks,” he smiles.

  She says, “Badges and lanyards are in the envelope.” She winks, “Let me know if you need helping putting yours on…”

  “I think I’ll manage,” Kellan chuckles.

  “Then I’ll help you take it off later,” she murmurs.

  “Sure,” Kellan smiles.

  I’m tired of watching their mating ritual, so I start looking around for the nearest distraction and my eyes land right on Rob the Knob.


  Rob the Knob, as in Rob Pickford, the Guitar Central store manager! The guy who wouldn’t give me back my Fender! And banned me from the store!

  Rob stands to the side of Cannonballs’ table talking to a couple of guys in Guitar Central t-shirts. But he already recognized me. His eyes pop, “You! I remember you!”

  I duck my head and try to flee outside but I bump into Kellan who is a flesh brick wall.

  Rob the Knob strides right up to me, “What do you think you’re doing here?”

  “Uh…” I stammer.

  Rob glances at the All Access badge on my chest and says, “Uh uh. No way. You are not playing here tonight.”

  Damn it! I was worried about this! I even had Olivia put all the registration info in her name just in case! My plans are crumbling around my ears! I should’ve worn that KFC bucket disguise!

  Rob grabs the badge around my neck and pulls on it like he’s trying to rip it off my neck.

  “Hey!” I shout, slapping away his hand. “Watch it!”

  Kellan barks, “What’re you doing, dude?”

  Rob the Knob looks up at Kellan’s burning eyes while still holding onto my badge. Kellan is way bigger than Rob. But Rob isn’t exactly small, and he clearly has a pugnacious attitude. Plus, he’s the Guitar Central store manager. I imagine he’s in charge of this whole affair.

  “Who are you?” Rob barks back at Kellan.

  “I’m playing with one of the bands tonight.”

  Rob looks between me and Kellan and says to him, “Not her band, I hope.”

  Kellan shakes his head, “No.”

  Rob the Knob nods, “Then this shouldn’t concern you. Right?”

  Kellan arches an eyebrow, “If you stop manhandling her, it won’t concern me. But I think you should probably let go of her badge.”

  “Oh yeah?” Rob the Knob says confrontationally. “Why?”

  Shit. I appreciate Kellan’s standing up for me, but I don’t want him getting kicked out tonight too. Through gritted teeth I grunt, “Because, Rob, I’m going to kick you in the balls if you don’t let go of my badge right now.”

  Rob snorts, “I’d like to see that.”

  Kellan chuckles, “Don’t tempt her.”

  Rob the Knob shows the whites of his eyes and growls, “I like danger.” And he still holds my badge.

  “You can let go any time,” I threaten.

  Rob reaches up and unclips the badge from my lanyard, which falls to my chest. With badge in hand, he chides, “Problem solved. Now get out.”

  “What!” I shriek.

  “I said,” he says calmly but with restrained anger, “Get out. You’re not playing here tonight. Understand?” Rob looks around and motions to the two guys in Guitar Central t-shirts to come over. They do. Rob says to them, “Escort this woman outside. Do not let her back in under any circumstances.”

  The Guitar Central goons nod at Rob. The tall one looks at me expectantly.

  “My gear is inside!” I protest.

  “What?” Rob asks.

  “My amps and my guitar!”

  Rob grinds his teeth and his lips knot around them. To the goons, he seethes, “Take her into the back to get her stuff. Then she’s gone. Understand?”

  The goons nod again.

  “And,” Rob the Knob says archly, “Once she leaves, I want one of you on the front door, and one of you on the back door all night. She’s not sneaking in here. Got it?”

  The goons nod again.

  Five minutes later, I’m strutting up the sidewalk with my Fender while Kellan carries the Line 6 Bogner combo I’ve been borrowing from Rich Aymes.

  “I’m fucked!” I shout at the sky.

  No way I’m winning that $5,000 prize money now.

  I scream at the heavens.


  Chapter 117


  “What are you gonna do?” Kellan asks as we walk up the sidewalk.

  I scream in his face, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M GONNA DO!!”

  Kellan looks stunned.

I shake my head, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m just so fucking pissed right now!”

  “Maybe your band can sneak you in when they get here?”

  I slow my stride, “You’re right! That might work! But what about those Guitar Central Goons guarding the doors?”

  “Maybe we can distract them?” Kellan suggests. “But how?”

  My eyes gleam suddenly, “Cannonballs!!”

  Kellan scoffs, “What?”

  “That girl at the desk when you got your badge!”

  Kellan snickers, “You mean the stripper with the tits?”

  “Yes! Get her to help! I bet you could talk her into flirting with the Goons!”

  Kellan nods appreciatively, “Could work. But I’ll probably have to fuck her as payback. I wasn’t really planning on it,” he sighs.

  I chuckle, “Gimme a break. You were totally planning on doing her tonight after the show.”

  “Not really,” Kellan says sincerely.

  I actually believe him.

  Kellan really is in a class by himself. He’s like a one of a kind million dollar super car. Beautiful, powerful, high class, and only the luckiest people in the world get to drive him. I wasn’t one of them.


  I have other problems right now.

  I smile at him, “You know, I was considering getting a KFC bucket and doing the Buckethead thing in case this happened.”

  Buckethead literally wears a KFC bucket on his head and a mask when he performs live. It’s his trademark stage costume. It works because he’s an incredible guitar shredder and because he looks creepy and ridiculous at the same time.

  Kellan laughs, “That’s an awesome idea, Gigi! You should totally do it. The crowd will love it, especially if you take the mask off at the end. All the guitar players will freak when they see a hot girl underneath!”

  “I know, right!” I grin. “I’m sure there’s a KFC near here! They’ll give me a new bucket, even if I have to pay for it. But I need a Michael Myers mask like Buckethead uses. Where the hell do I get a Michael Myers mask last minute?”


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