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Victory RUN: Collected Victory RUN 1, 2, 3

Page 61

by Devon Hartford

  She nods.

  “Right now?”

  “Yeah,” she smiles widely.

  “Okay,” I say. My Martin is in Dubs’ van, but I have a Taylor acoustic in the closet which is nearly as good. I grab it and sit back down next to Em on the couch.

  Considering my fingers are now made of wiggling worms, I play through the song as best I can. My singing is fine, but I struggle not to laugh at my lyrics.

  My Whole Life.

  What the fuck was I thinking when I wrote this song?

  It sounds so stupid to me right now.

  I snicker but keep playing.

  Em asks inquisitively, “What?”

  “Nothing,” I mutter while I play the bridge chords.

  Maybe the lyrics of this song are bullshit. My Whole Life? Who waits forever for that perfect person to come along? Only an idiot.

  Maybe all love songs are bullshit.

  Maybe true love is bullshit, and I’ve been too stupid to figure that out.

  Maybe you just need a decent person who wants to be with you. Not some mythical “The One.”

  Yeah, that’s a load of fucking bullshit.

  Ten trucks worth of bullshit.

  I’m old enough I should know better.

  I smile at Em while I play.

  She smiles back at me bashfully.

  Em is a good person with a good head on her shoulders. A pretty one, too.

  She’s not going to get sucked up into some big time record business insanity. She’s going to get her medical degree, probably find a house and a husband somewhere and have a family.

  Do you really need any more than that?

  Man, I’ve been a fucking idiot, haven’t I?

  Overlooked the obvious that was right in front of my face.

  I finish the final chords of the song and Em applauds rapidly.

  “Yeah!” she cheers, “That was beautiful, Kellan!”

  I’m not sure how good my playing and singing were just now. I’m drunk and my head was totally not in the right place to sing a heartfelt love song.

  But Em doesn’t seem to care. She beams, “You are so talented, Kellan!”

  “Thanks,” I grin and set the guitar on the carpet.

  She holds up the tray of Chunkie Chips Ahoy, which are half gone, and asks, “Want another cookie?”

  “Sure.” I pluck one out and munch on it.

  “So, your girl really didn’t like your song?”

  I chew on a cookie and mumble, “She’s not my girl.”

  “She’s an idiot,” Em scoffs.

  I chuckle and shake my head, “I think she’s just confused.”

  “I’m not,” Em says suddenly.

  I look into her eyes. They sparkle with impish delight.

  She says, “Some people are too stupid to realize a good thing right in front of them…”

  I arch an eyebrow. Is she talking about me or Victory? Probably both of us.

  I stand up from the couch, “You want some water? You probably need some after drinking all night. Otherwise your hangover tomorrow is going to be a hammer.”

  “I’m fine,” she burps, “Excuse me.” She breaks into more giggles.

  I fill two glasses in the kitchen, just in case. I walk back to the couch and hand one to Em.

  “You’re so sweet, Kellan,” she grins and takes the glass.

  I sit down and sip my water.

  She takes several swallows from her glass then looks around, “Why don’t you have a coffee table?”

  “There’s not much room,” I say. The table with my computer and recording gear is only a few feet from the couch, so I never bothered getting one.

  Em half stands from the couch and leans toward the table. She sets the glass on the top, but she’s so drunk, she doesn’t realize she put it too close to the edge.

  I jump up but it’s too late.

  The glass topples onto the carpet.

  “Shit!” Em jumps forward, trying to catch it, but the water splashes everywhere.

  We end up squatting by the glass at the same time.

  Our faces are inches apart.

  “I’m sorry,” she croons, “That was dumb.”

  I smile, “No, you’re just drunk.”

  Her eyes twinkle and she smiles like an angel.

  She leans toward me, staring at my lips.

  She’s going to kiss me or wants me to kiss her.

  She really is gorgeous…

  She sighs breathily, “Kellan…”

  I gently place my index finger on her lips and mutter, “Don’t, Em.”

  She sits back on her butt. Her face twists with frustration.

  I frown, “I’m really sorry, Em. We’re both drunk.”

  Her face knots with sudden sadness. Silent tears drip down her face. She drops her hands in her lap and stares at the ceiling, “I really like you, Kellan.”

  I smile warmly, my own eyes dampening, “I know, Em.”

  “Why don’t you like me?” she demands desperately.

  “I do like you, Em. Just not like that.”

  She sobs and holds out her arms for a hug. I lean toward her and hug her hard.

  I sigh, “I’m really sorry, Em.”

  She cries for awhile and I rub her back soothingly.

  When she finally pulls away, she rubs her eyes and chuckles, “You must think I’m a stupid little girl.”

  “No, Em,” I say softly, “You’re a smart amazing young woman.”

  She laughs and cries, too confused to settle on one emotion.

  After awhile, I say, “Hey, you want to watch a funny show?”

  She frowns, “Huh?”

  I stand up and offer her my hand, “Come on, it’ll make you feel better.”

  I guide her to the couch and put on another episode of The Inbetweeners.

  Em gets into it right away.

  For the next hour, we sit on the couch with the tray of remaining Chunky Chips Ahoy between us and finish them off while watching three episodes of the British sitcom.

  When the credits roll after the third episode, Em says, “I should go to bed. I have to study all day tomorrow. Blah!” She giggles sheepishly.

  I chuckle, “Yeah, you should get some sleep.”

  I walk her upstairs to her apartment and say goodnight.

  Back in my apartment, I grab a towel from the bathroom and blot up the water where Em spilled her glass. I throw out the Chips Ahoy wrapper and turn off my computer.

  The only thing left to do is put away my Taylor.

  I stare at it.

  Fuck it.

  I pick up the acoustic guitar and start playing My Whole Life.

  This time, it isn’t bullshit.

  This time, I sing it like I mean it.

  This time, I sing it for Victory:

  “Whispered kisses

  on my lips

  from the ghost of you

  We’ve never met

  yet it’s true

  your the one I seek

  My whole life

  I searched for you

  my need like a disease

  I can’t live

  without your love

  you bring me to my knees




  (I’ve searched)


  A love

  Like you





  (I’ll search)


  A love

  That’s true


  I still search

  For a love

  That’s you


  On and on

  I crawl

  I still search

  For You”

  When I pluck out the final chord, the strings ring throughout my lonely apartment.

  My head hangs heavily over my guitar.

  There’s a knock at my door.

  I loo
k up from my guitar.

  It’s probably Em asking me why I didn’t sing it that way for her. The answer to that is simple. I don’t feel that way about anybody except Victory.

  I lean the Taylor against my couch and trudge to the door.

  I pull it open softly and sigh, “What, Em?”

  Victory stands on the other side of my screen door.

  She wears her stage costume, the golden studded skin tight black leather one with the hot fucking lace up pants and the bra top and the jacket.

  Her arms are wrapped around her chest like she’s freezing.

  But it’s not cold outside.

  I say, “What are you doing here, Victory? It’s after four a.m.”

  She stares at me, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my whole life, and she says, “I’ve been driving around by myself for the last three hours trying to make sense of my life. The last two months have been insane. Scott dumped me. Rex and Bobby abandoned me. I met you. I met Julian. I even met Layce before tonight,” she winks. “I bet you didn’t know that.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. I don’t know what to say. But my heart is literally shaking in my chest, tensing up with a combination of fear and hope I’ve never felt before.

  She smiles, “Heck, Julian even arranged for me to see Layce’s video shoot on a big Hollywood sound stage. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, and made me wonder if maybe I could be a big pop star like Layce someday.”

  I shake my head imperceptibly.

  Julian knows exactly how to brainwash someone like Giselle or Victory. He tempts them with promises of fulfilling impossible dreams, then he actually delivers on it. It’s an irresistible combination.

  It’s how he took Giselle from me.

  Victory smiles, “Then I thought about everything you did for me tonight. And I thought about my brother Victor. And everything we shared while he was alive.”

  She swallows hard, “That’s when I realized I’m crazy.”

  I arch an eyebrow, not sure where she’s going with this.

  She says, “I’m crazy for not trusting you, Kellan. I’m crazy for doubting you. I’m crazy for thinking you’re like Scott. But you’re not. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. You’re always helping me, always trying to make my life better, make it easier, and help me find my own dreams. You never push me. And you offer up your heart like you mean it. You want me for me. And you offered me the forever I never had with Victor without ever asking for anything in return…” Her eyes are watering and her voice is desperate with fear and courage. “No one has ever done that for me, Kellan. No one but you…”

  The screen door between me and Victory is flimsy, but at the moment, it’s thicker than the walls of a castle. I would open it, but I can’t even lift my arm. It weighs more than an oak tree.

  Victory reaches up and opens the screen door like it’s a feather.

  I’ve been waiting for her to open this door protecting her heart since she walked out of my apartment the first time. Now she walks inside my apartment and stands on the threshold of my home.

  She gazes up at me with naked eyes and an open heart.

  The look is unmistakeable, yet I’ve never seen it before on anyone. I’ve waited for this moment for My Whole Life.

  I lean down and kiss Victory passionately.

  My search is over.

  She’s more than I ever dreamed possible.

  She’s beyond mere hope. She’s not a ghost.

  Victory is real and she breathes.

  She’s alive, and…

  She’s TRUE.



  My dear readers:

  I have plenty more story to tell about Kellan and Victory. Their band and their music careers are just getting started. Both of them have big dreams.

  Would you like to live their rock and roll dreams with them? I know I would.

  I have three more full-length Victory novels outlined and ready to write. Victory : TRUE, Victory : FREE, and Victory : TOUR.

  Let me know if you’d like to read them.

  If you guys do, I will write them.

  Together, we can all make Victory and Kellan’s dreams come TRUE.

  Please add Victory : TRUE to your Goodreads “Want To Read” list here:

  And, please contact me at my Facebook, Twitter, or website and tell me what you want:

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  Want to get an email when Devon’s next book is released?

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  Secret Title

  Ssh!! The storyline of my next novel is TOP SECRET!!

  coming late September 2014

  Personal thanks from Devon Hartford:

  Thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to live with Victory and Kellan for awhile! If you enjoyed Victory : RUN 1-2-3, please leave some positive feedback wherever you purchased this ebook, Goodreads, or any book blogs you frequent. Be sure to tell your friends about it!

  If you want to drop me a line, you can find me at any of the links below. I love to hear what you have to say, and I love to talk books!


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  Devon Hartford fell in love with heavy metal from the first moment he heard an electric guitar. Years later, while in high school, he bought his first electric guitar with money he earned flipping burgers. He’s been turning it up to eleven ever since. Devon lived in Hollywood for many years and frequented many of the locations in this book.





  Fearless (The Story of Samantha Smith #1)

  Reckless (The Story of Samantha Smith #2)

  Painless (The Story of Samantha Smith #3)

  Victory RUN 1 (The Story of Victory Payne)

  Victory RUN 2 (The Story of Victory Payne)

  Victory RUN 3 (The Story of Victory Payne)


  A HUGE thanks to all my passionate and fantastic beta readers: Jenn Hedge (Beta Speed Queen), Sandye, Steffini Walker Texas Ranger, Rosanne Triegaardt, The REAL Julie England, Emaleth Morrigan (mermaid), Neicy Cassidy, Ashley Lorene Hall, Ange May, Eileen Fitzharris, Wendy Boyer, Stephanie Svajgl, Sandye, Sarah Welsh (a.k.a. Princess Frilly-Bottoms of the Land of Willow), Kimber, Natasha Slater, Mandy Jamerson, Tania Clark, Michele McKenzie, Kerrisha Budhu, Sarah Tree, Mandy Karsa, Renee Julian, Melanie Starr (My favorite Comma Bomber), Jordan Bault, Anna Lamonica, Maria Combee, Anne Berkeley, Mel Bushell, Jini Perez, Mylinda Abraham-Powell, Megan C Christmas, Nicki Hewitt-Hart, Tamara Clark, Muriel Garcia, and Shannon Margaret for invaluable feedback and encouragement! You guys rock the typo sauce!

  Becs Glass and Sinfully Sexy Books for dedicated book pimping love!

  Chrissy Zent Sharp for awesome book pimpery via The Book Whore-der's Delights. Be sure to check them out if you’re a Romance reader.

  Hayley Picknell for awesome reviews everywhere!

  Everybody’s ever luvin’ cowbag, Lindsey Melia for ghetto ghood pimpin’.

  And thanks to everybody else who has helped make this book a reality!



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