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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

Page 4

by Twyla Turner

  “Is there really anything back there for you, Immy?” The mermaid asked knowingly.

  “Well…no. Not really.” I looked down at the ground sadly, before my head popped up in surprise. “Hey! How do you know my nickname? Or my name at all?” I hadn’t heard anyone call me Immy since my parents died.

  “We’ve watched you for many years when you came to visit the red rocks,” she explained.

  “I can’t deal with this crap! Send me back. Wake me up. Whatever. Just do it!” I shouted at the mermaid, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

  “You practically begged to be anywhere but there.” The mermaid reminded me. “Besides, we can’t. And even if we did, eventually there wouldn’t be much left of your world or ours,” she said cryptically. “You must go to the Faery Oracle. She’ll explain everything. If you don’t, we all will fall.” She finished before diving down into the water, her large tail crested the surface before disappearing once more.

  I looked out to where the other mermaids had been waiting, to find that they too were gone. I closed my eyes, raised my face to the sky, growled deep in my throat and then let out a loud shriek. I stomped around the bright green grass, grumbling angrily and even kicking at the grass. It wasn’t long before I remembered that my current tantrum had an audience. I looked up to see the unicorn still standing there and watching me with a frown. How in the world does a unicorn frown?!

  “Are you done?” He asked patiently.

  “Maybe,” I responded childishly.

  “Well…if it makes you feel any better, I have no idea what she was talking about. But it certainly sounded serious. So… I’d be willing to take you to Faerien City, if only to find out why both our worlds may be at risk,” the unicorn offered.

  “Really? You’d do that for me?” I asked surprised.

  “I doubt I’d be missed here. So I might as well.”

  “And here is…?”

  “Unicris. The Province of Unicorns,” he informed me.

  “And why wouldn’t you be missed?” I asked curiously.

  “I am unlike the rest of my kind. So I am virtually an outcast.”

  “Like me,” I nodded sadly. “What’s your name?”

  “Daegan,” he said as he bowed his head formally.

  “That’s a beautiful name, Daegan. I’m Imogen,” I introduced myself.

  “Thank you, Imogen. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Under normal circumstances, I’d say the same, but I’m not so sure yet. I mean, I honestly think I’m still dreaming.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “I promise you, you are not. You’re in the Empyrean realm. Another dimension, if you will, where the mythical creatures you’ve heard of on Earth actually live and breathe,” Daegan explained.

  “Oh! It all makes perfect sense now. Thanks for clarifying.” I said sarcastically.

  Daegan chuckled, “You’ll see. Just look around you. Does this place look like something your mind could even dream up?”

  I ignored my frustrations and fears for a moment and actually took the time to take in my surroundings. To really look, without the distraction of unicorns and mermaids. My breath hitched, and my eyes became glassy. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life. Every tree, flower, blade of grass was more bold and vibrant than any color I’d ever seen on Earth. It was like watching high definition TV, times one hundred.

  The sky was almost indescribable. It was daylight out, yet the colors of the sky looked like the colors at sunset, though it was far from dusk with the sun high in the sky. Blues, pinks, oranges, and all their shades in between. I could see what looked like planets or moons, far closer than I’d ever seen. Almost as if, I’d be able to reach out and touch them. Off in the distance, over the vast ocean, part of the daytime sky faded and became transparent, where daylight ended and night began. The other half of the sky was inky black with a billion stars twinkling in the distance.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

  “It is,” Daegan agreed.

  “I swear I’ve seen this place before. Only in my daydreams. I had no idea it really existed,” I said in awe. Then I pushed up the right sleeve of my jacket and twisted the skin on my arm. “Ow!”

  “Why did you do that?” Daegan asked perplexed.

  “I pinched myself to see if this is really real,” I informed him. “It hurt pretty badly, so I guess this is legit.”

  “I see. Are all humans as strange as you?” He asked seriously.

  “Hey! I’m not strange. On Earth, if something is too good to be true, you pinch yourself to make sure you’re awake,” I tried to explain.

  “You really could have just taken my word for it and saved yourself the bruise.” Daegan shook his head.

  The sound of horse hooves reached our ears, and we both looked up to see two snow-white unicorns galloping our way at full speed. They too had long wavy manes and tails, except in blinding, pristine white. I saw that these unicorns were covered in a type of fancy silver armor as they came closer. They looked as if they meant business, so I stepped closer to Daegan, doubting that they would show me the same kindness that he had.

  “Daegan. Of course, you’d have something to do with this,” one of the unicorns chided disdainfully as they skidded to a halt in front of us.

  “What are you talking about? I had to do with what?” Daegan asked and stepped back from the other unicorn that had gotten in his face.

  “What are you doing with this human?” The other unicorn asked, gesturing towards me with his white horn.

  “The mermaids brought her. They said that Empyrean needed her help,” Daegan explained.

  “Sure they did.” One said doubtfully. “What is a little human going to do for us? They don’t even have powers.”

  “I don’t know. I’m just telling you what they said.” Daegan mumbled in frustration.

  “Both of you, come with us. You’ll have to explain yourselves to the Emperor and Empress.” The unicorn closest to me demanded.

  It was obvious to me that they served as a type of guard of the unicorns. And since one of them had lowered his head, pointing his horn directly at me, intending to spear me with it if I didn’t cooperate. I figured I’d better do as I was told before I ended up being someone’s shish kabob.

  “I don’t have the patience to wait for you to walk, but you’re not riding on me. Get on Daegan so we can get moving.” One of the guards ordered.

  “And how, exactly, am I supposed to get up there?” I asked, looking up a Daegan’s back. I wasn’t exceptionally short, but I wasn’t tall either. I stood at about five-five and my head just barely cleared his back. He was even larger than the other two unicorns.

  “I’ll help you,” Daegan sighed.

  He kneeled down on his front legs and waited. I hesitated for a moment. I’d never ridden a horse before and was a little nervous to start now.

  “Oh get on with it!” One of the guards grumbled.

  I stepped up to Daegan and threw my left leg over his back. I situated myself until I was mildly comfortable as he stood back up.

  “Hold on to my mane, so you don’t fall off,” he instructed me.

  I immediately clutched at the glossy ebony hair, heeding his advice. Oh wow! His hair is so soft, I thought with surprise.


  My eyes widened as we started galloping off in an unknown direction. Ack! You can hear my thoughts?

  Well, not your every thought. But I can hear you talk to yourself, he answered.

  So…you heard some of the things I said in my head earlier? I asked carefully.

  Yep. Though I wasn’t sure because I’ve never heard anyone’s thoughts before.

  Grrrreat! Fan-freakin-tastic! So now I have to worry about you listening in on my inner monolog? I grumbled to myself. Well, to him as well.

  You can hear me too, as you can tell. Or at least when I want you to hear me. This might come in handy later, he told me wisely.

  He did have a point.

  Oh no! I cringed inwardly. Does this mean that all the unicorns can hear me? I asked with worry.

  I don’t think so, or they would’ve responded by now. Those two aren’t known for being subtle…or very bright for that matter, Daegan answered.

  Let’s hope.

  I gripped his mane tighter as Daegan picked up speed to keep up with the guards. His large, powerful body moved beneath me. I felt his muscles coil and flex as he ran like the wind. I had no idea what to expect once we got where we were going, but for the moment, I enjoyed the freeing feeling of the warm air against my face and flowing through my quickly drying, tightly coiled curls.

  The colorful landscape sped by in a blur. Mountains lined the horizon in the distance. The position of the light against the mountains bathed them in purple hues. Strange birds of unique shades that seemed better suited to the jungles on Earth flew by happily, singing new songs I’d never heard before. I was in awe of this place. It was more beautiful than anything I could’ve imagined, though I didn’t want to get comfortable here. Unsure that I would be welcome in this strange new place, just as I wasn’t on Earth.

  Chapter 4


  The three unicorns had run quite a few miles before we came to a giant wall of green shrubs. The shrub wall stood about ten feet high and was immaculate. Not a single leaf was out of place. In the middle of the wall, there was a section of intertwining vines in a swirling design. As the two guards trotted over to the vines, one touched his horn to them, and they unraveled, creating a doorway for us to enter.

  Daegan followed the unicorn guards through the entrance and once again, I gasped at the sight before me. Just inside the entrance was a path that was covered by a gorgeous archway made of hanging purple, pink, and white flowers that smelled heavenly. Much like wisteria. But once we moved through the path, I realized I hadn’t seen anything yet.

  Oh my God…

  Beautiful, isn’t it? Daegan asked.

  Yes. I answered, breathless even in my thoughts.

  This is my home, Daegan thought without much feeling. I understood completely.

  My mouth gaped open as I took in the home of the unicorns. The ground was blanketed with more lush, bright green grass. Through the grass were different paths leading in different directions, towards what appeared to be miles upon miles of purple and pink weeping willows. I quickly surmised that the willows acted as the dwellings for each unicorn family, as I watched them step out from underneath the colorful hanging vines. They looked on curiously as the two guards, Daegan, and I passed by.

  As we walked deeper into the forest of willows, right in the middle of the unicorn village was a weeping willow bigger than all the rest. And unlike the other willows, this one’s vines were snow white, just like every single unicorn that gathered curiously around us. It didn’t take long for me to understand what Daegan had meant when he’d said he wasn’t like the rest of his kind. Even on Earth, I had rarely seen images of black unicorns, other than the ones I drew myself.

  My attention was drawn to the white willow as the vines magically opened, like curtains being drawn apart. Two unicorns stepped from behind the white vines of the giant willow. One was slightly smaller than the other, but both of these unicorns had silver hooves and horns, like Daegan’s, instead of the standard white that the others had. I had a feeling that these two were somehow special.

  “Emperor Tag. Empress Pamina.” Both guards said in unison as they lowered their front legs and dipped their heads in a bow, confirming my assumption of their importance.

  “We found Daegan with this human down by the cove.” One guard announced.

  “What is your purpose here, human?” The larger one, the Emperor asked.

  “I-I don’t know,” I answered honestly, though my voice trembled. I was terrified of what they might do to me. “The mermaids brought me here against my will.”

  “We find it convenient that the day you arrive is the same day that one of our scouts tells us of a strange death that’s spreading through our realm.” The Emperor informed us, and the crowd of gathered unicorns murmured fearfully.

  “T-The mermaids said that they b-brought me here t-to help.” I stammered.

  “Please!” The Emperor scoffed. “What could a mere human do for us that we can’t do on our own?” He asked with disdain. “And what were you doing with her, Daegan?”

  “I was drinking from the cove when she was pushed out, father,” Daegan answered, and I stiffened on his back at the mention of the word father. “She had no idea where she was.”

  “We always knew that you’d bring darkness to this land and betray us.” The Emperor growled, ignoring everything his son had just said.

  “He didn’t do anything wrong! Ask the mermaids yourself.” I finally found my voice in defense of my new friend.

  “Silence, girl! You are not welcome here. And no longer are you.” He looked at Daegan. “I’m ashamed to call you my son. From this day forth, you are banished. Don’t ever come back to Unicris lands again,” his father decreed.

  Daegan lowered his head in devastation and turned back where we had come, without even the slightest complaint. I looked out at the crowd of unicorns, and none of them even tried to defend him. Many had already turned away as if he didn’t exist.

  I turned to look back at his parents. “You’re wrong. And he’ll prove it and then you’ll regret treating him this way.” I told them, defiantly, though it was obvious that they didn’t care as they turned away without a second glance.

  It’s useless. You might as well save your breath. Daegan thought resolutely.

  I had no response as Daegan solemnly made his way towards the entrance, the guards following a few feet behind to ensure that we left. I remained quiet as I sat atop the melancholy unicorn. I knew what it felt like to be the outsider of everyone around me, but I had no idea what it was like to be rejected by my own parents as well. Mine may have been gone, but I’d always have the memory of their love and acceptance. A deep sympathy spread through me for the unique unicorn. I recognized in him a kindred spirit.

  “Daegan.” A feminine voice called from behind us.

  Daegan turned, and I saw one of the unicorns standing back a few feet from us. She, of course, looked just like the others, except for the sorrow and kindness she held in her eyes.

  “Hey, Kaya,” Daegan said without making eye contact. “Uh…what’s up?”

  “I…I’m sorry you have to leave. I don’t think it’s fair. I know you wouldn’t hurt a soul, and I wish that I could go with you. Um…I just wanted to tell you that, and that I’ll miss you.” She said bashfully.

  Kaya walked towards us and from my seat above, I watched as the white unicorn stepped closer to Daegan and nuzzled him with her head before turning and walking away. Daegan turned back towards the exit of the only home he’d ever known. Towards the direction of the unknown.

  Was that your girlfriend? I asked through my thoughts so the guards that followed couldn’t hear.

  No. Just a friend, I guess. Daegan answered. She’s never spoken to me much, before today.

  Maybe she has a secret crush on you like you have on her? I read correctly.

  Hmm… Daegan made a noncommittal noise. It doesn’t really matter now.

  Once we passed through the entrance and the vines closed behind us, we both looked back. Daegan with sadness and me with anger. I turned forward and rubbed my hand down his satiny coat, comfortingly and leaned forward.

  “Screw them, Daegan! You’ll prove them wrong, and I’ll help you,” I said passionately, though I had no idea how I’d be able to keep that promise.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Daegan said softly. “They’ll never accept me. Ever since I was born, I was treated differently. They always thought my black coat and mane were a sign of evil and darkness. You can kind of see why, since every unicorn ever born has been pure white.” He hung his head further down as he walked along. “I mean, even I think it’s strange. Why am I all black,
when no one has been before?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’re special. That’s what my dad always told me,” I reasoned.

  “You said that you are an outcast where you’re from as well. Why?” Daegan asked curiously.

  “Because I look different from everyone too. I have brown skin with bright red crazy curly hair and freckles, which is very uncommon. There aren’t as many redheads in the world as other hair colors and pigmentations. And there really aren’t very many black redheads. So I stand out, and not in a good way,” I explained. “Then add to it that I’m fat, and I really become an outsider.”

  “Then I suppose we’ll be outsiders together. Maybe that’s why I was there when you crossed realms?” Daegan said thoughtfully.

  “Maybe,” I agreed.

  “And though I’ve never seen another human up close before, I think your hair and skin complement each other very nicely.” He paused for a moment to think. “And I wouldn’t call you fat either. Hmm…more like pleasingly plump.”

  “Thanks, but tell that to the already skinny girls who photoshop their selfies to look even thinner or who actually starve themselves to get the perfect thigh gap.” I sighed and shook my head.

  “What is Photoshop and what are selfies?” Daegan asked confused.

  “Never mind. It’s just something everyone does all the time now where I’m from. It’s all just a competition to see who’s the most beautiful with the best life. Who can get the most likes and followers? The world I’m from has become overwhelmingly superficial, and there’s so much pressure to be perfect. And it feels like, if you’re not the prettiest or if you look unusual, you have no place among the masses and treated like crap. Or like a nobody.” I frowned.

  “That sounds familiar.”

  “Yeah, it’s all kinds of awful and I swear my soul dies a little every time I get on social media. Anyway, let’s change the subject. So where to now?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Faerien City. We still need to get you to the Faery Oracle.” Daegan lifted his head, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.


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