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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

Page 9

by Twyla Turner

  “Okay,” I answered nervously.

  The music began, and Ugo counted off the steps, and then we were moving. I was pleasantly surprised that I picked up on the dance so quickly. Once I had the basic steps down completely, Ugo began to spin and twirl me around. The other faery dancers that surrounded us floated up to spin and twirl around us as we dance in the middle. I threw my head back and laughed as Ugo spun me some more.

  It was the most fun I’d had since my father passed away. I felt free, if only for that one moment.

  Chapter 12


  I silently fumed on the edge of the dance floor as I watched Imogen’s face light up with joy in someone else’s arms. It was the first time I’d seen her happy, and she looked radiant.

  “I told you,” Daegan said as he moved to stand next to me.

  “Why are you lurking in the dark watching my every move?” I asked with irritation.

  “I’m just trying to help you before someone else comes and sweeps her off of her feet.”

  “We have more to worry about than a love connection. And so does she. I doubt she’s thinking of who’s going to ask her on a date when she has to be defender of two worlds.” I commented rationally.

  “True. But if good prevails, wouldn’t you want to have her by your side when it’s all said and done?" Daegan asked curiously.

  “When it’s all said and done, she’ll go back to Earth, and we’ll go our separate ways,” I reasoned.

  “Perhaps…but there’s always what if. And besides, if you really felt that way, why do you look like you could spit nails as you watch her dance with someone else?” Daegan left it at that and walked away.

  “Damn! Why does he keep doing that?” I said to myself and shook my head in frustration.

  The current song came to an end, and I noticed the vultures circling to get their chance to dance with Imogen. I quickly strode out onto the dance floor, before any of them could make a move. I raised my hand and tapped Ugo on the shoulder.

  “May I cut in?” I asked firmly.

  “Sure, Rafe,” Ugo said and then turned to Imogen. “It was a pleasure, Imogen. Hopefully, I’ll get another chance to dance with you before the night is over.” He said smoothly as he bowed over her hand and kissed it.

  I gritted my teeth but hid it behind a fake smile. I nodded to Ugo as he exited the dance floor. I looked at Imogen, and she had one eyebrow raised sassily.

  “May I have this dance?” I asked politely and hoped that she wouldn’t shut me down in front of the whole faery kingdom.

  “If I must,” she replied coldly.

  I wrapped her in my arms and pulled her closer than was necessary. “Okay, I deserve that. And I know I owe you an apology.” I conceded.

  “Yes, you do,” Imogen stated, her amber eyes flashing. She refused to back down as I began to guide her around the dance floor.

  Her body felt warm and inviting against mine. Resting my hand on the curve of her hip. Her breasts lying flush against my chest. Her breath at my neck. The smell of lavender in her hair and on her skin. All combined to stir my senses, as well as my body. I swallowed hard and tried to focus on what I needed to say.

  “I’m truly sorry for blaming you for all of Empyrean’s problems. I hope you give me a chance to make it up to you.” I said sincerely.

  “We’ll see.” Imogen gave me a small smile. It would have to be enough for now.

  “Here…let’s start over,” I suggested, before continuing. “Hello. My name is Rafe. Annoyer of human girls and apparently a douche. Whatever dreadful thing that is.”

  “Hi, Rafe. My name is Imogen,” she said with a laugh. “Forgiver of said douches.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Imogen. And may I just say, you look absolutely stunning this evening.” I grinned rakishly at her and was pleased when her butterscotch cheeks flushed with color.

  I twirled her out, spun her back to me, and then dipped her down. When I pulled her back up, Imogen was breathless with pleasure. The other faeries around us once again floated up above. I gripped her waist tightly, unfurled my wings, and lifted off of the floor taking us both up with the other faeries. Imogen’s eyes widened, and she gasped as she looked down at the floor and observers several feet below.

  “Rafe put me down! I’m way too heavy!” She exclaimed self-consciously.

  “No, I think you’re just right.”

  I tightened my hold on her and then grinned as I twirled her around in mid-air.

  Aviana and the Oracle watched as Rafe and Imogen danced high above with the other faeries. Imogen’s melodic laughter reached their ears, and they smiled at the young couple.

  “I think my son fancies her,” Aviana commented happily. “Do you think he might soul surge with her?

  “Yes, I believe so. If he opens his heart to her and vice versa.” The Oracle prophesied. “They’ll need each other in the coming days, so it’s good that they’re mending their differences.”

  “So, you decided not to tell her who she is?” Aviana asked.

  “That is something she must learn on her own. No one can tell you who you are, you have to find that out on your own journey.” The Oracle explained.

  “Very true.” The queen agreed. “So…what are the four virtues of mankind that she’ll need to learn?”

  “Charity, integrity, humanity, and love.” The Oracle listed off. “And it won’t be just Imogen that will learn them. They all will.”

  Chapter 13


  Morning came entirely too soon. As I opened my eyes, I smiled thinking about how much fun the celebration had been. Parties had never been my thing in the past. The last one I had attended had been a disaster. And I was normally ignored and sat on the outskirts, blending in with the background. Even when Hailey and I were still best friends. I’d never experienced being the center of attention like I had been the night before. I sighed as I thought about how exhilarating it had been to be floating in the air, in Rafe’s arms. Then the reality of what was to come, karate kicked me right off of cloud nine. An almost paralyzing fear gripped me and the last thing I wanted to do was get out of my comfy borrowed bed.

  I groaned and buried myself deeper under the covers when I heard a knock at the door.

  “Imogen?” I heard Aviana’s voice, as the queen opened the door. “It’s time. Everyone is getting ready and starting to gather downstairs.”

  “Do I have to? Is the Oracle sure that it’s me that’s supposed to save the world? Cause I’m pretty sure there’s someone else way better for the job than me.” I tried one last time, my voice sounding muffled from under the blankets.

  I felt the mattress dip and then heard the queen’s voice right next to me. “I know you must be terrified.” Terrified isn’t even the word to describe what I’m feeling, lady! “But I promise we’re sending the most skilled faeries with you. And you also have Daegan. You don’t have to do this alone. A battle like this can’t be won on the shoulders of one person. It takes a team effort. And you have the best.” Aviana said kindly before she gently pulled the covers down to reveal my face. “Besides, do you think I’d send my only son if I didn’t think you could do it or that we’d lose?”

  “Alright.” I sighed and then pulled myself up to sit back against the headboard.

  “I believe in you, Imogen. You should too.” Aviana said in a motherly tone.

  I blinked a few times, trying to keep my tears at bay. I hadn’t heard anyone say anything like that to me since my parents died. And it made me realize just how much I missed them. Missed having someone that had faith in me.

  “I’ll leave you to get ready.” Aviana patted my knee above the blanket before she got up and headed to the door. “I’ve left you some clothes on the bed.” She nodded towards the foot of the bed and then slipped out of the room.

  I looked at the folded clothes at the end of the bed. Resolved to my current plight, I crawled over to them, wondering what the faery equivalent of battle clothes could p
ossibly be. I held up each item and cringed a little at the thought of wearing them. But it wasn’t as if I could opt out of wearing them and put on the clothes I’d arrived it. Especially, since the maid took my old clothes away and probably burned them.

  I dropped the new clothes back onto the bed and went to take a quick bath. I had no idea when I’d be able to take another one, so I wanted to take advantage while I could.

  Once I was done, I reluctantly put on my new ensemble and then checked my reflection once more in the full-length mirror. On my feet were flat knee-high boots in soft brown leather. The boots fit snuggly over black skin-tight leather pants that molded to my thick legs. Barely covering my butt and hips was a cream-colored shirt that laced up in the front and had long-sleeves. Over the shirt was a brown leather half corset that cinched in my waist and matched my boots. Lastly, for colder days and nights, I was given a casual, long dark green coat that hung to my ankles. It had a built in brown leather belt to tie around my waist and a large hood that could pop up to protect my head in cooler temperatures. The long jacket and ensemble definitely had a vintage, yet modern feel to it, like most of Faerien City did.

  “I feel like, I just got dressed for the modern adaptation of a Revolutionary War play. All I’m missing is a powered wig with ombre colors, to make it more stylish.” I said to myself, trying to make jokes to calm my nerves.

  Most of the outfit was okay. It was the leather pants and corset that really threw me for a loop. I felt that they were better suited for some kickass chick, than my plump dorky demeanor. Surprisingly, though, the outfit was relatively comfortable and easy to move around in.

  As for my hair, I let it down from the braided bun, which left my fiery tresses in big fluffy waves. I felt like my hair had a life of its own, but it couldn’t be helped. So I just shrugged it off and walked over to the door, knowing my stalling had come to an end. I took a deep breath, blew it out harshly and opened the door.

  On the other side of the door was a maid, given the job of leading me down to the dining hall for breakfast before we left on our long journey. We walked down and out one of the smaller tree building that housed my temporary chambers and crossed the bridge to the main tree. The maid led me to the doors of the dining hall, curtsied and then left me alone.

  I took another deep breath and then walked inside to find everyone was waiting for me. Only one long table was occupied. It was the main table on a raised dais in the front of the hall, with the king on one end and the queen at the other. In between them were the Oracle, Rafe, and two other faeries that I had seen the night before, but hadn’t been introduced to. I figured they were the faeries that would be heading out with us.

  With my head hung low, I quickly made my way over to the table and sat next to the Oracle, across from Rafe and the other two faeries.

  “Sorry it took me so long,” I said with an inward cringe.

  “It’s okay, we haven’t been waiting that long, dear.” The Oracle said sweetly and clutched at my hand.

  “Oh…cool,” I said for lack of anything better to say, with all eyes on me.

  “Imogen, I want you to meet the other half of our group.” Rafe began, getting my attention. “This is Saffi.” He pointed to the girl. “And this is Wakeley.” He pointed to the faery boy.

  Saffi looked to be Latina with long straight, near black tresses that fell to the middle of her back. The ends were tipped with white that matched her imprints. Her eyes were large and steel gray. I thought she was quite beautiful as she smiled politely at me.

  Wakeley’s hair was cut in an undercut, much like a lot of the guys had currently on Earth. The front had a green streak in it to match his dominant color. His emerald eyes sparkled as he grinned at me and winked. He was almost as tall as Rafe when he’d stood politely as I came to the table. His body, lean and fit. He looked of East Asian descent. Korean maybe. Though I wasn’t even sure if the people of Empyrean distinguished each other’s differences by Earth’s many countries and classifications.

  “Hello, Saffi. Wakeley.” I nodded to both of them shyly. Always uncertain of how new people would receive me.

  “Saffi. Wakeley. This is Imogen. The one we must protect.” Rafe introduced.

  Wakeley nodded with a flirtatious glint in his eye. “It’s a pleasure, Imogen.” He smirked, and the green of his markings turned pastel and waved like the leaves on a tree in the wind.

  “Good morning, Imogen. It’s nice to meet you.” Saffi said with a genuine smile, the white of her markings nearly turned transparent and moved like smoke or fog or even clouds. Either way, her markings were just as hypnotizing as the moving water and waving foliage in the imprints on Rafe and Wakeley.

  After the introductions were finished and I found out Daegan was having a feast of his own in the impromptu stables made just for him, we tucked into the food in relative silence. Everyone was absorbed in their own thoughts.

  I had a hard time hiding the tremble in my hand every time I lifted my fork to my mouth. I was about to enter the unknown, and I couldn’t pretend that I wasn’t scared witless about it. I didn’t know what monsters and evil creatures we were going to encounter and what I needed to do to defeat them. The Oracle had only given vague details and the rest I had to learn on my own.

  God, I think I’m gonna puke! I thought frantically as I sat down my fork, unable to eat another bite.

  The Oracle reached over and clutched my hand tightly. I instantly felt soothed as visions danced across my mind. They were memories of my father and me. They were as clear as if I was watching them on a movie screen. Images of him training me to defend myself, starting when I was little and finishing a little over a year ago before he died. The last vision that came to me was one of me flipping Rafe over and slamming him to the ground before putting the blade of his sword against his neck. Then the memories faded to dark.

  “You see, you are a lot stronger than you realize.” The Oracle encouraged softly.

  I looked up at the magical faery in surprise, realizing it was the Oracle that had shown me the visions.

  “Yes, I see many things.” The Oracle said perceptively. “And I see this quest for the light of mankind succeeding as long as you believe in yourself. Remember that.” The Oracle finished, before releasing my hand.

  “Alright. I’ll try.” I said quietly.

  We finished breakfast and headed out to the front of the palace where we met Daegan. Some of the palace staff brought out satchels for each of us, filled with food and supplies for the long journey. Then Aviana, Yaron, and the Oracle gave us each a hug farewell.

  “What direction are we even supposed to go in?” I asked quickly, feeling anxiety make its way back through my body.

  “You must head towards Myrkur. That is where Hafgrim resides and remains protected. He has already dispatched parts of his army to regions of Empyrean to protect the sickness that is spreading here. You must stop them. If you succeed at getting past the first three gauntlets, it should lead you right to Myrkur and the final trial.” The Oracle instructed. “Now go. The journey ahead is long and arduous, so you mustn’t waste any more time.”

  Daegan kneeled down, and I swung my leg over his back. Rafe, Saffi, and Wakeley released their wings, ready to take flight. We all looked to the king, queen, and Oracle one last time before turning to head west. Back in the direction, I had started my initial journey with Daegan. Towards the point where the light of the sky ended, and the darkness began, off in the distance.

  “Good luck!” Aviana shouted at our backs.

  I turned back one last time to watch them, the palace, and the stunning city of trees fade away as Daegan took off at full speed with the faeries leading the way.


  We set up camp once night fell. It wasn’t too far past where Daegan and I had first met Rafe two nights before. The night sky was lit up once more with dancing lights and the foliage around us cast their colorful light. I recognized that the beauty of Hikari was an everyday occurrence, I wasn’t
so sure I was ready to find out what Myrkur was like if it was the exact opposite.

  To distract myself from my frightening thoughts, I searched through the satchel of supplies I had been given. Inside was a canteen filled with water, a pallet and blanket to sleep, a dagger, a bar of soap and some bread wrapped in cloth. I opened the canteen and drank gratefully from it.

  “Try not to drink too much. You never know when we’ll reach an area that has no water.” Rafe forewarned me.

  “Thanks for the heads up,” I said as I screwed the cap back on the canteen.

  Rafe had already killed a couple of rabbits with the bow and arrows he’d been given for our journey. Now he worked on starting the fire to cook our small meal. Daegan laid down next to me, and I leaned against the large unicorn tiredly. While Saffi and Wakeley took seats around the soon-to-be blazing bonfire.

  You okay? Daegan asked.

  Yeah, for now. Just tired. I answered honestly.

  Your body will get stronger each day, and you’ll get used to riding all day in no time. He assured me.

  I hadn’t asked everyone to stop and walk to give my body a break from riding because I didn’t want to be the one to slow us down. So I’d suffered in silence.

  Yeah, let’s hope that’s sooner than later because my butt feels like it’s gonna fall off! I inwardly groaned as I rubbed my hindquarters.

  Daegan chuckled deeply.

  Under Rafe’s coaxing, the fire came to life and shed more light and warmth on our camp. Rafe and Wakeley worked on putting the skinned rabbits on a spit. Once everything was ready and we awaited the cooked rabbits, we all sat around the fire in an awkward silence.

  I still had some questions, so I decided to break the quiet.

  “So…what did the Oracle mean when she said that you all had gifts of water, air, and earth? And does it have anything to do with your markings?” I began.


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