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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

Page 15

by Twyla Turner

  “Oh ho!!!” Valen burst out with laughter. “We’ve got a feisty one!” He said appreciatively.

  “You have no idea,” I said and glanced over at Immy, who was giving me the angry squinty eye. “But she has been a great help and asset to us on this journey.” I continued before she strangled me. I looked at her again, and she appeared only mildly pacified.

  “I like it!” Valen announced as he smiled down at her. “I enjoy being around women who stand up for themselves.” He winked at her.

  I frowned.

  “Anyway, I came to ask for a favor,” I spoke to draw his attention to me once more.

  “Anything, Rafe. Just say the word.” Valen volunteered before I could even ask. I tried to brush off my anger and jealousy. He really was a decent friend.

  “We may need the use of your army. I’m not exactly sure what we’ll be up against, but better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Not a problem. They’re yours.” He offered immediately. “Though…” he paused for effect. “I saw how you handled yourselves out there against the trolls. You’re okay, but I think you’d do well to get a little more training for battle from my expert fighters. If it wasn’t for my archers, I’m not so sure you would have made it out alive.” Valen surmised.

  “But I don’t think we have enough time to train. We have to get to Myrkur to stop Hafgrim before the sickness spreads.” I argued.

  “How will you help Empyrean or Earth if you’re dead?” Valen clapped me on the back. “You must train. But first, let’s celebrate your arrival.” He grinned at me.

  “Alright.” I conceded.

  “Let me show you to your rooms. And then, we’ll feast!” Valen offered and gestured for us to follow.

  “There sure are an awful lot of parties in this realm. Sheesh!” I heard Immy whisper softly to herself.

  I had a feeling that the ‘celebration’ as well as the extended stay to ‘train,’ was just a reason for Valen to get to know Immy. Not if I had anything to say about it.

  Chapter 22


  I didn’t know how to take the elf king. He was extremely handsome and charming, but his stare was so intense and laser focused and landed on me more often than not. Which made me twitchy. I was just barely getting used to the way Rafe stared at me sometimes. And though it appeared that Rafe and Valen were friends, Rafe seemed a little off after he introduced us to the elf king. Like he was in a bad mood.

  Guys never acted like this on Earth when I was around. Aiden showed me the slightest interest at one time, but he was easily swayed and distracted by Hailey. Like a dog with a stick and then a squirrel runs by. I didn’t have a clue what guys wanted. I’ve never even had a boyfriend or even a real kiss. Except for a quick peck on the lips in junior high because someone dared the boy to kiss the ‘ginger’. Meanwhile, so many of my classmates were already having sex. I shook my head, in confusion. I had no idea how guys’ minds worked, and I wasn’t going to figure out that mystery now. What I wanted to do now, was to take a moment to enjoy some much-needed solitude in my temporary bedroom.

  I stood in the middle of the room and looked around. The chambers I had stayed in at the faery castle had a warmth and coziness from the wood of the giant tree. Here in the elf castle, the room was made of stone, so they had to improvise. The walls were draped in tapestries with warm colors of gold, browns, dark greens and reds. On the floors laid giant rugs that felt soft and luxurious, even through my boots.

  I approached the massive rod-iron canopy bed. The mattress looked thick and soft with piles of luxurious blankets and pillow. White billowy sheers hung from the four posts. Everything about it seemed romantic and cozy. And I hadn’t slept in an actual bed in weeks. I took a few steps back and then took off at full speed, jumping at the last second. I landed in the middle of the bed, bouncing a few times and the metal of my armor clanked loudly. I laughed at myself and snuggled down into the covers. A knock at the door made me choke on a giggle, and I sat straight up in the bed.

  “Come in,” I called out, before remembering my hair. I knew it had to be all over my head, so I quickly swiped at it and tried to smooth it down as the door opened.

  An elf maid came into the room and curtsied, her arms loaded with clothing.

  “Hello, miss. I brought you a change of clothes for dinner this evening.” She said as she laid out the clothes on a chair in front of the blazing fireplace. “I’m also supposed to take the clothes you’re wearing to wash for you.”

  “Oh. Uh…sure. Thanks…uh…” I trailed off waiting for her name.

  “Oh, sorry! My name is Lisette, everyone calls me Lis.” She nodded.

  “Thanks, Lis.” I slid to the edge of the bed. “Um…do you think you could help me?” I asked as I twisted and turned, trying to reach for the clasps to my armor.

  “Of course!” She came over to free me from my protective outer shell.

  Once Lis was done, she showed me the adjoining bathroom where I could bathe later. She left the bathroom for a moment to let me change out of my dirty clothes and into a fluffy robe that hung in the bathroom. I gave her the dirty items, and then she told me to ring, pointing to a rope near the door that was attached to a bell if I needed anything else. She informed me that dinner would be served in about three hours and that she’d be back in two to help me get ready. When she was done making sure I was comfortable, she swept out of the room, leaving me alone once more.

  As soon as the door closed, I walked over the bed and climbed onto the comfy mattress where I promptly passed out, with my robe still on.


  A knock at the door woke me a few hours later. It startled me at first, making me think I was late to dinner. I hopped out of bed and ran to the door, opening it wide. My eyes practically bulged out of my head when I saw that it was Rafe and not the maid. I was basically wearing nothing but a robe that was gaping open, showing off quite a bit of skin.

  His eyes traveled from my wild bedhead, down to my toes. He swallowed audibly, and I finally snapped out of my stupor. I let out a little yelp, clutched my robe together, and swung the door closed till it covered my body and he could only see my face through the small crack. Though the damage was already done and I could feel heat spread up my neck and face, into the roots of my hair. I was so embarrassed. But I felt something else too. The hungry look in his eyes sent heat straight to my nether regions and I felt a dampness there, I don’t recall ever feeling before.

  “I…uh…I’m sorry, Immy.” Rafe shook his head as if he was trying to clear his mind. His imprints turned to indigo and pink tinged his cheeks, showing his embarrassment at the situation as well. “I-I just came to see if you’re doing okay. You were pretty shaken up earlier, and I didn’t get a chance to talk to you before we got here and then taken to our rooms.”

  “I’m okay. I just woke up from a nap, so I feel much better now.” I peeked at him through the crack in the door.

  “Oh…good.” He responded, obviously unsure of what to say next.

  “Well, now that I’m up, I guess I should start getting ready for dinner,” I said to try and end the awkward conversation.

  “Oh, of course! Sorry.” Rafe took a step back from the door. “I won’t keep you. Um…see you in about an hour.”

  “Alright.” I started to close the door as Rafe turned on his heel. “Rafe?”

  He turned back quickly, “Yeah?”

  “Thanks for checking on me. I appreciate that.” I looked down at the floor bashfully.

  “You’re welcome, Immy.” He said softly before turning and walking down the hall.

  I closed the door and collapsed against it. I fanned my flushed face. Will dealing with guys ever get easier?! I sighed and pushed off of the door to head to the bathroom.


  Once Lis was finished with me, I stepped out of my bedroom into the hallway. A few doors down Saffi and Rae came out of their rooms too. The fashion throughout Hikari seemed to be pretty much the same. The Victorian vibe w
ith modern edges. The only difference was that the dwarves wore earth tones and the elves chose more muted and sedate colors than the vibrant and bright colors the faeries chose.

  My dress was a dark blood red. It had a corset built inside of it. The bodice fit like a second skin and had a row of buttons that went all the up to my neck to a short straight collar. The long sleeves came down to my knuckles and had holes to put my thumbs through. Three thick, black leather straps accentuated the thick inward curve of my waist and the flare of my hips. The skirt on the dress was short and ruffled. To keep the look modest, I wore fitted black leather pants with short black ankle booties. I felt that all I needed was a whip and a top hat, and I’d be the ringmaster at a circus.

  Saffi and Rae wore similar ensembles in colors that matched their markings. Saffi in white and Rae in a deep purple.

  Lis had manipulated my hair into pretty coiling ringlets all over my head. Then to give it a more sophisticated look, she pinned one side back with a matching, dark red bejeweled hair clip. I told her that I didn’t want to be bothered with a lot of makeup. So instead, she just gave me a dark red lip and some Empyrean version of mascara to accent my almost invisible red lashes and left the rest of my face bare.

  “Hey,” I said shyly to the other two.

  “Hey, Immy. You look beautiful!” Saffi exclaimed.

  “Yes, you do.” Rae agreed.

  “Thanks.” I felt my face flush. “So do both of you. I think Wakeley will be pleased when he sees you, Rae.” I knew that Wakeley had a thing for Rae and apparently so did she for him. If the blush that crept up her face was any indication.

  “Well, what about you. I’m sure Rafe and Valen will be salivating once they get a look at you.” Saffi teased me.

  “What? No way!” I denied, looking down at the floor, unable to meet their eyes.

  “Please don’t tell me, you haven’t noticed?” Saffi asked incredulously.

  “I don’t understand guys.” I shrugged. “They say one thing, but will act another way. The guy I liked on Earth said that he liked me, but turned against me and then stuck his tongue down my ex-best friend’s throat, among other things, the first chance he got. So, I refuse to get my hopes up anymore.”

  “Well, as far as faeries go, it’s pretty straightforward.” Saffi started to explain, switching to professor mode. “We just feel it. And I’ve known Rafe my whole life. He’s had no interest in any of the girls, which was weird because we always have a match, a lifemate, and none of the faery girls were his.”

  “But I’m human. Do you normally intermix species on Empyrean?” I asked doubtfully.

  “Well no, but the situation with you is different. You’re the first human to come to Empyrean, so there must be something different about you.” Saffi thought out loud and looked to Rae for backup. The quiet purple faery nodded her head in agreement. “Let me ask you this. When he touches you, have you ever seen Rafe’s imprints pulsate as they change colors from light to dark, and back again?”

  “Uh… Oh, yeah!” Two separate images of him popped up in my mind. “I vaguely remember them doing that the night of the celebration with the dwarves and then they did it again when we were talking earlier today, right before the trolls attacked us.”

  Saffi nodded, “I thought so. That’s what we call a soul surge.”

  “Soul surge?” I repeated.

  “Yes. As a faery, when you touch your match. Your lifemate. Or soul mate as you call it on Earth. You get a kind of zap and then your imprints will undulate and change colors. But only when you’re ready. Two lifemates could grow up together, and they won’t have a soul surge until they’re of age and ready to be mated for life.” Saffi finished.

  I blinked a few times, stunned into silence.

  “Imogen?” Rae asked in concern.

  “So…you mean to tell me that Rafe is my soul mate? Or lifemate, or whatever?” I said slowly as if I were testing the words on my tongue.

  “It looks to be that way.” Saffi nodded and smiled at me.


  “Ladies. Ladies! Dinner is about to begin. We must not keep the king waiting.” An elf man interrupted our conversation and ushered us down the hall.

  I still had so many questions. How can that be when I’m human, and he’s a faery? If I’m his soul mate, why do you think the elf king is interested? Can elves not sense those things? And does it mean that I can stay in Empyrean if we win the war? Or is it possible that all that’s going on, with the war and me being the first human sent here, that maybe Rafe’s soul surge is out of whack?

  The questions tumbled through my mind like clothes in a dryer, though I didn’t have time to ask them. The three of us were escorted into the grand stone dining hall. The guys were already there waiting for us. They were freshly groomed and handsome in their evening wear. Rafe in dark midnight blue, Wakeley in forest green, and Valen a deep gold that matched his eyes and tips of his locks. Other guests filled up the large room as well, and all eyes appeared to be on us as we walked across to the main table.

  I watched as Rae walked over to the empty chair next to Wakeley. I had noticed that they seemed to be growing closer to each other as the days passed, and I wanted to observe this soul surge/lifemate theory. As Wakeley held out her seat, they brushed hands, and I saw her imprints ripple and turn from lavender to plum and back again. Just as his turned from a pale pastel to hunter green. It was as if their souls were silently greeting each other. The looks they gave each other alone, would have been enough evidence that they were in love. But the soul surge that Saffi had described solidified it. They were lifemates.

  Valen sat at the head of the table. The chair to his left was empty, and Rafe sat next to it. They both stood as Saffi, and I approached. I felt Valen’s eyes on me as he pulled out the empty chair on his right for Saffi. Rafe pulled out my chair, and his hand brushed mine. Once more, I watched as his imprints rippled and changed colors. Crap! What does this mean?! For me? For us?

  The palace staff placed plates of food in front of us, and it smelled delicious. It had been weeks since we’d had a big feast. Mainly surviving off of bread and small unseasoned meat, from animals that could be easily hunted. After everyone had taken a few bites, Valen put down his fork and looked at me for several uncomfortable moments. Getting a little irritated with his constant staring, I put my fork down and stared right back.

  “So, Imogen.” He paused to gather his thoughts. “I hear that your father was a General in the American Army and taught you how to fight. Is that right?”

  Before I could answer, I felt Rafe reach under the table to clasp my hand. Probably his way of telling me not to lose it on our host.

  “Yes, that’s right,” I answered. “Why?”

  “I can’t wait to see what you’re made of.” He leaned in closer to me, and I fought the urge to pull back at the challenge in his eyes. “Rafe tells me that the first time you both met, you disarmed him and put a sword to his throat. If you really have that much fire in you, you have the potential to be a fierce opponent. So I’m excited for tomorrow.” Valen finished, grinning brightly as he leaned back in his high-backed chair.


  “Yes, the beginning of your training.” He leaned close again. “So enjoy tonight and eat up. You’ll need your strength. Though a young lady with your…physique is always a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield and in your personal life. A warrior and a…companion, if you will.” He winked at me.

  I felt Rafe tense up next to me, and I could’ve sworn I heard him growl.

  “Uh…thanks? I think.”

  “Oh, it was a compliment, to be sure. And you’re very welcome.” Valen smirked.


  After dinner, Valen took me on a tour of the great stone castle. Rafe had looked torn between trying to force Valen to let him come along or just ripping the elf king’s head right off of his shoulders. In the end, he went with option C. Which consisted of him stomping off to sulk, God only knew whe

  I walked with the elf king through twisting and turning halls and passageways. Then he led me to a door made of solid stone. An elaborate mural was chiseled into the solid door. Valen stepped in front of the door, he placed his hand on the carved picture, and he pushed. The piece he pushed, what looked like a chest filled with treasure, made something inside the wall click, and the door slid open.

  We stepped inside of the dark room and two flames on either side of the room near the door flickered to life. Valen guided me further into the room and more flames in sconces against the wall sparked. As if they were motion sensored. As the room filled with the soft lighting, I could finally see. And what I saw made my eyes nearly bulged out of my skull.

  The room was long. Football field length, with one narrow pathway down the center. On either side was more treasure than a person could spend in a lifetime. Gold coins, jewelry in all the precious metals, adorned with equally precious stones.

  I had no idea why Valen was showing me all of it. He hadn’t tried to hide the way to the treasure room, nor had he hidden the way to open the door. It was like he was inviting me to take the goods and run. Or maybe he was just trying to impress me.

  “Wow!” It was the only thing I could think of to say.

  “You know, this will all go to my queen when I find her.” Valen looked down at me, meaningfully.

  To impress me. I nodded internally.

  “Well, she’ll be one lucky girl,” I said off-handedly, not willing to put myself in the position of possible queen.

  As my eyes roamed over the extensive fortune, they landed on something at the end of the room. At the end of the pathway, in a place of importance in the middle of the wall with a light shining down on it, was a sword. A golden sword. A sword that seemed to match my armor and shield. As if drawn to it, I walked towards the weapon without a word.


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