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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

Page 28

by Twyla Turner

  “Uh, you can call me Imogen. None of that mistress stuff. It’s weird.” I suggested.

  “Yes, Imogen.” Kaapo nodded.

  “Alright. I guess our job here is done.” I looked over at the charred remains of Hafgrim.

  My sword still protruded from his chest. As I stared at it, it started to glow red and vibrate just slightly. I reached out my hand, and it shot out of the burnt centaur and flew straight to my hand. Hafgrim’s ashes crumbled as if the blade had been what was holding it all together.

  “Let’s go.” I turned away from the pile of ashes with the weight of the world finally off of my shoulders. Literally. “Can you lead us out of here?” I asked the dragons.

  “Of course,” Naia said.

  The dragons spread their wings and pushed off of the stone floor. They flew up towards the chained dome ceiling and then blasted it with flames, melting the chains and creating an opening for us to fly through.

  I looked at my friends, and they nodded at me. The six of us took off and flew up through the ceiling. The dragons waited for us up above. We looked to the east, to Hikari. My breath caught, and I had to blink back tears. Dawn had just broke in the northern sky. Clouds in colors of pink, orange, red and yellow streaked the sky. And the point where light and dark met in the sky, a rainbow arced through the middle, connecting the two sides.

  Rafe gripped my hand, and I glanced over at him.

  “You did that, Immy. You saved our worlds.” He smiled at me.

  “We did it.” I corrected him. “I would’ve never done it without all of you.” I looked at each of my friends and the dragons.

  Rafe gave my hand a squeeze. “Let’s go home.”

  I smiled at him and then we headed out of darkness, into the light.

  Chapter 42


  We flew over the rock wall that Wakeley had raised, separating dark from light. The elfin army kept their promise and was still there, awaiting our return. I watched as the army scrambled, grabbing whatever weapons they could find. I didn’t blame them considering as we flew towards them, we were flanked on either side and behind us by dragons. I’m sure it didn’t look like the greatest scenario in the least.

  The archers lined up and prepared to release their arrows at the dragons. Possibly even us, if we had turned our backs on the light.

  “Stop,” Immy said to us, and we all halted and hovered above the water of Mermaid Cove. “Rafe, come with me and we’ll go talk to them before they shoot us up like pincushions.”

  “I’m ready when you are, boss.” I winked at her. She was adorable when she took charge.

  We flew down to Valen and his army.

  Valen walked towards us cautiously. “Brother?” He said suspiciously, uncertain whether I was really me or not. If he only knew. I prayed I never had to relinquish control over my body again. “What’s going on? And why are you with dragons?”

  “We won, Valen.” I walked forward and greeted him with the customary Hikari handshake and the tension in the elf eased a bit. “Immy defeated them by using their own dragons.”

  Valen glanced at Imogen. His eyes widened in surprise at her new faery appearance. I could see his eyes roam over her imprints and linger on her wings.

  “Wow! Lookin’ good, Imogen!” Valen grinned happily. “Glad to see you finally found who you really are.”

  “Thanks, Valen.” Immy flushed prettily, before gesturing for the others that it was safe to come down.

  “So the Fire Faery has returned and with her, for the first time ever, combined forces with dark ones? Bringing them to the light?” Valen remarked, fascinated as he watched the other faeries, Daegan and the dragons land a few feet away. “Impressive.”

  “She was magnificent.” I agreed, and Immy’s caramel cheeks flushed with pink and her imprints darkened to a deep red.

  “Enough about me.” She waved the compliments away. “Thank you for everything, Valen. For the use of your army. For teaching me swordplay. I’m really grateful.” Immy said sincerely.

  “It was my pleasure, Imogen. But aren’t you forgetting one other thing?” Valen grinned slyly.


  “It was me that finally got this guy…” He stuck his thumb at me. “…jealous enough to make a move.”

  I rolled my eyes at Valen and Immy giggled.

  “Oh! That thing.” She nodded her head in understanding. “Yes, thank you for that, too.”

  Valen opened his arms in invitation, and Immy stepped towards him to give him a hug. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he squeezed her a little tighter.

  “Alright. Alright. That’s enough.” I pulled them apart and gave Valen a warning look. “No need to manhandle my girl.”

  Valen held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, it was just one last hug before we go. She’s a beautiful girl. Can you blame me?” He winked at Immy.

  “Easily.” I gave him a look that said he wasn’t fooling me. I grabbed his forearm and shook it once. “Thanks, brother. It was good to fight alongside you.” We released arms and tapped our chests with our fists.

  “Definitely. Hopefully, we won’t have to do it again anytime soon, though. But if we do, I wouldn’t want to fight alongside anyone else. Well, maybe Immy.” He smiled brightly.

  I shoved him, and we both laughed.


  We said our goodbyes to the mermaids and the rest of the elfin army. Then we flew the short distance to Unicris. Once more we had to calm the unicorns’ nerves when they saw our new companions. Now, Immy was saying her goodbyes to her best friend.

  “When am I going to see you again?” Immy asked Daegan. Her eyes were glassy with tears.

  He stood next to Kaya and his parents. I could see the pride in his stance. Not because he was finally accepted by his kind. But because he knew who he was and knew his worth. No matter his differences, he was special, and he was proud of it. He and Immy had a lot in common, in that way.

  “Probably sooner than you think. We both have wings, you know? We can fly to see each other whenever we want.” He gave her a silly horsey grin.

  “It’s gonna be so weird, not seeing you every day.” She admitted.

  “I know.” The smile fell from his face. It was obvious that he wasn’t taking the separation as well as he let on.

  Immy stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around his long neck. She spoke softly to him, though I could still hear her.

  “You were the first to believe in me since my parents died. That means the world to me.” Silent tears fell down her cheeks as she hugged him tightly.

  “You were the first to ever believe in me. So I think we’re pretty even.” Daegan closed his eyes and leaned his head into her.

  Immy pulled back and give the black unicorn a watery smile.

  “I’ll come see you next week to see how you’ve settled into your new life in Faerien City,” Daegan informed her.

  “That would be great, Daegan. I’m looking forward to it already,” she said.

  I could tell that she was happy and breathed easier knowing she would see her friend soon. I could see how much they meant to each other, and I vowed to myself that I would make sure they saw each other frequently in the future.

  Immy placed both hands on either side of Daegan’s cheeks. She leaned down and kissed his nose. “Bye.”

  “Bye, Immy.”

  Daegan nodded and said goodbye to the rest of us. Then we shot up into the air, headed to our home.

  Chapter 43


  The terrain that my human body took weeks to cover, only took two days with wings. We only had to stop one night. So we decided to stop in Dwarfinburg to see how the dwarves were doing. It hadn’t been that surprising to see half of their homes already rebuilt. They were resourceful people. And it touched my heart just a little that they trusted me, us, to win the war for light and start rebuilding before they even heard the news of our victory.

  After we introduced them to the dragons and they cal
med down, of course, a celebration was in order. Just as before, the dwarf festivities lasted well into the night, and we didn’t get the full night’s rest we had needed for the last leg of our journey home. But this time around, I avoided the dwarf brewed ale.

  When morning broke, we got up and said our farewells to the dwarves, with promises of visits in the near future. We sped through Hikari lands, anxious to get to Faerien City. Now evening was fast approaching as the sprawling woodland city came into view.

  That feeling of home washed over me. This time, I understood why. Faerien City was home for me. It had once been my dad’s home, and now it was mine. I felt so happy I could burst. All was right with the world, and it had been a long time since anything had felt right for me. I still missed my parents so much it hurt. But the pain was bearable now. I knew that they were together and happy in heaven or Elysium. And I’d finally found my place and my person.

  I looked over at Rafe, and he smiled at me as we dove down to fly through the tree buildings. The faeries going about their evening in the city saw us and were about to cheer for our homecoming, but then stopped in mid-celebration at the sight of the dragons. Shock and fear replaced their looks of joy and relief that we were back, safe and sound.

  We landed in front of the tree palace steps. Behind us, I could see all the faeries in the city gathering in the town square. The same place where our going away party had taken place, weeks before.

  Someone must have alerted the king and queen because the massive double doors to the palace opened and out walked Yaron and Aviana with the Oracle. The five of us bowed respectfully, and the king and queen smiled brightly at us, but I watched as their smile wavered at the sight of the six dragons with us. The Oracle didn’t look phased. But then again, she wouldn’t. She probably knew it would happen.

  “Mother. Father.” Rafe bowed his head and addressed them formally. “We have returned with great news.”

  “Are you sure?” Aviana said, glancing at the dragons.

  I stepped forward to explain since it was my fault that they were with us.

  “Your highnesses,” I began awkwardly. “I’m the reason the dragons are with us. Hafgrim and the reign of darkness have been defeated.” I had to pause as the crowd burst out in a deafening shout of victory. I smiled brightly before continuing. “But to do that, I had to use the dragons. They switched loyalties and now are under my command. They had nowhere else to go, so I thought they could come with us and possibly provide protection if we need it.” I finished.

  “Imogen, how lovely you have become.” The faery queen complimented me and I felt a flush creep up my cheeks. “And not because you’ve become a faery. But because of your confidence and knowledge of self. You look absolutely radiant.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.” I bowed my head shyly.

  “Oh, you know you don’t have to be so formal. Aviana will do just fine.” She corrected me.

  “As long as the dragons won’t bring any harm to the faeries or our city, they are very welcome to stay,” Yaron announced, bringing attention back to the matter at hand.

  The six dragons bowed their heads. Kaapo, who I was quickly realizing, was the leader of the six, spoke to Yaron. “I vow that we will protect your kingdom till our last fiery breath, highness.” His deep raspy voice filled the square.

  “That settles it then,” Yaron smiled happily. “Tonight, we celebrate light’s victory over darkness!” He shouted out, and a loud cheer went up through the crowd.

  As everyone chattered happily, Rafe took my hand and walked up the front steps for a more informal greeting with his parents and the Oracle. The three of them stopped and stared at us, smiles spreading across their faces. I wasn’t sure what they were smiling about, and then I looked over at Rafe and saw his imprints rippling and changing color from my touch. I looked down at my arm, and mine were going haywire as well. The soul surge.

  My palms immediately began to sweat. It wasn’t every day that I had to explain to a boy’s parents that I was his soulmate. I wasn’t sure if the fact that I was half human or even that I was black would sway their feelings. I had faced rock giants, crusty trolls, creepy gryphons and frightening dragons; and yet my body trembled with the fear that the love of my life’s parents would be unhappy with me.

  “You can’t imagine how thrilled we are that you’ve finally soul surged with someone!” Aviana exclaimed.

  “I-” I began to explain myself before my brain registered what the faery queen had said.

  Before I could get out another word, I was engulfed in an excited and warm hug.

  “Now I have a daughter!” Rafe’s mother squeezed me tightly, and I felt the tension drain from my body. She pulled back and gripped my shoulders as she held me at arms-length. “I was so worried he would never find someone. He didn’t seem to take a liking to any of the faery girls. I was afraid he would end up alone.” Aviana pulled me in again for another hug.

  I looked over to Yaron, and he grinned at us. His eyes crinkled with joy as well. He slapped his hand against Rafe’s back and then pulled him in for a hug.

  “It looks as if we’ll be celebrating more than just our victory. Am I right?” The faery king raised an inquiring blond eyebrow.

  “Yes, father. That is if it’s okay with Immy?” He turned to look at me. “I don’t want to make the same mistake I did when we were in Unicris.”

  “I don’t understand.” I furrowed my brow in confusion.

  “We’re talking about a unity rite.” The queen started and then continued at my blank stare. “It’s kind of like a wedding ceremony on Earth. We can combine the two celebrations.” She turned to the king. “Yaron, if you and Rafe can announce the festivities, we girls have to get ready. Come. Let’s get prepared!” The queen burst out as she grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her, pulling me into the palace.


  I had no time to think before I was ushered into one of the bedrooms in the main tree of the palace. I was promptly dunked into a bathtub. After I washed my body and hair, I was then pulled out of the relaxing bath and briskly dried. There wasn’t even time for modesty as the faery maids tended to me.

  I was practically poured into a voluminous princess dress. It was corseted and flared out like a three-tiered bell. It was white and melted into a bright red at the bottom. They slipped my hands and arms into red gloves. Then they manipulated my wild curls into a messy side bun with a few tendrils escaping to frame my face. At my request, they went light on the makeup and in the end, my face glowed. My eyes appeared huge and sparkling, and my lips looked plump and red.

  Aviana swept into the room with barely a knock and gasped at the finished product. She walked around me a few times and gushed over my appearance.

  “You look absolutely stunning, Imogen!” The Queen approved.

  “Thank you, Aviana,” I responded bashfully. “You look really beautiful, too.”

  And she did. She wore purple to match her imprints. Her dress was elaborate but elegant. Her dark tresses with purple highlights were swept up in a fancy up do.

  “Is everything done in a rush around here?” I asked nervously. “And are unity rites usually thrown together this quickly?”

  “For the most part,” Aviana grinned and patted my hand reassuringly. “You’ll learn that we faeries get things done very quickly. And as far as unity rites go. Once a faery couple comes of age and soul surges with each other, there is no point in waiting. Once it happens, that’s it. They are lifemates for…well…life. There will be no other. There will be no doubts. There will be no changing minds. So there’s no need to wait and see if you’ll still like each other a year from now. You were made for each other. There’s nothing more constant than that.” She cupped my cheek as she finished. “Does that make sense?”

  “Complete,” I said as I thought of Rafe and how I felt about him.

  “Though I have a feeling with your two elements being complete opposites, your relationship will never be dull. Fire and water.
What a combination.” She winked at me.

  “You have no idea,” I said as I thought about the fights we’d had so far since we’d known each other. As well as the passion between us. It would make for an interesting life.

  “Are you ready?”

  I took a deep breath, “Apparently, I was born ready.”

  The queen beamed at me, and we walked out of the room together. Towards my future.

  Chapter 44


  The entire population of Faerien City showed up for the festivities in the city square. I stood at the top of the palace stairs, nervously waiting for Immy. I was anxious and ecstatic, all rolled into one big ball of nerves.

  I had been bathed and groomed within an inch of my life. My pants and shirt were white, but my jacket and boots were a deep royal blue to match my coloring. As I looked out into the crowd, they too were in their finest and looked impeccable. It was the biggest celebration we’d had in decades. So long ago, that I hadn’t been born yet. It was had been my parents’ unity rite. This time, though, we were celebrating our victory in the war, our union as lifemates, and the return of the fire faery. This party was going to be epic.

  Just then, the double doors of the palace opened, pulling me from my thoughts. Immy stood before me, stunning in white and red. Her butterscotch skin glowed. Her imprints were a dark red, displaying the depths of her feelings at the moment.

  I walked over to take her hand and lead her to the top of the stairs so everyone could see her. I couldn’t have been prouder to call her my lifemate. She was stunning in every way.

  As our hands touched both of our imprints undulated hypnotically. Our soul surge on display for the entire city to see. Immy kept her eyes on me, probably to keep from freaking out at being the center of attention.

  “I swear it’ll be really quick,” I whispered to her. “My dad will say a few words, the crowd will answer, and that’ll be it,” I assured her and rubbed my thumb across the top of her hand in soothing circles.


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