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Asgar - Drogon General: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 3)

Page 9

by T. J. Quinn

  Feeling his rough tongue on her clit was incredible. She couldn’t compare that sensation with nothing else, but it was almost enough to take her over the edge.

  She struggled to hold back the powerful orgasm she could feel building inside her, determined to enjoy all he could give her, but when he started to suck and lick her, she was lost. Sweeping waves crashed over her, throwing her into a turmoil of pleasure and bliss that took her out of this world.

  Asgar knew the exact moment she came for him. Pleased, he pulled her even closer to him, spreading her legs wide as he rested his cock on her entrance, and pushed himself deep inside her with a single thrust.

  Despite his size, she was so wet, he was able to slide inside her with almost no effort, and soon, he was pounding her hard, tying her fading orgasm with the new one he was conjuring for them.

  At some point, he pulled it out and flipped her over, getting her on all four, before he slid his hard cock back inside her, ripping a sob of sheer pleasure from Sasha. In this position, he was able to go so much deeper inside her, and it created a whole new bunch of feelings and sensations that were new to her.

  Lost in the pleasure he was giving her, with every single thrust, she didn’t realize his fingers had found her rear entrance, not until he slid one of them inside her dripping pussy and took it there, pressing it gently in.

  She tensed up. She had never been fond of anal sex. In fact, she had never engaged in it. It had always seemed painful and a bit disgusting.

  She tried to pull away from the intruder. “No… what are you doing?” she mumbled.

  His other hand kept her still, as he pushed his finger deeper inside her. Aided by her own fluids, his finger slipped easily in.

  “Hush, Sasha…” he asked her. “Please me and relax for me. I assure you, you’ll enjoy it,” his finger was deep inside her, and the feeling was like nothing she had expected. He was drawing circles with his finger, stretching her entrance gently while his cock still throbbed inside her tight pussy.

  Combining his thrusts inside her pussy with the ones in her tight little hole, he slowly took her back to that fantastic world where only sensations and feeling mattered. Soon he had her lost again in the swirls of pleasure and bliss she didn’t notice he had pushed a second finger inside her.

  It didn’t take them much to have their passion unleashed into a strong, powerful orgasm again, amongst moans and growls, sobs and grunts, until they collapsed over the chair.

  Some time later, she wasn’t able to say if seconds, minutes, or hours later, he kissed her buttocks and slid his fingers out of her tight passage.

  “Was it so bad?” he asked, whispering in her ear.

  “No… it wasn’t,” she admitted, scowling, though there was a naughty shine on her eyes.

  “I want to have you every way I can,” he said, depositing tiny kisses in her lips.

  “Why should I let you?” she asked, but she now knew he would be able to convince her to go to hell with him. She was that hooked on him.

  “Because you know I’ll only give you pleasure and bliss.” There wasn’t a hint of doubt in his tone, and she believed him.

  He had proved that to her so far.

  She moaned, suddenly too tired for much more.

  He chuckled and getting up, he picked her in his arms and carried her to the bathroom on the side of the pool. In just a few seconds, they were under the warm stream of the shower, washing away the remains of their pleasure.

  Invigorated by the quick bath, Sasha felt hungry.

  “Time to eat. You have an amazing ability to drain my energy, and I need to reload it,” she said as she slid on a clean tunic.

  He chuckled, getting dress as well. “I’m glad I have that effect on you. It means I’m not the only one affected,” he said. “Food will be here in just a few minutes.”

  “Perfect. Do you think we could have something other than meat and vegetables?” she asked, scowling. “After a while, it gets a bit boring.”

  He frowned. Apparently, their food was as boring as the rest of their lives. “I’m not sure they prepare something else.”

  “Let’s go check. You can read the menu for me,” she insisted.

  “Yes, I can do that for you,” he nodded and guided her back to the kitchen.

  There, they went through the menu, and she found out they had something quite similar to pasta, with meat. But at least, it had pasta and even cereal that looked like puffed rice. She asked for them both, and they tasted really good.

  Of course, she would love a pizza or even a cheeseburger, but so far, she hadn’t seen anything similar to any of those.

  After they had eaten, he took her to bed, but not to her bed. He wanted her in his bed, imprinting her head’s mark in his pillow, impregnating his sheets with her scent. He wanted all of her.

  They spent the whole night making love, so it wasn’t a surprise that when they finally opened their eyes, the sun was high in the sky.

  That actually became a normal thing for them in the days that followed. It was a good thing Asgar had asked those days off, to give Sasha his full attention. He would take her out during the day, to show her around the city and then, they would spend the whole night making love.

  A week later, they woke up late once more, just to find out they had a visitor and she was standing at the opened the door to his room.

  “Asgar!” the woman’s shout woke them up.

  Startled and still half asleep, Sasha pulled the bed covers over her naked body as Asgar did the same, muttering a few curses while doing it.

  “Mother… haven’t you learned never to walk into a man’s room like that?” he grumbled, but Sasha only heard the first word.

  Mother? This woman was his mother? Heat flooded her cheeks, and she pulled the covers higher, trying to hide from such an uncomfortable situation.

  “You’re my son,” was her answer.

  “Can you please wait for us in the living room? You’re embarrassing Sasha,” he replied, obviously upset with his mother’s unashamed reaction.

  “Yes, I guess I could do that. Don’t make me wait,” she demanded as she walked out of the room.

  Asgar immediately hopped out of bed, and Sasha followed him.

  “Sorry about that. I should have expected her visit. Eirik has never been able to keep a secret,” he said as he quickly put on the tunic he picked up from the floor.

  “It’s alright,” she assured him, as she grabbed her own tunic. “I’ll be in my room. Let me know when she leaves,” she added, heading to the connecting door.

  “What? Don’t even think about that. She’s here to meet you, believe me. If you don’t come out, she’ll go get you,” he warned her.

  “But…” she protested.

  “No but. Take a quick shower and meets us in the living room. That’s as long as I can keep her away from you,” he assured as he left the room.

  Sasha watched him leave; still not sure meeting them was a wise thing to do, especially after what she had just seen.

  With a sigh, she headed to her own shower, determined not to be surprised naked again.

  “Mother… I guess Eirik couldn’t keep his mouth shut,” Asgar said as he joined his mother in the living room.

  The woman was standing at the window and quickly turned around to face his middle son.

  “When were you telling me you had found your soulmate?” she spurted out, ignoring his words.

  He let out a sigh and ran a hand down his hair. His mother still had the ability to make him feel he was nothing but a bratty kid.

  “Brynjar asked…” he started to explain, though he was sure she wasn’t accepting that excuse. For her, the King was just one more of her children, since he had spent a significant part of his life going in and out of Asgar’s home.

  “I’m your mother. You should have told me this the minute you found her,” she scolded him. “Having three of my children mated is a blessing I had lost hope achieving.”

  “Four, if y
ou count Brynjar,” he admitted.

  The happiness in his mother’s face was impossible to describe. “Oh, God… this is actually happening… we’re going to find a way around this situation,” she said, closing the distance between them and hugging her son, tight.

  “We still have a lot to achieve, but yes, I believe we finally found our path,” he replied, hugging her back.

  They stayed like that for a few seconds before she stepped aside. “Well, where is she? I want to meet her?” she demanded, just like he knew she would.

  “She’s in the shower, but she’ll be right out,” he informed, picking one of his mother’s hands. “She doesn’t know she’s my soulmate. Brynjar thought it was better not telling them, so you’ll respect his wish.”

  “Can’t she tell?” a frown settled in his mother’s forehead.

  “No, she can’t. She’s not a drogon, remember? She doesn’t have our instinct,” he pointed out.

  “Yes, I know… but she should feel something…” she wasn’t convinced.

  “I’m sure she does, but she hasn’t shared those feelings with me, and you’re not asking, at least, not for now,” he warned her.

  “Oh, alright… I won’t tell her anything. But I still want to meet her,” she accepted.

  “I know, and you will. Just behave yourself.”

  “Don’t I always?”

  A dark look was all of Asgar’s answer. His mother was quite the character, and the last thing he needed was for her to scare Sasha away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After the shower, Sasha put on one of those suits his people seemed to like so much and finally went out to the living room to meet his mother. She had no idea why the woman would want to meet her, but she doubted she would be able to escape that situation.

  “Ah, Sasha, there you are,” he said when he saw her walk in. They were still standing, clearly waiting for her. “Allow me to introduce you to my mother, Oydis. Mother, this is Sasha O’Donnell, from planet Earth.”

  “You have no idea how pleased I am to finally meet you,” the woman said with a wide smile. “Your species represent a burst of hope for us.”

  “So we have been told,” Sasha nodded, still having trouble to believe that story. So far, she hadn’t seen the first soulmate.

  “What do you think about our planet? Do you think you can be happy here?” the other woman asked, ignoring the obvious doubt in Sasha’s tone.

  “It’s too early to tell, but it’s a lovely place,” she said, in an uncompromising tone, not willing to antagonize the woman.

  “Actually, she thinks we are a very boring planet. She doesn’t seem to understand why there’s no color in our cities and our clothing,” Asgar commented, with a scowl.

  “Asgar!” she shouted, flustered.

  “She’s absolutely right about that. The other day I was helping a couple with their child, from a neighbor planet, and they showed me some pictures of their city and believe me, it’s way more attractive to the eyes than ours is. It’s colorful and full of life,” his mother said, surprising them. “I guess we’ve dedicated way too much time on the pragmatic side of things and forgot how to make them look nice as well.”

  “That’s exactly my point,” Sasha agreed, with a pleased smile. “This city has so much potential that I have a hard time accepting it the way it is.”

  “You should discuss this with Brynjar,” she suggested. “Perhaps he’ll listen to you.”

  Sasha snorted. “The king is not a big fan of me right now,” she explained. “But that’s a long story. Asgar told me you’re a pediatrician.”

  “Yes, I am. Most women on this planet don’t work out of their homes, but I guess I was always a bit of a rebel.” The other woman explained with an amused chuckle. “I even made Asgar’s father wait for me much longer than usual. I had wanted a taste of freedom before I settled down as his wife and soulmate,” she added.

  “If he’s anything like Asgar I’m sure that wasn’t easy,” Sasha pointed out, with an amused scowl.

  Oydis let out a loud laugh. “Oh, it wasn’t. It was very hard to resist him and ignore all of his promises when I wanted him as much as he wanted me,” she recalled. “But at the end, I believe that time made us stronger as a couple, and we have been able to maintain that same passion we shared when we were young still alive.”

  “That’s amazing,” Sasha had met very few people able to say that. Her parents weren’t some of them.

  “Two of my children have found their soulmates and have turned us into proud grandparents. But I still have faith the rest of them will find their other half as well. Your arrival it’s a sign we’re closer to having that than we ever thought possible.”

  The idea of Asgar finding a soulmate felt like a punch straight to her stomach, but Sasha managed to hide her feelings as quickly as possible. She didn’t want his mother to notice her interest in him.

  Apparently, she knew they were lovers, but there was no need for her to know she had fallen for him as well.

  “Mother, will you join us for our meal? We’re starving,” Asgar said, changing the topic. Apparently, he didn’t want to discuss the soulmate thing either.

  “Yes, of course, I thought you would never ask,” she agreed, walking to the kitchen. “But I’ll order it. You tend to ask for the same food all the time.”

  “Sure, go ahead. Sasha has protested about that as well,” he said with a self-deprecating smile.

  “I’m sure she did. I can see she’s an intelligent woman.” The other woman said, winking and eye at Sasha.

  The food was delicious and very different to what Asgar usually ordered. Sasha took notes of that food and asked his mother for some other dishes, determined to have something more than just meat and vegetables.

  When Oydis finally left, Sasha felt she could easily become her friend. Despite the age difference, Asgar’s mother was pretty much like her, and she loved that.

  She wanted to express her feelings to the older woman, but considering she had no idea what would become of her in the near future, she preferred to keep them to herself.

  “Please take her home next week. The whole family will be there, and it would be an excellent moment for them to meet her,” Oydis said as she was leaving, with a wide smile.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, mother. Perhaps, some other time,” Asgar’s quick refusal was another stroke to her heart, and though she tried her best to keep the smile on her face, she was sure his mother had noticed it.

  She frowned. “It’s an excellent idea, and I don’t want to hear another word about it. Just be there and take Sasha with you,” she demanded before she turned around and left the house.

  The minute she disappeared, Sasha turned around and walked straight to her room. She didn’t want to be with Asgar right now. She needed some time alone to rebuild her protective walls.

  “Sasha, wait,” he called to her.

  “Not now,” she replied in a curt tone. “I’ll see you later.”

  “We need to talk,” he insisted.

  “No, we don’t. Right now, all I need is to be alone,” she assured him as she closed the door to her room in his face.

  She had no idea how to lock it, but fortunately, he stayed out.

  She paced through the room for a few minutes but soon, she was feeling like a caged animal. Grabbing her cape from her dressing room, she left the house through her window, heading to the back of his gardens. They were big enough for her to walk on it, without feeling trapped.

  Why the hell her life had to be so damn complicated? Why was she falling in love with a man that wasn’t supposed to be with her, at least, not more than a few days, weeks at most? Wasn’t she supposed to fall in love with the so-called soulmate?

  The questions swirled her mind again and again, but she was unable to find a logical answer to them. She was convinced he wasn’t her soulmate. He had given her enough proofs of that, like his reaction to his mother’s invitation. You didn’t take a lover to m
eet your whole family.

  Her head was pounding so hard when she reached one of the property’s walls; she was having trouble thinking straight. She wished she had one of her migraine pills with her, but for now, she would have to deal with the pain.

  She walked along the wall for a few moments until she found a narrow door. Curious, she tried to open it up, and when it slid easily, she decided to take a look outside. It opened up to what seemed like a forest with the tallest trees she had ever seen in her life surrounded by bushes and flowers. She was able to distinguish a trail that went across the forest, and looking for some distraction, she decided to walk along it.

  The minute she set a foot outside the wall, a searing pain shot through her whole body, and she fell to the ground.

  Asgar’s words activating her collar came to her mind, and she tried to go back inside. But she had fallen outside the walls, and the door had closed behind her.

  Every second she spent outside increased her pain to excruciating levels; finally, she managed to get up and walk to the door, looking for a way in.

  But the door was locked, and she needed an access code to open it up again.

  Desperate, she tried several, feeling the shots of pain going down her spine, fighting nausea and the dizziness, but there was no use.

  After a few moments, she lost hope and crumbled to the ground, in so much pain she lost consciousness for a few minutes.

  Asgar let out a deep sigh and returned to the main room. He had messed up again. He had known that the moment he looked at Sasha after he rejected his mother’s invitation. His purpose had been to stop her from finding out she was his soulmate, but instead, he had managed to make her feel like his dirty little secret he didn’t want to introduce to his family.

  Being mated was proving to be way harder than he had expected and now, all he wanted was to walk in that room and let her know the truth, no matter what the consequences were. But she had asked for some time alone, so the least he could do was to give it to her.

  He paced the room for a few minutes trying to resist the acute need to go join her, respecting her needs, but after a while, he simply couldn’t resist any longer.


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