The Great Shame

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by Keneally, Thomas

First edition, Citizen: Irish Citizen, 7 January 1854.

  Mitchel against Know-Nothingism: Irish Citizen, 14 January 1854; and Irish Citizen, passim.

  Mitchel on Bishop of Rome: Irish Citizen, 11 February 1854; and Irish Citizen, passim.

  Irish American on O’Donohoe’s death: Irish American, 11 February 1854.

  Mitchel on O’Donohoe: Irish Citizen, 11 February 1854.

  Citizen publishes pro-Southern letters, attacks Stowe and Rev. Beecher: Irish Citizen, 25 March, 1 April, 8 April 1854, and passim.

  Attacks on Mitchel: Reprinted NYT, 18 February 1854.

  Jenny on slavery: Mrs Jane Mitchel to Miss Mary Thompson, 20 April 1854, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Pardon of SOB and others: Touhill, as above; SOB, Journal, as above.

  Mr Elwin sells hotel: SOB to Lucy, 6 March 1854, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  Jenny pities Catherine Meagher: Mrs Jane Mitchel to Miss Mary Thompson, 14 December 1853, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Death of Catherine Meagher: N, 13 May 1854.

  The McMaster brawl: NYT, 19 July 1854.

  Stonington: Mitchel to Miss Thompson, Dillon, Volume 2, as above.

  Jenny despairs of Ireland: Mrs Jane Mitchel to Miss Mary Thompson, 2 December 1854, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Smyth’s movements: Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above; Dillon, Kiernan, as above.

  Pardons and other orders arrive at Hobart: Denison, Sir William, as above.

  SOB tells Lucy of his spirits and New Norfolk celebrations: SOB to Lucy, 28 June 1854, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  SOB to Lucy, Geelong, Melbourne: 12 July 1854, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  State prisoners welcomed in Melbourne: Irish Citizen, 4 November 1854.

  Nature of Criterion Hotel clientele: Kiernan, as above.

  SOB from Point de Gable: SOB to Lucy, 21 August 1854, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  Martin in Paris to Eva: Kiernan, as above.

  SOB to Lucy from Vittoria, Paris, Brussels: 16, 21, 24, 25, 29 November 1854, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  TFM rail smash: Athearn, as above; Mrs Jane Mitchel to Miss Mary Thompson, 2 December 1854, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Samuel Mitchell Barlow; Dictionary of American Biography; Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, California.

  Townsend asks Barlow to approach Sickles: 4 June 1855, Box BW 24, Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, CA.

  TFM to Miss Townsend: 2 January 1855, Meagher Papers, Small Collection 309, Folder 2: General Correspondence, N-V 1849–1867, Montana Historical Society Archives, Helena, Montana.

  Libby’s ancestry: Diamant, Lincoln, Chaining the Hudson, New York, 1989.

  TFM’s St Patrick’s Day speech: NYT, 19 March 1855.

  Smyth and O’Doherty on the gold-fields: Patrick and Patrick, as above.

  Peter Lalor and miners’ rights: Cullen, Kiernan, as above.

  O’Doherty’s movements, etc.: Kiernan, as above.

  O’Doherty visiting the Kellys: 9 July 1855, T. Arthur, Sub-Inspector of Police, Portumna, County Galway, to Inspector General of Police, Dublin, Home Office, ERE9115, PRO, quoted in Patrick and Patrick, as above.

  O’Doherty marriage and movements: Kiernan, Patrick and Patrick, as above. Eva’s French Passport: No. 1054, OM71–6, Envelope 1, O’Doherty Papers, John Oxley Library.

  Mitchels’ move South: Mitchel, Dillon, as above.

  Mitchel’s new Southern friends: Samuels, William C., John Mitchel, the Irish Patriot, Resident of Tennessee, East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications, No. 10, 1938.

  Tuckaleechee: Burns, Inez, History of Blount County Tennessee, 1795–1955, East Tennessee Historical Society, 1957.

  Jenny tired of moving: Mrs Jane Mitchel to Miss Mary Thompson, 21 March 1855, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Jenny’s scepticism: Mrs Jane Mitchel to Miss Mary Thompson, 21 March 1855, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Farm deed: Deeds, Blount County, 1855, Volume Y, East Tennessee Historical Center, Knoxville, Tenn.

  NYT mentions disinheritance of Elizabeth Townsend: NYT, 15 November 1855.

  Peter Townsend’s tender feelings: Townsend to Barlow, 11 March 1855, Box BW 9; 30 September 1857, Box BW 14, Barlow Papers, as above.

  Duffy leaves Ireland; CGD, Pearl, as above.

  Duffy’s departing judgement: N, 15 August 1855.

  Cornelius Sheahan and family: O Lorcáin, as above.

  SMH, day of Mary’s death: SMH, 1 November 1854.

  Mary’s grave: Mortis Street Cemetery, Goulburn.

  State of Australia at Hugh’s death: Clark, Volume IV, as above.

  Australia, Queen’s birthday: SMH, 22 May 1857.

  Hugh’s death certificate: 1 June 1857, Number 118, Goulburn District Death Register.

  Sale of Larkin’s effects: Goulburn Herald, 23 May 1857, for Wednesday 27 May 1857, by order of executor, John Sheahan.

  Larkin’s children: O Lorcáin, as above.

  John Larkin’s body is sent by train to Goulburn: Goulburn Herald, 13 September 1887.

  Irish children of Larkin: Michael Larkin, Lismany; Woodford Heritage Centre, East Galway, marriage records.


  Chapter heading: TFM, Meagher of Sword, as above; Athearn, as above.

  Population and other Irish statistics, 1850s: Edwards, Ruth Dudley, The Atlas of Irish History, London, 1981.

  Kavanagh’s ‘The Great Hunger’: Montague (ed.), as above.

  O’Brien family separates, and movement for full pardon: Touhill, as above.

  Desirability of full pardon: SOB to Lucy, 17 March 1856, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  Full pardon for SOB, O’Doherty, Martin: Touhill, as above.

  SOB’s distress over lack of economic independence: SOB to Lucy, 17 June 1856, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  The gold cup: O’Brien, Grania, as above.

  SOB’s happiness approaching Ireland: As for previous note.

  SOB blithe in Cahirmoyle: SOB to Lucy, 12 September 1857, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  SOB states his disenchantment with politics: N, 26 July 1856.

  SOB petitioned by 10,000 people, his answer, his warning against boasting: N, 20 September 1856.

  SOB on what should have been done to save Ireland: TL, 29 December 1856.

  Meagher founds Irish News, and Mitchel as warning to TFM: New York Herald, 11 April 1856.

  New York’s Irish poor: Bayor and Meagher, as above.

  American filibustering: Stout, Joseph Allen, The Liberators: Filibustering Expeditions, Los Angeles, 1973; Roche, James Jeffrey, The Story of the Filibusters, London, 1891.

  TFM, and Irish News, supporting Walker and defending Farbins: Athearn, as above.

  TFM supports Buchanan: Irish News, 18 October 1856.

  TFM praises South: Irish News, quoted by New York Daily Tribune, 27 August 1856.

  NYT questions TFM’s escape: NYT, 30 December 1856.

  Further NYT judgement on escape: NYT, 14 January 1857.

  TFM asks Buchanan for a South or Central American consulship: Letter to President James Buchanan, 28 January 1857, notated by Buchanan, 15 March 1857 in Appointment Papers, Department of State, National Archives, Washington DC, quoted Athearn, TFM.

  Mitchel to Miss Thompson and to his sister Matilda, William Mitchel, and subsequent letters of Mitchel: Dillon, Volume 2, as above.

  Texture of rural life, Tuckaleechee: Burns, Inez, History of Blount County Tennessee, 1795–1955, East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville, 1957.

  Mitchel’s town site: Isabella French to John Mitchel, Deeds of Conveyance, March 1856, East Tennessee Historical Society, Lawson McGee Library, Knoxville, Tenn.

  Mitchel’s friendships with McAdoo and Swan: Williams, Samuel C., John Mitchel, the Irish Patriot, Resident of Tennessee, East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications, No. 10, 1938.

  Southern Citizen: Eighteen copies, Miscellaneous File A,
Knoxville Newspapers, 1840–58, Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tenn.

  Kenyon, Miss Thompson, Mitchel and Southern Citizen: Dillon, Volume 2, as above.

  Attitude towards Kansas: Southern Citizen, 11 February 1858.

  Benefits of African slavery: Southern Citizen, 18 March 1858.

  Susquehanna incident: Southern Citizen, 21 January 1858.

  O’Doherty’s medical career, and correspondence, Eva to Martin: Kiernan, Patrick and Patrick, as above; O’Doherty Papers, OM71–6, Medical Certificates in Envelope 7, John Oxley Library, Brisbane, Queensland.

  Eva’s poems in exile: Cuttings in O’Doherty Papers, Envelopes 2 and 3, as for previous notes; Patrick and Patrick, as above.

  TFM defends Walker and Mrs Meagher visits Ireland: Lyons, W. F., Cavanagh, Athearn, as above.

  Defence of Walker by Stephens: Southern Citizen, 21 January 1858.

  TFM to Roche: Athearn, as above.

  TFM goes to Costa Rica: ‘Holidays in Costa Rica,’ Part I, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Vol. XX, December 1859.

  San José; the president and the Frenchman; the hospital: ‘Holidays in Costa Rica,’ Part II, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Volume XX, January 1860.

  To the Atlantic coast: ‘Holidays in Costa Rica,’ Part III, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Vol. XX, February 1860.

  TFM to Daly: Daly, Maria Lydig, Diary of a Union Woman, 1861–65, ed. Harold Earl Hammond, New York, 1962, Introduction.

  SOB’s bill for gold cup: SOB letter of 10 September 1857, ML.

  Visit to Mitchel by Stephens: Dillon, Volume 2, as above; Ryan, Desmond, The Fenian Chief, Coral Gables, 1967.

  Mitchel to Mrs Williams: Brown, Clyde Company Papers, Volume 6, as above.

  SOB on the Mitchels in Washington: To Lucy, 10 March 1859, O’Brien Papers, MS 8653, NLI.

  SOB writing aboard riverboat: SOB to Lucy, 27 March 1859, as for previous note.

  From the Mississippi: SOB to Lucy, 7, April 1859, as for previous note.

  Chicago visit (writing from Niagara Falls): SOB to Lucy, 3 May 1859, as for previous note.

  SOB delighted to be absent for election: SOB to Lucy junior, 16 May 1859, as for previous note.

  The Key murder: Swanberg, W. A., Sickles the Incredible, New York, 1956; Fontaine, Felix, De Witt’s Special Report: Trial of the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, Washington, 1859.

  Relationship between TFM and Dalys: Daly, Union Woman, as above; Daly Papers, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Judge Daly’s career: As for previous note, and Hammond, Harold Earl, A Commoner’s Judge: The Life of Charles Patrick Daly, Boston, 1954.

  Chiriqui grant: Charter and Statutes, or By-Laws: Chiriqui Improvement Co., 1864, copy in Rare Books, Huntington Library, CA.

  TFM’s journey to Chiriqui: Meagher, Thomas Francis, ‘The New Route through Chiriqui,’ Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Vol. XXI, January 1861.

  Closing of Southern Citizen, and Mitchel and family go to Paris: Standard Mitchel sources, including Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above.

  Irish News applauds TFM: Athearn, as above.

  Collapse of Chiriqui enterprise: Usual TFM sources, as above.


  Death of MacManus: Standard YI sources, as above.

  Barlow’s solution to crisis: A Private Citizen’s Proposal for the Settlement of all Differences between the Northern and Southern States, Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, CA.

  Feelings of New York towards Lincoln and South: McKay, Civil War and New York City, as above.

  O’Mahony, Stephens, Fenian Brotherhood, IRB: D’Arcy, William, The Fenian Movement in the United States, 1858–1886, Washington, 1947; Harmon, Maurice, Fenians and Fenianism, Seattle, 1970; Neidhardt, W. S., Fenianism in North America, Pittsburgh, PA, 1975; Walker, Mabel Gregory, The Fenian Movement, Colorado Springs, 1969; Ryan, Fenian Chief, as above.

  TFM to Daly, about Irving Hall lecture: 21 January 1861, Daly Papers, Box 2, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Meagher’s speech on MacManus, Irving Hall: Irish American, 4 April 1861.

  McGee and Canada: Senior, Hereward, The Fenians and Canada, Toronto, 1978; Skelton, as above.

  John Mitchel junior at bombardment of Sumter: Castles, Alexander C., ‘From Van Diemen’s Land to Fort Sumter: Captain John C. Mitchel of the First South Carolina Artillery,’ kindly provided by author, unpublished at time of writing.

  Transformation of New York Democrats after Sumter: McKay, Civil War and New York City, as above.

  TFM chastises his father-in-law, and general reaction to outbreak of war: Cavanagh, Athearn, as above.

  Departure of 69th Militia: Irish American, 11 May 1861.

  General Scott’s regard for the 69th: Irish American, 18 May 1861.

  TFM and Zouaves at Fort Corcoran: Corcoran to Daly, 8 July 1861, Daly Papers, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Corcoran to Daly: 8 July 1861, Daly Papers, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  TFM’s speech to 69th NYSM: Irish American, 13 July 1861.

  TFM to Barlow: 15 July 1861, Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, CA.

  69th NYSM in Virginia, including campaign and relationship to Sherman: Meagher, Thomas Francis, Captain, Company K (‘Irish Zouaves’), The Last Days of the Sixty-Ninth in Virginia, New York, 1861; and Athearn, Lyons, W. F., Cavanagh, as above.

  Maria Lydig Daly on TFM, here and subsequent: Daly, Union Lady, as above.

  Russell on TFM: New York Tribune, 23 July 1861.

  Russell’s version: Russell, W. H., My Journeys North and South, Volume 2, London, 1862.

  SOB on Civil War, and O’Brien family matters: O’Brien, Grania, as above.

  SOB bereavement and health: Davis, Epilogue, in SOB, Journal.

  Mitchel in Paris: Dillon, Volume 2, as above.

  Mitchel on workers of New York: Irish American, 19 January 1861.

  SOB’s visit: Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above.

  Lincoln visits 69th and subsequent: TFM, Last Days, as above.

  Tribune pushes TFM’s colonelcy: New York Daily Tribune, 6 August 1861.


  Fund-raiser program, 69th New York Militia: Huntington Library, CA.

  Shields: Hammond (ed.), Introduction, in Daly, Union Lady.

  TFM to Daly on Shields: 23 August 1861, Daly Papers, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Shields’s wary response to Daly: 8 June 1861, Daly Papers, Manuscripts and Archives, NYPL.

  Gathering at Jones’s Wood and TFM speech: New York Daily Tribune, 28 August 1861.

  The Irish Brigade, its initiation, recruitment, campaigns: Jones, Paul, The Irish Brigade, Washington and New York, 1969; Conyngham, Captain D. P., The Irish Brigade and Its Campaigns, New York, 1867.

  MacManus’s remains in New York: New York Herald, 19 September 1861.

  MacManus’s remains in Ireland: Denieffe, Joseph, A Personal Narrative of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, New York, 1906.

  MacManus funeral: Freeman’s Journal (Dublin), 11 November 1861; Irish Times, 11 November 1861.

  TFM’s communications with Secretary of War: Generals Papers and Records, Adjutant General’s Office, Department of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.

  TFM military papers: Memorandum of Papers in Case of Thomas Francis Meagher, M1064, Roll 187, National Archives, Washington; Index of Letters received by Secretary of War from Generals, L–Z, M455, Roll 1 (1861), Roll 3 (1862), Roll 5 (1863), Roll 7 (1864), Roll 9 (1865); Military Telegrams, M698, Index to General Correspondence received by the Assistant Secretary of War, all in National Archives, Washington, DC.

  Edwin Vose Sumner: Conyngham, Jones, as above; Sears, Stephen W., To the Gates of Richmond, New York, 1992.

  Life in camp: Corby, Reverend William, Memoirs of Chaplain Life, Chicago, 1893.

  TFM accepts commission: 2 March 1862, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.

  Telegram, Libby to her mother: 3 March 186
2, as previous note.

  ‘A certain carpet bag …’: Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, 31 March 1862, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.

  TFM to Barlow: 4 March 1862, Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, CA.


  Chapter heading: Athearn, Conyngham, Cavanagh, as above.

  The war situation and McClellan’s strategy: McPherson, James M., The Battle Cry of Freedom, New York, 1988.

  General outline of Peninsula campaign: Sears, Gates of Richmond, as above.

  Fair Oaks battle, and subsequent brigade engagements: Lyons, W. F., Cavanagh, Conyngham, Jones, as above.

  TFM as littérateur: Conyngham, as above.

  Surgeon Ellis: As for previous note.

  Gaines’s Mill engagement: Report of Brigadier-General Meagher, in US Department of War, War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 11, Part 2, Washington, DC, 1880–1901, hereafter War of the Rebellion.

  TFM’s tipsiness, Brigade’s valour, Sumner: Sears, Gates of Richmond, as above.

  TFM praises Nugent’s command, Savage’s Station: Brigadier-General Meagher, Report, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 11, Part 2.

  Surgeon Ellis: Conyngham, as above.

  Lieutenant Turner: Conyngham, as above.

  A Union officer describes end of engagement: Sears, Gates of Richmond, as above.

  Brigade at Malvern Hill: Meagher’s Report, Harrison’s Landing, 2 July 1862, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 11, Part 2; Conyngham, as above.

  Kearny’s outburst: Sears, Gates of Richmond, as above.

  TFM’s appeal to War Department: Athearn, as above.

  Mitchel in Paris still: Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above; Dillon, Volume 2, as above.


  Northern Virginia campaign, McClellan and Pope: McPherson, Battle Cry, as above.

  McClellan desires to keep Irish close to Washington: Conyngham, Jones, as above.

  Antietam campaign: Sears, Stephen W., Landscape Turned Red, New York, 1983.

  Reynolds, O’Mahony, and soldier Fenians: D’Arcy, as above.

  Stephens, Luby and Civil War: Ryan, D’Arcy, as above.


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