Book Read Free

Generation Gap

Page 5

by Carl Hamlin

  Patty took a luxuriously long shower. Her mind was racing in anticipation, anxiety, and desire. The time could not pass quickly enough for her.

  She had just finished drying off and put on her robe before she heard Brandon arrive home, an hour earlier than expected. She looked out the window and realized that it was raining, so work had stopped early.

  Brandon walked in and rushed to Patty, lifted her and gave her a hug and long kiss. “Wow, you smell so nice. You must have used that lavender shampoo.”

  Patty began to laugh and he set her down. “I can’t say the same about you.”

  Brandon chuckled. “Of course I smell bad. We were mulching all day. And planting.”

  Patty hugged his waist. “Well, when we get back from dinner this evening, you can plant me as many times as you want.”

  “Whoo hoo! I like that thought.”

  Patty pressed her body against his. “I can feel your enthusiasm, you know.”

  Brandon laughed and his face turned pink “Hey, Babe. Since I’m home early, we could change our reservation to an earlier time. Then we could have a longer… evening. And neither of us has to be up early in the morning. The possibilities are endless.”

  Patty snuggled against him and moaned. “Yes! That sounds good. And as for the earlier dinner, I suppose you’ve really worked up an appetite today. I’ll call.”

  Their time was moved up an hour. While Brandon was in the shower she went into the bedroom and got dressed. She realized that as the dress was so short, she was able to just cover up with her robe, concealing her new dress.

  Brandon came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and winked at his wife as he passed her. Once he went into the bedroom, she took off the robe and tossed it over the back of the sofa.

  She sat down in their recliner, crossed her legs and pulled the hem of the short dress higher. She adjusted her glasses so that they were perched on her nose just so. A minute later, the bedroom door opened and she heard Brandon’s voice, “Hey, Babe, better get—”

  He walked out and stopped as he took in the most entrancing scene he had ever laid eyes on. He took a deep breath, blew it out and shook his head. He let loose with a wolf whistle that made Patty giggle. Without saying another word, he walked to her, put out his hand to help her up, and they walked out to go to dinner.

  They sat in the elegant restaurant next to a window that overlooked a small pond. They were seated in a booth and cuddled next to each other, laughing as Patty told of how she had ended up in the dress that had predictably captivated him.

  Their entrées were yet to arrive when Brandon placed his hand on hers. “We’ve been so busy the last three weeks. We need to make up for lost time this evening.”

  The comment made Patty feel giddy. Shortly into their marriage, she had discovered that on the occasions they could make love more than once in an evening, the second round was always more thrilling and intense to her than the first.

  She felt a surge of risk and tension, along with a rush of excitement. She took a deep breath, leaned over to her husband and whispered, “I’ve been feeling like a bad girl the last couple of days. A really… really… bad… bad girl. Could we do something about that? I mean maybe later in the evening?”

  Brandon smiled. “Sounds like I have to take this very seriously.”

  Patty stroked his thigh. “Oh it is serious. Very serious.”

  Brandon smiled and kissed her. The meals arrived and he thanked the waiter, then turned back to his blushing wife. “I definitely agree that tonight you need to be spanked and sent to bed. Of course, that would give us some time to pass so that you don’t get spanked on a full stomach.”

  Patty elbowed him as she picked up her steak knife. “Oh, I don’t think my stomach has much to do with it.”

  They both want to devour their meal without lingering. On occasion, they would stop to talk, and while Patty would rub her hand along the kaki-covered thigh of her husband, Brandon would run his own hand along the bare thigh sticking out from the short blue dress.

  They talked briefly about their days, and while Patty talked about the work she had done in the garage, she did not mention the board that was now stashed beneath her pillow. However, thinking about it only made her more randy.

  They declined dessert, assuming that more rich food would not be wise with what each was anticipating after the short ride home. Once out on the street, Patty found amusement in how much faster Brandon was driving than normal.

  They pulled into the garage, and stepped into the adjoining kitchen. Without warning, Brandon scooped Patty up and asked where she would like to be deposited. The laughing, petite woman told him that she felt like romping on the sofa, so he carried her there and gently set her down. He reclined next to her and the tempest was unleashed.

  The dress was soon a blue puddle on the beige carpet, joined momentarily by khaki slacks, a blue dress shirt, assorted undergarments and two socks. The squeaking protests of the old sofa did not distract them as Patty ended up on top of Brandon, rocking them voraciously until both groaned and went limp.

  For a long time, they lay on the sofa, still coupled, Brandon stroking Patty’s back and bottom, Patty’s arms wrapped around Brandon’s neck as they kissed and pressed against each other. In spite of their youth, each tended to doze for a while after such a session, and this was no exception.

  Patty woke first, looked at the wall clock and saw that it was only eight o’clock. There was a lot of evening ahead of them. Brandon roused, those big, brown eyes gazing into his greeted him. The kissing and stroking resumed.

  Patty looked into the eyes of her man. “I’m going to need some more of that. What about you, Mr. Dutton?”

  Brandon moaned. “Can’t get enough of you, Mrs.Dutton.”

  Patty drew up her arms, rested her chin on the heels of her hands and looked down at Brandon. “How about we get a shower and I’ll put that dress back on that you like so well. Then you can take it off me again.”

  Brandon’s eyes lit up. “I think I’ll just put on my pajama pants.”

  Patty leaned own and kissed him. “You like that dress and taking it off, I love those pajamas and pulling them off!”

  Brandon nodded. “It’s a plan. And I’ll give you a really nice, thorough spanking, since you’ve been so very, very bad.”

  Patty growled and kissed him, then slowly rose. They gathered up their clothes, tossed them into the bedroom, and headed for the shower.

  Patty felt as if she may hyperventilate as she slid the blue dress back over her head. She even put her glasses back on. Brandon was already in the living room waiting for her, waiting to give her a spanking. She took a deep breath and began to walk slowly to the door. She was going to be given the spanking she had been craving, but this time for pleasure, sensations and emotions she had not known for several weeks.

  Her husband was reclining on the sofa with his hands folded behind his head, giving her a view of the muscled and hairy chest she so loved. Patty knelt down on the cushion next to him and then lay down on top of him. Immediately, they were kissing and stroking once again.

  Brandon ran his hand down to Patty’s bottom, pulled the dress up, and massaged her backside. She leaned her head on his chest as he slipped his hands beneath the waistband and caressed the fleshy cheeks.

  Patty purred as the comforting stroking continued. “Uhh…. So you’re going to warm that thing up real good for me?”

  “As warm as you want me to make it. I really don’t mind at all.”

  Patty giggled. “I know, I can feel your agreement poking me.”

  Brandon nibbled her ear. “So, just how bad a girl have you been?”

  Patty felt the anxiety and arousal rising within her in tandem. “Well, uh, bad enough… that I … uh… think you may need to use a paddle on me.”

  Brandon chuckled. “A paddle? You have a paddle?”

  Patty sat up and knelt next to him. “I was working in the garage today and I found this… this, um… sma
ll board. It just kind of seemed, well, you know.”

  Brandon nodded. “All right, you naughty young lady, go get your paddle and bring it here. This could be fun.”

  Trembling and feeling light-headed, Patty found herself jogging to the bedroom to get the board. She was giddy that he had referred to the board as “her paddle.” Her hands were shaking as she pulled it out from under the pillow but found herself walking more slowly to the living room than had traveled to retrieve the board.

  She sat down next to Brandon and handed it to him. He smacked it against his open palm. Patty jumped at the sound, and then giggled nervously.

  He turned the board back and forth, and then arched his eyes at Patty. “Think I should spank you with this, huh?”

  Patty’s face turned pale, then red. “I’d like to… see, um… how….” She didn’t finish.

  Brandon continued to flash it in front of his anxious but hopelessly turned-on wife. “You know, Babe, maybe I need to carve a handle first.”

  Patty felt a rush of relief. Any embarrassment was diminishing as Brandon’s acceptance became clearer. “That would be fine. Whatever makes it work better.”

  Brandon rubbed his hand over her shoulder, “Well, you want it to sting just right, correct?”

  Patty cleared her throat and her face again flushed. “Oh yeah! That’s the idea.”

  Brandon turned the board in the dim light again. “And you want to be paddled in an efficient and effective manner, correct?”

  Patty nodded and giggled, although with that comment her face turned pale.

  Brandon stood up and took his wife by the hand. “Let’s put on our slippers and go to the garage. This will just take a minute.”

  Patty scampered to the bedroom and retrieved their slippers, and followed her husband to the garage. She felt a chill through her entire body, and the butterflies were in high gear. They were going to finish what would be a paddle to sting her bottom over and over again. The anticipation was making her crazy.

  Chapter 6

  Brandon turned on the light as they walked around the car to the workbench. Patty stood to the side in tense anxiety, yearning for what was to come, but she watched as he reached to a shelf.

  He pulled down a saber saw and plugged it in. He pressed the board firmly to the bench with one hand, turning on the saw. In a matter of seconds, he had guided the narrow blade along one side to remove a portion of the wood. He quickly flipped the board over and repeated the brief procedure.

  He turned the saw off and held up the board to show Patty a perfectly carved handle. He held it up dramatically. “Ta-da! Two minutes ago this was just a simple board. And now it is a paddle, custom-made for the express purpose of landing multiple, stinging swats to my lovely little wife’s soft and tender backside.”

  Her mind reeling at his enthusiasm, Patty leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you. You’re a sweetheart.”

  As they began to walk back to the kitchen entrance, Brandon nodded. “Yes, I am. But you still have to see how this thing feels when it meets its adorable target. My guess is that it will work very very well.”

  Patty stopped them when they stepped into the kitchen. “And I love you for it. I love you for accepting this part of me. I have to accept that I have quickly developed a fetish.”

  Brandon laughed. “I do love each and every part of you. And as for this spanking stuff, we will just enjoy it together.”

  Patty led him to the sofa, where they sat down. “I guess we match. You love my butt, I love it when you whack it.”

  Brandon rubbed his chin in thought. “Just think, if you hadn’t had that chat with Maureen….”

  Patty giggled. “If you hadn’t overheard and asked me about it, I don’t think the idea would ever come up, otherwise. But I’m really glad it did.” She took a deep breath. “Well?”


  “Brandon, have you ever seen anyone get spanked with a paddle? I mean, to know how it’s… uh… done?”

  “Once,” he said awkwardly. “My sophomore year in a study hall. Two guys and a girl.”

  Patty smiled meekly. “Want to do some role-playing?”


  Patty cleared her throat. “I hope this doesn’t seem silly. But, I had this thought yesterday.”

  Brandon smiled in silence for a minute. “Alright, let’s hear it. Every time you have an idea that involves fooling around, it turns out to be a good day. Or night.”

  Patty’s face was deep red. “Please don’t laugh at me! Well, the den is your office. You’re a school principal, and I’m a new teacher who was called to your office after school to talk about my performance.”

  Patty felt a rush of excitement mixed with fear. The den was really just an extra bedroom where they had a desk, their computer and two chairs.

  Brandon stood up and took the paddle in his hand. “I really like that. Give me a few minutes to form some thoughts, then I will order you to report to my office.”

  He began to stand, then hesitated. “When I spanked you for buying that stereo, it was my intention for that to be really painful.”

  Patty laughed. “Really? I simply could not tell.”

  Brandon sighed. “Well, using a paddle may hurt more than I mean for it to sometimes. I’ll try to find a balance.”

  Patty leaned over and kissed him. “I trust you. You know the sting makes me all crazy and turned-on. And the surrendering is a big part of it. I guess if I didn’t want to take it up a notch, the idea of the paddle would never have appealed to me. So, I’m ready to go to the level where maybe it gets my tear ducts working. I just think that pushing my limits may be kind of a rush. And remember, I’m the one asking for this.”

  Patty sat frozen as she watched Brandon stand, wink at her, then walk into the bedroom. He emerged a couple of minutes later, dressed again in his dress shirt and slacks. He was taking this seriously. He winked at her again, and then slapped the paddle on his hand menacingly.

  Patty waited for an agonizingly long three minutes, then kicked off her slippers and waited. Finally, she heard a mock but hilarious, stern voice call out, “Miss Patricia Perry, report to my office. Now!”

  She began to laugh at the over-the-top antics and walked slowly to the den. She knocked on the door as her breathing grew shallow.

  “Yes?” The voice sounded harsh and impatient. Brandon was really getting into a character.

  Patty’s voice nearly failed. “It’s Patty Perry, Mr. Dutton. I was told you wanted to see me?” She surprised herself that she was able to act out a role, as nervous as she was.

  A voice thundered, although Brandon was fighting off laughter. “Come in.”

  She opened the door to find Brandon sitting behind the desk in their only high-backed chair. He had turned the desk from the wall, so that he could sit face to face with her. An armless guest chair faced the desk.

  Brandon motioned to the empty chair. “Sit down Miss Perry. We have something serious to discuss.” Patty walked to sit down, her emotions in turmoil.

  Brandon folded his hands and leaned forward. “For five straight weeks, you have turned in your attendance charts late.” A grin flashed across his face.

  Patty lowered her head and blushed. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better.” A laugh followed.

  Brandon sat straighter. “And I understand that you habitually show up for school late.”

  Patty was feeling as if she were in a fantasy. “Sorry. I try hard, sir.”

  Brandon stood up, and then sat down on the desk next to her chair. “Miss Perry, we have had these conversations before.”

  She was amazed at how he was conducting this. She was now feeling nothing but anticipation.

  “Miss Perry, I have to take more drastic steps, unless I just let you go from our staff.”

  Patty was now in full character in her own right, and was feeling thrilled by the scenario. “I can’t lose my job!” she protested. “Maybe I can take some other kind of punishment.” She giggled for a mo

  Brandon stood up. His own giddiness was boiling to the surface. He took three steps into the open area of the room.

  “Miss Perry, walk over here.” Patty stood and walked to where he was standing.

  “I found something interesting in the office closet the other day, Miss Perry. Something that hasn’t been used for some time, but something I think could be beneficial to you. Any idea what it could be, Miss Perry?”

  Patty’s pulse was racing. “No sir. I have no idea.”

  Brandon walked to stand behind her as she remained motionless. “I found a paddle, Miss Perry, a wooden tool custom-made to provide a stinging whack to the bottom of someone in need of correction. Does that sound like you, Miss Perry?”

  Patty’s voice nearly froze. “Yes sir.”

  He was still standing behind her. “So, would you prefer to be fired? Or to be paddled, Miss Perry?”

  Patty had to force the word. “Paddled.”

  Brandon walked to the desk, opened a drawer, and took out the paddle. He returned to stand behind her.

  “I have to warn you, Miss Perry. This is going to be extremely painful. Are you ready?”

  “Yes sir.” Another set of giggles emerged, and Brandon began to chortle against his own will.

  Brandon stepped aside and took Patty by the arm. He guided her into the middle of the room. “All right, Miss Perry, bend over and place your fingertips on your toes.” Breaking character for a moment, he leaned over and kissed her, and they stayed locked in the kiss for a moment.

  When the kiss broke off, Patty displayed an exaggerated pout. “But, my dress is so, so short. If I bend over that far, it will be so revealing.”

  Brandon reached down to the hem, and ran his hand up and down her thigh. “Yes, that is a faculty dress code violation.”

  Patty looked down and smiled. “Oh, my… I’m in so much trouble.” She was almost shaking with assorted emotions. She began bending down, farther down until she had complied with the order, but wiggling the subject of their attention all the while as she slowly bent down.


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