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Prison or Bondage - Lesbian BDSM Erotica

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by Lovey, Jenika

  Prison Or Bondage

  Lesbian BDSM Erotica

  Jenika Lovey

  Copyright 2013 by Jenika Lovey

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.


  Prison Or Bondage

  “Shit…” The loud curse was out of Morgan’s mouth as soon as the flashing lights caught her attention in the rear view mirror. The nineteen year old girl was already pulling to a stop before the blare of the siren confirmed that the vehicle behind really was the police.

  When she brought the car she was driving to a smooth stop by the curb she leaned forward to put her head on the steering wheel. She knew she was in trouble and the thought of making a break for it suddenly flashed in her mind. There was no way she could outrun the far more powerful police car though and she dismissed the idea as stupid straight away.

  Even though she knew it would come, the knock on the window still gave her a start and she raised her head. The gesture of the policewoman made it all too clear that she was requesting the window be wound down. Morgan sighed as she did this and shivered as the cool of the night air hit her.

  “Good evening offic…” she started in a polite voice, but she was cut off by the almost barked command.

  “License and insurance please,” the officer ordered as she stood at the side of the vehicle.

  Morgan looked up and sighed again at the thin lipped smile that was aimed in her direction. The policewoman’s hair was pulled back to a severe ponytail and the smile did her little favors, but there was no doubt that her face was attractive. Considering the trouble she knew she was in, Morgan found it strange that she was thinking that with some make up, her hair hanging loose and a pretty outfit the cop would be gorgeous. The thoughts melted away as the order for license and insurance came again.

  “Umm…,” she said and then went silent.

  A knowing expression crossed the officer’s face. “OK, get out of the vehicle,” she went on.

  Morgan shook her head ruefully as she opened the door to step out of the car. She stumbled as she did and almost fell over, but just managed to keep her balance.

  “Have you been drinking?” the policewoman asked.

  “No…” protested Morgan. “I just tripped.” She could see the doubtful look that was cast in her direction. “I’m telling the truth,” she exclaimed.

  “Have you taken any drugs?” the cop queried.

  “No…,” the college girl complained in a louder voice. “I’m as clean as a whistle.”

  “Driving without a license and insurance isn’t clean in my book,” the cop commented. “If you can’t provide them I’ll need to take you in.”

  “Shit…,” Morgan cursed under her breath then raised her voice. “What about my car?”

  “Lock it up,” the cop ordered. “You can phone someone at the station or pick it up after you are released.”

  “Great,” she replied, but complied with the order and locked the car.

  A grip on her arm led her across to the police vehicle and a hand on her head ducked her down to push her in the back seat. The short skirt she was wearing rode up her thighs and she looked to see the policewoman staring.

  “Enjoying the view?” she couldn’t help complaining as she wriggled around to pull the hem lower.

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” the cop replied and slammed the door shut.

  Morgan could do little but look out the window at the passing scene as the journey back to the station started. It wasn’t her first trip in the back of a police car and she knew she was taking a risk when she went out that evening, but couldn’t resist the chance to go and see friends. She found herself wishing she had stayed home, but it was too late for that and she wondered what would happen once her details were checked at the police station. A glance at her watch showed her that it was after midnight and she guessed it was going to be a long night. The journey finally came to an end in front of a darkened building. The small station looked all but deserted from the outside and there was no sign of activity once they were inside.

  “Is no one home tonight?” she asked as the policewoman led her to the front desk.

  “Skeleton staff on the weekends,” the cop answered and grinned. “There is only me and one other working this place tonight and I suspect my colleague won’t be back for a few hours yet. You’ll have peace and quiet to enjoy your stay.”

  Morgan gave her details and answered the questions she was asked. She knew there wasn’t much point in lying and that it would only lengthen the process and she wanted to get home as quickly as she could. She was led along to a cell and dropped down on the concrete seat as the door clanged shut.

  “How long will I be here?” she shouted after the departing cop, but no answer came back. She was going to shout again, but suspected she still wouldn’t get an answer so remained quiet.

  She resigned herself to making the best of it and brought her legs up so that she could lie down. Again she wondered what was in store for her and guessed the cop would be going to look through the system for her details. It would show that she already had a couple of convictions against her name and she suspected that didn’t bode well for her prospects of avoiding a third. She closed her eyes and tried to rest, but the sense of trepidation made it almost impossible to relax. She sat up immediately when she heard the sound of someone approaching and looked to see the policewoman moving to stand in front of the cell.

  “Well, well Morgan,” she started. “Who’s been a naughty girl over the last year or so? Your record sure makes for interesting reading.”

  “Shit…,” the college girl cursed quietly.

  “Two convictions for driving without a license and insurance,” the cop went on. “You should really have learnt your lesson don’t you think.”

  Morgan sighed. “Yeah,” she agreed. “So what happens now?”

  “A third offence?” the cop said. “You’ll need to go in front of a judge tomorrow.”

  Morgan’s shoulders slumped at the realization that she wasn’t going home any time soon. “What’s the sentence likely to be?” she asked.

  The cop shrugged her shoulders and reached to pull the band from her hair so that her hair fell across her shoulders. Morgan’s eyes narrowed as she watched and even considering the predicament she was in couldn’t help thinking that the cop’s face looked so much prettier with her hair down.

  “Depends on the judge in session,” the officer went on. “If you are lucky it will be another slap on the wrist and a fine like the last two occasions. If you are unlucky and get a tougher judge, you might be looking at something worse for a third offence.”

  “Ah fuck…” the college girl let out.

  “Yeah…” the cop said. “From my experience I would say it’s a fifty/fifty call whether it’s a fine or…” She left the end of the sentence unfinished, but it was obvious she was referring to a custodial sentence.

  Morgan sat down and put her head in her hands. The night was going from bad to worse and she wanted to cry. This can’t be happening she thought as the seriousness of her situation hit home.

  “It’s not looking good for you,” the cop said to pile on the pressure. “Although…” Again a sentence went unfinished, but this time the college girl sensed a glimmer of hope in the unsaid words. She lifted her head from her hands.

  “Although what?’ she asked.
br />   “Well…, it’s a quiet night, with just you and me here,” the cop replied. “Maybe nobody needs to find out about your indiscretion.”

  “And what would it take for that to happen?’ Morgan asked. She saw the gaze of the cop dropping to her legs and looked down to see that she was showing plenty of naked skin. She was about to pull the hem of her skirt down, but left it in place to let the policewoman look.

  “Enjoying the view?” Morgan asked.

  The older woman grinned. “It is pretty,” she replied.

  It was obvious straight away what the offer was. A night doing what the officer wanted or a meeting with a judge the next morning and Morgan didn’t want to go to court. She hesitated, but knew that there was really nothing to consider and stood up.

  “OK,” she said. “So if I let you have your way, you’ll release me and no more said about what happened tonight.”

  The cop nodded her head. “If you be a good little girl for me and do what I say, I’ll forget we ever met.”

  It wasn’t difficult for Morgan to make the decision and she walked across to the door of the cell. When it wasn’t opened she looked at the officer through the bars.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “Show me,” the cop ordered.

  “Huh?” Morgan asked,

  “Don’t play fucking games with me,” the officer went on. “If you want out of here without another conviction, show me what’s under the skirt.”

  “You mean right here and now in this cell?” Morgan went on.

  “Oh yeah,” the officer replied and grinned. “Right here and now.”

  The college girl took a step back from the bars and reached down to her skirt. She raised the hem slowly up her thighs until she was putting the lacy blue panties below on display.

  The cop’s eyes lit up as she saw them. “Touch yourself,” she ordered.

  Morgan caught the older woman’s gaze and saw the expression of lust. The sight of it on the pretty face brought on a mixture of nerves and exhilaration. She knew what was happening was wrong and that she was being used, but squirmed a little as the flush of arousal took hold. Bringing a hand to her panties she stroked on the silky material and let out a soft gasp.

  “Nice,” the policewoman said and there was a hint of breathlessness in her voice. She was obviously getting a kick from being in control and her eyes were fixed on the action.

  Morgan parted her legs and slipped a touch between. Another soft gasp escaped her lips as her fingers stroked along the outline of her pussy lips to wet the material. What was happening was dirty, but this only served to increase her excitement and she stroked herself with a little more force.

  “Move closer,” the officer ordered.

  Morgan took a step towards the door of the cell and shuddered as the cop pushed a hand through the bars. Suddenly her own fingers and the cops were playing on her panties and the soft material got wetter still.

  “You’re enjoying this you dirty little slut,” the cop taunted, but Morgan ignored it. Her body was responding to the touches between her thighs and the heat was growing between her thighs. She closed her eyes to enjoy what was happening, but opened them as the cop pulled her hand away.

  Morgan watched as the older woman licked at her wet fingertips. “Who’s the dirty slut now,” she said.

  The cop said nothing as she continued to enjoy the taste of pussy, but grinned as she pulled her hand away.

  “Take the panties off,” she ordered.

  Morgan let her skirt drop back down and pushed a hand under to grab at the silky material. She moved her hips from side to side as she worked the panties lower and kept herself covered as she worked them down her legs and off. The cop held out her hand.

  “Do you want these?” Morgan teased as she held the panties just out of reach.

  “Do you want to go to court tomorrow,” the cop threatened. Morgan handed the panties over and watched as the policewoman brought them to her face. The older woman breathed in the scent of pussy as she spoke. “Show me,” she said.

  Morgan reached for the hem of her skirt again and this time when she pulled it higher she brought naked skin into view. A shiver rippled down her spine as she exposed herself and she saw the expression of lust on the watching face again.

  “Oh fuck yeah…,” the cop almost growled. “That’s pretty.” She pulled the panties from her face and reached for the keys hanging from her belt. Unlocking the door she made Morgan walk out and then took a tight grip on her arm to march her along to a nearby office. There was an urgency to her movements as she dragged her captive inside and slammed the door shut. The ominous clicking of the lock showed the college girl that there was no escape and her trepidation rose.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked as she turned to look.

  “I’m going to have some fun,” the policewoman said and a grin flashed across her face. She grabbed hold of Morgan and forced her against the wall of the office. The kiss was rough and the college girl struggled as she was pinned in place. A hand pushed under her skirt to slide between her thighs and the touch was gentle as it teased along her pussy lips. She gasped as the kiss ended.

  “Put your hands above your head,” the cop ordered.

  Morgan did as she was told and gasped again as her wrists were grabbed and held against the wall. The touch between her thighs became rougher as the excitement of the cop grew. Fingers pushed at her pussy lips to open her up and she groaned as they slid inside.

  “Oh yeah…, you are nice and wet for me,” the cop taunted as she pushed deep inside cunt.

  Morgan squirmed around as the rough touch played around and stroked on her soft pussy walls, but there was nothing she could do but take what she was being given. Not that she wanted the touch to stop and she groaned as her slick wetness soaked the cop’s fingers. The college girl tried to turn her head away as the fingers were pulled out and stroked on her lips.

  “Please…, no…,” she pleaded.

  “That’s a good girl,” the policewoman taunted. “You beg for mercy and see where it gets you.” Her laughter rang around the bare walls as she wiped pussy wetness on soft mouth. “Maybe you would be happier with the taste of mine,” she went on.

  Morgan gasped as she was hauled away from the wall and pulled to the middle of the room. Suddenly the clothes were being pulled from her body and in a matter of seconds she was down to just her panties. Touches played on her naked skin and she shuddered as her breasts were mauled. She was spun around and when she heard the clink of metal guessed what was about to happen.

  “No, wait…,” she cried out, but her wrists were held tightly as the handcuffs were snapped around them.

  She was spun around again, and with her hands secured behind her back was totally exposed. The touches returned to her body and she closed her eyes as her breasts were squeezed tightly enough to leave finger marks in them.

  The cop bent down to kiss the reddened skin and flicked out her tongue to lick wet trails around the nipples. She started to rasp touches over the little buds to bring them erect and then rolled them between thumb and forefinger. Her harsh breathing showed just how turned on she was getting to have a college girl under her control and she leaned down again to take a nipple in her mouth. She sucked and slurped at the erect nub as she lost herself to the moment, but finally backed off.

  Grabbing Morgan’s arm she dragged her across to a desk and then forced her down to her knees. The college girl was forced to watch as the cop loosened the pants of her uniform and pulled them down to reveal the white panties below.

  “Do you like what you are seeing?” the officer taunted as she sat on the edge of the desk and parted her thighs. The dark stain on the white material revealed her excitement and she reached to Morgan’s head. Sliding her fingers in the soft tresses she took a tight grip and pulled the college girl forward.

  Morgan was dragged between the parted thighs and the scent of pussy came to her. There was no choice but to throw herself into what was
expected of her and she leaned in to kiss on the wet material. The taste of pussy came to her and she flicked out her tongue to tease it along the obvious pussy crease in the wet panties.

  As the tension gripped the cop her grip on Morgan’s hair tightened. It made the college girl wince, but she continued to work her tongue along the outline of slick pussy lips. The taste flooded her mouth to make her want more and she licked harder. She gasped for breath as her head was pulled back and she watched as the panties were dragged lower.

  Naked pussy was exposed to her and when she saw that the policewoman was shaved it only added to her desire. Pussy wetness glistened on the smooth skin and she eagerly licked at it as she was pulled forward again. Her tongue slid easily along the slick pick slit and she increased the pressure to open up the wet hole so that she could get inside. The cop wriggled around as the thrill of the penetration took hold. Her groans got louder as she was licked out and her body shook as tongue slid deeper inside her cunt.


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