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Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas

Page 17

by Renee Rose

  “Yes, I…I want it. I want you both now.” My stomach convulsed again at his low hum of satisfaction. “I like your big cock,” I gasped, reveling in the spikes of pleasure that shot straight to the sensitive nub between my thighs as the filthy words left my mouth. “Please fuck me in the ass while Pike fucks me in the pussy.”

  Pike let out a long satisfied groan at my words and thrust even deeper, spreading me wide.

  They brought something out of me that I’d never known. A part of me the soldier I had been trained to be never had the chance to experience. They’d shown me the salacious, raw woman inside who asked for what I wanted, and liked it.

  “Say it again.” Pike’s voice was a growl.

  I answered with a ferocious growl of my own. “I want you both. Fuck me, Pike. Fuck me hard.” I’d never felt so powerful as when he swelled within me. I looked into Cross’s dark lust-filled eyes and added, “Take me in the ass, Cross. Claim me there.” I arched up, clenching my internal muscles around Pike’s cock, waiting for them to give me what I so desperately needed.

  He roared as I clamped down on him like a vise, and then pulled out of me roughly. He laid on his back and positioned me to straddle his body, thrusting his cock in me without even seconds passing to miss the fullness of his possession. Cross mounted the bed and pulled back my hips to get in position for him to take me at the same time. I closed my eyes and rode up and down Pike’s shaft as I felt Cross pull the butt plug free from my anus, replacing it quickly with the tip of his cock.

  “This will hurt,” Cross warned.

  “Yes,” I panted. God I wanted it to hurt. I wanted to feel the pain.

  He grunted, surging forward, holding me immobile so I could adjust to the size of his dick stretching my ass while Pike stretched my pussy. I wanted to scream, to moan, to beg for them to stop, but at the same time, I wanted to beg for them to begin. Wave after wave of conflicting emotion and feelings washed over me. Pain versus pleasure. Submit versus resist.

  Cross eased past my puckered entrance, while Pike began thrusting slowly, setting a tempo for the both of them. In and out, back and forth, the two of them fluidly controlled my body. The pressure, the fullness, the bite—so much that I had no choice but to succumb fully to their control. I released everything to them and truly became a slave to their mastery.

  “Harder,” I said, pressing back against Cross, while Pike pulled slowly out of me, only to have him thrust in once again. “Fuck me harder.”

  “Say it again,” Pike demanded.


  They moved rough and fast, pumping furiously until I felt the hot jets of both their climaxes deep within, and a screaming release tore through me, leaving me shaking and gasping for air. My quivering walls milked them dry while they both regained their composure. A warm heat flowed through my veins, reminding me of the feeling of when I once had lifeblood of my own. Both brothers held me, preventing me from collapsing fully while they kept their cocks still firmly implanted inside of me.

  I couldn’t speak, not that I would know what to say if I could. The smell of sex mixed with the thick silence of the room. Even though the three of us were all physically joined as one, we were distant and deep within our own selves. Pleasured, replete, satiated, and yet…there seemed to be a sense of longing cast over our intertwined bodies. Their lifeblood flowed through me, but at the same time, I felt darker than ever before.

  Chapter Seven

  I sat and watched Pike eat. Waiting for him to look up at me. Hoping that maybe just once he would acknowledge my presence in any way except to punish me. Was it possible for Pike to feel anything toward me? Could he ever be anything but an authoritative disciplinarian? Did I not have any hold of his heart at all?

  It had been 700 hours. 700 hours of travel toward our final destination. Canary waited for me. Death waited for me.

  Other than the one incident, Pike hadn’t claimed my body again. He had punished me several times, sometimes severely and other times with a lighter hand. He tolerated very little and had zero patience. Some of the times were deserved for acting out due to boredom, or raising hell because I felt like the walls of the ship were often closing in on me. But there were times that he would pull the belt from his pants and take it to me simply because he could.

  I wondered if he knew how much I liked it. I did. His dominance. His power. The bite of the leather against my flesh. The act of being punished nude before him. All of it. I loved it all. Craved it even. Maybe it was my soul craving the punishment for allowing Trinity to die. Or maybe it was simply the fuel I required to light the fire within. Regardless of why, I waited in anticipation for the next strike of his hand.

  And then there was Cross. He never punished, but always soothed. He took his duty of aftercare seriously. He kissed, he held me close and cuddled me into his muscled chest while stroking my hair repeatedly. He bathed me, dressed me, cared for me in ways I didn’t know possible. The more Pike punished, the more Cross loved. The yin and yang of the brothers was more than I could ask for. 700 hours of the most fulfilling relationship—other than with Trinity—that I had ever experienced. The two of them joined together as one into my soul.

  I tried my best not think about the day I would have to leave them both. If I brought it up in conversation, Pike would bend me over and sear my behind. It was not to be spoken of in his presence. And even Cross didn’t like to talk about it. They had a mission. A duty.

  Fighting back tears, I decided that I needed to speak with Pike, even though I knew it would result in comeuppance. “Pike,” I said tentatively. “I was hoping I could discuss something with you.” I had to act now. Tomorrow we would be arriving at Canary.

  He looked up from his meal with annoyance in his eyes. “No.”

  His sharp answer took me by surprise, but I swallowed back the lump in my throat and carried on. “Allow me to stay on your vessel as your slave. I promise you that—”

  Pike swallowed the last bite of his meal before speaking in a deep and menacing voice. “I told you that I did not want to discuss this.”

  “But I have to. We arrive in Canary tomorrow. What can I do to convince you to allow me to stay? I’m sure Cross will be fine with it, and when he gets out of the shower, we can tell him.”


  “How can you stare at me like that and feel nothing?” I asked as my voice cracked and wavered. “Am I truly nothing more than a Pallid Slave to you? Simply a delivery?”

  “That is what you are.”

  His words shattered my heart. Why did he have the power over me to do so? Why did I feel this pull toward a man who had never shown me any form of kindness at all? He had only caused me pain—both physically and mentally. So why? Why did his words stab at me?

  “I have sat across from you at this table for a month. We have had sex. You have demanded my submission in the most intimate of ways, and I have given it to you. Please. I know you have to feel something more. I can feel it in your touch.”

  “I touch you in order to keep you in line. Nothing more.”

  “Not true.”

  He looked at me with the most severe warning look I had yet seen.

  I cleared my throat and tried to keep my voice calm and steady. “I can see. I notice what you do. When you spank me, you also dip your finger between my folds to see that I am wet. My arousal is important to you. You have never put the collar back on me because you know that is my one true fear. You have granted me that reprieve. When a punishment is over and I’m crying, you wait with me until Cross comes in and takes over. You want him to care for me. You want him to give me comfort because you aren’t capable. You want this because you do feel something for me.”

  “Truth…” His warning sent a shiver up my spine but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. I had one day left. Only one day to convince him that he wanted to fly right past Canary and keep going.

  “I’m not asking for love. I’m not asking for you to be someone you aren’t or can’t be. I can get
all that I need in regards to love and tenderness from Cross. But you are able to offer something that Cross can’t. I hunger for you. You wake up a passion inside of me that salivates to be quenched. You spark a flame inside. When we made love—”

  “We fucked,” he interrupted, his voice vibrating off the metal walls.

  “Maybe,” I said calmly. “But your lifeblood entered me. I felt it just as I know you did. I had your brother’s gold, and your red blending within me. Something happened at that moment. A bond. I can’t imagine losing it forever tomorrow. I already lost it with my own twin sister. You and Cross gave me a small taste of what I lost. I want more.” I paused for a moment, preparing for the rejection that I was sure would follow my next question. “Was I the only one who felt it? Did you not feel the connection from the gold and red blending within me?”

  “I felt it,” he admitted. “Which is why I haven’t fucked you since. My brother and I have never shared a woman before. I didn’t know that something like that—that type of connection—could happen by doing so.” He stood up and slammed his hands down on the table. His eyes grew black and he snarled, “I’m not interested in forming that bond, so I stopped it that day.”

  I sat dumbfounded. So, that was why? I wondered why he never tried to take me again. Even when I could see his cock straining against his pants during a discipline session, he never acted on it. Never. Now I knew why. He was protecting himself. He felt the bond and didn’t want it. He was scared.

  Pike began pacing back and forth, the red of his skin glowing bright. I sat and waited for the storm to erupt. I was asking for a severe beating by continuing on, but I had to. If there was even the slightest hope. He turned to me ready to speak when Cross walked into the room, drying his hair from his shower. He looked at Pike, then at me, and back at Pike.

  “What happened?”

  Pike pointed to my bedroom door. “Truth. Leave. Now. My brother and I have nothing to offer you. Final.”

  I stood up quickly and ran to my room. Not out of fear, although I was scared of Pike’s wrath, but because I didn’t want them to see how truly devastated I was.

  I was in my room crying when I heard a knock at the door rather than it just being opened like every other time. I knew it was Cross before the first knock had even finished echoing through my room. Pike would never knock. Never.

  I quickly dried up my tears. “Come in.”

  Cross opened the door and gracefully entered the room. “Truth, I can see…no I can feel that we have upset you.”

  I looked into his deep eyes and said nothing. I met his gaze and allowed for him to truly see my pain. I wanted him to see how not being with them once we arrived on Canary caused anguish like no other. I understood I was simply merchandise, but that didn’t mean I liked it.

  Cross pulled me into his arms harshly. He pressed my head to his chest with more force than I had ever experienced from his hand. “It kills me to see you hurt. I want to never be the cause of your heartache.” Without releasing his grip, he continued, “But what you want is not possible. It’s not the way your life should be. Even if we could save you from Canary, transporting slaves with Pike and me is no way to live.”

  I pulled from his strong embrace. “I don’t care what we do as long as I’m with the two of you.” I sniffed and wiped away the tears, trying to regain my composure. “Anything is better than being delivered to my death.”

  “I told you, that it doesn’t have to mean death.”

  “But it is! It might as well. Even if I don’t mutate, what kind of life will I have working the mines?”

  “A better one than you would have with Pike and me. Look at us. Neither one of us is a true being. We both lack whatever the other has. I am nothing but a weak coward, while Pike is simply cruel and cold.”

  I shook my head. “But together…you are not. And don’t speak that way about yourself. You are loving, gentle, kind. You are the best of everything. The way you have treated me this past month is something I could never have imagined.” I paused to drum up the strength to tell Cross my true feelings. “I love you. I love you so much, Cross.”

  He looked at me surprised. “And my brother? Do you love him as well?”

  I shrugged and looked down at the ground. “I don’t know what I feel for Pike. It confuses me.” I looked back up into Cross’s deep onyx eyes and added. “But I do know that I love you. I love all that you are.”

  “I love you too.” Sighing, Cross shook his head. “We can’t give you what you need.”

  “Then take me someplace else. Anywhere else.”

  “We can’t do that, and you know it. We would be executed and they would hunt you down and do the same.”

  I reached out for Cross’s hands and pulled him close to me in desperation. “Buy me then. I would find a way to pay you back,” I suggested, feeling hopelessness take over all sense. “You can buy me to be your slave. You know this.”

  Cross wrapped me in his arms and kissed me on top of my head. “Truth, this is final,” Cross dictated. “You heard Pike. And I agree with him. We have nothing to offer you. Hours and hours, years upon years, in a metal transport ship is not the way to live.”

  My bedroom door slid open again. Pike entered, saying, “Regardless of what you may think of me, I do not wish you harm. Canary is a dangerous planet, but you will be fine. You are trained to survive.” Pike’s voice snapped my head to look in the direction of the doorway that he stood in. He walked toward me and pulled me from Cross’s embrace and placed his palms on both sides of my arms. “You need to trust that Cross and I can’t provide nor give you what you need. You are far better off anywhere else than with us.”

  I closed my eyes for a moment, searching my entire being for the power to not burst in tears and beg to be loved. I had to maintain some pride. “Fine. If I can’t have you, then I want this moment. I want this moment to feel you. I have less than twenty-four hours left.” I tentatively pressed my palm to his chest. “I want this moment to taste you.” I lowered my hand to the bulge in Pike’s pants. “I want this moment to feel your cock between my lips.” I quickly undid his pants releasing him from his confines. “I want you both again. Just this one last time.”

  Pike stood still, never making a move to stop me in my mission. I took this as a sign to continue on. I knelt down, softly placed his hardened cock on the base of my tongue, and closed my lips tightly around him. Looking up into his eyes, I began to move my mouth up and down along his shaft. Pike never looked away. He never closed his eyes for a moment. He watched as I began my seduction. I tightened my lips and worked my tongue in small circles along the entire length. His taste, his smell, and his entire aura were everything I imagined.

  Pike reached for my hair to stop me. “Truth,” he moaned.

  I looked up into his eyes with his cock still in my mouth. I pulled it out enough to whisper, “Don’t, Pike. I’m not just a Pallid Slave you are hired to transport. I am a woman with desires, needs, and a hunger for you and your brother.” I lowered my mouth down to the base of his cock and slowly back to the tip. Removing his penis just enough to speak again, I rasped, “Let me pleasure you.”

  Pike closed his eyes and threw his head back in euphoric surrender. I knew I had won this battle. I smiled wickedly at my success and continued my quest to please Pike like he had never been.

  “No. Stop,” Cross ordered. “This isn’t right.” He looked at Pike who now pushed me back and put his cock back in his pants. “We talked about this, Pike. The bond.”

  Clearly Cross and Pike had felt the lifeblood connection and discussed it. Cross also hadn’t tried to have sex with me since, and now it was all starting to make sense. They had made some kind of pact.

  “Well I’m glad I was included in this little agreement of yours,” I snapped as I fell to the floor, not caring to stand. “So because there was something special that happened between me and your lifebloods, you decided between the two of you that it is wrong. Without letting me in on that d
iscussion?” I shrugged and closed my eyes in defeat. “I guess I am nothing but a Pallid Slave after all.”

  “I’m sorry, Truth,” Cross said as he lifted me up and placed me on the edge of the bed. “We weren’t sure if you felt what we did. And yes, it scared us. We both had never experienced anything like that before, and we had a feeling it would only get stronger if we continued on. Because of the circumstances, we had to put a stop to it.”

  I laid down on my bed and turned my back to the brothers. “Fine. I understand. I am a slave awaiting delivery.” I took a deep breath so my voice wouldn’t crack and reveal my pain. “I’m tired. Can you both leave so I can get some rest? Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me, and I really should be rested. My life may depend on it.”

  Chapter Eight

  I sat in my room and waited. I had been up most of the night, terrified of what was to come. Sad about leaving Cross and Pike even though neither wanted me. They had both made that very clear. I thought of my sister and wondered what she would suggest I do. I think deep down, I knew what she would say. Overpower the brothers. Take over the ship. Kill or be killed. Trinity was always more ruthless when it came to terms of survival, and she was the one dead. There was a part of me that knew she was right. I should fight to take over the ship. There were only two of them, and I had certainly killed more than two men at a time. I was skilled, and I could use my submission to fool them and take them by surprise. I could do this. I should do this. It wasn’t like either one of them had my best interest in mind. They were delivering me to a planet that meant almost certain death. I had to look out for myself. Kill or be killed. Yes, kill or be killed.

  No. I couldn’t.

  I cared. My foolish heart may very well end up being the reason for my death, but I couldn’t deny the fact that I cared. I could never kill either one of them.

  Although it was clear as day—I was alone and needed to accept that fact. The brothers would not be there for me. I had a choice. Live or die. And if I wanted to live, then I needed to be strong when I landed on Canary and become the soldier I once was trained to be.


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