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The Butterfly Conspiracy

Page 11

by James Nelson

  The phone was silent for a moment then Paulie could hear Al breathing.

  “Look, Paulie. The man’s getting tired of waiting. You need to show up here with that kid now. I’m getting heat for sending you, after all your screw ups. If you don’t grab that kid, I’d suggest you don’t come back at all. You might just want to stay wherever you’re at permanently.”

  “No, Al, it’s okay. I got a plan and I’m headed out soon. Believe me, I can’t wait to get back. Everything’s gonna be great.”

  “Don’t mess this up. You got three days, no more.” Al slammed down the phone.

  Chapter 27

  The next morning, Stephen woke up and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was almost nine o’clock. No wonder it was so light in his room. He stretched and felt muscles pull in his legs and back, instantly reminding him of what had happened.

  Stephen snuggled down deeper into the covers. He caught a whiff of Britt’s perfume on his face. Stephen breathed a sigh of relief that he was back in the safety of the mansion. He fell back to sleep.

  At twenty minutes after nine, Stephen woke again and got out of bed. He showered and put on some sweat pants and a sweat shirt. It always seemed cold in the mansion in the morning, no matter what the weather was like outside.

  Jeanette was eating breakfast alone in the dining room. Stephen helped himself to the breakfast buffet Cora had set out in the kitchen and joined Jeanette.

  “Did Uncle Philip get off okay this morning?” Stephen asked.

  “Yes, the car service picked him up bright and early at six thirty. This is a very important meeting for him. I hope all goes well.”

  “I wonder if I should just go back home,” Stephen stated.

  Jeanette seemed startled. “Why would you say that?”

  “Well, look what a bother I’ve been. My uncle’s girlfriend keeps flirting with me. Someone pushes me over a cliff and then I’m kidnapped. I meet some new friends and one of them gets shot and is in the hospital.

  Uncle Phillip has a business to run. If you and the guys hadn’t been able to rescue me, he would have had to stay here and miss his important meeting. Look at the worry I’ve put him through the last few days.” Stephen said, toying with his food.

  “It seems that your uncle is going to take care of the issue that caused all those troubles, so things should be just fine from now on. By the way, Scott called while you were sleeping. Joe’s going to be fine. He will have his arm in a sling for awhile, but it should heal just like new.”

  “That’s good.” Stephen said, with relief.

  “Oh, and Scott suggested that you don’t try and see Joe.”

  “Really! Because it would be too dangerous?”

  “No.” Jeanette laughed. “Because there were too many girls in his room. Scott tried see Joe but the room was packed. He had to leave and come back later.”

  Jeanette watched as Stephen started to laugh.

  “You just need to relax, forget about what happened and start enjoying life at the mansion. You have the whole summer to look forward to.”

  “Yes, I guess you’re right.”

  “So what are your plans for today?” Jeanette asked.

  “The first thing on my plate is thanking you for putting yourself in danger and coming to my rescue.”

  Stephen leaned over and gave Jeanette a long hug. He closed his eyes and marveled at how good she felt in his arms. Jeanette did not pull away. Her body felt good next to him. After several moments, he released her. She looked into his eyes and he could see a tear running down her cheek.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She dabbed at her cheek with her napkin and broke into a soft laugh.

  “Oh, nothing’s wrong. Nothing at all. I’m just so glad you’re back.” She paused, “Well, that was a great start to your day. Now, what else do you have planned?”

  “I thought I would spend the day exploring the library. It looks like you could spend a lifetime up there and still not uncover everything. It would be nice if you could join me.”

  “I’ve got a few things to do this morning, but how about if I meet you up there early afternoon?”

  “That would be perfect.”

  Stephen went to his room and took his drawing pad and charcoals to the library. He found some art books featuring the old masters and began sketching. He lost himself in his drawings until pangs of hunger made him pause. He glanced at the library clock across from his uncle’s oil portrait. It was nearly one o’clock. No wonder he was hungry. Stephen headed down to the dining room. The room was empty, so he walked down the hall to Jeanette’s office.

  “Lunch time?”

  She was busy at her desk and looked up when she heard him.

  “Is it that time already? Yes, I’m hungry.”

  Jeanette and Stephen walked to the kitchen. Cora was busy pulling pies out of the oven.

  “What delicious treat do you have for lunch today, Cora?” Jeanette asked.

  Cora looked up from the oven, her glasses covered with steam. She said, “Italian beef sandwiches with a salad, picked fresh from the garden, and a fresh strawberry/rhubarb pie that just came out of the oven.”

  “Wonderful!” Stephen exclaimed.

  During lunch, Jeanette asked Stephen what he had occupied his time with up in the library. He explained he had been sketching pictures from the old masters. Jeanette mentioned that she had a few more things to do, but it looked like she could join him around three, if that was alright.

  Stephen thought to himself it would be more than alright but instead said, “Sure, but only if you will let me draw you. I’m tired of trying to duplicate those dumpy old women in the old master’s pictures.”

  Jeanette laughed and said, “Draw me! I don’t think so. There must be many more beautiful things you can illustrate besides me.”

  Stephen blurted out, “I doubt that!” and then realized he probably said more than he wanted to. He continued, “No, I think it would be fun to see if I can capture your personality, but if it would make you feel uncomfortable, we don’t have to.”

  “I don’t mind. But only if you have patience with me since I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m going to feel very self-conscious.”

  Jeanette finished her lunch, got up and put her dishes in the sink. She returned to her office and went back to her work, all the time thinking about meeting Stephen in the afternoon. She straightened up her desk, went back to her room and tried on several different outfits. She ended up selecting a beautiful lace dress. The dress was black, sleeveless, with a lace overlay and decorated with beads. She quickly put on some make-up, pulled her air up in a twist and headed up to the library.

  Stephen was so busy preparing a new sheet of paper on his sketchpad, he didn’t notice when she walked in.

  “I hope you like my new look!” Jeanette said nervously. Stephen glanced up.

  At first, Stephen didn’t recognize that it was Jeanette standing in front of him. She was stunning. Stephen just stood there. After a few long seconds, he felt like a complete idiot.

  Stephen stammered, “You, you look beautiful, Jeanette. Now I only hope I can do you justice!”

  The hours melted away as Jeanette posed and Stephen sketched. She was amazed at how talented he was. She had never seen any of his work before and seeing herself as his inspiration was very thrilling. As Stephen was finishing a third sketch of Jeanette, the library clock chimed five times.

  “Come and see, Jeanette.”

  For this sketch, Stephen had Jeanette sit in a retro pinup type pose with her hands resting on her knees. Jeanette gazed at the beautifully illustrated picture. She knew it was her, but found it hard to believe Stephen could capture her likeness with such a soft and beautiful spirit.

  “I love it! I think it’s my favorite one. But you forgot one thing.”

  Stephen inspected the drawing. “What did I forget?”

  “You forgot to sign it, silly.”

  “Oh, it’s only a sketc
h,” Stephen dismissed with a laugh.

  “No, it’s MY sketch and I want you to sign it for me.”

  Stephen scribbled his signature on the bottom, tore it off his sketch pad and handed it to her.

  “I had a wonderful time,” he said. “I hope you did to.”

  Jeanette leaned into him. Stephen wrapped his arms around her. Jeanette looked up and Stephen kissed her. The kiss was long. It was like they had both wanted this and once it happened, neither wanted it to stop.

  Jeanette said, “Do you do this to all your models?”

  “You’re my only model,” Stephen replied.

  Jeanette helped Stephen pack up his supplies and store them back in his room. They held hands as they walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

  Cora was in the process of setting out a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes and green beans. Stephen and Jeanette fixed their plates and moved to the dining room to eat.

  Stephen poured two glasses of merlot. Cora entered the dinning room with some hot rolls just out of the oven.

  “Cora, have you seen Britt today?” Jeanette asked.

  “No, I thought she may have changed her mind and gone to California with Mr. Kahle.”

  Jeanette said, “I was up helping Mr. Kahle get ready for his trip and he was the only one using the car service to the airport. It’s not like Britt to stay at her place all day without coming over to the mansion. We all know she doesn’t cook. Is Bobby around?”

  Cora said, “No, the last time I saw Bobby was around ten o’clock when I saw him talking to those annoying protesters at the gate.”

  “If Britt doesn’t show up for supper, Stephen and I will walk over and see if she is all right.”

  Jeanette and Stephen continued to eat, expecting Britt to breeze in at any moment.

  After the meal, Cora set down two pieces of warm strawberry/rhubarb pie.

  “Who wants coffee?”

  “I’ll take a cup, Cora,” Jeanette replied. As Cora brought the coffee, Jeanette said to Stephen, “Let’s walk over to Britt’s place and see what’s going on.”

  The sun was just going down and the sky to the west was bright orange. Fast moving grey clouds hugged the horizon. The wind was picking up and a cold breeze was blowing fog in from the lake. They walked hand in hand down the narrow path that meandered through the wooded area that connected the mansion to Britt’s place.

  Jeanette approached the back door and rang the bell. From inside the house, Stephen could hear the muffled sounds of the door bell as it chimed three times. Jeanette pushed the button again. Three more chimes and then silence.

  “Could she have gone somewhere?” Stephen asked. “Maybe she drove into town?”

  “I don’t think so. Britt doesn’t drive. She lost her license a few years ago and has never shown any interest in getting it back.”

  Stephen could see that Jeanette was worried. She tried the door bell again. There was no activity from the house. Jeanette knocked on the door.

  Jeanette said, “Let’s walk around and check the windows.”

  The first window they came to was the kitchen. Both Stephen and Jeanette peered inside.

  “Looks fine to me,” Stephen said, somewhat relieved. They walked to the next set of windows. Stephen looked in and froze.

  “What is it?” Jeanette asked.

  “I see legs lying on a bed and it looks like there’s blood. Do you have a key, Jeanette?”

  “I don’t. Only Britt and your uncle have a key.”

  Jeanette pounded on the window and called, “Britt, Britt, Britt!” She turned to Stephen, her face was white, “She’s not moving, Stephen. We have to call the police.”

  They turned and ran back to the mansion. Jeanette threw open the back door and ran for the phone in the kitchen. Cora jumped up from the table. Bobby was sitting with a cup of coffee.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “We’re calling the police. Something’s happened to Britt. She’s lying in her bed and not moving. We can’t get in because her place is all locked up.”

  Bobby started for the door. “I’ll break in.”

  Stephen grabbed his arm. “I don’t think we should do that. It looks like we may be dealing with a crime scene.”

  Bobby pulled his arm free and shot Stephen a look. “Crime scene? What the hell are you talking about?

  I’m the guard around here. I need to see what’s going on. This is my responsibility.”

  Bobby bolted for the door as Jeanette reached someone at the sheriff’s office.

  “Please send help to Cliffside Manor on Pine Ridge Road. We need the police and an ambulance.”

  It took the police eighteen minutes to get to the mansion. By that time Bobby had broken a window in the back of Britt’s house, climbed in and had confirmed that she was dead in the bedroom. There was lots of blood. Bobby was standing in the front door when the police arrived.

  Once the officers saw the condition of Britt’s body, they were not pleased Bobby had broken in. Bobby was ushered out of the house, crime scene tape was being unrolled, and the Michigan State Police Investigation team was called, along with the county coroner.

  Stephen and Jeanette sat silently in the trophy room. Bobby had poured a drink and was pacing aback and forth. The police were not talking, but they were asking questions.

  “Ms. St. Jacques, I’m Detective Drew and this is Detective Franklin. We have a few questions we would like to ask of Mr. Kahle. Would it be possible to talk to him?”

  Jeanette was holding on to Stephen, quietly crying into his shoulder. She looked up at the detective.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Kahle’s in California. Once we reach him with this terrible news, I’m sure he will be returning as soon as possible. Can you give us any more details? Was it a suicide? Was it…” Jeanette paused. “When I break the news to Mr. Kahle, I have to tell him something.”

  “As you know, Ms. St. Jacques, these things take time. Once our technicians go over the scene, we will all have a lot more information. Could you tell us who discovered Ms. Adolfson?”

  Jeanette explained to Detective Drew that Britt had not been seen all day. Detective Franklin interrupted and asked Stephen if he could step away. He had a few questions of his own to ask.

  Detective Drew asked Jeanette if there was a private area where they could call Mr. Kahle. She got up and led the detective to her office. Jeanette didn’t know how to break the news to Phillip. She sat quietly for a moment at her desk before picking up the phone. She dialed Phillip’s hotel and asked to speak to Mr. Kahle. The phone rang twice and Phillip answered.

  “Oh, Phillip.” Jeanette started crying.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know how to tell you this, but Britt, Britt’s dead.”

  There was a long silence on the phone.

  “Jeanette, was there an accident?”

  “We’re not quite sure, but the police are here now and there is a detective with me in my office. Yes, I’ll put him on.” Jeanette handed the phone to Detective Drew.

  Chapter 28

  Moon’s back was killing him. He rolled over on his side. Why was he on the floor? He heard snoring from across the room. It all came back. Oh yeah, Paulie was staying at his place.

  Moon remembered coming back to the apartment with 2 six-packs and 3 bottles of wine. He thought about how mad he got when Paulie refused to drink the wine he bought. What an ass, Moon thought. Since when was Manischewitz Black Berry cheap wine?

  Moon sat up and stretched. Once Paulie started drinking beer last night, the stories really flowed. Even though Moon had drunk plenty, it wasn’t enough to block out Paulie’s stories. Even if only half of them were true, Moon knew he was dealing with a dangerous man.

  The phone rang, piercing the stillness of the morning. Moon jumped up and stumbled to the phone. He tried to grab it before it rang again, waking up his guest. It was Jimmy Hebbard, a fellow picketer from Mr. Kahle’s mansion.

  “Hey, Jimmy,
” Moon whispered into the phone. “What’s going on.”

  “Don’t bother picketing today or any other day, for that matter. A bunch of us just got grilled by the cops. I think old man Kahle’s girlfriend is dead and nobody knows what’s happened.”

  “Dead?” Moon glanced over at Paulie, sleeping on the couch.

  “Yeah, can you believe it? They were asking us a bunch of questions, like they think one of us had something to do with it. I don’t know what happened, but it doesn’t look good. I’m just telling you to not come down for your schedule today. I’d lay very low if I was you, with your record and everything.”

  “Shit, Jimmy. This sounds bad. Give me a call if you get any more information, will you?” Moon put down the phone. He glanced over at Paulie again.

  Moon grabbed a towel and washcloth and headed down to the communal bathroom. When he returned, Paulie was sitting at the card table, looking out the dusty window.

  “Morning,” Moon said warily.

  “What’s good about it?” Paulie barked.

  “Ah, well, for starters I said morning, not good morning”, Moon replied. “Paulie, were you here all night or did you slip out and go somewhere?”

  “After all those cheap beers, I flopped on the couch and fell asleep. Why?”

  “That call I just got. It was from a guy that pickets the Kahle place with me. Looks like something happened to Mr. Kahle’s girlfriend. She’s dead and the cops are asking a lot of questions.”

  Paulie stood up. “No shit. And you think I did it?”

  “That ain’t what I said. Nobody knows what happened. We don’t got people getting bumped off much around here so I think the heat’s going to be turned way up until this thing gets sorted out. If you had anything to do with this, I need to know.”

  “You’re nuts. You’re spending too much time with them dead birds. I don’t even know who this Kahle guy is, I never heard of his girlfriend and besides that gate, I’ve never been close to the place.”

  Moon paced back and forth. “It doesn’t matter. It’s going to make snatching Stephen a lot harder with all this attention. With this shit going on, I don’t like this deal much anymore. You need to get out of town fast.”


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