River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2)

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River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2) Page 7

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  I rolled my eyes, “You know, Aunty Hilary – you could just ask Ethan.”

  Jodie decided to make an appearance at that moment. I turned and my jaw dropped. Hell fire, he scrubbed up as well as I did!

  He grinned, “Like what you see?” he asked a little flirtatiously.

  I nodded, “Looking really good.” I agreed, “Will you come back up with me and help me with my tie?” I was dying to escape my family – but I really didn’t want to leave him to cope with them alone either. He shrugged and nodded.

  I turned to Hilary, “Back in five minutes.” I said.

  She nodded, giving Jodie and I a curious look. She probably thought he was my boyfriend – that was fine. I didn’t have to explain myself to anyone...

  Chapter 18 – Mirrors...


  I was happy to go back up the stairs with River. His room wasn’t what I’d expected at all. This house wasn’t what I’d expected, truth be known. I knew they’d bought him that house that he lived in, but I’d kind of assumed that they’d re-mortgaged to do so... It would appear that they’d bought it out of their back-pocket money.... They were filthy rich...

  Jake had never mentioned River’s parents’ wealth to me either – and I’d kind of assumed, since they’d grown up together – that River had grown up in a similar sort of house to Jake. I hadn’t realised that they’d gone to different schools right up to being at 6th form together. River had been educated privately and then had joined Jake finally in 6th form – after being shipped off to his aunt’s house. River’s mother had always been friends with Jake’s mother and that was how they’d managed to always maintain their friendship.

  I sat on the edge of River’s bed as he stripped out of his comfortable jeans and tee shirt and started to don the suit and shirt. He looked amazing in the shirt and trousers. He turned to me, “Can you help me with the tie?” he asked.

  I nodded and went across to where he was stood in front of the biggest mirror I’d ever seen, “Wow.” I murmured, “What I’d give to have a mirror like that in my bedroom.”

  He grinned at me, “Like watching yourself, huh?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “No idea – I never have – because I don’t have a mirror like this.”

  He chuckled, “Well I have – and it’s kinda horny.”

  My dick went instantly hard, “Shut up.” I groaned, “I have to walk down the stairs in a minute and this suit is not gonna hide anything.”

  He laughed, “Sorry.” He said, “I was just saying...”

  I nodded, “Well, I’ll get some mirrored doors installed at home and check things out there.”

  His eyes smouldered, “That sounds like a lot of fun.” He murmured, “I’d like to see that show.”

  It was like all the air had suddenly been sucked from the room, “Stop it.” I whispered.

  He smiled, “Stopping.” He said, “Come on – are you decent enough to face the rest of my family again?”

  Well, the mention of his family sure killed the fire that was building in me. I nodded, “I think so.” I said.

  Chapter 19 – Gran...


  I really didn’t know what to expect a funeral to be like. I’d never had to attend one before. Dad’s parents had died when I was really young and Mum’s parents were still pretty damned sprightly. In fact Gran was overwhelmed to see me, “River, darling!” she made her way to my side hurriedly, “And is this your young man?” she asked loudly, making half of the congregation turn around.

  “Uh, no actually – this is Jake’s boyfriend – you remember my friend Jake?”

  She nodded, “He was always a good boy.” She smiled fondly, “Not like you.” She chuckled then.

  I smiled, “No.” I agreed, “It was always me in trouble.”

  Grandad stayed in his seat, “Come and see your Grandad,” Gran urged, “He’s missed you.”

  I hesitated, “Will he mind...?”

  She looked up at me with her beady eyes, “We’re not all homophobic idiots, River.” She said, “Some of us understand.”

  I smiled, relaxing I took Jodie’s hand and pulled him over to meet my grandfather.

  He looked up at me, “I can’t get up.” He grumbled, “Never get old, River.” He said with a chuckle, “It’s not what it’s cracked up to be.”

  I smiled, “It’s lovely to see you, Grandad.” I said.

  His smile broadened, “Is this your boyfriend?” he asked, “You did good.” He said with a wink before I could even explain.

  I glanced at Jodie who was grinning from ear-to-ear, “Yeah,” I agreed, “I did, didn’t I?”

  I managed to say hello to most of my family, and found that they were all actually pretty normal – and not in the slightest bit bothered that I was gay and there with another guy.

  It had just been my father – he’d obviously got issues but as a teenager, I’d not seen that. I’d just been afraid of him and his wrath.

  My mother, bless her heart, was beside herself. Not because we were cremating the old bastard – no, she was beside herself to have missed out on the last five years of my life, “How can you ever forgive me, River?”

  I sighed. I didn’t know, truth be known, but I was willing to give it a try, “We’ll just play it by ear, Mum.” I said, “Maybe you could come and stay sometime.”

  She looked at me, teary eyed, “Won’t you come home?” she asked in a small voice.

  I shook my head, “My home isn’t here anymore, Mum.” I said, “I made a new home – I’ve got great friends, a great job...”

  She nodded, “I know.” She whispered, “I’m so glad for you. And I’m so sorry for what we put you through.”

  I nodded, “Let’s draw a line under it.” I said, “We can start again now.”

  She nodded, biting her lip. “There’s something I have to give you.”

  I frowned, “What?”

  She got a letter out of her purse and my heart took off at a gallop. I just knew it was from him. “What’s that?” I asked.

  She shook her head, “I don’t know what’s in it, son.” She said, “I haven’t read it. You can either burn it or read it. I’m not sure it’ll matter to you either way anymore – but he wanted you to have it – begged me to give it to you.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded, “Right.” I said taking it from her shaking hands, “I’ll let you know – and Mum.”

  She looked at me, “Get yourself better, huh?”

  She nodded and smiled, “I feel better already seeing you again.”


  I got into the car and flopped my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes. “That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do – but you know what? I actually had quite a good time.” I opened my eyes again and looked at Jodie.

  He smiled at me and nodded, “You were brilliant, mate.” He said, “And to make that speech – I was really impressed – I already knew you had stage presence but that was awesome.”

  I shrugged, “I did it more for me than anything.”

  He nodded, “I understand that – but you showed everyone there that you were the bigger man.”

  I smiled, “It was good talking to Ethan.” I said, “He said he was worried about coming out – after what I was put through.”

  Jodie sucked in a breath as he started the car, “I can understand him,” he murmured.

  I nodded, “Yeah, I guess – but Hilary isn’t like my mother – she’s pretty cool about the whole gay thing – she was strict with me – but she never made me feel like a leper. I told him to tell her sooner rather than later. I didn’t let on to him that she already knows.”

  Jodie grinned, “You’re a good egg.”

  I chuckled.

  He looked at me, “What happened with your mum?”

  I shrugged, “It’s gonna take time to heal the rift between us.” I said, “but I’m willing to give it a go.”

  He patted my leg, sending shock waves through my body, “That�
��s good.” He said, “Sounds like it wasn’t really down to her.”

  “It was down to her too. She had a choice. She could have left him.”

  Jodie nodded, “Yeah, I guess.”

  “She gave me a letter.” I blurted out. I wasn’t going to mention it, but I suddenly had the most overwhelming need to share the burden. “I don’t know whether to read it – or to burn it like she suggested.”

  “Read it,” Jodie urged. “You’ll never have any peace of mind if you don’t read it.”

  I nodded, “yeah,” I agreed, “I might do. But not today. I can do it tomorrow – I’ve got the day off.”

  Jodie nodded, “So what are we doing now – wanna go to the club and have a dance?”

  I grinned, “That sounds like a fantastic idea,” I said, “Let’s go and get our clubbing clothes on.”



  After his harrowing day, I thought the best thing he could do would be to let off a load of steam at the club – as a punter for tonight.

  We drove back to his house and ran inside to get changed.

  He came out of his room with his hair spiked up a little, guy-liner on and some really rather delicious looking lip gloss.

  “Fuck me.” I murmured as I looked at him.

  “Now?” he asked.

  I grinned, “You look fucking amazing.” I said, “Promise me you won’t leave me high and dry while you fuck your way through half of the other guys in there.”

  His smile faltered slightly, “I would never do that to you.” He said, “If I go with you – I’ll stay with you.”

  Relief flooded through me. It wasn’t that I had any sort of claim on him. He could do as he liked – but I just wanted him all to myself for tonight at least.

  My phone rang, “It’s Jake.” I said and excused myself, “Hey, baby.”

  He wasn’t exactly thrilled that we were going to the club and asked to speak to River.

  I passed the phone over and went to fetch my wallet. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered if I should put on some guy-liner and lip-gloss too. We’d look like twins if I did that though... the thought of it made my dick harden. Grinning to myself I reached for my eye-liner...

  I stepped back out onto the landing just as River was finishing up his call to Jake. He turned to me and his jaw dropped, “Oh, my God.” He breathed, “Look at you.”

  I winked, “Like what you see?”

  He nodded slowly, “I could just eat you all up.” He said.

  I pouted and raised an eyebrow, “Promises, promises,” I said flirtatiously, “Now, let’s get to the club.”


  It was busier than I imagined it would be in the club but not nearly as busy as it was from Thursday onwards.

  Buzz was on the door as usual and he grinned when we rocked up, “River!” he gathered me into a massive hug that almost broke my ribs, “Sorry to hear your news, dude – well, you know...” he trailed off, obviously finding it hard to put into words what he meant. I understood the sentiment.

  I shrugged, “Yeah, well...”

  He looked at Jodie and then back to me quickly, “Jake okay?” he asked.

  I nodded, “Yeah.” I said, smiling, “We just got off FaceTiming him, actually – things seem to be going really well for him.”

  He nodded and smiled, “Well, you seem to know what you’re doing.” He muttered, “Have fun tonight – oh, and uh, there’s a cop in tonight. His name’s Harley – seems like a nice guy.”

  I raised my eyebrows, “Any particular reason for him being here?” I asked.

  He shrugged, “He’s covering for Kody – the threat of that guy McCarthy is still considered pretty real, so he’s in for the next week or so while Peyton and Kody take a break.”

  I nodded, Ah, right – cool.”

  We went inside and headed for the bar, “What are you drinking?” Jodie asked, “Because this one is on me.”

  I grinned, “I think I’ll have a Screaming Orgasm.”

  Jodie’s lips curved up in the most wickedly sexy grin I’d ever seen in my life, “Oh, yeah.” He said, “Me too.”

  After we’d finished our first drink, I led him to the dance floor. “Show me your moves.” I said flirtatiously.

  He giggled, “Only if you show me yours.” He retorted playfully.

  I raised an eyebrow, “I think I already did that the other day.” I said.

  He nodded, his eyes darkening and his smile turning dangerous, “Fuck, yeah.” He said, “And it looked good enough to eat.”

  “Holy shit,” I breathed, “You’re gonna be the death of me...”


  What the fuck was I doing? I was flirting outrageously with River that’s what I was doing – and I was loving every naughty second of it too...

  I could tell he was really trying his best not to flirt back too. He’d had a traumatic day and I really should have just been encouraging him to dance his stress away but he was beautiful and sexy and I fancied the pants off him, more than I’d ever fancied anyone before in my life – including Jake if I was gonna be honest – and all I wanted was to get him in a bed and to ravish all of that beautiful golden skin...

  We started to dance and I tried to concentrate on the music and the dancers around us – anything to stop myself from drowning in River – but it was impossible. He was totally dancing dirty with me – and I was loving every filthy second of it...

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  I looked at him, “So are you.” I said honestly, “You’re absolutely beautiful, River – I thought so the first time I ever saw you up there.” I nodded towards the empty podium that he usually occupied.

  He smiled, “I noticed you too,” he said “I was gutted when I realised you were with Jake....”

  My heart constricted, “We can’t...”

  He shook his head, “I know.” He said, “Let’s just get wasted instead.”

  I nodded, “Good idea...”

  We headed for the bar. Seth eyed River with a frown on his face, “I told you to steer clear,” he said in his ear – clearly not realising that I could hear him loud a clear.

  River nodded, “I’m just being friendly.” He insisted, “There’s nothing going on, dude – relax.”

  Seth looked at me and I smiled blandly back at him, “Hi, Seth.” I said, “He’s just letting off a little steam – he cremated his dad today.”

  Seth blinked, “Oh, my God, River...”

  River shrugged, “Yeah, well...” He downed his drink – a shot of vodka.

  I downed mine too and then tugged his hand, “Let’s dance again.” I said, “Come on.”


  We danced for hours – and had cocktails and shots and God knows what else – and then we decided it was time that we should get ourselves home.

  “Taxi,” I slurred, “We need a taxi – we’ll have to pick up Elsa tomorrow.”

  Jodie blinked, “Elsa?”

  I grinned and nodded, “That’s what I called her.”

  He nodded, “Nice choice” he said with a smile, “I like it.”

  I grinned, “Me too.” I said, feeling ridiculously pleased that he liked the name of my car. “But not as much I like you.”

  He grinned, “Likewise,” he said “I really fucking like you.”

  I looked at him and he looked back at me and then, as if it was totally meant to be and there was nothing to stop us from falling into each other’s arms, he launched himself at me and when our lips met – it was like magic...


  By the time we got to the top of the stairs, my dick was about ready to explode with the anticipation that had been building within me all day.

  I pulled away from his kiss and blinked slowly, “Are you okay?” I whispered.

  He nodded, “Yeah,” he said, “I don’t think we should really be doing this – but it feels so fucking good I can’t stop.”

  I nodded, “I know – we probably shouldn’t.” I agreed. “But I d
on’t think I could stop now if I tried. I’m so fucking hard for you Jodie. So fucking hard.” Let’s just keep going and deal with the consequences tomorrow...

  Almost as if he’d read my mind he turned to me and said, “Okay – let’s make a deal – we’re both drunk, right?” I nodded. “So, we have tonight and then we never speak of this again – agreed?” He was breathing heavily, obviously as turned on as I was.

  Throwing all caution to the wind, I nodded, “Fuck, yeah – I’m gonna give you the time of your fucking life…” I took his hand and led him to my bedroom. Tomorrow was for worrying about when it came. The here and now was all that was on my mind…

  Jodie captured my mouth in his again as he pushed me down onto the bed. I was kind of used to being the one that made all the moves so this was kind of a turn on that he was being so dominating.

  “What are you gonna do to me?” I breathed.

  He shrugged, his smile lazy and inviting, “What do you want me to do?”

  I looked up at him, “I want to suck you – or you can suck me – I’m easy.”

  A wicked smiled crossed his face, “I heard that about you.”

  I laughed, “I’d be changed man if I had you all to myself every day.”

  He licked his lips and nodded, “I hear you.” He said. Tugging at my ripped jeans he grinned salaciously, “You’re gonna have to get naked.” He slurred slightly as he spoke.

  I nodded, “Of course.” I agreed.

  We stripped each other in seconds. My dick was so hard it was almost painful.

  “That is so fucking hot.” Jodie breathed, reaching his hand out and wrapping his fingers around my shaft. “I need a picture of that, dude.”

  I shook my head, “No.” I said, “You can’t do that – what if someone saw it and realised it was me?” and by someone, I meant Jake...

  He shook his head, “You’re right, you’re right.” He nodded, “I won’t – I promise.”


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