River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2)

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River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2) Page 11

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  He looked relieved, “Thanks, Jodie,” he said, “At least one of us is thinking straight.”

  I sat there biting my lip. I was feeling pleasantly fuzzy with the couple of cocktails I’d drunk taking the edge off a little, “But just supposing I didn’t want us to just be mates…?”

  River groaned, “Oh, my God.” He growled, “You’re gonna cause me so much trouble.”

  My heart was beating out of my chest. What the hell was I suggesting? There was no going back from crossing the line I was definitely nudging… “I’m sorry,” I gasped, “Take no notice of me – I’m drunk.” I wasn’t all that drunk, truth be told, but it would save us both a lot of embarrassment in the long run.

  He shook his head, “I’m so damned tempted by you – but I really can’t cheat on my friend.”

  I nodded, “Me either – just mates.” I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. It was easier all round. I could hear River’s breathing. It was fast to start with but it slowed as he drove. He must have assumed that I was asleep – and it was probably best that he did…



  Oh, God. It was so inconvenient feeling this way about my best friend’s boyfriend. What the hell was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I just find a nice guy of my own? Seriously… I really was doomed to failure – always. Just like my father had always told me. He got worse the older I got, but he was even disdainful of me when I was young…

  “Stop pandering to him, Adele, he’s gonna grow up to be a right poofter.”

  Don’t be cruel, Rich,” she replied, “He’s just a little sensitive, that’s all…”

  “Sensitive?” he snorted, “He’s not sensitive – he’s a cry baby and it’s all your fault. If he turns out gay – I’m blaming you…”

  Variations of this conversation plagued me my whole life until the day I was attacked. I sighed. I owed everything to Jake. He saw me through all of it. I couldn’t betray him. I really couldn’t…

  I pulled onto the driveway. Turning off the engine, I turned to Jodie. Bless him, he was fast asleep and looking just about as adorable as he possibly could.

  I undid my seatbelt and leaned across. I shook his shoulder, trying to ignore the tingling sensation that went through me just to touch him.

  He stirred and looked at me in confusion, “What?” he asked, “What’s happening?”

  I suppressed a chuckle. Seriously? How cute? No wonder Jake adored him. “We’re home, dude – come on – time for bed.” I’d have him in my bed if I could…

  He grinned salaciously, “Really?” he drawled, “Well, I think I can manage that.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Jodie.” I said, “It’s River – not Jake.”

  He blinked and then really focused on me. “River, got it.” He said with a nod, “Fucking gorgeous, fucking delicious dick... but totally off limits.”

  It was my turn to blink. Had he really just said that? Was he struggling with the same emotions as I was? Now was not the time to explore the answers to those questions. Now was time to get him to his bed and to get myself to my bed. I’d made a promise to Jake and damn it, I was going to keep it…

  Chapter 28 – Hangover...


  I woke up with the mother of all hangovers. Holy shit. What the hell had I been drinking the night before? I lay there, trying to remember and finally everything started coming back to me. I’d gone to the club with River for something to do other than sit on my own all night. Well, that was utter shit really – I went because I totally fancied the pants off him and found him to be the most utterly compelling person I’d ever met in my whole life.

  I’d had three of Rob’s special cocktails. I’d watched River dancing on his podium, I’d talked to Seth about Jake and River and… I frowned as the conversation came back to me. Oh, my God. He’d totally warned me off… did they know something...?

  “You know he and Jake grew up together, don’t you?” Seth asked conversationally.

  I smiled, “Yeah, Jake told me all about River almost as soon as we met.”

  He nodded, “Did he tell you about the guys beating him up?”

  I nodded soberly, “He didn’t really go into much detail, but they were talking about it the other night – I was horrified that his parents reacted the way they did – my mum reckons she’s known I was gay since I was four and adores me anyway.”

  Seth chuckled, “You know that River puts it about a bit, don’t you?”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, “Jake might have mentioned it a few times, yes – listen, mate – what’s your point?”

  He raised an eyebrow, “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other and I was just giving you a friendly warning.”

  I shook my head, “Yes, he’s incredibly attractive but I love Jake – I’m not about to jump into bed with River – relax mate – if you want him for yourself, he’s all yours.” I hadn’t meant a word of it. The idea of him with Seth had actually sent a surge of jealousy through me so strong that I felt physically sick.

  He snorted, “I’m straight, dude.” He said, “But I appreciate the offer and I’d be on him like a rash if I was gay.”

  Well that was a weird thing for a straight guy to say, but still.

  He eyed me, a warning tone in his voice, “Even so – be careful around him, will you – I know River puts on this front that he’s really cool and totally in control of everything – but he’s a mess on the inside. I don’t want my boy hurt. Do not sleep with him unless you’re planning on ditching your boyfriend – because it will kill him – I’ve never seen him like this before – he’s fallen really hard for you.”

  I blinked, “right.” I said, “Noted. I won’t sleep with him – I promise.”

  Shit. Could I really keep that promise? I wasn’t really sure. River wasn’t the only one that was a mess on the inside – I really needed to sort my shit out…

  Chapter 29 – Too much...


  It was amusing to see Jodie walking around gingerly with his pounding head – but also, far too much of a turn on. I needed something else to focus on, so, in the end, escape really was my only option. He was far too appealing – and far too flirtatious – it might only be his personality – but for me that was like a magnet and I really was having immense difficulty in staying away from him. And the longer I stayed close, the less likely it was that I’d be keeping my promise. I could not let Jake down. I couldn’t…

  Still, I couldn’t resist alerting him to the fact I’d be gone for a while, “I’m off to work, Jo – see you later.”

  He came running down the stairs, a bit of a lost look on his face, “When will you be back?” he asked.

  I sighed. Seriously. I didn’t want to leave… “Um, about midnight?”

  He sighed and nodded, “Right – I might wait up…”

  I took a deep breath, “Don’t.” I said, “I might not be back at all.” It was a total lie but it gave him the idea that I might be getting it on with one of the punters and that was what I wanted him to believe. I wanted to put him off me. Our mutual attraction was going to be the undoing of everything that was good in my life, I was sure.

  His face fell a little and another chunk of my heart splintered off and shrivelled and died. “Right,” he said dully, “I get it.”

  No you don’t, I thought. But that’s okay. This way, no one got hurt… Well, no one else did anyway…


  Almost as soon as I walked into the bar area, Rob spotted me and a broad smile appeared – a somewhat relieved smile actually. “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Peyton’s coming in tonight,” he said with a roll of his eyes, “– it’s not exactly business – says he and Kody need to let off a little steam – since Kody got that promotion and Peyton got a new bodyguard they’ve both been stressing out a little. Kody’s very protective – and not impressed with the bodyguard’s credentials.” Rob grinned.

  I nodded, “Yeah, I know.” I agreed. I’d seen
how protective Kody was when he’d floored six guys who were dancing too closely to where Peyton was stood the other night. To be fair it had only been a matter of nights after we’d all been attacked by the nutter with the gun, but still... I’d started to really like the guy. He knew I had no designs on his man and we got along pretty well now. He was totally cool.

  “So grind those hips like there’s no tomorrow, you hear?”

  I chuckled. Peyton wasn’t about to sack his best dancer. I’d brought in more revenue for my one-night stands alone (and when I’d been on a roll they’d turned into one-hour-stands) than the rest of the guys ever had, “Sure thing,” I said, “You’re the boss and I respect you.” I gave him a mock salute and ducked as he went to give me a clip round the ear. Grinning I asked, “Who else is up there tonight?”

  He shrugged, Thai and Alfie, I think.”

  I nodded. Alfie was still a little subdued but he’d been flirting with some guy the night before and I was hopeful he’d be back to his usual flirtatious self before long, “Alfie’s cute.” I said. Thai was beautiful – in an exotic looking way with his dark skin and beautiful dark curly hair but he wasn’t exactly friendly with me – he was built like a god and he knew it. I think he wondered why I got so much attention when I was blonde and twinky. I didn’t much care as long as we all got tips. “And if only Harley would show up again we could be in for another live sex show,” I grinned again.

  Harley and Alfie had totally taken a shine to each other and when he’d been covering the club while Peyton (and therefore Kody) had taken a break from the place, Harley would even come in on his nights off, or stay late and they’d get a little drunk together and then start dancing with each other. It was kind of hot to watch him lose his inhibitions and make out with Alfie on the sofas and I could totally understand why Alfie was now so down. They’d totally made a great couple. Surely he’d come back for him sooner or later?

  Thai, on the other hand, was a totally different guy altogether... He liked to let the punters touch him and stuff. I didn’t do that – if they were interested enough they let me know and we headed for the bathroom – there was no need for such public displays – and certainly not when Kody was around. He’d likely arrest him… “You’d better keep an eye on Thai then.” I said.

  Rob nodded grimly, “He’s already been warned.” He said, “Any more getting his old man out on stage and he’s out of here.”

  I chuckled, “Good.” I said, “He makes the rest of us look like shy virgins – and makes the punters think they can treat us all like pieces of meat.”

  Rob nodded, “You’re right.” He said, “I’m going to make you the podium manager – you’re the best dancer up there – everyone knows it. Give the guys some pointers and keep them in check – think you can do that?”

  I swallowed, “Uh, I think so…”

  Rob frowned, “Too much responsibility too soon?” he asked.

  I’d only been working at this club for about six or seven months but I really liked it and I wanted to earn more if possible. Not that I really needed the money but I hated living off the money my parents had put in trust for me – I doubted Mum would want to take it back but still… I only ever spent my own money. I lived in that fucking awful house because I needed somewhere to live but I did not regard it as home. This place ‘Studs and Steel’ was more of a home than I’d ever had – complete with my ‘adopted’ parents, Rob and Jenna. I’d adopted them when I’d dated their son and they still treated me like I was one of their own.

  “Do you think Peyton has a hidden agenda in coming tonight?” I asked as I helped Rob set up the bar.

  He shrugged, “Probably,” he said, “he still has a twenty per cent stake in this place – so who knows – he might have some suggestions.”

  I nodded, “The place still looks amazing.” I said as I looked around. It really was incredible. There were mirrors everywhere and the rest was done in stainless steel. It was spotlessly clean thanks to the cleaning crew that rocked up every morning to make the place sparkle like new for the new day – and thankfully Callum McCarthy’s visit hadn’t damaged the place too much either. The carpets had needed cleaning and two or three mirrors had had to be replaced but it could have been so much worse.

  I shuddered at the thought and looked around. Trying not to remember his gruesome demise, I took a swig of my beer and enjoyed the fizz on my tongue as I swallowed it. I thought I knew why Peyton was coming tonight – he obviously had better things to do with his time now that he’d decided he’d fallen in love – and there was always the reminder of Callum McCarthy for him here too. I totally thought he was going to thrash out a deal to sell the rest of his share to Rob.

  With all the drama over from his old gang wanting a piece of him, he’d decided to spend less time managing his array of clubs and more time with his hot-as-hell cop boyfriend. And I didn’t blame him one little bit.

  I felt a bit of an affinity with Peyton – he might have grown up poor as a church mouse and was a self-made man, which was nothing like my own circumstances – but his parents had turned their back on him and left him to fend for himself – just like mine had. I might have been given a sack load of money to fend for myself with, but I was still alone and it was the loneliness that was the hardest part of it all to deal with. The knowing that I was totally alone in the world was soul destroying. Peyton understood that about me – because he’d felt it too.

  We weren’t that dissimilar. Peyton had been looking for something when he slept with all those guys – and me – just like I had and back then I had no idea I was about to find the one that made all the difference to me. Not that there was anything I could do about it.

  Rob smiled, “He’s got the new place I told you about a few weeks back – it sounds quite intriguing – it’s still a nightclub at night – but he’s trialling a lunchtime restaurant theme.”

  I raised an eyebrow, my interest piqued, “Oh, yeah?”

  He nodded, “Yeah, nothing raunchy – he’s been in talks with Kody’s mate, Tate actually.”

  I frowned, “Tate?” I asked, “I thought he was a cop too.”

  He nodded, “He is – but his family own a Michelin star restaurant and Emilio – the head chef, is in talks with him. His sous chef and younger brother, Luca might be taking over as Peyton’s head chef – it’s all a bit complicated since Peyton and Luca’s boyfriend have history but as far as I know they’re all cool about it now. Like I said, it’s still early days but you never know.”

  I nodded and then a thought occurred to me, “Is he gonna need waiting staff?”

  Rob cocked an eyebrow, “Why – are you interested?”

  I shrugged, “I could always use the extra cash – and we’re always closed at lunchtime…” And I no longer had my job to rely on at the restaurant I currently waited tables at, since Mario’s daughter was coming back… and Jodie still didn’t have a job at all…

  Rob nodded, “Well, I’ll give you a shout when he comes in – we’ll get someone else to cover your podium for a while and you can talk to him.”

  I grinned, “Thanks, Rob – I really appreciate it.”

  Chapter 30 – A job...?


  I’d been on edge all day, just waiting for River to return and the later it got, the more on edge I got. Eleven thirty. Would he be back tonight? Or would he have gotten an offer he couldn’t refuse?

  Jake had called earlier but he’d been called away almost the minute we’d gotten talking and I’d felt totally dismissed. He definitely cared more about his career than he did about me…

  I checked the clock. It was quarter to two in the morning. I really should have gone to bed a couple of hours ago but call me pathetic – I was dying to see River. Just to get a glimpse of that shy, beautiful, still slightly unsure-of-himself smile was enough to see me through until the next morning. He was so beautiful. So damaged by his awful parents – but I swear I could fix him, given the chance… I blinked. What the hell was I
thinking? He wasn’t mine to fix – and I might not be seeing much of my boyfriend recently – but I was already in a relationship…

  I heard River’s key in the door and my heart about doubled in speed. I sat up a little straighter in my seat. Would he think it was weird that I’d stayed up? I hoped not…

  He poked his head around the door, “Hey,” he said, grinning widely, “You’re still up!”

  I nodded, faking a yawn, “Yeah, I uh, fell asleep in front of the TV. I was just about to go to bed.” I lied.

  His face fell a little, “Oh, right – yeah, sure – you go on up.”

  No fucking chance… I shook my head, “I don’t have to go straight up,” I said, “– did you need to talk about something?”

  He grinned and nodded, making my heart take off at a gallop, “Actually I do have something to tell you that might be of interest.”

  I raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” I asked, “What?”

  His smile was just about the most perfect thing I’d ever seen in my whole life, “I got you a job – well, both of us actually – Peyton, the guy who sold Studs and Steel to Rob and Jenna?”

  I nodded, “Yeah, I remember Peyton.”

  He nodded, smiling, “Well, he’s got a new restaurant, Diamonds and Lace, and he’s hiring.”

  I nodded, slightly confused, “So what?” I asked “We’re waiters?” I asked.

  He smiled, “Yeah, we’re waiters.”

  Wow. This guy was amazing… I grinned at him and held up my hand for a high-five.

  He put his hand up to mine but instead of just slapping it, he threaded his fingers through mine and squeezed while pulling me close to him. We were stood nose to nose, it would be so easy to just close the gap and kiss him, “This is gonna be great.” He whispered.

  I nodded, looking into his beautiful dark green eyes, “It is,” I agreed a little breathlessly, “It really is.”


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