Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3)

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Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3) Page 7

by Parker Skye

  “Damn it, Izzy. I told you not to let him back in!” Ben snarled at the smaller wolf.

  Jude stopped, crossing his arms over his chest and waited for the other man to explain himself. He could feel the rest of Logan’s pack watching from behind. He should have been worried at being outnumbered, but Jude had so much bottled up frustration at the moment that he almost hoped this interaction turned into a fight.

  When Ben said nothing after several moments, Jude made to push past. Ben stepped to the side, once again blocking Jude’s forward momentum. Ben puffed out his chest defiantly, but he still had to look up, way up, to meet the tiger shifter’s gaze. When Logan’s brother stood there despite the odds, Jude felt nothing but pride for the other man. It seemed Ben had finally found his balls. Jude would be proud to call him family one day.

  “You were an asshole as a cat, so I’m assuming you’re still an asshole no matter what you really are. You don’t deserve my brother, Judas. Why don’t you just turn around and get out of here before you cause him any more pain?” Jude continued to meet Ben’s golden gaze directly and held it until the other shifter was finally forced to look away. Jude smirked, never doubting his superiority.

  “Logan is my mate and I’m not going to let a pup like you get in my way. Got it? Now step aside before I lose my temper.” Jude may have been proud of Logan’s brother, but that didn’t mean he was going to let anything get between him and his mate.

  Ben growled deep in his chest, his wolf starting to rise to the surface. Jude picked up the growls of two more wolves starting to shift behind him, knowing Adam and Ryan were both ready to enter the battle to protect their pack mate. Izzy was frantically trying to calm them all, arguing that this didn’t need to turn into a fight. Jude turned and caught the betrayed look Ryan shot his mate. Finally, Izzy relented and shifted, too. His white wolf trembled in its unwillingness to join the battle but yet it stood in solidarity shoulder-to-shoulder with its mate.

  “Everyone fucking stop!” Logan’s booming voice sounded from the doorway to his room. “Jude, get in here before you cause any more trouble.” Jude snarled at the implication that any of this was his fault. Logan scowled at Jude’s expression and added a snarl of his own in response.

  “I said stop! All of you! Now get in here, Jude,” Logan yelled, pointing with one finger in the direction of their shared room. Jude slid past Ben’s blond wolf who was still baring its teeth and growling in Jude’s direction.

  “Damn it, Ben! Fucking knock it off, will you? Jude isn’t going to hurt me,” Logan yelled. “Since all of you have so much fucking energy tonight, why don’t you get out of here and go hunt. We’re low on meat.”

  Logan slammed the door behind himself, practically in his brother’s face. Tapping claws could be heard retreating to the front of the house and Logan rested his head on his door frame, sighing loudly. Jude fought with himself to keep from offering physical comfort to his mate. He knew instinctively that Logan wouldn’t find it comforting at all.

  “Sorry about that,” Logan finally said, turning to sit on the end of his bed. “Ben can be a little overprotective at times. He’s been that way ever since our folks died. Like he’s afraid he’s going to lose me, too, you know?” Jude joined his mate in sitting on the bed, but left several feet between them. He didn’t want Logan to feel any more uncomfortable than he already was.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure if I had a brother in this situation, I would act the same way,” Jude said.

  “You don’t have any siblings?” Logan asked. Jude shook his head in response. He was going to leave it there but felt the need for his mate to know more about his kind. “I might have siblings that I’m not aware of. I don’t have any contact with my family anymore,” Jude continued.

  “Why not?” Logan asked. “Shit, I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  “No it’s okay, Logan. I want to tell you. You should know,” Jude said. He paused several moments, contemplating the best way to describe his childhood. Realizing Logan wasn’t going to like it no matter what, Jude sighed and started explaining the basics of weretiger society.

  “Well, tigers aren’t like wolves, you know. Offspring only stay with their parents until we can protect and fend for ourselves. My father was not my mother’s true mate, so he didn’t stay around after I was conceived. Once I was mature enough, I left to find territory of my own. I haven’t seen my mother in many years,” Jude explained.

  “Seriously?!” Logan asked, apparently angry again. “See?! Another reason we could never work. You’re crazy if you think I’d just let my pups wander off on their own when they were barely weaned.” Logan was back to pacing, arms crossed tight over his chest as if he was trying to hold himself together. Jude could scent his mate’s growing distress like burning sulfur.

  “Logan, please. Calm down. I promised I wouldn’t force anything on you, remember? You’re getting all worked up about something that would likely never happen anyway, even if we do figure out a way to make this work,” Jude said reasonably. Logan stopped near the door again and groaned as he rubbed his fists into both eyes. Jude could sense Logan’s exhaustion like it was a physical being in the room with them.

  “I know. I just can’t turn my brain off. It keeps running off on these crazy tangents. Honestly, I just wish I could shut down and go to sleep so I could pretend this day never happened,” Logan explained. Jude took in his mate’s worn out appearance and stood to unmake the bed. Logan appeared ready to argue again when Jude met his gaze directly, forcing peace through their fragile link.

  “Shift, Logan. Just shift and let your wolf take over for the rest of tonight. I promise you’ll both be safe. You need the rest. Just go to sleep and you’ll feel better in the morning.”

  Logan nodded once and turned around, stripping quickly. Jude sensed his mate’s reluctance at being watched. He turned his back, offering Logan privacy. The faint sounds of shifting bones and flesh sounded and soon Logan’s large black wolf pressed against Jude’s hip affectionately. The wolf slid past and jumped into Logan’s usual spot, circling three times before he lay down. The wolf sighed peacefully, laid its muzzle on its crossed front paws, and closed its eyes. Jude couldn’t resist the urge to run his palm down his mate’s furry flank. Logan’s wolf apparently didn’t seem to mind the contact as much as his human side, as a humming noise sounded deep in the wolf’s chest. Jude smiled and turned off the bedside lamp.

  “Goodnight, mate,” Jude said. The wolf snorted out a breath and succumbed to its exhaustion. Once the room was bathed only in moonlight, Jude kicked off his shoes and dropped his clothes were they fell. Jude relaxed and let his tiger flow free. The bed groaned when his heavier form jumped into its usual spot dead-center. Logan’s wolf briefly glanced over and huffed again, seemingly pleased at the tiger’s nearness. Jude forced his eyes to close, pretending to sleep but all the while watching over his mate while the wolf took its much needed rest.

  Chapter 11


  Logan woke with dog breath and knew he’d managed to shift back sometime during the night. He dreaded turning over to find his supposed mate waiting to continue his play for Logan’s hand. Logan finally gave in and rolled over when his empty stomach wouldn’t wait any longer. When he found the bed otherwise empty, Logan knew he should have been thrilled but strangely, he was only more irritated. Logan frowned as he realized his human side was determined to be miserable no matter what.

  Logan thought back to how easily his wolf accepted the tiger’s presence the night before and groaned. No, it wasn’t just last night, but for weeks now his wolf had accepted Judas... no, Jude as an accepted part of their world. Logan should have known then something was off. Werewolves and cats did not get along. Ever. He’d just assumed it had something to do with Judas being a warlock’s cat. Instinctively, Logan should have known there was more to the story. He felt foolish for missing all the signs.

  Logan’s stomach growled audibly and started
twisting itself into knots, angry at its prolonged emptiness. He vaguely remembered his last meal which had been at least twenty-four hours ago. Logan could smell bacon frying and knew he needed to eat, but he just couldn’t face anyone yet. He’d wait until everyone was gone, he decided. Hopefully Jude would have taken off for the day, again. Logan wasn’t ready to talk yet to anyone, especially Jude. He knew hiding in his room was beyond childish, but Logan wasn’t above a dose of immaturity if it got him out of discussing his newfound ‘mate’ right now.

  Curling onto his side, Logan forced his eyes to close again. He started counting backwards from a thousand, intent on forcing himself to find blissful unconsciousness again. When his bedroom door gently swung open, the smell of food penetrated the room. Logan was torn whether to throw something at the intruder or yell his thanks to the rooftops for someone taking it upon themselves to drag his stubborn ass out of bed.

  “Logan, you need to eat. Izzy said you didn’t eat at all yesterday, so I brought your breakfast,” Jude said, his deep voice projecting a strange sort of calm. Logan wanted to be soothed but felt his shoulders tensing up instead.

  “I’m fine. Go away,” Logan grumbled, refusing to open his eyes. Jude’s dejected sigh was evident, but thankfully the tiger said no more. Logan heard the breakfast tray scraping across his scarred desktop. As quickly as he came, Jude was gone. Logan was simultaneously thankful and confused by the tiger’s willingness to give him space.

  “How can I be his mate, when he so easily lets me push him away?” Logan asked himself.

  Logan was on his feet before the bedroom door had fully closed and shoved a slice of bacon into his mouth. He stayed standing while he demolished the rest of his large breakfast. The blueberry pancakes almost brought tears to his eyes. Logan knew Izzy had made them especially for him. The little shifter knew they were Logan’s favorite. When he finished the last sip of his coffee, Logan sighed aloud in contentment.

  Now that his brain and body had fuel again, Logan was more than a little embarrassed at his behavior over the last twenty-four hours. He was being a terrible role model to the rest of his pack. He fully admitted it. Today was going to be different, Logan vowed.

  It was simple. Jude was mistaken in his belief that they were mates. It simply couldn’t be. Cross species soulmates just didn’t happen, first of all. Secondly and more importantly, Logan wouldn’t allow it. Jude was bigger and stronger than Logan could ever pretend to be. Logan instinctively knew that made Jude the alpha in any relationship. Logan would never let himself be dominated like that. It went against every fiber of his being.

  Feeling energized in his newfound determination, Logan headed for his shower. He’d clean up and dress in his best. He needed to go to the college today and enroll for next semester, after all. While he was out, he’d call Kai and find out what the warlock wanted done with his “cat”. Now that the jig was up, Logan suspected Kai would either return to retrieve Jude or he’d tell Logan their end of the bargain had been met. It didn’t really matter, Logan realized. By the end of the day, Logan hoped Jude would be on his way and Logan could start getting his life back on track.

  Logan’s day continued to be shit. The fates were against him, same as it seemed they always were lately. It started with his almost cold shower. His pack mates had somehow managed to use all the hot water. Logan had been forced to tolerate a lukewarm splash that barely lasted long enough to brush his teeth. He’d shivered through getting dressed and almost looked forward to stepping outside into the unseasonable warmth that penetrated the South. He quickly realized once he did, he shouldn’t even have bothered to shower. The humidity level disgustingly made an instant stickiness coat his arms and back.

  At least Jude had been absent since dropping off his breakfast. Logan had no clue where the tiger had taken himself off to, but honestly Logan didn’t care. He was just glad he wasn’t forced to see Jude’s face again so soon.

  Logan parked his truck in the visitor’s lot and spoke to the university registrar as planned. Unfortunately, with his lack of recent transcripts, they were unable to guarantee his acceptance into the spring semester. It looked like he’d be doing a year of remedial work at community college before joining the rest of his pack the following year.

  After forcing himself to accept the registrar’s rejection, Logan had spent several hours trying to track Kai’s whereabouts to no avail. Repeated texts went unanswered and the warlock’s cell went straight to voicemail. Logan eventually found Lila’s contact information on the web, but she had no idea where Kai had taken off to.

  When Logan mentioned the cat, Lila acted surprised, saying that Kai didn’t have a pet that she was aware of. According to Lila, Kai had only moved out two months ago which coincided with the timeframe Judas was dumped on them. It seemed Jude had told the truth at least. He hadn’t been the warlock’s pet as Kai claimed, but cursed by the warlock instead.

  But what had Jude done that warranted such a punishment? Jude had yet to explain that part of the puzzle. Logan physically shivered when he imagined how his wolf would react if it was cursed into the body of a poodle. Jude’s tiger must have been miserable trapped as a housecat for all those months. An ugly, enormous, hateful housecat…but, still a housecat.

  It was nearing dusk when Logan finally dared to go home. He pulled into his usual spot on the curb and turned off his truck’s ignition. Their blue SUV sat in the drive. Logan suspected the rest of his pack was already home. Logan hoped Jude would still be gone, but knew it was an unlikely proposition to have this wish granted twice in one day. Especially after the way his luck had played out so far today.

  Logan dropped his shoes in the entry, for once thankful they wouldn’t be destroyed by the dreaded Judas. A delicious aroma flowed through the room and Logan followed his nose to the kitchen. He found Izzy standing at the stove making another of Logan’s favorites. Chicken sizzled in the large cast iron skillet. The remaining ingredients for chicken picatta sat prepped and ready on the counter. Logan’s stomach growled audibly and Izzy startled at the sound. When he turned and saw Logan practically drooling already, Izzy laughed.

  “Hey, you’re home. Did you have a good day?” Izzy asked over his shoulder. Logan’s response was delayed by his search for a snack to tide him over until dinner was ready. His head was buried inside their refrigerator when he felt eyes on him again. He knew who it would be before he extricated himself, holding a wedge of sharp cheddar in one hand.

  Logan kept his back to the tiger as he made quick work of slicing several wedges from the block. Logan could sense Izzy’s nerves pouring off in waves as he continued making their dinner. Logan took a bite of the strong cheese and finally answered, realizing he needed to pretend he was fine, if only for his pack mate’s sake.

  “It was pretty good, I guess. I got enrolled at the community college for the spring and ran some errands. Overall pretty uneventful,” Logan lied as he shoved another chunk of cheese into his mouth. He turned, leaning back against the fridge as he chewed. Sure enough, Jude sat at the table rigidly watching his every move. Logan couldn’t avoid the shiver that ran bodily through him at the tiger’s blatant perusal. The intensity in Jude’s mismatched eyes made Logan feel like a bug under a microscope.

  “I thought you were going to the university with everyone else,” Izzy commented. With his back to the room, Izzy was clueless to the scene currently playing out between Logan and the tiger. Logan continued to stare back at Jude, refusing to look away first. He suspected the other shifter was trying to assert his dominance and Logan wasn’t having it tonight.

  “Yeah, Logan. I thought you were going to the university with us,” Ben said as he wandered into the room. Jude instantly looked away as Logan’s brother unknowingly interrupted their silent contest. Logan smirked and swallowed down his cheer of victory. Jude obviously picked up on Logan’s unsportsmanlike attitude, but instead of being irritated, he aimed a blinding smile in Logan’s direction. Logan was momentarily stunned before he real
ized that Ben and Izzy were both staring at him with knowing looks on their faces.

  “Um, yeah,” Logan said, shaking his head slightly, trying to clear his brain. “I tried to enroll at the university, but it’s been too long since I was out of high school. I have to go to community college for a year to prove myself or some shit.”

  “That sucks,” Ben replied. Ben stole the chunk of cheese Logan had been nibbling and popped the entire thing into his mouth. Logan was slightly embarrassed at the yelp he automatically uttered at his brother’s thievery. Ben attempted to smile while chewing and Logan’s eyes narrowed to irritated slits.

  “I think it’s very wise, actually,” Jude interjected, drawing the room back into their previous conversation. Logan felt the hackles on the back of his neck rise in irritation.

  “While I’m sure you think your opinion matters, Jude, it really doesn’t. So stay out of my business please,” Logan said flatly. Jude’s nose wrinkled and he huffed out a dry laugh.

  “Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, Mate,” Jude responded. His gaze was once more locked onto Logan’s and this time he seemed to have no intention of losing focus so easily.


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