Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3)

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Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3) Page 8

by Parker Skye

  “Boys, boys, knock it off. You’re ruining my appetite with all the alpha pheromones blooming through the air,” Izzy complained. He waved his wooden spatula around his head as if fanning away unpleasant fumes. “I, for one, want to hear Jude’s opinion. Just because he’s not a wolf, doesn’t mean he might not know things.” Logan hated the smug look Jude sprouted in response to Izzy’s easy acceptance.

  “Well if you like his opinion so much, maybe you should mate him,” Logan offered. Unfortunately, he said the words just as Ryan walked into the kitchen. The furious look Ryan aimed his direction had Logan backpedaling immediately, both hands held in front of his chest in a placating manner.

  “Ryan, dude. You know I was just kidding,” Logan explained. Ryan, ignoring his excuses, kept coming. When his face was inches from Logan’s, Ryan grabbed him by the shoulders and actually snarled. Logan couldn’t remember the last time Ryan looked so close to losing it.

  “Just because you can’t figure out your own shit, leave my mate out of it. If I hear you maligning our relationship again, we are going to have more than words. Got it, Logan?” Logan flushed, embarrassed at how his thoughtless words had threatened his friend. Obviously other members of his pack were having just as much trouble with an unmated alpha tiger sharing their space as he was.

  “You’re right, Ryan. That was stupid of me and I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again,” Logan replied, forcing honest regret into his tone. Ryan, obviously satisfied, backed off and turned to his mate instead. Izzy patted Ryan’s cheek and pretended to berate him for his act of machismo. Izzy’s pleased tone, though, more than confirmed that he was thrilled at his mate’s possessive display. Logan’s attention was eventually drawn by the feeling of being watched again.

  “Take a picture, Jude. It’ll last longer,” Logan said, not even bothering to look over at the tiger to confirm his suspicion. Logan pretended to ignore the other man and turned to watch the others instead. Izzy was telling Ryan about a difficult customer he’d had to deal with at the catering company that morning. Ryan laughed at Izzy ingenious response that left the customer wondering if he’d been insulted or not.

  Adam and Ben were comparing calendars for some group study session they had arranged. Logan chuckled knowing that Ben was secretly regretting signing up for organic chemistry with Adam. His brother had foolishly taken the class just to have an excuse to spend another minute alongside his mate. It was now past the drop date and Ben was scraping by with a D. His brother was going to be doing plenty of extra study sessions to have even a slim hope of passing.

  Logan was finally forced to admit he could feel the tiger’s eyes on him still when he just couldn’t take it anymore. The rest of his pack’s interactions were entertaining for sure, but they weren’t distracting enough to make the sensation less annoying.

  “Don’t you have something else you could be doing? It drives me fucking crazy when you stare at me like that,” Logan blurted out. He failed to miss Izzy’s surprised gasp at Logan’s dickish tone. Before Logan knew what hit him, he was off his feet and over one hard shoulder, being carried down the hall like a sack of potatoes. Logan pointlessly beat both fists on Jude’s lower back and yelled to be put down. He was positive he looked like an idiot right now.

  “We’ll be back in a minute, guys,” Jude said. He continued, obviously sensing Logan’s brother about to intercede, “Don’t worry, Ben. I’m not going to hurt him. We just need to get something straight.”

  Any hope of rescue was extinguished with Ben started to chuckle. Fucking brothers. Logan continued to futilely pummel Jude’s back as his room neared. Logan had childishly degenerated to name calling by the time the door slammed shut behind them, his pack’s laughter still burning in his ears.

  Chapter 12


  “Put me down, you son of a bitch,” Logan yelled. Jude tossed him bodily across the king-sized bed and stood with both hands on his hips.

  “What the hell?!” Logan exclaimed.

  “You told me to put you down, so I did,” Jude responded. Not waiting for Logan’s next complaint, Jude straddled Logan’s hips and pinned his mate to the bed. Jude sat back, arms crossed over his chest and let Logan fight as much as he wanted. Logan’s hands futilely fought to push the tiger off, but Jude knew it was as useless as trying to get a concrete wall to budge. Eventually, Logan gave up and his arms fell out to his sides with a plop. Jude fought not to smirk. He knew Logan would instantly start fighting again if he reminded his mate about the difference in their strength.

  Jude put his hands to either side of his mate’s head and closed the distance between them, forcing Logan to accept his physical proximity. Logan refused to make eye contact almost like prey animals did when Jude’s tiger had them cornered. Jude imagined they saw their end coming in the tiger’s hungry expression. Jude simply waited, certain any abrupt movements would only delay the message he needed Logan to hear. When Logan’s breathing finally started to slow, Jude dropped his head and ran his nose up the side of Logan’s neck, inhaling deeply.

  “Damn it, Jude. Stop doing that and get the fuck off of me,” Logan complained, starting to fight again. Jude grabbed Logan’s hands and forced them overhead, pinning him even more helplessly to the bed. Jude continued to stare down into Logan’s ice blue eyes. Logan’s heart started thundering, almost tricking Jude’s instincts into thinking Logan was enjoying the moment more than he was. Jude couldn’t stop himself from grinding his hips down onto Logan’s crotch. Logan gasped, whether from surprise or disgust, Jude wasn’t sure. Jude loved the sound, though, so he did it again.

  “Fucking get off of me, Jude!” Logan was yelling now. Nope, that was not a gasp of pleasure. Jude forced his hips to still. Logan was looking anywhere but in Jude’s direction, obviously avoiding making eye contact again. Jude internally cursed himself for his lack of patience.

  “Okay, Logan. Just look at me for a minute and I’ll get off. I promise,” Jude offered calmly. Finally, Logan’s ice-blue eyes were staring directly into his own, but instead of fondness Jude hoped to see, they were burning with hatred.

  “Fine. I’m looking at you. Now get the fuck off of me, Jude,” Logan growled. As Jude stared, he watched Logan’s eyes blacken as his pupils slowly dilated. Logan’s tongue sneaked out and licked his lower lip nervously. Jude groaned as he traced its path hopefully. Jude could feel his tiger’s desire to claim his mate, urging him to force the situation if he had to. The tiger didn’t care what Logan’s human side wanted. Logan’s wolf accepted him already and that was enough for Jude’s more primal half.

  Jude closed his eyes, severing their connection before he lost control. He forced himself to sit back, releasing Logan’s hands. Logan clenched his hands open and closed repeatedly as if trying to restart the blood flow. Logan watched suspiciously as Jude continued to straddle his lap. Jude knew he’d come close to losing the tenuous trust he’d developed so far. He better be on his best behavior from now on.

  “Sorry, Logan. I really did just want to talk to you, but I lost control for a minute there,” Jude admitted. He shifted slightly, worried he was putting too much pressure on Logan’s hips and froze mid-motion. “What the?” Jude whispered more to himself than anyone else. Logan flushed bright red and instantly started arguing.

  “It’s just a physical reaction. Nothing more. I’m a man for god’s sake and you were practically dry humping my dick. Now get the fuck off me, Jude!” Logan pushed hard as he continued yelling. Jude allowed himself to be dislodged, falling to the bed on his side. Logan practically sprinted from the room and Jude let him run with a smile. He was having too much fun savoring the moment of weakness his mate had so unwillingly shown him.

  Dinner was almost finished by the time Jude went back to the kitchen. He couldn’t miss the pissed off look Logan aimed his way, his mate’s loaded fork freezing halfway to his mouth. Izzy hopped up and quickly made Jude a plate. The little wolf’s kind gesture briefly earned Jude anothe
r suspicious glance from Ryan. Jude did his best to appear non-threatening and thanked Izzy for his hospitality. He took the empty seat next to Logan and nodded in Ryan’s direction, silently letting the other man know he had no intentions toward his mate. Jude waited for Ryan’s answering nod before he took the first bite. He groaned aloud as his taste buds sang with pure pleasure.

  “Fuck, I may have to reconsider stealing his mate if Izzy cooks like this all the time,” Jude thought to himself. When the table froze and Logan aimed another hateful look in his direction, Jude realized he’d accidentally said that out loud.

  “Oops, sorry. Just a joke. Really good food, though,” Jude said quietly, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, Ryan and Logan most especially. Jude continued shoving bite after perfect bite into his mouth, forcing himself not to be too obvious in his enjoyment of the meal. Jude figured if his mouth was full, nothing else stupid could come out of it. After several moments, Adam started to laugh and the rest of the table gradually followed.

  Everyone, but Logan, of course. How Logan could scowl so loudly, Jude didn’t know; but his mate could express his displeasure better with silence than anyone Jude had ever had the misfortune to meet before. Logan finally took his last bite and, thanking Izzy for the meal, pushed back from the table. Jude watched while Logan stalked rigidly to the sink and rinsed his plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

  Saying not another word, Logan grabbed his keys off the rack and headed for the front door. Jude pretended to ignore his mate’s continued refusal of him, but the almost pitying expressions the rest of Logan’s pack wore around him was going to grate on his nerves before long. When Izzy and Ryan started whispering heatedly, Jude put down his fork with a clatter and sighed.

  “I can hear everything you’re saying, you know,” Jude said. Izzy blushed which made a startling contrast to his platinum hair. Izzy started to speak but stopped several times, his mouth opening and closing comically. The pierced shifter finally settled back in his chair and started flicking the small silver hoop in his lower lip with one finger.

  Ryan watched his mate as if waiting for him to say what was on all their minds. When Izzy shrugged his shoulders and refused to talk, Ryan apparently took pity on his mate and brought up the elephant in the room instead.

  “So what’s your plan, Tiger? Logan’s obviously rejected you more than once. Add to that, you’re in foreign territory hanging out with a pack of wolves. Just how do you see this playing out here?” Izzy put a hand on his forehead and dragged it down his face, apparently more than a little embarrassed by Ryan’s lack of subtly.

  “What?” Ryan asked his mate directly.

  “What Ryan means to say,” Izzy added, “is what’s your plan, Jude? I, for one, can see how much Logan means to you. I think I always felt it, even when you were trapped in cat form. But you have to admit, you’re fighting an uphill battle here. Logan’s never even looked at another man that I know of. And he’s always voiced intentions that his mate would be another wolf, no matter what. Even though he’s accepted Adam and me as members of the pack, I know he was confused by Ben and Ryan’s choice at first.”

  Ben’s sigh drew everyone’s attention, but the way he sat staring down at the table with his arms crossed tight over his chest didn’t improve the worsening mood.

  “Logan’s also always been very serious about continuing our family name. While Izzy’s currently carrying Ryan’s pup, male pregnancies are almost unheard of in our species. According to our healer, Izzy is the first male bearer in over two centuries. That almost rules out pups for Adam and I no matter how much we might want them. Logan’s the only one left that can carry our family into the next generation.” Ben looked directly at Jude and delivered another blow.

  “If he mates with you, our family line is over. I don’t think he’ll ever be willing to take that risk, even if fate wants him to.” Jude doubted Ben meant to be hurtful, but the facts were the facts. Jude felt a lump the size of the moon settle in his chest as he digested this new information. Suddenly he regretted his second helping of dinner.

  “Wait a minute, guys. I can vouch for the Sterling men’s willingness to be flexible when it comes to their mates,” Adam interjected. Adam laughed aloud at Ben’s answering squawk.

  “Oh come on, Ben. Admit it. You’d never looked at another man either before me and look where we are now. You can’t just say Logan would never decide to change teams if the price was right. If Jude really is Logan’s sufletul pereche, his fated mate, then he’ll eventually come around, won’t he?” Adam asked almost as if he were pleading for leniency on Jude’s behalf.

  “And give up being a father? Let his family name die with him?” Ben asked dejectedly. He shook his head slowly and said, “I don’t know, but I really, really doubt it.” The air of finality to Ben’s words was undeniable.

  Jude pushed away from the table, abandoning his empty plate and ran for the front door. He barely made the tree line before he shifted, shredding his borrowed clothes as he let his tiger take over to deal with the pain.

  Chapter 18


  When Logan returned hours later, hands loaded with plastic shopping bags full of unnecessary items, he wondered when he’d become such a fan of retail therapy. Setting the bags on the kitchen table, Logan turned to find his pack once again waiting for him in the living room.

  “Another intervention. Just great,” Logan thought.

  Logan ignored both couples as he unpacked the groceries. Izzy quickly joined him to rearrange things Logan had put in the wrong places. When Logan stuffed the last plastic bag into the bin set aside for recycling, he found Ben standing behind him. Ben’s stoic look left no room for Logan’s continued avoidance. His brother casually steered Logan into the living room and pushed him down into the recliner that faced the huge sectional.

  Logan sat silently and crossed his arms tight across his chest. He was determined this conversation was going to be over before it had even begun. He flicked a glance in the direction of his bedroom and a low growl sounded in his brother’s chest. Obviously his brother was on to Logan’s desire to flee. Logan lashed out, more in embarrassment at being so easily read than in actual anger.

  “Are you threatening me, Ben? I think you forget who’s in charge here,” Logan said with a deceptively calm voice. He would love to throw down with someone he could actual beat right now, even if it was his own brother. Even better if it was his own brother since he already knew all Ben’s weak spots from their fights growing up.

  “Fuck it all, Logan. I’m not threatening you, but we need to talk this out. Quit running off and avoiding the situation. This is affecting all of us, not just you. We’re a pack, damn it, or did you forget?” Ben argued.

  “The fuck did you say to me? Of course I know we’re pack, Benjamin. Why the fuck else do you think I’m here while you all play around at school? I fucking put my life on hold so we could be here. I left my home and my chance to find a normal mate to play house in this shithole or did you conveniently forget that, too?!”

  Adam sniffled and his face quickly became suspiciously blotchy. Fuck, what had Logan just said? He kicked himself internally for how that must have sounded to his brother’s mate. Adam put on a good show, but he still carried a chip on his shoulder about his own self-worth sometimes. And here Logan had just basically said being in Alabama so Adam could get his education was an unwanted burden. Logan tried to apologize, but before he could do more than open his mouth, Adam jumped up and ran to his room.

  “Fuck you, Logan! You know what? You’re right. This is your problem. Figure it out on your own. How you’re a wolf sometimes I’ll never know as much as you value your fucking independence,” Ben snarled. Ben stormed off to comfort his mate and Logan cursed himself again.

  “Well that went well,” Izzy said sarcastically. Ryan put an arm around his mate’s shoulders and pulled him into his side protectively.

  “Got any more insults to throw, Logan, or are you ready t
o talk?” Ryan asked. His tone left no doubt he was more than willing to take this into a more physical direction if Logan so much as looked at his mate wrong.

  Logan sighed dejectedly. He hated himself for causing any of his pack distress and was once again thankful for Ryan’s more than level head. Ryan had always been the most logical of their group of friends. Even growing up he’d been the one to talk them down from the stupid things hormonal teenagers got themselves involved with. The only time Logan had ever seen Ryan lose his cool was when it concerned his mate. As long as Izzy was safe and happy, Ryan exuded calm control. Logan strongly suspected Ryan would eventually end up in law school, no matter his own personal opinion on most lawyers.

  “Fine. So talk,” Logan yielded sulkily. While he appreciated Ryan’s collectedness, Logan couldn’t bring himself to act the same. Logan crossed his arms over his chest again and went back to staring at the floor.

  “We had a conversation with Jude tonight about his prospects and he didn’t take it well,” Izzy said, his hand reaching up to flick the hoop in his lower lip nervously. Ryan gently grabbed the offending hand and linked fingers with his mate, keeping Izzy from unintentionally hurting himself. Izzy smiled at his mate faintly but the smile faded as he returned his attention to Logan. Logan wanted to pretend he didn’t care, but he needed to know.


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