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Ryder (Sons of Sangue Book 6)

Page 6

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Riding back to Adriana’s apartment in her friend’s small sedan would be out of the question. Gabby would have her driver follow Adriana. Once there, she’d need to convince the driver to stay by the SUV once again. Antonio had been a pushover, always having had a soft spot where she was concerned. But today’s driver? Her gaze went to the bar where he stood talking with some of Raúl’s men. A “yes” man. Convincing him was going to be much trickier.

  Adriana’s brown sedan pulled in front of the restaurant. She opened the door and got out, spotting Gabby in the picture window and waving enthusiastically before heading for the entrance. Thirty seconds later, seated across from her, Adriana grabbed Gabby’s glass of Pinot Noir and took a healthy swallow, draining half the contents.

  Gabby waved at the waitress and ordered an open bottle with another glass. Once the woman returned with the wine, they placed their order of crab cakes and salad containing romaine lettuce, black beans, corn, tomatoes, and avocado, tossed with the house dressing.

  “So glad you called, Gabby. I hated the idea of sitting home alone and channel-surfing the television, without even a good movie to watch.”

  “Going dancing is certainly preferable to that.” Her gaze flitted to tonight’s driver. “I’m going to need your help. This one’s going to want to follow me inside your apartment if he can. Losing sight of me, he’d consider it a personal failure to my uncle.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I got this. He can stand in the hallway outside the door if he wants, but he isn’t coming inside.”

  The waitress set their plates before them, then excused herself when they both said they didn’t require anything else. Adriana wasted little time as she cut into her crab cake, dunked it in the chef’s special sauce, then plopped the morsel into her mouth. A look of pure pleasure crossed her face as she moaned over the delicacy.

  “Tan bueno.” Adriana licked her lips, then quickly cut another bite. “So damn good. I wish I could hire him for all my meals.”

  Gabby laughed. “You couldn’t afford him.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “You know you can always get a free meal on me here.” Gabby picked up her glass and took a sip. “So, what’s the plan? How are we going to keep my driver from following us everywhere?”

  “You leave that to me. I’ll have him so flustered, he’ll be begging to stand watch from the landing outside the apartment, leaving us to escape via the back door.” After stabbing an avocado slice, she bit into the fruit. “Let’s just hope he stays there. If not and he discovers us gone, we’ll apologize later for the oversight. Not like he’s going to tell your uncle you gave him the slip. You think your guy will be there?”

  Gabby shrugged. “It’s a long shot … but unfortunately, it’s the only one I have.”

  Chapter 6

  Kane took his seat at the table, glancing around at the men who filled the room. Gone were the obvious Sons who had followed Ryder south of the border. He brushed the hair, mussed from his motorcycle ride into town, back from his forehead. Cara, his gorgeous mate, was busy at the Sheriff’s Office, working on some case with Cara’s partner Joe Hernandez. Cara had confided a few nights ago that Sheriff Ducat was looking to retire and would not run for reelection.

  The bad news?

  It appeared as though Hernandez might be the one running … unopposed. If that were the case, then the Sons of Sangue would need to learn to play nice with her partner, make sure he had their backs just as Sheriff Ducat did. The Sheriff’s Office and the Sons had existed side-by-side for years with very few problems. Kane hoped to keep it that way.

  The second reason for the called church meeting?

  Red, the president of the Washington chapter, had been decapitated in a motorcycle crash last night. The Sons of Sangue, at least all present and not those in Mexico, would be expected to attend the man’s memorial, ride with him to his final destination, where he would be ashed. Those in Mexico wouldn’t be given the option as to not jeopardize the mission. They couldn’t risk pulling them, even for a couple of days.

  Gunner Anderson, the chapter’s VP, would need to be told. He was next in line to take over for Red. Of course, there would be a Washington chapter meeting on the subject, but Kane doubted any of them would have an issue with Gunner stepping into Red’s shoes. Gunner may have been the VP for only a short time, but from what Kane had gathered, the man was honorable and his brothers seemed to like him well enough.

  According to the last report from Grigore, Gunner would be headed home soon. Kane hoped to hell they knew what they were doing down there. Losing Gunner to an accidental fatal shot from friendly fire could cause unwanted mayhem between the two chapters. Following today’s meeting, Kane would head north to keep an eye on things until Gunner made his long trek home.

  Kaleb banged the gavel onto the strike plate and conversation around the room died. The two had already discussed the day’s proceedings and were on the same page. Kane was the obvious choice to go since Kaleb resided as president in Oregon. They could do without their past P for a short period.

  “We’re calling this meeting for a few reasons.” Kaleb took his seat at the table. “One of which will require immediate action on our Past P’s part. We have some unfortunate news to share with you. Red, Washington’s chapter president, was in a fatal motorcycle crash that beheaded him. We’ll need to clear our schedules to show our respect. This isn’t negotiable. And unless you’re lying nearly dead somewhere, you have no excuse not to be at his ashing.”

  “Sorry to hear that, man. That sucks.” Grayson rubbed his short-cropped beard. “I may not have known him as well as Viper, but he seemed like a good dude.”

  “He was one of the good ones,” Kane agreed, his gaze traveling the table. “I’ve spent a lot of time with him over the past few years. I trusted him enough to bring his boys onboard with the Sons.”

  Bobby raised a brow. “And now, Viper?”

  “We’ll find out, Preacher. I’m staying north following the memorial. I want to spend time with his men. Get a feeling for them. I was there when we turned them, stuck around for a few weeks. They seemed onboard with being our sister chapter while those who weren’t, left before the turning. I don’t think we’ll see trouble from them now.”

  “I’ll volunteer to go with you,” Alexander spoke up.

  “Not a chance, Xander. You have a new mate who needs your attention.” Kane grinned. “By the way, I don’t think I’ve said it yet. Congrats on the pregnancy. India’s going to need your support here.”

  Alexander’s cheeks reddened, the vampire likely still getting used to the idea of being a daddy. He sure as hell didn’t waste any time getting her with child. Kane thought of Cara and their empty house. Hell, not like they hadn’t been practicing, but Cara hadn’t been ready to become a mother. He, on the other hand, wouldn’t mind getting started. Suzy, Kaleb’s mate, frequently bugged his twin to give Stefan a brother. Kaleb’s words had gone from a big “Hell, no,” to a “Let’s wait and see what this year brings.” Kane figured Suzi was starting to win Kaleb over to the idea.

  Maybe it was time to start working on his mate. The way Kane had it figured, he had a couple of extra bedrooms that needed filling. Watching Grayson with Lucian and Kaleb with Stefan was making him want a son or two of his own.

  “She’s pregnant, Viper. Not delivering.” Alexander chuckled. “We have plenty of time.”

  “Still not going with me, GQ. I think I’m best doing this alone since they already know and trust me.”

  “I agree with Viper,” Kaleb said. “He can handle this by himself. The rest of you can return here after the wake in case we’re needed in Mexico. Ryder has his hands full. From what Grigore has said, he’s no closer to getting an in with the cartel soldiers. They don’t trust him and already ran him out of their known hangout once. Hence the reason Gunner’s going to take a bullet.

  “Plan is, he and Gunner will arrive together. When the locals try to throw Ryder out of the tavern, Gun
ner’s going to step up and threaten the life of one of them. Ryder will shoot him, haul him out of there in the trunk of a car, and bury his ass. Not a lethal shot, of course. Once they leave, Wolf and the other Sons will dig him up and send him home. Ryder’s hoping it will go a long way in earning him an in with the soldiers.”

  “Good plan.” Grayson gained their attention. “As long as someone else doesn’t shoot his sorry ass first. I’m not sure how the Washington boys will react to us killing their new P.”

  Kaleb’s lips lifted on one side as humor twinkled in his gaze. “I don’t think that would sit well with our new chapter.”

  “Sorry to hear about Red, Viper,” Anton said, seated between Grayson and Bobby. “I know the two of you were close.”

  “Thanks, Rogue.”

  “Spread the word to the prospects,” Kaleb continued. “Everyone is required to be there. No excuses. Now, onto the second reason for our meeting. Joe Hernandez will be running for sheriff.”

  “What the fuck, dude?” Grayson narrowed his gaze. “Just what we need. Someone who doesn’t exactly see eye-to-eye with us, sitting at the head county chair. What happened to Ducat?”

  “Cara said he’s retiring and Hernandez is running unopposed,” Kane filled in.

  “Why not have Cara run?” Anton picked up the paper coffee cup he had brought with him and took a sip. “She would make a better sheriff, in my opinion. Nothing against Hernandez, but I agree with Gypsy. We aren’t his favorite people in Lane County.”

  “Cara actually brought it up. She thought it might be best for us if she did run.”

  “And?” Bobby asked.

  “Absolutely not from me, Preacher. She works hard enough as it is. I like her as a detective, keeps us having eyes and ears in the Sheriff’s Office. But no way in hell am I letting her turn into a fucking politician.”

  “Can’t blame you, bro.” Kaleb toyed with the mallet. “These mates are certainly changing things around here. Suzi wants another baby. I told her she’d have to quit her job first.”

  Kane laughed at the idea, knowing how much Suzi loved helping the elderly at the nursing home. “How did she take that?”

  “She put in her fucking two weeks.” Kaleb shook his head. Chuckles resounded around the room. “Looks like I’ll have to keep up my end of the bargain.”

  “Stefan needs a brother.”

  “Sure, Viper. How about a couple cousins while we’re at it?”

  The laughter rose in volume until Kaleb had to use the mallet to regain everyone’s attention.

  “Contrary to what you all think, I’m not opposed to the idea. I’d love a couple of sons,” Kane continued. “Another reason Cara isn’t running for sheriff. I’m ready to start filling those extra rooms at the farmhouse. You all laugh, those of you with mates, but you aren’t far from joining the ranks.”

  “I, for one, am looking forward to it,” Alexander said. “I couldn’t be happier that India and I are expecting.”

  “We’re all happy for you, GQ.” Kaleb reined in the conversation. “Back to the subject at hand, though, I think it’s perfect Cara keeps her job for now. She’ll go a long way at keeping Hernandez on our side. He likes Cara.”

  “How about we just turn his ass?” Bobby asked.

  “While I’m not exactly saying it’s a bad idea, Preacher”—Kaleb tapped a forefinger on the table—“I’m just not sure what his wife and kids would think. I’d have to say using Cara to earn his favor is the better idea.”

  “Agreed, Hawk.” No way in hell did Kane want to bring on Hernandez as a vampire, positive nothing good would come from it. “We’ll figure it out. Let’s just be thankful one of us is already in the office.”

  “Anyone hear from Grandpa?”

  “You really do have a death wish, Gypsy.” Kaleb chuckled. “I think the only ones he doesn’t mind that term of endearment from is Suzi and Cara. You certainly aren’t on that short list. But to answer your question, no, Vlad headed back to his island. He’s taking care of his untrustworthy brother at the moment. Word has it, Mircea’s no longer happy with his surroundings. Vlad thinks Mircea might try an elaborate escape, so he’s better off staying close to home for the time being.”

  “Of course, unless we need him,” Kane added. “He wants Raúl dealt with as much as we do. We don’t need miscreant vampires on the loose.”

  “Does Ryder detect any vampires in Mexico?” Anton asked.

  “He hasn’t made contact yet with Raúl, Rogue,” Kane said. “And unless the kingpin keeps any turned vampires close, Ryder hasn’t scented any in the area or among the soldiers hanging at Salazar’s.”

  “Well, let’s hope this plan works and he gets in there before Raúl comes up with any crazy ideas like turning his band of killers into vampires. There will be no stopping him.” Bobby’s lips turned down, his long beard concealing most of his mouth. “There are only so many of us and we already know Raúl has a lot of foot soldiers.”

  “I agree, Preacher,” Kaleb said. “Ryder has spent a few months acclimating to the area. Let’s hope his plan is solid. Raúl is slipperier than a damn snake. If Ryder can’t get an in via Raúl’s men, then let’s hope he’s making headway with Gabriela Trevino Caballero. She may be his ticket in. If anyone knows the kingpin’s whereabouts, it would be his niece.”

  “Any word on her?” Anton asked.

  “Only that they’ve officially met.” Kaleb stood, walked to the side table, and started pouring a few glasses of whiskey. He slid a glass across the table to each of them before retaking his seat. “We’re keeping in touch as good as we can with what’s going on down there. Wolf reports back daily. But so far, there isn’t a lot to report. My hope is Ryder charms the pants right off Raúl’s niece. She’s our best hope. Anyone else have anything to report before we end this meeting?”

  Everyone shook their head, no one commenting further. Kaleb picked up his glass, the rest of the Sons following suit. “Then this meeting is adjourned. Salute!”

  “Salute,” traveled the room.

  Kane took the glass to his lips, downing the two fingers of the amber liquid and welcoming the answering burn.

  Tomorrow they would all make their way to Washington and pay Red his proper respect.

  Chapter 7

  Ryder had broached the idea of Gunner accompanying him for a few beers at the nightclub where he had last seen Gabriela. It took little convincing to get the Washington biker onboard, but Grigore was another story. It made sense to be seen with Gunner beforehand, instead of showing up at Salazar’s as complete strangers. Shooting someone you know to protect a cartel soldier? That took balls and would go a long way in his mission to gain their trust. In the end, Grigore had acceded to the plan.

  Music blared through the opened glass and steel double-doors. People spilled onto the patio, circling the tall tables covered by umbrellas. Lights beneath the canopies illuminated the evening sky since the sun had long since set. Conversation could barely be ascertained over the speakers. No one seemed to mind, huddling closer to be heard. Thankful for his enhanced hearing, Ryder could still pick up most of the conversations. A popular Shakira song had patrons moving to the cadence. Even those standing at the tables tapped their fingers along with the beat.

  Gunner crossed the threshold and easily parted the crowd. The man stood head and shoulders above most. Finding a couple of empty stools at the end of the long bar, he took one and motioned for the bartender. Before Ryder claimed his seat, a couple of Modelos and two shots of whiskey sat in front of them.

  “Thanks, bro.”

  Gunner held out his fist and Ryder complied, bumping his outstretched hand. “Anytime, man. I appreciate you getting me the hell out of there. I’m not cut out for solitary confinement. Apparently, I’d suck at a stakeout. Not being able to party was starting to drive me bat-shit crazy.”

  Ryder chuckled. “I can imagine. Been doing a lot of sitting myself. These things take time. As it is, these soldiers don’t have any faith in me. They a
ren’t your normal type. These guys have some serious trust issues, and rightfully so. If I’m ever going to get in with the kingpin, I need to be patient. Bide my time.”

  “Well, thank the good Lord you’re shooting my ass. Much more of this waiting stuff and I might flip my lid.” Gunner held up his shot glass and clicked it with Ryder’s, before they both downed the whiskey. “How long are you going to be down here, man?”

  “As long as it takes. It’s simple, I owe the Tepes brothers and Gypsy for saving my ass. Not to mention what happened to my girlfriend.”

  “Sorry, man. That’s got to suck.”

  “It does. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t hate myself for putting her in that situation.” Ryder took a sip from his beer. “She shouldn’t have gone out like that, not when it was me they were angry with. But that’s how the cartel does things. They go after your family. The suffering lasts a lifetime. And now that I’m a vampire? I have an eternity to remember I was the cause.”

  “You can’t control what others do, man.”

  “No, but I shouldn’t have put her in that situation to begin with, which is why no mate for me.”

  Ryder took another sip of his beer. There was no way in hell he’d chance putting another person he loved in jeopardy. The lifestyle he lived was not conducive to having a serious relationship. Losing someone he loved sucked. Losing them because of his choices was unforgivable.

  “Lonely existence, man. Being a vampire, you could live a good long life.”

  “I’m content with the donors we’re provided.” Ryder shrugged. He had used quite a few of them, spent the night with some of them as well. Who was he to complain about variety? “You ready for a mate?”

  “We’re talking about you.” Gunner laughed. “But yeah, I think if the right woman came along, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. Until then, I’ll party my ass off. Maybe I’ll think about it after I’ve lived to see a couple hundred years.”


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