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Welcome to the Cameo Hotel

Page 15

by K. I. Lynn

  “It was our time, Emma.” His face screwed up, teeth bared. “You were going to leave and we could finally be together. Finally have an honest chance at something.”

  “I’m sorry, James,” I said. There was no way he was going to understand how truly sorry I was. “A few months ago that was what I wanted, too, but things have changed.”

  “Now it’s him?” he asked.

  “I love him.”

  He scoffed, a harsh laugh coming out as he locked eyes with me. “When he’s finished with you, don’t come crawling to me,” he spat.

  With that he pushed past me, leaving me alone. I heaved a sigh and pulled out my phone to type a quick message to Gavin.

  About to be sacked. There was a camera pointed right at us. I didn’t see it.

  After sending the message, I took a deep breath and walked down out into the lobby. Shannon’s mouth dropped as she stared at me, but I didn’t stop. I continued across the lobby, my head held high. Entering into the central offices, I made my way down to Phillip, the hotel manager’s, office and knocked on the door.

  “Please, come in, Emma,” Miguel called.

  “You wanted to see me?” I tried to play naïve, though I knew exactly why they were calling me. Based on my conversation with James, probably everyone knew.

  I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Miguel had a somber look on his face while Phillip scowled at me, his skin turning red.

  “Emma, it has come to our attention that you have been engaging in conduct with a guest that is strictly prohibited,” Miguel said, cutting to the chase.

  “This is not a brothel, Miss Addison!” Phillip chided.

  I flinched slightly at his words, and I was glad Miguel was with us as he had a level head.

  I’d never really dealt with Phillip and only saw him in passing. Some hellos and goodnights, and the occasional conversation, but mostly he talked to Miguel, James, Valeria, and the other managers. He always had an air of superiority around him.

  “Phillip, please,” Miguel begged. He turned back to me. “Emma, we have evidence to back up speculation that you have been in a relationship with Mr. Grayson that goes against our policies. I know that you are aware that we have a policy against fraternization with current guests. As Phillip so crudely pointed out, this is a hotel, not a brothel. We cannot allow this to happen. We cannot gain a reputation that suggests that guests can call upon our staff to . . . service them. This policy was put in place to protect you, protect the guests, and, above all, protect the hotel.”

  “The legal ramifications . . . if someone even thought we allowed or encouraged this, the hotel could be shut down!” Phillip cried out again. He really didn’t seem to know how to handle his anger very well. The few times I had interacted with him, he had been very brash and abrasive.

  “Emma, is all that I have said true? Have you, against company policy, been in a relationship of a sexual nature with Mr. Grayson?”

  I nodded. “Gavin Grayson and I are dating.”

  “It’s not dating, Miss Addison. You are nothing but his hotel floozy! Don’t you realize that once he is gone, he won’t want you any longer?”

  “It is not like that, sir,” I argued.

  “Of course it is like that! Do you honestly think you two will ride off into the sunset together? You are a hotel clerk, and he is the vice president of a multi-billion dollar company!”

  It was a good thing Miguel was there as mediator, otherwise I think I might have punched Phillip. His crude words painted me as nothing but an idiot whore who thinks she’s Cinderella.

  “Phillip, please remain calm,” Miguel said with a sigh. “I’m sorry to have to ask this, Emma, but has Mr. Grayson ever given you any type of . . . compensation?”

  “My boyfriend has purchased me a few gifts, but they are far from ‘compensation,’” I replied, trying not to let my disdain through.

  Miguel nodded and sighed, his expression full of agony. “It pains me to say this, but Emma Addison, you are hereby terminated from employment with the Cameo Hotel. I’m sorry it had to end this way. You have truly been a great employee, but rules are in place for a reason.”

  I nodded. “I understand, Miguel.”

  “You have to be escorted off the premises,” Phillip grumbled, his face still scrunched up.

  Again, I nodded.

  Miguel held the door open, my eyes catching his. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, even as I felt my eyes begin to water. It took every ounce of strength to maintain my composure.

  Once out of the office area, Miguel took a position on one side of me, Phillip on the other. It seemed like most of the hotel staff on duty was in the lobby, watching. I felt all of them staring at me. Embarrassment flooded my face. I didn’t like the attention, especially since I knew their thoughts were not favorable.

  I kept my head down and tried to shut off the voices, the murmurs. The intricate tile work of the hotel’s namesake came into my lowered view, which meant we were halfway across the lobby. Just outside the design there was a pair of highly polished black shoes and black slacks heading straight for me.

  Electricity shot through me as a hand cupped my jaw and forced my head up. Gavin’s beautifully different eyes stared back at me.

  “Mr. Grayson?” Miguel started, but was cut off.

  “Shut up,” he said, his gaze never leaving mine. “Are you all right?”

  I nodded as I fought the tears in my eyes. His thumb caressed my cheek before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

  “Come on,” he said as he took my hand and headed toward the elevators, making me spin around to follow behind.

  “Mr. Grayson, where are you taking her?” Phillip asked, clearly surprised.

  “I’m taking my girlfriend upstairs where we will pack up my belongings and I will check out of this damn hotel. The only reason I am still here is Emma. That, and we are currently in escrow of our new home and closing is still weeks away.”

  There was a cacophony of gasps, the murmurs picking up. I looked over to the desk and found a shocked Shannon and a distraught James. Any last strings of hope he may have had, Gavin destroyed in a few seconds.

  “So, if you would check me out and cancel my reservation, we will be gone.” Phillip was in a panicked shock, his eyes wide as he kept trying to get a word in, but Gavin rolled right over him. “Also, I require the tape and any copies. If I do not receive them all and I find out down the line there was another copy, I want you to know I will then own this hotel as my lawyers will eat you for lunch before you are all fired.”

  “We need to escort Emma off of the premises, Mr. Grayson,” Phillip argued.

  “The only thing she needs, gentlemen, is for me to remind her how much I love, adore, worship, and need her. That is all that matters. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to get home.”

  Miguel only looked at us and smiled. It was company policy, and I broke it, but by his look, he was happy to have Phillip proven wrong and put in his place.

  As we stepped onto the elevator, Gavin pulled me against his chest, his arms protectively cocooning me.

  “I want the tapes in thirty minutes,” he said as the doors closed.

  “Thank you,” I said into his chest, my arms tightening around his waist.

  “Their parade was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. What ever happened to discreet?” His jaw ticked.

  “They were making me an example.”

  “It was a shitty example,” he hissed. “I couldn’t abide by their disrespect. Thankfully my timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Now that blond guy will stop looking at you.”

  My brow scrunched. “James?”

  “Yes. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

  “He has feelings for me,” I said. There was nothing to hide about James, but I realized I’d never really told Gavin.

  “I could tell. What about you?”

  “I did, but then you came barreling into my life and gave me
feelings I didn’t know existed.”

  He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  As Gavin opened the door to his room, the elevators opened and a very red-faced Phillip stepped out.

  “Shit,” I said as I pushed into the room. I wasn’t sure what Phillip was capable of, especially away from prying eyes.

  “Emma! Emma, get out here!” he yelled, but Gavin held his hand out, stopping Phillip from getting any farther.

  “You have twenty-five minutes. One more than that, and I will own you. Do you understand?”

  “It’s not possible. You’re just using your weight and money to manipulate me. She needs to go. Now.”

  I shook behind Gavin as I tried to understand why Phillip was so irate. Company policy dictated that I needed to be escorted out, but Phillip acted like he would drag me out if Gavin wasn’t so intimidating.

  “Twenty-three minutes. I know the president of Cameo. In fact, we’re working together on a deal as we speak. I’ve had drinks with him twice this week. If I asked, he would not hesitate to fire you or sign this place over to me.”

  Phillip was vibrating in anger. “You don’t scare me like you do them, Mr. Grayson.”

  Gavin leaned in closer, his eyes slits. “Twenty-one.” Then he slammed the door in Phillip’s face.

  “Do you really know the president of Cameo International?” I asked as he pulled his suitcases from the closet.


  “Would he really do all that?”

  He tossed the large one onto the bed, then worked on opening his garment bag. “I use force, not lies. Richard Hayes is a good friend.”

  It took us about fifteen minutes of speed packing to get everything into his luggage. It helped that he was very tidy.

  “You don’t have anything in laundry, do you?”

  “Besides my missing suit? No.”

  I rolled my eyes. Laundry never did find the suit that I paid for in a kinky way. “I think someone stole it so they could be closer to you.”

  “I can’t convince you to move into another hotel with me, can I? We could get a bigger suite.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “It’s unnecessary. I have an apartment, you just bought a place, so why do we need a third?”

  “We could end your lease.”

  “My lease ends on August first. Let’s just finish it and be cozy for a little while.”

  He smirked.


  He shook his head. “You’re crone neighbor is going to love us. She’ll probably come stomping up, banging on the door telling us to keep it down.”

  Gavin attached the garment bag to his suitcase, and we took one last look around.

  “I’m going to miss this wall,” he said.

  “You are?” I asked, my brow quirked.

  “Of course. It’s where I first had you. I was hooked after that and knew I had to have you in my life.”

  I bit my lip and stepped forward, my arms wrapping around his waist. “I think it’s sweet that you’re sentimental over a wall.”

  “It’s hard to say goodbye to this whole room.” He sighed as he looked around one last time. “This is where I scrambled every day to find something to get you up here, just to see you. This is where we began.”

  I reached up and cupped his face, bringing it down to mine. “I love you,” I said before pressing my lips to his.

  We headed back to the lobby, and with each floor that passed I grew more anxious of what would be waiting for us when the doors opened. When the lobby came into view, there was no Phillip, but Miguel and James stood in the spot Gavin had pulled me from.

  As we drew closer, Gavin looked down at his watch. “One minute.”

  Miguel held out his hand, and a thumb drive sat in his palm. “It’s all here, Mr. Grayson.”

  “Where is your manager?” Gavin asked.

  “We do not want this escalated, sir, so he is staying away,” Miguel explained.

  Gavin gave a nod. “Smartest thing he’s done all day.”

  Miguel nodded. “Agreed. Also, here is your final folio. I’ve cancelled the rest of your reservation.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I cleaned out your locker,” James said as he held out a shopping bag for me.

  “Thank you,” I said as I took the bag from him.

  He turned away from me, his gaze locked on Gavin. “I hope you understand what you have.”

  “Undoubtedly,” Gavin said.

  With a last glance, we said goodbye to the first part of our story and took our first step to our future. Who knew what was ahead of us, but with each step we would be side by side.

  I kept myself together on the way home. I had to, because I was driving. Gavin was in his own car. When we had parked, I held open the door into my building for him since he wouldn’t let me help carry anything.

  Once we got inside, I broke.

  Sobs took over as rivers of tears streamed down my face. It felt like my whole body was splitting apart and falling to the ground. I couldn’t remember ever having a reaction like that before. The whole situation was an overwhelming emotional experience that needed an outlet.

  “Hey, hey.” Gavin directed me to the couch where he sat and pulled me down onto his lap.

  I cried into his shoulder as his hands made soothing strokes on my back and legs. I could manage nothing but tears against his suit as I clung to him with one arm.

  “It’s okay, baby,” he whispered.

  Was it? I’d just been fired in a horrific display by the hotel manager. Everyone had stared at me as I was being escorted out before Gavin got there. Then Phillip followed us upstairs. The things he said to me, about me . . . Thankfully Miguel was there, or I might have slapped the expression from his face.

  At least with Miguel I knew he truly hated letting me go, but that was his job. Plus, once Phillip knew, there was no stopping my firing.

  But what had he done or said when he’d gotten back to the lobby? What were people whispering about me? What awful things were they saying?

  It took a while for me to stop sobbing, and nearly an hour to calm down.

  Gavin wiped my tears away, his brow furrowed as he cared for me.

  “I hate to see you like this,” he said. “I feel so helpless.”

  “I can’t believe I got fired. I mean, I can. What I did was wrong.”

  A growl vibrated in Gavin’s chest and suddenly I was on my back, his arms slipping under my shoulders.

  “Do you need me to say it again?” Gavin asked, hovering over me as his fingers toyed with my hair.

  I nodded.

  “You did absolutely nothing wrong. You know how I know?”


  “Because loving me isn’t wrong. Yes, it was against their policies, but fuck them. I wasn’t some John looking to get my rocks off and using you. I wanted you, and I went after you.”

  I nodded. “I know, but it still doesn’t make it an easy pill to swallow. I’ve never been fired before.”

  “Everything will be fine, and you’ll realize it was for the best.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not going to help me find a job.” I was pretty certain being fired was not a good thing for a resume.

  “If you explain to them.”

  “Explain that I was fucking a guest?”

  “Not crudely.” He sighed. I knew my attitude was making it hard to talk to. “I was there for three months, Emma. Basically a resident.”

  He was right, in a way, and if I was asked, I’d find a way to explain it.

  Once I was settled, Gavin changed into another suit; my tears and makeup were all over the one he was wearing.

  “I hate to leave you,” he said as he pulled on his jacket.

  Me too, but I knew why he was leaving. It was late morning on Friday, and he had work to do. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. But I’m only going to go in for a few hours and wrap some things up for the weekend. I’ll hav
e my assistant cancel my afternoon appointments.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, drawing me up into his arms. “Let’s go to dinner tonight. Your choice.”

  “There’s a Ninety Nine not too far in Waltham.”

  “A what?”

  “It’s a restaurant. Huge menu. Casual.”

  He gave me a quick kiss as he reluctantly pulled away. “Perfect.”

  With the promise to be back soon, he left. It took me a little while before I was able to pick myself up off the couch and go change my clothes.

  It all felt surreal, but it was the truth. For the first time in my life, I’d been fired.

  All in the name of love, and it was a sacrifice I’d make again and again.

  I sat on the couch in some jersey lounge pants, a tank top, and my hair in a messy, not cute, bun. Over the past three days, I’d binged almost three full seasons of The Walking Dead. People had raved about it for years, but I hadn’t had cable or time.

  Day four without a job, and I had plenty of time. The first few days were a mixture of miserable and relaxed. It was like a mini vacation, in a way. I spent the days binging Netflix and searching for jobs, and spent the nights with Gavin.

  I was paused for a bathroom break when I heard the door open and Gavin stepped in.

  “Welcome home.” I loved saying that to him, even if our current home was my tiny-ass apartment. I reached up and pressed my lips to his. “How was your day?”

  His gaze scanned down and then back up. “Fine. Yours?”

  I shrugged as I headed back over to my nest. “Eh.” I plopped back down in my spot and pulled my laptop onto my lap as I reached for the remote.

  “If you’re not careful, Netflix is going to tweet about this obsession,” Gavin said.

  I just shrugged. What did it matter? It kept my mind off losing my job, though the depression still sat there, waiting to strike.

  Gavin sighed and suddenly, the TV was off.

  “What?” I looked up to him.

  Next, my laptop was gone from my lap and Gavin was looming over me, his hands resting on either side of my head, his brow furrowed.

  “Enough. It’s been three days, and wallowing in this feeling isn’t going to make anything better,” he said.


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