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Necessary Evil

Page 37

by Janelle Taylor

  “Yep. Those two really love each other.”

  “Well, I know someone else who’s in love,” Andrea murmured as she massaged the taut muscles in his neck and shoulders.

  For the first time since this case started, Dan admitted to himself that it might never be solved, and accepted that reality. He took a deep breath as he evicted the elusive Avenger from his mind and filled it with thoughts of Andrea. “You do? And who’s that?”

  “Me. I love you, Dan Mallory. No more resisting you or myself. I agree to move in together. If it works for a year, we can get married and live happily ever after.”

  Dan stood up and put his arms around Andrea’s waist. “Well, you just made me the happiest man in the world. I love you, Andi. You’ve been a mainstay for me during the second nastiest case of my career,” Dan said, without thinking.

  “The second nastiest? I’d like to hear about the case that’s listed as number one in your books. I didn’t know you’d worked on another serial killer before.”

  “I haven’t, not like this. I was referring to what I was working on before I was forced to leave New York.”

  “Did you say, ‘forced to leave New York’? I thought you came to Georgia because of your divorce or something. What made you feel you had to move?”

  “Let’s go sit in the den. It’s a long story, but it’s time you hear most of it now.”

  Once they were seated on the sofa, he began, “I was working deep undercover for a large drug cartel. I found the books they used to record all of the financial deals they made. Only I didn’t take possession of them in the right way. I overheard two of the thugs talking about moving the operation, so I grabbed the books, drugs, and money as evidence. Trouble was, I didn’t have a search or seizure warrant. And I didn’t call for a raid or backup. I didn’t have time to wait, and I couldn’t let those drug dealers slip through our fingers. Not after sacrificing two years of my life and doing some bad things to earn their trust. Before we got to trial, the pre-lim judge was forced to drop the charges and the boss was set free. Son of a bitch! We had him, Andi. Those books detailed everything they had been doing for the past two years. Names, dates, everything. No witnesses. No users. No buyers. No informants. Everybody was afraid to testify for us. Without it, the judge and DA. said our case wasn’t strong enough. They’d been smart to cover their tracks. There wasn’t enough evidence for the DA. to put those bastards away. So that frigging drug lord walked and placed a heavy price on my head. My boss and the DA. decided it was best if I disappeared for a while, sort of semi witness protection, until they were able to put him behind bars.”

  “From the tone of your voice, it doesn’t sound as if you were convinced that was the best solution.”

  “The filthy drug dealers will be more careful now that they know they’re vulnerable. And I wasn’t convinced, until my new partner took the bullet that was intended for me. We all know it’s a dangerous job we do, and there’s lots of crazies that’d like to take us out. I couldn’t deal with it if another officer lost his life just because he happened to be saddled with me as his partner. That rookie had a wife and two small children, so I got a husband and father killed because I didn’t follow the rules. I got cocky and distracted, and it cost a man his life.”

  “Dan, you must know it’s not your fault. You didn’t pull that trigger on your partner. You did the right thing. You were seeking justice. You were trying to get drugs and criminals off the streets. Sometimes preventing evil forces us to take desperate measures. Do the bad guys in New York know where you are?”

  “Since I’m still alive, it means they probably don’t. We did a fake death and burial, and I changed my name and moved here. It’s worked for almost two years. When this vigilante started his killing spree and the media went crazy, I was afraid my identity and location would be revealed. That’s why I tried so hard to solve this fast and stay out of the limelight. But there’s someone here in Augusta who knows about my past problems in New York. Someone who’d love to see me take a fall.”

  “Oh my God, Dan. Who?”

  “James Starr.”

  “What?” Andrea shrieked. “James Starr knows about New York? He knows they’re looking for you? How do you know?”

  “He told me about it one night when I was questioning him. Actually, he threatened to expose me to—”

  “He threatened to expose you? Why didn’t you tell me about all of this? What if he makes a phone call to New York? Dan, you’ve got to get out of here. They’ll come looking for you. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.”

  “If he was really going to make that call, he’d have already done it. He hasn’t, and I seriously doubt he will. Actually, I’m sure he’ll keep silent. If not, his own life would be in danger, because they’d have to eliminate the one person who could tie them to the fact they knew I was here. Right now, this is the safest place for me. Besides, I want to find out who this Avenger is and put his ass behind bars, if that’s possible, which it might not be. Who knows, maybe that won’t be the worst failure I have in life? Bad as he is, in a way, he has done the world and misguided justice a favor.”

  “No case is worth your life, Dan. You have to leave here. Don’t trust James Starr with your life. I’ll go with you. There are other law schools around the country where I can enroll. Or I can postpone law school. Anything to protect you, Dan. Please.” Andrea pleaded with him.

  “I’m not running any more, Andi. But you have to realize that staying with me could put your life in danger if they find out where I am. That’s why I was so reluctant to start a relationship with you. But, mercy woman, I just couldn’t resist you. I love you. You need to go into this relationship with your eyes open. I’ve never met anyone like you, Andi, and I’d like us to share the rest of our lives. But I don’t want my woman to think I ever deceived her, or withheld information about myself from her. I didn’t want to tell you before because I was afraid you’d decide I didn’t deserve the chance. Now, I’m not sure if I want you risking your life to be with me.”

  “You are definitely a wanted man, Dan. Wanted by this woman right here, right now, and forever. I love you. You’ve made my life complete in ways you’ll never understand. We can’t tell each other everything about our lives or our jobs in such a short period of time. We’ll have years to learn each other’s secrets.”

  “You’re not mad at me for not telling you sooner?”

  “No, I’m not, but I appreciate the fact that you told me before we decided to move in together. It doesn’t change my decision, but I’m glad you trusted me with the truth. If you can accept me for what I am, why can’t I do the same for you?”

  “Is there someone out there hunting you down, too?” Dan teased as he caressed her back and gazed into her radiant expression.

  “I hope you’ll be chasing me for many years to come.”

  “And what should I do with you when I catch you?”

  “I’m not sure of all the rules and procedures, Lieutenant Mallory, but I’m confident you can come up with something.”

  “I’ve left my rule book somewhere else. Or maybe I burned it. I think the first thing I have to do is set you on fire.”

  “I’m burning already, Lieutenant. You need to put out these flames.”

  “You’re not hot enough yet,” Dan whispered as he brushed his lips against her ear. His hands caressed her responsive body.

  “Oh, yeah? Says who?”

  “The officer in charge, ma’am. Daniel Spenser, in case you’re wondering who I really am. Now just relax and let me take care of this situation for you.”

  “Yes, sir,” Andrea responded with a dreamy sigh.

  Dan carried her into the bedroom and removed their clothes. Her body was already surrendering to her rampant hunger for him. Just as he was captive to her and to his flaming desires. Hot, raw, passionate sex was exactly what they both needed and wanted. And it didn’t take long to obtain it. For the first of several times that night...


  Friday, August 31st

  At two o’clock in the morning, Andrea Arquette awakened suddenly and stared at Dan’s sleeping form beside her. She was perspiring and shaking from the nightmare that had awakened her. She was grateful Dan still slept exhausted from a long bout of sensuous lovemaking. Was it simply a bad dream, or was she just remembering her past? They were one and the same to her. Andrea knew she couldn’t bear it if anything happened to Dan. She would go to any lengths to protect him. For several hours, she gazed at him as intense emotions overcame her. She wept as anguish and fear engulfed her, as she knew she would lose him if the truth was exposed. Or would he understand? Forgive her? Protect her? Love and accept her no matter what she had done? Or who she had been for several maddening months? Now that it was over, it seemed like only a bad dream, an illusion, a trick of the mind. Finally, her tears were spent and her body relaxed from the tension.

  After all she had been forced to endure in her life, was she finally going to find peace and love? Acceptance? How would he feel and what would he do if he learned the dark truth about her? About her ugly childhood and all the tortures she had been subjected to before her best friend’s family had gotten involved? Before and after the Garrett's' had rescued her from the devil, and taken her into their own family?

  God, I love this man. Please don’t take him away from me as you’ve taken all the others. I need him now. I didn’t mean to fall in love with him, but I did. Maybe Dan can help me erase the pains from the past. Maybe now I can finally be healed, now that the past has been put to rest.

  Andrea put her lips against Dan’s cheek before laying her head on his shoulder and throwing her leg over his. She smiled as he embraced her but didn’t awaken. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought of her final promise to her best friend who was like a real sister to her, a vow she had kept no matter the costs or dangers involved. We can both rest now, dearest Tippi, it’s all over. At last you’ve been avenged and we have our justice. They pulled your plug today. Please forgive me for not being there to hold your hand at the last moment. Find peace, dear Tippi. I love you. Goodbye.

  As if a heavy burden and years of torment were lifted from her shoulders, Andrea’s green eyes closed and she slept in love’s embrace, dreaming of the day she and Dan married. Above them hovered a guardian angel with flowing blond hair, crystal blue eyes, and the face of Tippi...

  As a glorious morning sun slowly slithered over the Atlanta horizon, Ashley Tippins “Tippi” Garrett found eternal peace as she took her final breath with a radiant smile on her scarred face, as if her subconscious mind had heard Andrea’s words....

  Coming soon: Unnecessary Evil


  New York Times Bestselling Author – Janelle Taylor


  “Daddy?” she almost whispered as she gave him several more one finger pokes. She wondered why he had fallen backwards and gone to sleep after a loud BAM had made her jerk and squeal and had echoed through the woods like a roar of thunder until it faded away.

  “Daddy, wake up! I want to go home,” she said, shaking his shoulder. When he did not respond, she lay down beside him to let him finish his nap. She wanted to be good, not get into trouble. Maybe he was playing a trick on her or testing her “obedience” and “patience.” He said she was his “Little Princess”, but she was four years old, nearing five, a big girl, not a baby, or a brat.

  Time passed. Lightning changed. Shadows lengthened. Breezes played in the colorful leaves of trees, vines, and bushes, “doing their Autumn Dance” Daddy had said. He had told her wild animals lived in the Shelby Forest where they had been taking a walk on several paths until this strange thing happened, but he had promised he would never let anything hurt her. He had promised.

  She sat up, grumpy. This “hike” was not fun anymore. Brown smudges stained her new red jogging shorts and top that matched her father’s. She tried to wipe them off, but dirty hands only made the problem worse. Dying grass grazed her bare legs. She found a slender stick and raked it through nearby blades where many ladybugs had gathered. One crawled up the stick and reached her index finger. She lifted her small hand and watched the red and black bug amble the length of it to the heel of her palm, tickling her skin as it traveled along. It suddenly flew into thick bushes, gone like its friends, soon to be gone into hiding for winter, “hibernation” Daddy called it.

  Her attention returned to her father. He lay on the trail with his mouth slightly open and his eyes shut. Flies now buzzed about his face and some crawled on his dry lips and nose, a few even venturing in and out of its two dark holes, which she found gross. She fanned them away many times, but they kept returning until her hand and arm were too tired to continue the action.

  She saw more insects gathering at his heart where his red shirt was torn and soaked. She placed her hand there to scare away the noisy flies. She wriggled it and tried again to awaken her father, but he stayed silent and still. Now, her dirty hand was wet, red, and sticky; and flies tried to land on it. She rubbed her fingers and palm on her shirt, and frowned at the mess it made.

  “Wake up, Daddy! I want to go home. I’m hungry. I want juice.” She wondered if he had hurt himself when he had fallen backwards to the ground and hit his head. She remembered he had made an odd sound after the loud noise. She could not run for help because she did not know which way to go in this strange place. Besides, soon she would not be able to see any of the trails they had taken because the sun was going away. It was getting dark and cool in the dense woods, scary.

  She shivered as goose bumps covered her arms and legs, wished for a jacket or blanket. She tried not to cry, but wanted her father to get up so they could leave. Her teeth chattered, a soft clacking sound, as moisture burned her eyes. She laid her weary head on her father’s strong shoulder to hide her damp eyes. His skin felt as cold as hers did. She told herself she had to be brave until he awakened. When he did, he would tease her and call her “silly pants” and they would laugh together about her being afraid when he was nearby to protect her. They would go home and her mother would be smiling again, not angry as she had been when they left for this adventure. It would all be okay once Daddy woke up and they left the forest near Memphis where they lived.

  But he did not awaken. More time passed. Her fears grew bigger.

  Exhausted and frightened, cold, hungry, and thirsty, she lay beside him, placed her head on his out-flung arm. She nestled close, like when they snuggled on the couch to watch cartoons. He was cold and silent. His chest was wet and sticky, like the hard dirt around his upper body. But he would not let anything or anyone harm her. He had promised, and Daddy always kept his promises.

  She closed her scratchy eyes until she heard strange noises. She hoped someone had found them and would help her father. She sat up and looked around to find the small clearing bathed in the light of a full moon, surrounded by near darkness. Something moved in a cluster of trees, large and dusky, shadowlike. She hoped it was not a wild animal. She gazed in that direction. The shape did not move, but she felt as if it were staring back at her. Maybe it was like Beast in Beauty And The Beast that her father often read to her. Maybe a magical being was watching over her and protecting her as her father always did, until today. Maybe it was guarding both of them until Daddy awakened or Mommy found them and took them home.

  As time passed and moonlight revealed the continued presence of the unknown creature that was lurking almost behind a huge tree, she—even at her young age—somehow knew that whatever was partially obscured in the woods was not a friend or helper. It waited. It watched. It branded a shadowy animalistic image onto her vulnerable and creative mind. Mommy, help us.

  She started to cry even though she did not want to act like a baby or “scaredy cat.” She cried until all she could do was make funny noises in the back of her throat. Her chest hurt. Her eyes hurt. She was cold and shaking. She was tired and sleepy. Hungry. Thirsty. Scared. Still, her father did not awaken, Beast did not leave
, and Mommy did not come to find them. No one came. No jogger. No Ranger. No policeman. No friend. No one.

  “Daddy, wake up,” she pleaded once more before she snuggled against him for warmth and protection. She wanted to avoid staring at the scary form semi-hiding in the woods that must have frightened away all of the animals, insects, and birds. She wondered where they had gone, as some were “nighttime roamers” Daddy said. Even the flies on her father’s face and chest had left. It was quiet, eerie. All she heard was the wind as it played in the changing greenery surrounding her.

  Then, she heard something else, very soft at first, then slightly louder. It was the song she and her father sang together when they were being silly. But the song came from ... Beast.

  “Once I had a little dog and Bingo was his name-o, B-i-n-g-o, B-i-n-g-o, B-i-n-g-o, Bingo was his name-o...”

  She felt her heart beating fast. Her breathing was loud and rapid. She saw what appeared to be large eyes watching her, gleaming round lights in the blackness, somehow illuminated by the bright moon. She closed her eyes tightly and pressed her cheek against her father’s body, facing away from the menacing creature. She used one hand to cover the ear that was not muffled by her father’s stiffening abdomen, but could still hear the gruff singing. Daddy, please make him go away, her fearful mind pleaded as his blood stuck to her dirty hair, face, hands, arms, and clothes.

  She wanted to scream, Stop scaring me! Be good! Go away! But feared that might provoke an attack, and she did not want her father harmed because she now knew he was hurt, bleeding.

  Until she fell asleep from exhaustion, Jennifer Anne Jordan knew Beast stayed there, his indistinct image in the autumn setting stamped into her brain. Watching...Waiting...

  Memphis, Tennessee

  October 15, 2001

  “Screw Jack. Figuratively, not literally. It’s been two months since our last girls’ night out. After 9/11, we need this reprieve. Let him stew for a while. It’ll be good for him. I need a refill.”


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