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by Sasha Pruett

  She felt fine. They were feeding her, evidently, but that only made her feel like a Thanksgiving turkey and maybe that’s what she was. Maybe that’s why they didn’t just kill her that first night. After a while she got up the nerve to open the sliding glass doors that led to a massive balcony overlooking the pool area. No one stopped her and by this time the moon was full again. ‘So, it’s been a month’, she thought as she drew in a deep breath of air. She considered trying to walk around the grounds, but maybe that would be going too far especially with that demon dog still watching her from below. It looked like the same one. “Don’t worry I’m not going to try to run for it, I’m not that stupid. Or is that what you’re hoping for? Well you can forget it, I have no urge to end up as kibble. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. That’s from my grandmother. It’s all your fault I’m here in the first place. You are the one that tricked me into coming here aren’t you?” She called down over the balcony railing.

  The animal must have heard her because it tilted its head to the side.

  “Yeah, you heard me. You just knew I was a sucker for animals, didn’t you?”

  The thing shook its leathery head.

  “Don’t give me that; it’s no accident that I’m here. You chose me.” The creature just stared at her with those bulging black eyes as she turned and went back in the house that was her prison.

  Chapter Three

  The master of the house, Sir Drake, sat behind his antique Carpathian Elm desk with his trusted major domo and officer standing dutifully and silently in the corner behind him. The only witness to a very interesting discussion with his wife; the mysterious dark-haired woman that Calynn had seen the first day she arrived.

  “Someone has been wiping her memory. Any idea which one of them it could be?” Sir Drake asked arching one thick dark eyebrow.

  “How unusual, but why do you ask me such things my love? The boys are your department not mine.”

  “I was wondering if one of the girls may be behind this. You know how lively Erzsébet is and irritating her brothers isn’t beneath her. It would be quite the game don’t you think?”

  “True, but I don’t believe any of the girls have been in to visit our new pet for any reason. I can inquire of Lana if you’d like?”

  “No, not yet. Let’s see what happens and let this play out on its own. It could be quite amusing; for all of us.”

  “She seems to be of good stock. I wonder why Devilicus chose this one? It’s not like him. Lana tells me there’s no sign of any of the normal impurities we usually see. No need to wait the full purification time even.”

  “True, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt the boys’ enjoyment. They’re always so much sweeter when they’ve endured a little fun. No point picking a fruit before it’s ripened.”

  “Agreed, husband, but how will the mind altering affect her flavor? There won’t be the normal influences on the spirit if she’s too at ease.”

  “I’ve considered that. Perhaps it will work out in the end. The mind has many ways of producing the same effects and if it fails to bring about a pleasing result then we’ll know to prevent it in the future should one of them decide to try it again. Would you like to join me for the sacrifice, my dear? We could find out together. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve shared.”

  “I may, after you’ve had some time to enjoy yourself, but they’d better not try it next season. I don’t care to have the recipe messed with.”

  “Of course, my dear. I shall speak to them. If they want to corrupt each other’s stock that is between them, but ours should be off limits. What you say is right, even if it is some kind of mischief they should know better than to attempt anything with our feast.”

  “Do you have any ideas which one could be responsible husband?”

  He steepled his fingers as if in thought, “If it’s none of the girls than yes I have a few guesses.”

  “Have all the boys been enjoying their new toy?”

  “The usual, Rais and Ivan mostly. I have reports that Maximilien has given her a try, though he didn’t seem too impressed. Seems he went right back to his machines.”

  “I do worry about that boy. I hope we’re not raising another Drakon. Has he been in to see the girl?” The woman asked hopefully.

  “No, but that’s not unusual. He does so despise them. I think, had it been his sacrifice, he would have bled her right then and there in that field.” He didn’t know whether to smile or frown at that thought.

  “I guess I can handle that as long as you’re not shamed,” she picked at an imaginary piece of lint on her skirt, clearly agitated, “but Maximilien seems too caught up in his other activities. It’s like a bad habit. I know the other children have their hobbies, but at least they enjoy the hunt even out of season. He doesn’t even seem interested in that. Sometimes I think he actually likes them and this idea of wanting to be called ‘Max’ is appalling. If he is becoming one of those… temperates I expect you to handle it. I will not have a son or daughter of ours shame the house of Drake.” Her back went rigid as she sat up straighter to stare at her husband.

  “Relax my dear, he is young and you forget he is being brought up in an age of progress. He doesn’t know the old ways like the others he’s only sixty-two.”

  “Sixty-three.” She corrected.

  “Sixty-three. Don’t forget that many of our race had the same passions at the beginning of the age of iron and machinery. It’s a fad. He’ll soon grow tired of these excursions and things and settle into a Drake just fine. I have no worries my dear, at present he’s bombarded with something new almost daily. If you remember our youth something new only came along every century.”

  She relaxed slightly and gave him a slight nod. “If you believe that to be the case than I believe it too. I trust your judgement. Until tonight?”

  He nodded and smiled warmly, waiting for his wife to leave before turning back to his ledger. Lady Anula left her husband to his work and returned to hers. Sir Drake wasn’t too concerned about the mind altering of the girl, but his wife had brought up a good point. The young should know better than to alter his cuisine. No doubt it was one of them attempting to get a rise out of another by taking the fear away from their visits. Of course, it would also be a pleasurable way of experiencing that first terror over and over again. Sometimes the first is the most enjoyable. Either way he’d get to the bottom of it. If it wasn’t one of the girls having a game with their brothers than that left only Rais, Drakon, Ivan or Maximilien. No, he could exclude Drakon, he had no interest in them outside of the hunt and the purge. There was an intense sense of pride and honor in that boy. He would make a fine head of the house of Drake; less likely to let his passions and hunger rule than Rais. Too bad he was the second son. Oh well, he’d make an excellent advisor to his brother when the time came and would be able to take care of any unfortunate business that may arise. Just the task of handling Ivan would be difficult, his bloodlust and sadism knew no bounds. It was entirely possible that he was responsible for the girl’s memory loss, some kind of new experiment in torture. Maximilien was a long shot, but still. Where indulging with the girl may not be as interesting as he’d hoped, messing with his brothers may have proven more enjoyable.

  Chapter Four

  She knew something was different when she woke up that morning. No breakfast tray had been left on her small table like other mornings and her door had been locked for the first time she’d been captured. Even the atmosphere was different. Or maybe that was just her imagination, but she was willing to bet that her time was up and she was right. A few hours later she heard the click of the door lock and in stepped a man the size of a Mack truck and what she guessed was a servant girl. Their faces as blank and as void of emotion as robots.

  Calynn’s gaze flicked between the two, wondering what her next move should be. The girl looked like she could easily be taken down, at least long enough for her to get through the doorway. The doorway that the behemoth was roo
ted in front of. No way she’d make it past him. She could hide in the small bathroom a few feet away; if it had a door that is. Although she doubted a wood door would be any match for the big guy, even if she had one. Scenarios began to play out in her mind when the girl stepped in front of her and held out a set of wrist restraints.

  “I can do this,” the girls soft voice bounced around the small room, “or he can.” She nodded towards the man behind her. He crossed his arms and flexed his biceps and Calynn wondered if his shirt was going to rip in two.

  “It’s your choice.”

  Calynn snorted. Since when was anything since she found that stupid dog on her doorstep been her choice, she wondered. She glanced at the wall of muscles guarding the door. His jaw tensed and his eyes narrowed. There was no getting around him and she highly doubted he’d be gentle binding her hands; he’d probably break a few bones just for the fun of it. She nodded to the girl and held out her arms, hoping that maybe if she appeared to be submissive they’d lower their guard, giving her the opportunity to break free when they least expected it.

  Unfortunately, neither of her escorts gave her a chance. Calynn was led from her room by the girl, trough back halls and down narrow staircases while her male escort insisted on keeping his hand clamped onto the back of her neck as he followed her trek through the halls. Sandwiched between the two, she was ushered into a massive room that was part billiard room part torture chamber. It was harvest time. She shivered as she was led past pool tables, dart boards, overstuffed leather couches and chairs to and area covered in black plastic and chained her to the solid rock wall. Her arms were bound over her head and her ankles shackled to a metal ring attached to a drainage grate in the floor. Once secure the two servants left with nothing but the sound of her own breathing and the beating of her heart to keep her company. This was it, she was going to die. It was Thanksgiving Day for these sick freaks and she was the main course.

  The hours ticked by, at least it felt like hours to Calynn with her arms stretched above her head. They’d gone from aching, to tingling, to just plain numb. At first, she’d struggled against her bonds, trying whatever she could to break free, but nothing worked. The chains were solid, the mount to the wall was unbreakable and all she managed on her wrists were to bloody them with the gashes she’d created. The harder she pulled the tighter her bonds became. The only way to break free would be to remove her hands from her wrists, but she wouldn’t even make it to the door before she lost too much blood. Let alone be able to open it. So she stopped fighting, stopped causing her own pain, when she was sure more would come at the hands of whoever had imprisoned her. She tried instead to concentrate on her surrounding, but the tables covered in knives, saws, pliers, retractors, spiked whips, and all sorts of other tools of torment turned her stomach once she tried and failed reach them. Now they just mocked her, and scared her.

  She began to hum to herself. Anything to occupy her mind and distract her from her surroundings. Suddenly, Calynn began to chuckle. There she was, hanging chained to a wall, waiting to die and she was actually bored! Maybe she was finally losing her mind, but she didn’t have time to contemplate it before the door swung open and a broad, dark man with full black hair sporting a touch of grey strode into the room. Behind him followed another huge man, this one bald and tall, and resembled a bouncer at a night club her and her friends once went to on her twenty first birthday. Lastly, a couple of what she guessed to be more servants in plain cotton dress entered, lingering far in the background. As the dark-haired man approached her she saw his eyes, this wasn’t a man, this was a dragon; ancient and powerful and she was the sacrifice. Her heart thudded, but she wasn’t about to look away. This was the reason she had been brought here. She had no memory of what caused the bruises and small scars she saw on her body, but she had no doubt he would do worse. She would shed tears and cry out in pain, unable to stifle the sounds of her torture, but she would not turn away. She would stare him down and not cower. It was all she had in her power to do. This was her only way to fight. She may beg within her own mind for the pain to be over, but if she had to bite off her own tongue she would never beg him!

  He strode toward her, stopping just shy of pressing his own body against hers and inhaled her scent deeply.

  She stared.

  He grabbed her chin turning her face from side to side.

  She stared.

  “Yes, very nice.”

  She stared, saying nothing in return. She thought about spitting on him, or biting him as he came near her. Even kicking him in the groin if the shackles holding her ankles would allow that, but in the end, she decided not to give him the thrill of thrashing around like a doomed fish out of water.

  “Bold I see. Not like the others. Yes, I think Devilicus chose rightly. You will be very… interesting my dear.” He drew closer, closing his eyes as the heat of her skin touched his. The blood coursing through her veins was loud and strong, the smell of her flesh was sweet and… and something else… something more… something…. Drake pulled back, his eyes wide as he placed a hand on Calynn’s stomach. It was there, he hadn’t been mistaken, the girl was pregnant!


  Lady Anula lounged by the pool in her current favorite spot under the canopy of her luxury cabana. The swirling fan above along with the fanning by one of her many servants provided a welcome relief from the warm late summer afternoon. Calendar wise it was the first day of fall, but in the south summer still held sway for at least another few weeks. The slightest of movement caught her attention long before she saw Lana rushing towards her, followed closely by the domestic who had been tending the girl. This was different, but other than the slight raise of one brow she kept her face impassive.

  “My lady,” Hurried Lana as she reached her mistress. “I have news relayed to me this second by Millie, the girl’s caretaker that is most urgent.”

  “What is it?” Deadpanned the woman.

  “My lady, Millie has informed me that the girl is with child.”

  Lady Anula’s deathly gaze snapped to the shy servant girl who trembled before her. “Is this true? How do you know this? I was not informed that she was pregnant when she arrived!”

  Millie could not raise her eyes from the lush green grass as she spoke, desperately trying to keep her voice from shaking, “It is true your Ladyship, the girl is indeed with child. I am sure of it, while nursing her I began to note a change in her and while Ana took her to the master’s chamber I tested her blood to be sure. She is with child mistress…”

  “Go on, there is more isn’t there?”

  “Yes, my lady, she is pregnant, but… she wasn’t when she arrived.”

  Lady Anula burst into Drake’s chamber just as he was pulling his hand away from Calynn’s belly. The two didn’t need to speak out loud to converse, a special trait of their kind and this conversation required the upmost secrecy.

  ‘Is it true, what I have just heard?’

  ‘It is, this girl is with child, but not very. I don’t know why I was not informed, but no matter. This could be a most welcome feast day.’

  ‘No, my husband, you do not understand. The girl was not pregnant when she came to us.’

  It took a moment for his wife’s implications to register. ‘Impossible! This cannot be, you understand this as well as any of us.’

  ‘True, but the servant who has attended her is positive that she was not carrying when she arrived. I have looked into her and there is no deceit or mistake. Perhaps it would be wise to contact Dr. Edme?’

  ‘I believe you’re right. This could change everything. It’s best to be sure.’ Sir Drake turned back to look at Calynn one last time before leaving the room in a quick stride. His entire entourage following behind, leaving her alone; dangling like a hunk of meat and wondering what in the world was going on.

  Chapter Five

  The doctor had been in the family’s employ for centuries and was quite literally at their beck and call twenty-four hours a day, every day
of the year. He was as indebted to them as he was tied to them and their wish was his command. He was on sight in minutes and after receiving his orders from Sir Drake was in his lab, running tests on all of the available blood samples taken from the girl. Multiple tests later he was able to confirm that yes indeed, she was pregnant and had conceived after she had been brought to them. The impossible had just become reality and his world, all of their worlds were about to change. Now he sat in the massive study of his employer on the edge of his seat as he reported his findings.

  “And you’re sure?” Drake’s look was expressionless, not even hinting at the thoughts and emotions going on inside him.

  “Yes, my lord. Not all of the purification samples had been disposed of yet. I was able to procure a few surviving vials. I have been able to test her blood from nearly every day she has been here. There is no doubt, she became pregnant while in your… care.” The doctor phrased his words as carefully as possible.

  “How is that possible? Have you in your research or experiments ever come across anything of this nature?”

  “No, my lord. No one from any of the clans has been able to successfully mate between the bloodlines. There have been many that have tried and always failed.” Edme knew his loyalty was being called into question.

  “How disgusting.” Lady Anula nearly spat the words.

  “I agree my lady.” He didn’t dare look to his master.

  “Well that leaves the question as to how to proceed in this matter.” Sir Drake spoke as much to himself than to the others.


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