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Page 7

by Sasha Pruett

  “Well we have excellent woods here, there are all sorts of little hidden groves and scenic spots to enjoy. Shall we?”

  “Lead the way.”

  The pair made general chit chat like any two people would after meeting and made their way through the tree line into the forest. They continued walking for some time before making it to a spot with a few downed logs they could rest at.

  “You were, in a word, spectacular back there.” He said at last. “You had them eating out of the palm of your hand Calynn. We’re safe here, far enough out of range no one can hear us.”

  “You sure I wasn’t over doing it? I was so afraid, the entire time I was expecting someone to call my bluff, especially Ivan. Can’t you guys smell fear or hear my heart racing or something?”

  “No, you were absolutely perfect. Any unease they picked up on would be easily explained by the situation I assure you. I’d say if it wasn’t for father’s edict that the rest of my brothers were to leave you alone you’d have two new best friends, besides Erzsébet that is. I think you might have a hard time shaking her, but that’s probably a good thing. The way she talks you’ll have no problem getting some useful information out of her. I meant what I said about her mouth running over.”

  Calynn put her face in her hands and rubbed her temples, “What are we doing here Drakon? What is all this about? I am way over my head here. Do you know how hard it is not to react when your brother tells me he outran the cops back in 1967! Or how about when your sister tells me that your father formed the House of Drake over a thousand years ago? I mean I know Millie told me that you guys live a long life, but come on. I think you ought to be explaining a few things to me before I react the wrong way to something and blow this whole charade.” She let out a deep breath and stared straight at him.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. For a moment I forgot that you didn’t remember any of this.”

  “Oh that’s rich, you forgot that I didn’t remember. What’s with that anyway, and what are you?”


  “That’s an understatement.”

  “What do you remember, what has Millie told you?” He shifted to another, safer topic.

  “I remember the dog, getting caught, then wondering around the house off and on. Then one day I get dragged into some twisted game room where your father is about to make a meal out of me.”

  “And Millie?”

  “She told me about the serum. That your servants are basically humans that are on it, and she calls you the Masterkind. That you have the ability to alter a person’s mind and that out of the four of you you’re the only one that I can mark off the list as the father. So, your turn.”

  He sat down across from her, “From the beginning then?”

  “Works for me.”

  “I belong to a race of beings that are similar to humans in a lot of ways, it’s how we’ve blended in with them for thousands of years and how we’ve been able to hunt them. We stay young and keep our abilities by drinking their blood. Back in the day our kind ruled most of the earth. Some of the most sadistic monarchs in all of history were actually our kind, but over time humans became less fearful of us and even tried eradicating our race at one point.

  Naturally we have a great advantage over them, but instead of starting a bloody war that would have devastated both races of which humans were very important, it was decided by the elders to return to the shadows; as it were. Instead if indulging our appetites at every turn we’d feed only when necessary. This way we’d be able to move about society and eventually our existence would become a myth, but the strongest clan refused to give up its power. It liked things the way they were and there was a kind of civil war between them and the rest of the clans that lasted over two hundred years. They were eventually defeated and the entire clan was destroyed, they and their servants. After that, to make sure that no one clan rose above the others the three most powerful families formed houses. The house of Predaré, the house of Navidia, and the house of Drake which was formed by my father.

  We eventually blended into society and just like we had predicted over time our kind was all but forgotten. With hunting limited to celebrations and such we became interested in other things. You’d be surprised how many CEO’s, politicians, celebrities, and world leaders are not actually human at all. As you’ve probably noticed we each tend to have our passions and can pursue them like a hunter. It’s in our nature. We’re fortunate, because of our status and wealth we can do what we want, indulge our desires and not have any limitations. Many of our kind struggle with themselves just like you humans do. That balance between pursuing what you want to do versus doing what you have to do.

  I don’t know exactly how old my father is, somewhere around eighteen hundred years I believe, same for my mother. As for us children, Rais is the oldest at two hundred and eighty-five. Maximilien is the youngest at sixty-three and yes, he was only twelve when he pulled that little stunt with the police in California he told you about. You’ll find he and Erzsébet are quite a bit more modern than the rest of us being the youngest and growing up in a more modern age. We all tend to take on traits from the era in which we grew up. That explains Ilse at least, she grew up during the time of the American civil war.

  Once we reach two hundred we begin to lose our abilities and our youth and need the blood of a human to keep it. Twice a year on the spring and fall equinox a human is chosen and brought here to be purified and drained of their blood. This equinox was my father’s turn. We can actually go decades between indulging before we notice any changes, but out of a sense of tradition and…”

  “Don’t put off tomorrow who you can drink today?”

  He gave her one of those ‘that’s not funny looks’. “Anyway, that’s why you were brought here.”

  “And why can’t I remember, who’s responsible for that?”

  He thought about feigning ignorance, but there was already so much that he was hiding from her. Besides she’d figured it out before, many times and it was only a matter of time before she figured it out again. If he lost what little bit of trust she had in him he doubted he would get it back and he didn’t have time to try to regain what he may lose.

  “I am.”

  “So, what’s next?”

  Relieved he didn’t have to explain Drakon switched gears, “You’re doing great, just hang in there okay? For the moment, out here we can talk freely, but once we leave it’s back in the act. Always assume that you’re either being watched or listened to or both even when you think you’re alone and don’t trust anyone.

  Tonight, I’ll go to my father and tell him about our ‘first’ meeting. The only way to keep him from getting suspicious is if I update him every step of the way telling him what he wants to hear. Right now, he believes I’m obeying his orders on protest so if I appear a little cool at times that’s why. We’re just two people getting to know each other under unusual circumstances. Don’t worry, I’ll be around even if you can’t see me, if you start faltering I’ll help you. I’ve been near you all day today and no one’s noticed once. Even if they did I’m under orders to win you over so no one would think twice about me hanging around.” He noticed her rubbing her arms, the sun was setting and it was growing colder.

  “How about we head back to the house? It’s getting late and you must be tired.” He offered her his arm and began walking back to the house, “You really were great back there. You’re going to get through this Calynn, don’t worry.” Before leaving the safety of the woods he placed his finger to his lips, time to play the game. He returned her to the house walking her all the way to her sitting room door, “Until we meet again?” He gave a slight bow of his head.

  “Goodnight Drakon and thank you for the tour. I hope we can do it again sometime.”

  “You can count on it.” He turned and walked away, having one more stop to make before visiting his father.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Enter. Ah Drakon, good come sit, how did your f
irst day go? Are you making any progress?” He hadn’t seen his father this eager in decades.

  “Calm yourself father. You shouldn’t expect too much from humans, but I have learned enough to feel secure in my success.”

  “I hear your siblings find her acceptable.”

  “Yes, surprisingly enough. I realize they were on their best behavior, but all things considered I believe it was a promising introduction. Erzsébet seems quite taken with her, like a new pet, and this Calynn seems to be comfortable enough with those she’s met so far. Considering the circumstances that is. I’d still keep Ivan and his ‘friends’ as far away from her as possible.”

  “Done. Now tell me, what are your plans to woo the young lady; you said Calynn was her name? Will you be using the same technique as before?” The greed in his father’s eyes was palpable.

  “No, that was a momentary thing.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Last time I made it about her. Giving her a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on, giving her comfort, but that won’t do this time. No, this time I have something quite different in mind and by the time I’m done she’ll be proposing to me.”

  “Don’t leave me in suspense Drakon, a lot is riding on this. I do hope your ego hasn’t gotten the better of you.” His voice had taken on the edge Drakon was familiar with.

  “Just here me out father. After spending the day with her I’ve noted that she is a very strong human. She would have to be to carry a child of our line, and now that the indulgences of my brothers are over with she won’t have the same emotional stressors as before. She’ll be guarded in other ways that may make my advances suspect. No, this time around I plan to make it about me.”

  “You?” His skepticism was obvious.

  “Yes. I plan to play the role of the second son of the House of Drake who’s trapped in a world he doesn’t agree with, but can’t escape. She’ll naturally draw similarities between our situations and subconsciously form a bond with me, desiring to support me in my troubles in as much as her own. A connection can then easily be established along with secret rendezvous. She’ll feel like she has a bit of power over me considering she’ll have vital information that could destroy me should my family discover my secret. That will put her more at ease with me and make her feel like I’m more of an equal than a possible threat. By the end of this I plan to have her so concerned over my welfare she’ll be the one to bring up the idea of marriage. If I have the assistance I require and your permission on certain things that is.”

  “Brilliant my son, you truly are a son of Drake. Tell me, what do you need from me?”

  “First of all, I would like your permission to start visiting her at night. Nothing unseemly, just a private visit to confess my dislike of the life I’m forced to lead.”

  “Absolutely my son, you needn’t have asked. Why so formal?”

  “Because I wanted you to be aware of my visits and of what may be over heard. Speaking against the House of Drake and our traditions can be a traitorous act. Though I have every belief that you would first inquire as to my intentions with such talk, I would prefer you be aware of it first as to avoid any misunderstandings that may cause a delay in our efforts.”

  “Very wise. What else was there? You spoke of needing assistance.”

  “Yes father. If you would be so kind as to instruct my siblings that will be interacting with her to drop hints of my differences to the others, my suspected dislike of the sacrifices and such. Nothing overt mind you, just enough to plant the seed in her mind that I’m genuine about my secret confession.”

  “Consider it done. Anything else my son?”

  “No, I believe for now that will do, at least until I learn a little more and we progress. I sent a desert she said was a favorite of hers and a book she had mentioned while on our walk together this afternoon. I thought it a simple and yet meaningful gesture that would catch her attention tonight, keep me in her thoughts as you might say. I will keep you informed every step of the way. And now if you’ll excuse me I have some plans while I’m still a bachelor.”

  “Indeed, enjoy yourself Drakon.”

  He left his father’s study and headed for one of his remote cabins where he’d stashed the histories. He was close to finding something on Calynn he could feel it and he wanted to find it before his father, the dear demented doctor, or even his nosy vigilante sister Ilse. What he didn’t know could put them both in danger.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Calynn was enjoying her breakfast while engrossed in the book Drakon had sent to her the night before when Millie entered her suite. If it hadn’t been for the fact that it was all an act she had to admit her head would have been turned.

  “I don’t mean to disturb you mistress, but Miss Delphine has returned and would like to meet you in her studio if you’re not otherwise occupied?”

  “No that’s fine Millie I was just reading a book that Drakon sent to me last night. That was real thoughtful of him, wasn’t it?” She let a small smile play on her lips.

  “Yes miss, Drakon has his moments miss. Shall I take you to Miss Delphine?”

  “No, Lizzy showed me where her studio was yesterday. I’ll head up after I finish my breakfast if that’s alright?”

  “Very well miss, I’ll let her know.”

  “Thank you, Millie, and if you see Drakon thank him for me will you?”

  “Would be a pleasure my lady.” The servant gave a small curtsy and left.

  Well, that should get her tongue wagging a bit. Calynn finished her breakfast, pulled on some of the clothes the family had provided for her and made her way to the third-floor studio. She was expected, but she knocked anyway. Might as well mind her manners, especially in this house of horrors. You never know what you may walk into if you’re not careful.

  “There she is, Lizzy you were right she is absolutely perfect. Hello my dear, Calynn right? My name’s Delphine. So sorry I wasn’t here yesterday, the house has been all in a buzz about you. It seems you’re making quite an impression on my little family, although I do wish they had provided you with some better clothes.” Delphine had swept across the studio before she could react and given her one of those not-quite-a-hug embrace, then picked at her shirt as if it was covered in filth. “I think we can do so much better than jeans and tee shirts can’t we. Oh, well that’s why you have me. I’m going to design an entirely new wardrobe for you. Something that goes with your status as a woman of substance in the House of Drake.”

  She was the epitome of fashion from her form fitting ivory suit to the makeup that looked as if it had been airbrushed by an artist. Nothing, not even a hair was out of place and Calynn found herself wondering if her perfect flaming red locks were real or a wig. It was a stark contrast to Lizzy with her jeans, skin tight V-neck t-shirt and jeweled flip flop sandals.

  “I don’t want to put you to too much trouble.”

  “Oh pish, it’s what I do, it’s my passion and with your growing physique you’ll need someone on hand for alterations. Now come on in and we’ll get your measurements and start picking out fabrics and see what tones fit you best.” She practically drug Calynn across the room in her eagerness.

  “I can’t begin to thank you Delphine. Your designs are world famous from my understanding.”

  “Just stand still there and we’ll call it even okay.”

  For the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon Delphine, Erzsébet and Calynn carried on like college roommates until a slight knock broke up the chatter.

  “Excuse me ladies, but it seems that Dr. Edme has requested that Calynn get some daily exercise and fresh air before the weather turns. So how about it Calynn, would you like to join me for a walk around the grounds?” Drakon gave her a slight nod and gentle smile as if to lure her away with is manners.

  “Yes, that would be nice, that is if you no longer need me Delphine? Your sister is being amazing by taking time out of her designing schedule to create an entire wardrobe for me.” She turned to Drakon motioning to the
designs and projects all around her.

  “She wouldn’t miss the opportunity I assure you. What do say Delphine are you through with our Calynn here?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “For now. I have designing to do anyway, but come back tomorrow and we’ll go over my sketches.”

  “Same time?”


  Once again Drakon offered her his arm as he escorted her through the house and out into the gardens slowly making their way into the safety of the trees. They stopped in a different spot than the day before, a small clearing with a soft carpet of moss where she could stretch out.

  “So, how’d it go with your father last night?”

  “Like I expected, just enough bravado laced with reverential respect. I told him I planned to tell you about how I disagree with our traditions and the sacrifices and appeal to you as a confidant.”

  “Form a bond between us.” She absent-mindedly picked at the moss and grass beneath her.

  “Exactly, I knew you’d understand. I figured tonight I’d visit you and start to confess a bit. If that’s alright with you?”

  “No it’s fine, the sooner we start the sooner we can get out of here right?”

  “Right. I don’t want to rush things; that might cause suspicions. Especially by Rais and maybe even Ilse, but I agree that we need to keep a steady pace.”

  “I haven’t met Rais yet, do I need to be afraid of him or Ilse?”

  “Ilse no, she’s just extremely suspicious by nature and she picks up on things even when there’s nothing there. At present, she’s busy taking down that Senator she was telling you about so you probably won’t see much of her while she’s preoccupied. Rais on the other hand, he’s another story. He understands, same as my father does, the implications of the child and if he thinks it can boost his own claim to be the new head of The House of Drake he’ll be on the lookout for anything he can use to get that advantage. He’s as power hungry as they come for my father’s position, but he’s also pompous, arrogant and lacks patience, and is very single minded which altogether is a dangerous combination. Currently, my father has him in Prague settling some clan business. He’ll keep him as far away from here as possible until everything is said and done, but yes you need to be very wary of him.”


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