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Page 16

by Sasha Pruett

  Her head was laying on his chest along with her hand that was enveloped in his. The beat of the songs fading into the background replaced with the beating of his heart. His warmth seeping into her felt like being wrapped in a soft blanket lulling her into a contented, blissful sleep and his heated breath tickled her ear when he whispered.

  “Okay Cinderella, your couch is about to turn back into a pumpkin. It’s time to go.”

  “Five more minutes?”

  “That didn’t work last time and it won’t this go around either. You need your rest Calynn. I’m responsible for you now, even more than before and it’s my job to look out for you. Now no more arguing.”

  “Party pooper.” It came out mumbled but he chuckled all the same. She fell asleep completely on the trip back, but as he laid her on the bed tucking her in she woke and grabbed ahold of his arm. He’d noticed her stirring on the way back and thought the cold night air was bothering her. Now he understood what had been happening the entire time, she’d been having a nightmare. Her eyes pleaded with him as she held on, those eyes he could never deny completely. Those eyes that held him then as they had the night he’d first seen her.

  “Don’t leave, stay with me tonight. Please.” He kissed her forehead and undressed slipping in beside her, but he didn’t sleep. His mind was working, planning, deciding his fate.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Good morning Fred.” She drew closer to him amazed at how comfortable and secure she felt when he was in her bed.

  “Fred?” He looked down at her, his eyebrows raised in curiosity and surprise. “You need to go back to sleep and wake up gain, I think you’re still dreaming.”

  “Okay then, good morning Mr. Astaire.”

  “Much better.”

  “He’s an entertainer from…”

  “Calynn, I may not know much about the cinema, but believe me when I say I know who Fred Astaire is.”

  “Do I even want to know?”

  “Probably not.” He brushed her hair lightly and traced her jaw. He was going to burn.

  “Where’s Millie? Usually she’s here with my breakfast by now urging me to stay healthy.”

  “I told her not to bother you this morning. That you needed your sleep and if we needed her we’d call. You’re my responsibility now remember.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right.” Calynn drew her finger over his chest unaware of the affect her very touch had on him. “Do they all know now?”

  He put his finger to his lips and she nodded. “Most of them. I believe he intended to tell the family this morning.”

  “You don’t think they’ll hate it too much do you? I mean I’m only a human and I know in their eyes I’m far from deserving you. I’d hate to think that I’ve caused a family rift with my request for siring rights.”

  “Having second thoughts are we?”

  “No! No never, I meant what I said Drakon. I can’t do this without you.”

  “And you don’t have to. I wouldn’t worry about my siblings, it was their idea after all.”

  “Not all of them.”

  “No not all of them, but they also will not defy my father’s decision.”

  “What about your mother? I haven’t even met her yet and I’ve laid claim to her second oldest son.”

  “Bold, but I think she’ll respect that. Anyways you can ask her at dinner tonight.”

  “Oh no I forgot. That’s tonight? Are you sure?” She tensed in his arms.

  “Hey, where’s that tough girl that could face anything I fell for?”

  “Life is a whole lot longer than death Drakon.”

  “True, but you have me now and nothing else matters. Not really. Not my siblings, not my mother or even my father. All that matters is in this bed right now.”

  She wasn’t thinking, her brain had taken a back seat to everything else as she closed the gap and kissed him. His surprise was momentary and his reaction instant. He leaned into her, pressing her back onto the mattress engulfed in her kiss. Part of him screamed to stop, but the rest cried out for more, to indulge in what he’d been fighting against for so long, to let go and give himself up to her. Their kissing grew hungry and their breaths deepened as their pulses quickened, each one’s body calling out to the other until they were nearly gasping for air. Drakon pulled back just enough to catch their breaths, touching his forehead to hers, his eyes closed as he tried to regain control. They were on the precipice and both could feel it.

  “I could stay here all day and believe me I really want to, but I spent the morning before you woke up preparing a surprise and I’d hate for all my work to be in vain. So why don’t you take a shower and get dressed for a day out.”

  “You could join me.” Did she just invite him into the shower with her? Why did she say that? She knew why, it was the same reason she couldn’t tell Millie that she loved him even if it wasn’t for real.

  He grinned and bit his lip before whispering, “Are you trying to tempt me, Calynn?”

  “Part of me is.” She whispered back.

  “Which part is that?”

  “I’m pretty sure you already know the answer to that question.” She cleared her throat and pulled back. “I won’t be long. Will you be here when I get out?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She backed out of bed and nodded then headed for the bath. She could still feel the flush in her face and the race of her heartbeat. Maybe she ought to start with straight cold water.

  Drakon watched her reflection in the mirror as she made her way out of the room. He tried not to, but her hold on him was too strong there was no denying it. Once he heard the shower running he got out of bed, pulled on some fresh clothes and sent orders to a servant waiting outside her apartment. Then he returned to the bedroom, leaned against her vanity and waited. Maybe he should pass the time in the sitting room, but that might send the wrong message to the servant, which would undoubtedly get back to his father. The water stopped running and soon the sound of the hair dryer ceased too. He’d expected to see her open the door dressed and ready to go, not standing in the open doorway with nothing but a towel bound tightly around her and it took every ounce of will power to stay where he was.

  Calynn heard a cracking noise like the sound of splintering wood, but ignored it. She’d forgotten to take any clothes into the bathroom with her and had to make her way into the closet in nothing but her towel. She hoped he wouldn’t get the wrong idea. She hadn’t meant to seduce him, at least not like this and the shy apologetic look she had on her face as she scurried for the closet hopefully explained that. Once out of sight she relaxed against the wall, what was she doing? This entire thing was crazy, but there was no denying the attraction to him. She’d had it before, long before the baby, the fake relationship, the engagement, and that attraction had actually saved her life, but what would he think about all this. It wasn’t fair to either one of them, she had to pull herself together. She dressed quickly in warm clothes reminding herself over and over that this whole situation was a farce. That Drakon was saving her life and his, and she was putting that in danger by letting go of emotions and desires that she had no right to. When she emerged from the closet she was collected and ready to go.

  “Is this alright?” She spun in a playful circle.

  “Perfect. Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be. Wait that’s not what you were wearing last night, was it?”

  “Leave it to a woman to notice what someone was wearing. Some things never change.”

  “Oh, that is so not fair.”

  “Well would you prefer that I only wear dirty clothes?”

  “Do you want me to smack you again?”

  “If it makes you feel better go ahead.”

  “I swear Drakon if I didn’t lo…” She stumbled over her words, her eyes darting to the floor then around the room non-committaly.

  “Didn’t what, Calynn?” Everything had gone serious instantly. He wanted to drag those words out of her, but he didn’t

  “Nothing. Shall we go?” She plastered a smile on her face pretending nothing had happened.

  Drakon pushed himself off the vanity and walked over to her taking her hand in his. “I have one more stop to make then we’ll be on our way.”

  Calynn nodded and they made their way through the house to the kitchen where he effortlessly picked up a large covered wicker basket before heading out the back and into the woods. The sun was warm, yet the chill in the breeze announced that fall had settled in, but none of that mattered when they reached the bluff; the very one he’d taken her to, to watch the sunrise. The ground had been blanketed with quilts, throws, comforters and pillows, and unlit trays of candles of all shapes and sizes surrounded them. From nowhere the songs they had slow danced to only the night before began playing as Drakon sat the basket on one of the blankets, stepping so close behind her she could feel his breath in her hair. She felt his hands on her shoulders, strong and more than welcome and she leaned back into him. As he traced his hands down her arms Calynn found herself wishing she hadn’t chosen a sweater. Her decision to compartmentalize quickly wavering as he lowered his mouth to her ear, “How’d I do this time?”

  “Wh… what?”

  “My last picnic was less than impressive. How about this one?”

  For a minute, she was absolutely speechless. All she could do was watch as he lit the candles, took off his shoes and stepped onto the comforters motioning for her to join him; she did. She had no idea what he had in mind, but she wasn’t scared or suspicious. Drakon pulled her against him and began to dance swaying to the music as they had only hours earlier.

  “I ‘borrowed’ one of Maximilien’s gadgets last night. He’ll never miss it, and I’d say we’re putting it to much better use. It’s much easier than dragging a phonograph out here with the longest extension cord in history.”

  Calynn blushed and laughed as he led her into a spin that ended with a dip. When he pulled her back up he paused, his own smile gone as he cupped her head in his hand. The music faded into the background as the moment lengthened. It was time.

  “If I knew the perfect thing to say just now I would, but it seems that every time I let you in my mind and mouth are at odds and all I manage is a string of chaotic sentences. I spent weeks, no if I’m honest I have to say that I’ve spent the last few months frantically building a wall that I should never had had a reason to build in the first place. From the day you set foot on this estate you’ve had a hold on me that try as I might I can’t break free from and now I find I don’t want to. You once told me that you weren’t looking for me to be a knight in shining armor to save you, but I should have. I was a coward for not taking you as far away from here as possible, but I won’t be that coward now. I will protect you and our child with every fiber of my being even until the end of me, because… because I love you Calynn.

  You’ve invaded my very soul and I can’t keep pretending anymore. I brought you here so that you’d know it was me saying this and not the playacting, before I said it where you’d wonder what I really meant. I’ve been so close to telling you these past few weeks, but it’s too important to leave any doubts about my sincerity. I don’t expect you to feel the same about me and I won’t impose upon you, other than to show you how much I truly want you in my life. If you chose to leave once we’re safe I’ll do my best to understand and to let you go, but I had to tell you before the wedding, before things grow more serious in front of the crowd. That my heart, my life, my very soul is yours forever.”

  Tears had begun to run down Calynn’s cheeks and she found it hard to speak, but she had something to say, “Hypocrite.”


  “You heard me. Hypocrite. Wasn’t that what you called the characters in that movie we watched?”

  “Maybe I’m just beginning to understand what the word love actually means.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Putting someone else before yourself.”

  “And what if she loves you too.”

  Drakon tilted his head unsure what was happening.

  “I didn’t stutter, what if she loves you too? What would you do then?”

  He paused unable to look into her eyes and focused on the wisp of hair by her temple brushing it with his fingers, “I’d never let her go.” He finally gazed into her eyes. “I’d never let you go.”

  She leaned in to kiss him stopping centimeters from his lips, “Then never let me go Drakon.”

  “Calynn are you saying…?”

  “Shut up and kiss the woman who loves you.”

  And he did. A kiss full of longing and passion, hope and desire. This kiss was real, not a moment of weakness or a show for his father. There were no misunderstandings, no lingering questions of what was genuine or just for the benefit of others. It was simply him, wrapped around the human that he had fallen hopelessly and helplessly in love with and he was trembling. Or was it her? He pulled back a tiny bit determined not to let her go, not yet anyway, and tried to focus. He hadn’t noticed the cold breeze funneling over the cliff and into their hideaway, but he felt it now and so must she because she was also shaking.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “I’d love nothing more than to continue this right here and now, but I’m supposed to be looking after you and you catching pneumonia out here would be the opposite of taking care of you.”

  “I’m not cold.”

  “Then why are you shivering?”

  “Why are you?”

  “That’s just what you do to me, besides I don’t feel cold like you do.”

  “I don’t think that’s because of the wind.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes really. I think between the two of us we can keep warm. I’m 98.6 and you’re what, at least that?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Then I think we have it covered. By the way speaking of differences, how old are you anyway?”

  “Are you sure you want to know?”

  “Pretty sure. Why, afraid to tell me?”

  “Two hundred and fifty-two.”

  “Two hundred and fifty-two!? That’s one huge age difference, I’m thirty-three Drakon.”

  “Thirty-three huh? Wow, then I guess it’s high time that you start thinking about settling down. Might I suggest the charms of an older man?”

  “I guess I could consider that. Thirty-four thirty-five maybe? Do you think that’s old enough?”

  “I was thinking somewhere more around two hundred and fifty-two to be exact.”

  “Oh really?”



  “Marry me, be my wife. Not for my father, not for our freedom, but for us. Because I love you far more than anything in life and I can’t image one second between us not being real.”

  She knew the answer before he’d finished asking, but she never was one for a simple yes, “Does a ring go with that amazing proposal?”

  “I figured you’d ask that. I did get you something, hold on.” Drakon walked to edge of a fallen tree and pulled a flat white shirt box tied with a red ribbon from its hiding spot and returned handing it to her. “This is for you.” Then he slipped his arms around her from behind resting his chin on her shoulder as he watched her slide off the ribbon and open the box.

  This wasn’t what she expected, maybe he hid the ring somewhere inside the box or attached it to a rose like the one he’d send to her as a signal. That seemed more his style, but when she opened it she found… “Underwear?! You got me underwear?”

  “Not just any underwear.”

  “Wait, are these mine?”

  “I went all the way back to the island to get those just like I promised and not only that. I learned how to use something called a washer dryer as well. So,” he let go so he could face her, a small smile on his lips. “You can hardly refuse a man willing to do laundry for you. Will you marry me Calynn, even without a ring?”

  She didn’t know whether to laug
h or cry or howl with delight. “Yes!” And she threw herself into his embrace, the box forgotten as it fell to the ground. All that mattered was the two of them as he kissed her again just as full and passionate as before. She was his, she may be in some eyes merely a human, but he was a monster and her beautiful soul chose to see the better part of him; a part he’d spend the rest of his existence fighting for. If not, he’d surely lose her.

  Suddenly fear ripped through him as that realization took root and he broke the kiss. His pulse spiked and he desperately held her next to him as if he could meld them together and keep her for all eternity. He was shaking again, but this time it was far more than a cold breeze or his own body’s desire for Calynn. Drakon was beginning to realize another painful aspect of falling in love. It was one thing to be unrequited, it was another thing all together to be lost and his kind did not take well to losing anything. How would she react to that side of him, that side he hadn’t the strength or the experience in self-control to overcome? In the end, he could be his own worst enemy, but not now. Now he would protect her and savor every moment they had together, every moment like this one.

  “Drakon, is everything ok?”

  “Calynn, as long as I have you my world is perfect.” He continued to hold her, content just to feel her against him. Here she was safe, here she was his, his delicate flower that he would guard with his life. “Come on, I had a huge picnic prepared for us and you didn’t have any breakfast.”

  “And whose fault is that?”

  “Guilty, a circumstance which I shall soon remedy. Now have a seat.” He unpacked their lunch as she seated herself on the blanket next to him. He was grateful for the distraction, being so close to her and knowing she was his for the taking was leading his mind as well as the rest of his body astray, but for that he wanted so much more than a few candles on the edge of a bluff. He’d only been with her once, but that memory was burned into his brain and his soul as if it was now a very part of his being. It was a moment of weakness and the greatest of his life, but he was determined that the next outshine it for both of them.


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