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Page 20

by Sasha Pruett

  “I trust that can be arranged. Your mother was to handle much of the particulars. I see no reason why Calynn should be completely left out. The more she feels bound to us the better. And how are you enjoying her company? You’ve been close of late I understand?”

  “Yes, we have. I’m finding her to be… very interesting, very interesting indeed. I do believe I’m beginning to develop quite an attachment to our dear Calynn. Now that I see her in a new light she has many qualities that are… desirable.”

  Drake’s leer broadened, the closer his son was to his bride the more likely they would continue to sire offspring. His own private army, the merge of Valdi and Drake without the limitations of either. He could see his own rise to glory on the horizon and no one would get in his way. Drakon understood what was at stake and with him enamored of his wife he would surely influence Calynn their way and if either of them stepped out of line they could easily be taken care of. He would not be denied.

  “I shall speak to your mother. Until tonight then?”

  Drakon nodded and left the room without another word. He may not have been able to read his father’s mind, but his manner was unmistakable. It was a war between them, only his father was yet to be aware of it. One thing was clear, he had to get Calynn away from him as soon as possible and he had no time to waste in setting up his own affairs.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Calynn awoke to a light tapping on her bedroom door, “Yes?”

  Millie stepped shyly into her darkened room, “I’m sorry to disturb you my lady, but I was instructed to wake you for dinner. It’s in an hour miss.”

  “Thank you, Millie.”

  “Do you need anything my lady?”

  “Has Drakon been by?”

  “No, my lady.”

  “Thanks Millie, if he doesn’t return for me would you let me know when it’s a quarter till?”

  “Yes miss.”

  The door clicked, plunging her back into darkness and she was sorely tempted to close her eyes and fall right back to sleep. She’d been more tired than she’d thought. Drakon had been right. Well she wasn’t going to be the one to tell him and no way was he going to come back and find her asleep. She flipped on the light and stretched, rubbing her face. She was so not ready for this.

  Calynn drug herself to the bathroom and washed her face. Then shuffled to her closet half expecting to find an outfit set aside for the evening, but there was no sign anyone had been there since that morning. Great her first dinner with her bloodsucking future in-laws and she had no idea how she was to dress for the evening. ‘Now what am I supposed to do? You could have at least given me a heads up what to wear? Drakon I swear I’m going to smack you the next time I see you.’


  The small servant was there in seconds eager to please, “Yes my lady?”

  “I need your help here. I’m supposed to be having dinner with Drakon’s parents, any idea what I’m supposed to wear? Should I dress up or what?”

  “Of course miss, I believe semi-formal would be appropriate. Can I suggest the black one there?”

  Calynn rifled through the onslaught of dresses that had been delivered straight from Delphine’s studio, finding the simple elegant black number Millie had pointed out. “Thank you Millie, this will be fine.”

  “I believe these would go well with it.”

  When she turned around she saw that Millie had opened one of the drawers lining the wall to reveal a sparkling array of jewels. Diamonds, rubies, pearls and sapphires; all in matching sets of necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings.

  “Lady Anula had these sent up for you yesterday while you were out.”

  Calynn walked over to them almost in a trance and brushed her fingers over the exquisite pieces. “Are these for me?”

  “Yes miss.”

  She picked up a delicate diamond necklace, the same one Millie had pointed out and held it up to the light. “Thank you, Millie.”

  The girl nodded and left. She was nearly speechless. Drakon had told her that all his wealth and treasures were now hers, but it still seemed like one of those things you talk about and dream of, but never really expect to see. Had she been another type of woman or even one of her sisters for that matter all else would disappear in light of this. She wondered if she’d ever get use to this life, more Grimm than anything else. If they served apples for dinner she’d make sure to pass.

  She dressed and went to her vanity to pull out some make-up that Delphine insisted she couldn’t live without when she noticed the top had been shattered along the edge. How did that happen? It wasn’t like that this morning was it? She finished getting ready and was bent over nervously wrestling with her shoes when there was a knock.

  “Come in Millie.”

  But it wasn’t Millie standing in the door, it was Drakon. Tall and lean, wearing a dark suit and crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the top. She’d never seen him that way before. It was always dark jeans and basic button-up shirts, and that seemed to fit him perfectly, but this was a Drakon she could definitely get used to. He took a few steps closer as she straightened; one shoe still dangling in her hand. He stared right into her eyes, taking the hanging heel from her fingers. Then lowered to one knee never breaking his gaze. His spare hand gently lifted her bare foot placing it on his bent leg slowly slipping on her shoe; forcing himself to release her smooth calf as he stood, still gazing into her eyes.

  “You are absolutely breath taking.” And he kissed her, unable to hold himself back a second longer. “I had to do that.”

  “Oh you did, did you?”

  “You gave me no choice.”

  “Uh huh. My mystical powers of persuasion I suppose?” She quirked her eyebrow at him.

  “Among other things. Shall we go?” He offered her his arm, a sly grin playing his lips and walked her towards the family dining hall. “You look wonderful, it seems I was worried for nothing.”

  “What did you think, that I’d come to dinner in an old sweatshirt and jeans?”

  “Not at all, but on my way here I realized I had neglected to give you any idea of how to dress for dinner. You were so nervous this afternoon being our first one. I should’ve been more attentive, more thoughtful. I’m surprised you haven’t threatened to hit me for my negligence.”

  “Thankfully Millie helped me and the night’s not over yet. By the way do you know anything about the vanity in my room?”

  “Seventeenth century I believe. Why do you ask?”

  “Because its top is splintered. Crushed by the looks of it.”

  “Your fault entirely.”

  “My fault? How’s that my fault?”

  “You were the one in the towel this morning.”

  “Yes, but… oh…” She suddenly understood what that cracking noise was she’d heard when she came out of the bathroom. It was a quiet walk the rest of the way, both smiling at the implications. All that changed when they reached the double doorway leading to his waiting parents. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly and he squeezed her hand in reassurance then together they stepped through the doors opened by the ever-attentive servants.

  “There she is, our dear Calynn.”

  Sir Drake’s warm welcome and the elegant raven-haired woman gliding toward her, arms open for a hug, took a moment to register and she struggled not to look to Drakon for help.

  “My dear you look radiant. How are you feeling?”

  Calynn had only seen this woman twice, both times on days when her life was turned upside down and shaken violently and a part of her wondered what shoe was going to drop next.

  “Quite well and you your Ladyship?”

  “No reason to be so formal dear, you’re family now. You must call me Mother Anula or Mother or which-ever feels best. Come, you’re sitting next to me at dinner.” And she wound her arm around Calynn’s free one leading her to the table. “I hope you’ll enjoy the dinner my dear after all it’s in your honor, well yours and Drakon’s. We’ll have another
dinner for the rest of the family to celebrate later, but for now we have much to discuss.”

  Drakon pulled out the chair for both his mother and Calynn kissing her hand as she sat, another silent reassurance then took his place across from her. His mother graciously rambling on.

  “This is the family dining room, much more appropriate for the occasion as it seats only fourteen comfortably. We use the larger grand dining hall for other celebrations such as your wedding feast. Usually I arrange everything for such an event, but I believe it is a custom that the bride coordinate. I hope you would feel comfortable working together on your nuptial celebration?”

  “Thank you, I’d like that.”

  “There that’s settled. Now we dine.”

  She knew they ate like any normal human family, well a super-rich one anyway, but in the back of her mind she half expected to see some horrifying tray of body parts or raw animals being set on the table and she couldn’t help but brace herself as each dish was served. To her relief nothing gruesome or still bearing a face was brought in, though she made sure to avoid looking too closely at what the lord and lady of the house were drinking from their wine goblets. She had a sneaky suspicion that it wasn’t merlot. She was almost too nervous to eat, but between her growing hunger and the desire not to offend them she quickly got past it. Besides the chef here was amazing, she had to give them that. Only the best for the House of Drake. At first, she thought the night would be spent eating in silence, but soon after the servants had retreated to their stations Lord Drake sipped his wine and putting the glass down began to address her without looking up from his dinner.

  “We have five weeks my dear before the ceremony. I hope you will be able to make your arrangements in that time.”

  “Five weeks?” She was somewhat surprised he’d wait that long considering how badly he wanted both her and her kid.

  “Yes, tradition states that all matrimonial ceremonies be held on the new moon. You have claimed siring rights, but you must still observe the customs of our people. This will not be a problem, will it?”

  ‘So that’s how he was going to play it, okay old man I can play along.’ Remembering that she was still supposed to be the love-sick woman pining over his son she quickly shifted into character. “No, it won’t Sir Drake. I understand completely.”

  “Good. I’m sure Drakon will be happy to fill you in on the details later and any requests you have…”

  “Feel free to come to me my dear. Men are so bad at these sorts of things. Take over a multi-billion-dollar company and nothing is over looked, but ask them to plan a wedding or any gathering for that matter and you might as well have asked for the moon.”

  “That is why I have you my beloved.” Sir Drake lifted a glass with a dip of his head to his wife and she returned the gesture.

  “That’s very generous of you Lady… Mother Anula and before I forget, I want to thank you for the jewelry you had sent to my room for me to use. It’s absolutely stunning and I’ll be very careful with it.”

  “You are mistaken my dear. Those jewels are not mine, they’re yours.”

  Calynn’s hand instantly flew up to the necklace circling her throat. She looked as shocked as she felt and glanced at Drakon who only smiled and bobbed his head much as his father had done.

  “They are but a small portion of Drakon’s fortunes to be bestowed upon him upon his marriage to you. I thought you could use a little… extra trimmings. After all, you are of the House of Drake now and as such you represent the best and we take care of our own.”

  Another course was laid out as the previous one was cleared and the silence stretched on. Only the tinkling of silverware on antique porcelain plates was heard until Sir Drake broached a new subject.

  “Speaking of assets; the Swiss villa has been transferred. I have notified the staff to prepare for a shift in the household and to prepare for a visit. I though you could show your bride around her new home tomorrow night. Any thoughts as to your personal staff my son?”

  “Yes, I have begun compiling a list of servants to install in the villa, but I must protest taking Calynn there tomorrow.”

  Drake’s eyebrows arched slightly, he wasn’t used to being denied.

  “It has been a long couple of days for her and as her guardian I must insist that she have some time to rest before making such a trip in her condition. Her welfare is my main concern. Would three days’ time be agreeable to your schedule?” Still the delicate balance.

  “I don’t see why not. It seems you are taking great care of our girl here and quite right too. I apologize Calynn, I’m used to making the decisions for the family. It may take me a while to adjust to handing the reins over to Drakon here.” His smile was anything but warm. She doubted if he was even capable of it.

  “Perfectly understandable. I think we all have a bit of adjusting to do.” She couldn’t hide the tone in her voice and she didn’t try. He’d probably see right through it anyway. They may be playing him for all they were worth, but she was sure they could only push that so far.

  “Yes, very true.”

  “That will give us time to hunt through the storage room for Calynn some furnishings before we leave. We have an excellent collection of just about anything you could ever want. I’m always redecorating depending on my mood and I’m loathed to give up anything so it all goes into storage until I want it again. Plus, Delphine has been in her studio all day drawing up designs for your gown and if she doesn’t get the chance to go over them with you I won’t be held responsible.”

  “My gown?” Drakon had already mentioned it, but she hated to waste an opportunity.

  “Absolutely, you can’t have a ceremony without a gown. As I said, you’re a Drake now and you must look like a queen. Oh, but my dear Drakon is quite right you look tired and it’s nearly midnight. How thoughtless of us, I think we should call it a night and let him take you back to your room.”

  She was tired again, maybe it was the stress over having dinner with her future monster-in-laws or maybe it was as Drakon had said. These past couple of days were catching up to her. Whatever the reason she was thankful that Lady Anula had noticed. Though she doubted she’d ever feel comfortable enough to call her mother, Mother Anula was hard enough.

  “Thank you, Mother Anula. I believe you’re right.” Before she knew what happened Drakon was already pulling out her chair and offering his hand when just a second ago he had been across the table from her. She wondered if she’d ever get used to that.

  “We will bid you goodnight Mother, Father.” He gave a slight bow and Calynn nodded her head.

  “Dinner was delicious, my compliments to your chef Sir Drake. Goodnight to you both.”

  The two wished them well in return and they left the dining hall slowly making their way back to her room and the bed that seemed to be calling her name all of a sudden. They were quiet as he escorted her straight to her bedroom door, he knew his parents were listening, they both knew it. Calynn put her hand on the handle then turned back to Drakon.

  “Will you be coming in?”

  “I would like nothing more, but I think you need your rest tonight. I wasn’t kidding about that.”

  She couldn’t stop the yawn and narrowed her eyes at him, “Don’t say a word. Will I see you tomorrow?”



  “Probably when you least expect me.”

  “Infuriating, can’t give me a straight answer can you?”

  “What fun would that be for either of us?” He drew her knuckles to his lips and kissed them.



  “Remember when I made fun of how you talk?”

  “How could I forget, you wounded me deeply.”

  She scrunched up her nose at him in a mock glare, “Don’t ever change it.”

  He smiled widely, “As you wish.” And this time he kissed her, but he got more than he bargained for when she ran her hands over his chest and behind his
head pulling him against her.

  “Are you trying to tempt me?”

  “Maybe. Is it working?”

  “A little too much I must say.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Open your door, take your hand, guide you inside, and insist you get some sleep.”

  “Arg, alright, alright I give. I’ll go to bed, but I’d better see you tomorrow.”

  “Count on it.” He kissed her forehead and pulled back making sure she went inside before heading on to his next objective.

  Calynn leaned against the door, exhausted and yet still buzzing from his kiss. It was like two sides of a coin. Stressing over playing her role in front of the Drakes and then the complete euphoria that came with being with Drakon. She pushed herself off the wall and went to the closet to undress and place the jewelry back in the drawer. Her finger trailed over a large diamond necklace in the center of the display. It was hard to believe that this and all the gems in the cases were actually hers. She shook her head and returned to her room sliding into her bed, falling asleep instantly.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  He crept unknown through the shadows. It was his final task of the night, but it was just as important as his first. This was his home, or at least it would be soon enough and no way was he bringing her here without every square inch of this place being under his complete control. He knew this villa well. It had been in his family’s ownership since it was built and in his hours of boredom, as well as to escape his brothers’ insanity, he had discovered more than one secret areas. Many his own father didn’t even know about or had long since forgotten.

  From the time Sir Drake had told him the villa would be his he’d been planning every possible moment for her safety. All the original sets of blueprints from every version of the estate had been switched with the fake plans weeks ago and placed safely in his lodge. Soon he’d replace every servant with one of his own choosing. Servants whom he was assured of their loyalty to him and not his father or brother, or any of them.


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