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Page 29

by Sasha Pruett


  It had been nearly a decade since so many of the siblings were in the same room together. All except Drakon who was preparing upstairs, but there they all were; milling around the family dining hall wondering why they had been gathered. They all knew what to do, their parents had been explicit with how things were to happen and not one of them would dare deviate. There was no reason to be here now, gathered together as if they wanted to be; as if they were an actual loving family. Each broke off into their little groups. Delphine and her mother discussing the décor. Lizzy and Maximilien joking a little too loudly. Ilse and Rais discussing politics and family matters and Ivan almost hiding in the shadows desperate not to be noticed in case his father had decided to match him up as well. All heads turned and all conversation ceased when Drake entered the room.

  He looked over his offspring one by one, no one making a sound or even daring to move. “I have an announcement.”

  Ivan visibly flinched.

  “Before Dr. Edme left our service he was able to make one final discovery of importance to our family and the events that bring us here tonight. He was able to determine the factor responsible for the conception of the child Calynn now carries.”

  Rais immediately moved closer as Ivan slunk even further into the shadows.

  “Calynn is one of us.”

  “Shut up!”

  Everyone turned to look at Lizzy and her parents’ glares made it perfectly clear that children should be seen and not heard… or else.

  “It has been discovered that at some point in history, Calynn’s ancestors had been a servant to our kind and had through their own family line passed down our genetic structure. Though she is not a full blood there is to be no doubt about her being one of us. Today she is to be joined with Drakon. She is to be wife to him, daughter to us and sister to each of you and her child is Drakon’s and Drakon’s alone.” His tone hardened as he zeroed in on Rais. “No further inquiry into the actual sire will be done.”

  More than one of his boys gave a sigh of relief, but the other only stiffened.

  “I am not blind, nor am I a fool. I know that though she is a member of our group you have… reservations and prejudices against her. This is understandable and under other circumstances warranted. With this newest revelation I hope to minimize those notions, but even if it did not serve that purpose, no one will ever treat her or the child as anything but family. Do I make myself clear?” It wasn’t a question it was a threat, deep and visceral.

  “Yes father.” It was said in unison, but Drake could pick out each child’s tone and inflection. There was more to tell, but not here and not now.

  “Now raise your glasses and let us drink to the newest member of the House of Drake.” A servant emerged from the adjoining room carrying a tray of champagne flutes. The liquid bubbled and had a strong draw and was older than all of his children, but it was far from champagne in the crystal stemware.


  It was time. It was pitch black outside, the only light radiating from the two rows of torches coming from opposite directions to meet in the middle. She had been collected by Lady Anula herself who gushed over her… everything. The hair, the dress, the jewels. She stood at the edge of one of the torch rows, her head held high, her face a mask of confidence as her mother-in-law escorted her down the aisle. In contrast to the joyous excitement of his mother over the occasion, Drakon was met with a rigid and surly Rais who was to escort him to the ceremony. Not one word was said between the two of them, but anger was seething off of the elder sibling like a black swirling mass and Drakon made it a point to keep a close eye on his brother the entire night. No doubt he was furious over discovering his attempts to create a breeding harem of his own was futile and the odds of finding another Calynn impossible. His only choice now would be to attempt to ‘create’ a Calynn of his own, but he would not succeed. The same experiment had been repeatedly tried and subsequently failed for centuries by each of the clans. So he followed Rais silently down the path, doing his best to control his own growing sense of smugness. After all it would be unwise to go, “Nah nah na nah nah!” and quite infantile.

  The couple were brought to a stone circle on the grounds of the estate under the new moon where his father waited patiently. He was standing proudly behind a large marble table with a two handed, bronze chalice and a wicked looking dagger balanced on top of it. Drake was covered in lush black robes looking menacing and powerful under the dim light, demanding authority. Calynn took a quick glance at Drakon dressed all in black, a shadow of his self only two days ago at their riverside wedding. Once Anula and Rais left the circle, flames surged up surrounding the three of them roaring and crackling, but she could still make out the low chants of the family, “Bound by blood. Bound forever.” Drakon had told her what to expect, but the sudden fire flaring up around her still made her flinch.

  Drake, his eyes solid black as the night took the knife from its perch on the rim of the cup as Drakon offered his left hand to his father. The blade may have been made of bone, but it sliced through his flesh like it was nothing spilling his blood into the goblet. He did the same to Calynn, making her wince slightly as the cut was made, quickly filling her hand with the warm sticky fluid before adding it to Drakon’s. She silently hoped it wouldn’t trigger anyone’s hunger.

  He hated that she had to be hurt to complete the ceremony and a part of him wanted to shove his father aside and protect her, but that wasn’t possible. He took her hand in his mixing their blood as one as Sir Drake swirled the crimson liquid in the chalice around and around almost hypnotically. Drakon could see the temptation in his father. They had agreed to forgo the traditional drinking of the combined blood by the trio. Calynn was the obvious reason, but to taste her blood may be too much of a temptation and trigger his own thirst as well as his father’s. He could see his father’s hesitation. To taste Valdi blood after all these centuries could be too much to resist, but the moment passed and Drake poured the offering onto a bowl of burning hot coals beside him releasing the scent of smoke and iron.

  He nodded to his son who removed three items from his pocket. The first, a vial of milky white liquid that when a single drop hit Calynn’s palm it knit together the tear in her flesh as if it never was. She watched, mesmerized as her hand healed before her eyes. The second and third were the wedding bands from their first ceremony only days ago. He slipped the ring onto her finger as she did his, the family still chanting outside the ring of fire. It was almost done, Drake lifted his arms to the sky yelling, “Bound by blood, Bound forever, The two are one!” Instantly the circle of flames extinguished and everyone disappeared leaving Drakon and Calynn alone in the darkened circle.

  “Well,” she blew out a deep breath, “now what?”

  “Now I kiss my bride.”

  With the flames now gone the cold was quickly taking over the night, but she couldn’t feel it, all she could feel was him. “Alone at last. Not that I’m complaining, but why the sudden exit?” She looked at the now empty space around her.

  “Remember when I told you that our kind usually only marries when they were ready to bear children?”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s just say that the alter here is used for more than just a place to set the cup.”

  Her eyes grew big “What here?”

  “Wanna try it?” He thought she’d reel back in surprise, but instead she only crushed herself against him drawing up to kiss him again.

  “Maybe later.”

  Calynn was full of surprises. This was going to be fun.

  On their way back to the house they took the long way around. “I can have you back in our bedroom before you can blink Calynn.”

  “I know you can, but I’m perfectly content to procrastinate out here.”

  “It’s rather cold and you’re not dressed for this.”

  “Then I’ll just warm up by one of the torches, or I can curl up with you. Speaking of fire, I thought your kind had an aversi
on to being burned by fire or is that another one of those myths?”

  “We have no more aversion to the flame than you have, and while we’re on the subject who wouldn’t fire burn.”

  “Good point.”

  They were alone once they were finally back in the mansion. Millie, Devilicus and his personal servant had already left for Switzerland to make sure that everything is prepared for their arrival. Once they had fulfilled enough of their obligations to the crowd gathering below they’d be on his own jet leaving the chaos of the night far behind them. They didn’t risk speaking, at least not aloud as he tried to prepare her for what she would be facing below. He hadn’t wanted to mention any of it before. She’d had enough on her mind, but now it was unavoidable.

  ‘This gathering will not be like anything you’ve even expected before. This is what happens when our kind gather free of human restraint. Try not to react to anything you see. I know that will be difficult, but it’s important.’ He drew her closer feeling her body lean against him as they laid together, propped against the headboard of their bed one last time. It felt like a familiar but empty room now. All of their belongings had been shipped abroad already, leaving nothing but another guest suite.

  ‘No one will know you or your lineage and that fact alone can explain away any unusual behavior you may react to so don’t over think it. You are a mystery, an enigma to everyone and that will work in our favor. I can’t tell you exactly what to expect, because I’m not too sure myself, but one thing is certain, with no humans in attendance you will see an array of strange things.’

  She nodded while he gently stroked her arm.

  ‘You’ve seen Delphine’s more outrageous designs, don’t be surprised if you see something similar and even more bizarre. Also, you could very well find some guests in their more… animalistic form. You’ve never seen any of us in our altered appearance, but I can’t promise that tonight you won’t see others. Just remember that you are now a Drake and my entire family is on guard to protect you with their lives, even the ones you’d prefer never to see again. My sisters will all be close by and my brothers will stay in certain areas to keep an eye on the guests while we are here. See this?’ He held up his hand, ‘It will be attached to you at all times no matter who demands my attention and if they don’t like it I don’t care. I know you’ll do great. Just remember that the servants are invisible, they are not to be acknowledged in any way you’re used to. No saying thank you or please or showing any hint of kindness or equality to them.’

  ‘If I want something I’ll tell you and let you handle it.’

  ‘That’s probably for the best.’

  Time stretched, but not long enough. Before she knew it, it was time to make their way down stairs to be presented to the world as husband and wife… officially… again. The sounds of the live orchestra could be heard up the stairway and down the corridor and only grew louder as they made their way down. Then suddenly it stopped and all went quiet as every eye was on Sir Drake standing at the top of the landing.

  His voice boomed effortlessly over the crowd, “Join me in celebrating the union of Drakon Second Son of the House of Drake and his bride Calynn.”

  As one the entire crowd lifted their glasses repeating the same phrase she had heard at the ceremony, “Bound by blood, Bound forever!”

  She tried her best to look above it all and adapt the air of an aristocrat from the dark side, but it wasn’t always easy. Drakon hadn’t been exaggerating when he told her to be ready for anything. One by one they were introduced to and congratulated by the heads of the other clans and ushered around from one important guest to the other, but Drakon was true to his word. Not once did he let go of her even if he had to shift from having his arm around her waist to holding her hand. He wasn’t about to let her go, even giving her reassuring squeezes when something bizarre crossed her path. It was a menagerie, a circus ranging from the more normal tailored tuxedos and evening gowns to the more absurd; reminding her of some of those runway shows she used to make fun of on television. Several had animals with them in all shapes and forms from snakes and rodents to familiars and small vultures and some guests actually went clothing optional. A few choosing instead to be painted from head to toe.


  ‘She’s most likely without her chaperone tonight.’


  ‘It’s a technique that goes back thousands of years to ensure the purity or faithfulness of a woman. She’s young and in a position to gain favor for her family in a match if she is worthy. No one can touch her without smudging the paint, if she is promiscuous in any way it will instantly be known to all and her purity will be in question.’

  ‘What about your sisters? Aren’t your parents worried about them?’

  He snorted, ‘My sisters could be violated six ways from Sunday and they would still have suitors a mile long being as they are first daughters of the House of Drake. They are high enough in the line that it does not matter if they are… experienced. That girl however is lower in the hierarchy, nobility still, but low enough that her parents will use her to elevate their own status.’

  ‘Some things never change.’

  Faces, costumes, and more flooded past her with more introductions and they were standing in a small group of the heads of the Navidia and Predaré clans when she felt a pull from Drakon.

  “If you will excuse us. Lord Lassiter, Lord Tonari.”

  He sat down his glass, she hadn’t dared ask what was in it, and guided her to the middle of the dance floor. They had already danced once right after Sir Drake had announced them. The orchestra had played some dark haunting song that she had never heard before and was possibly thousands of years old and all eyes had been on them. This time the song was familiar and she had to struggle with all her might not to cry when she heard the familiar strains of At Last.

  ‘I wanted to see that smile of yours, there it is.’

  ‘You know, if I start bawling we’re done for.’

  ‘I’m willing to take that chance if it will help you feel better about all of this and I figure I can always whisk you away to some dark corner. No one would question that.’

  ‘You just want to get me alone, admit it.’


  The rest of the night went perfectly. No one questioned her humanity or the appropriateness of the match, and when they left the house for the plane no one even batted an eye. Sir Drake couldn’t be more pleased. He stood above the mass of men and woman, feeling his superiority. They had accepted Calynn as one of their own no question and only he, his wife and Drakon knew of the power that now belonged to the House of Drake. To him.

  All he had to do was bide his time until one day all of them would bow to him and the House of Drake. He listened in on the crowd keeping tabs on his guests wile basking in his own glory.

  “But who is she?”

  “I don’t know; have you heard of her?”

  “No, she’s not from my clan at least not that I’m aware of.”

  “Whomever she is Drake has chosen well for his son.”

  “The only question is; why wasn’t it Rais?”

  “Please, everyone knows that Rais is practically betrothed to Vanessa of the House of Predaré.”

  “That’s how she sees it anyway, but he hasn’t given her much notice this evening.”

  “No matter, regardless of her power she’s still an unknown. No way Drake would match his heir with an unknown.”


  Drake picked up on one word, ‘power’, was he missing something? He scanned the crowed searching for more.

  “I can’t image where they’ve been hiding her. Someone with that much power would stand out. She sure did here.”

  “Do you think Drake made a deal with one of the other clan heads?”

  “Could be, it would be just like him, a brilliant strategic move if you ask me. Make a deal with another clan for a powerful bride for the second born that would be kept hidden.”r />
  “Wonder what kind of alliance that has led to?”

  “I don’t know, but she would have to be from one of the top families.”

  “True, you don’t get that kind power without being pure royalty.”

  “You can practically see it dripping off of her.”

  “I hope Drake hasn’t bitten off more than he can chew.”

  Could it be true? How had he missed it? Nothing felt different to him, and Anula nor any of the others had mentioned anything about it. He searched out his first born. Maybe he could get some answers that way, but Rais was nowhere to be found. Probably off enjoying the festivities now that his duty to the family had been served. So he sought out his wife, pulling her into one of their private conversations.

  ‘My dearest, do you know where Rais is?’

  ‘I haven’t seen him these last few hours. I believe he left once Drakon and Calynn did. His duty being over he may be enjoying the feast.’


  ‘Why do you ask husband?’

  ‘Have you noticed anything different about Calynn of late?’

  ‘No, she has become more secure in her role as a Drake, but other than that I can’t say that I have noticed anything. Why so enigmatic Drake?’

  ‘Listen Anula, listen to our guests.’

  It didn’t take long for her to understand.

  ‘Have any of the girls mentioned anything to you about this?’

  ‘No. Do you think we could be blind to something, having been so close to her all this time?’


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