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The Enemy Within

Page 25

by Kurt Winans

  With the once every four year convention of his party looming in the near future, President Harwell was searching for ways to secure any and all potential backing which could guaranty his nomination for a second term. There was no denying that the party had been splintered throughout much of the previous year since the announcement of Vice President Sutherland, and there were many who believed that he should, and quite possibly could, gain control. Both men had crisscrossed the nation while visiting various cities and rural areas in quest of support, with the mutual intent to step up their respective game even further as the convention drew closer.

  For President Harwell, that included the official announcement two weeks prior to the convention of who would be his running mate. Colorado Governor Damian Flynn was his choice, and although many thought that to be a surprise, he was a palatable selection as the man was well-liked and respected among those in the party.

  As for Vice President Sutherland, although his choice of running mate was experienced, he was not as strong. However beyond that potential misstep there were larger concerns. What the Vice President didn’t count on as he attempted to unseat his superior and advance to the Presidency, was the series of events which had transpired during the final few months leading into the convention. President Harwell had been able to accomplish what some viewed as miracles with relation to both the Republic of Texas and Puerto Rico, and Vice President Sutherland had no countermove to overshadow them. Therefore he knew as the convention began that he faced an uphill battle.

  Throughout the days of the convention there were many speeches, with President Harwell delivering one of the most powerful. Among other things he spoke of the vote in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, which in turn led to their statehood that would become official on the upcoming fifteenth of October. Then he spoke of how several key members within the organization from Texas that was responsible for the acts of terrorism against the military academies had been captured. He added that each would face justice for their crimes, but that process was far from complete at the current time. Finally he closed with talk of Governor Flynn and the good that he had done for the state of Colorado and the surrounding region. Accordingly the President firmly believed that the man would make a wonderful second in command.

  On the final day of the convention the delegates voted strongly in favor for the ticket of Harwell and Flynn. A short time later President Harwell came to the podium once again to present another brief speech as he accepted the nomination. Then in the moments that followed Governor Flynn joined him on stage. As the crowd rose to applaud, festive music could be heard over the sound system while balloons and confetti rained down from the rafters of the arena. It was a joyous day for the President, as his party had voiced clearly that they wanted him to continue in his current capacity for an additional four years. With secure knowledge of that fact, he would soon turn his attention toward defeating the Governor of New York so that the desire could be realized.

  While still experiencing the transitional phase of permanently leaving Texas for the sun and beaches of southern Brazil, the youngest two members of the Tillman family were brought up to speed somewhat with regard to the organization. Both Jennifer and Blake were old enough to grasp the concept, while also understanding the need to conceal what they had learned. They were informed of various aspects, which included the names and operative numbers of a few people that they knew. That was followed by a generalized description of how their actions led to the birth and now rapid decline of the Independent Republic of Texas. However there was one important item that both Ashley and Courtney refused to discuss with either of their children, as neither was prepared to let them know that they had been trained assassins for the needs of the organization.

  As all six of the family and their security team attempted to master the native language of Portuguese and meld into the ways of Brazilian society and culture, they occasionally hungered for a taste of their own native language. Aside from ensuring that there would always be enough money for the family in Brazilian banks, Samuel had also anticipated the eventual need for English when he purchased the villa. He had the most current technology for reliable internet use installed, and added a few satellite dishes as well. His thinking was that if the villa were to ever be needed, a wide selection of options could be viewed on personal devices or the holographic screens.

  Since the time of their arrival, that capability had allowed the contingent to remain at least partially informed as to what was happening in Texas. Unfortunately most reports were not favorable. Beyond news of the blockade still being in place, the big story was that the top three officials of the government, the Ambassador to the United States, and others had been arrested. On a more personal note, a separate broadcast was seen that hit the family hard. Victoria and the others realized then that the men would not be coming, as it was announced that Samuel Tillman, the highest known ranking member of the organization to which the others belonged, had been captured. He along with his two sons Kyle and Mason, as well as his grandson Jason, had been charged with treason among many other crimes.

  Then while watching CNN several days later with the three other adult members of the group, a report came across detailing some of the events which had recently transpired at an American political convention. The bid by current Vice President Sutherland for the party nomination had fallen woefully short of his expectations, and President Harwell had therefore emerged victorious in receiving that nomination for a second term in the White House. A short film clip was aired that showed the President and his new running mate triumphantly clasping hands overhead. Then a close-up photograph of that Vice Presidential candidate was shown as the dialog mentioned that it was Governor Damian Flynn of Colorado.

  Upon seeing the still photograph, Ms. Holloway uttered, “Well isn’t that interesting?”

  Victoria heard what she said, and in response inquired, “Why do you say that?”

  “Well I just find that choice for Vice President to be a pleasant surprise.”

  Now even more intrigued, Victoria pressed, “Would you care to elaborate?”

  “Well do you remember when we were attempting to get Beau home in April for the service of Savanah?”

  After a quick glance toward Ashley, she replied, “Yes. What about it?”

  “And Samuel didn’t want to involve someone in Colorado to help our efforts?”


  While pointing at the photograph Ms. Holloway said, “Well that’s the man I was suggesting, and it looks as though Samuel was wise in wanting to preserve his cover.”

  Victoria took another glance at the man on the screen, and then it hit her.

  With a sudden look of amazement, she said, “You mean to say that…”

  “That’s right Victoria. Governor Damian Flynn, the man who could become the Vice President of the United States in a few months, is number forty-three.”

  The cross country flight had been smooth and without incident, but as the Air Force cargo jet slowed further and lined up for final approach, a strong gust of wind took hold of the fuselage to create a sudden sideways lurch. Agent Bishop, like many of those aboard, was unaffected by most turbulence, but this had been quite a jolt. Heath took a quick look out the window at the surrounding landscape, and remembered the warning he had heard. Although Alaska could be incredibly beautiful and stunning to the eye, the last frontier as it was known could also be brutal and without mercy if one was not careful.

  This would be his second ever visit to Alaska; however the circumstances behind the current assignment were significantly different than those during the summer of 2024. On that occasion Heath had been at the side of Jordan Harwell while the man made a campaign stop in the largest city of Anchorage during a bid for the Presidency. Today he would land at Ladd Army Airfield within the confines of Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, and he would do so while escorting the most precious of cargo.

  When the plane came to a halt on the tarmac, Agent Bishop could see
that the necessary safety measures had been put in place next to the plane. There were several armed guards, along with a small motorcade which would escort the detainee a short distance to the recently built maximum security prison. Looking across the aisle, he could see that Samuel Tillman was still securely shackled with chains running through multiple heavy steel rings on both the floor and the metal frame which surrounded him.

  With a smile he asked, “Are you ready to see your latest and final home?”

  Returning the glance with true distain, Samuel replied, “I agree that this will be my latest home Agent Bishop, but as for the last, only time will tell.”

  “Well Mr. Tillman, time is something that you will have plenty of.”

  As four guards then chained themselves to Samuel before unlocking any of those which had kept him within his seat, the side door of the plane was opened. A set of stairs was pushed up for unloading, and a towering husky man of perhaps thirty-five years lowered his head to enter.

  After receiving a nod of approval from Agent Bishop, one of the guards looked down at Samuel and said, “Alright prisoner, let’s go.”

  Samuel stood easily and moved forward as best as he could while in the heavy restraints. Soon he was at the door which offered an unobstructed view of all that surrounded him.

  Speaking to no one in particular, he asked, “Where are we?”

  The husky man who now stood beside him replied, “Prisoner, this is Fairbanks Alaska. And from this moment forward, any question that you may have will begin with the word Sir. Is that understood?”

  Without answering Samuel took another look around before stating, “Well it sure is beautiful here. It’s a shame that I never visited under better circumstances.”

  After slowly and carefully descending the stairs with the four guards, Samuel was lifted onto an awaiting flatbed Army truck. He was then made to lay flat on his back while the guards pulled each of his limbs toward them, and two additional guards trained their weapons upon his torso. A few minutes later the flatbed pulled up to the entrance of the prison, with Agent Bishop riding in the chase vehicle.

  As Samuel was unloaded and moved toward the door, he asked the husky man, “Sir, may we stop for a minute please?”

  Samuel was then pulled to an abrupt stop after the man shouted out, “Halt!”

  Heath moved forward and asked, “What are you attempting to do Mr. Tillman?”

  “Nothing at all Agent Bishop, I just wanted to look at the scenery for a minute.”

  “Fair enough Mr. Tillman. You can have that minute, because it will be the last time that you ever see the outside world.”

  Once inside the facility, Samuel was taken deep underground. By his count it must have been four or five levels, but it was difficult to be sure. Then he saw a sign overhead with the words maximum security level, and standing underneath it there was a man wearing the uniform of a full bird Colonel.

  While holding a file folder in his hands he smugly stated, “Well Prisoner Tillman, we have been expecting you. This file of yours is rather extensive, and it has provided me with some very useful information. Although your actions throughout the years would certainly warrant a lengthy stay at this level of our luxurious accommodations, I have received orders to provide you with special treatment.”

  “And what would that be?”

  The husky man moved in quickly, and with his face less than a foot from Samuel roared, “Prisoner, I have informed you once before that your questions must begin with the word Sir. This will be my second and final lenient mention of that rule. Is that understood?”

  Turning toward the man who more than equaled his height while also outweighing him in muscle mass, Samuel replied, “Yes, I understand.”

  “That’s good prisoner, because my third mention of that rule will be accompanied with punishment. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  The Colonel then intervened by stating, “Alright gunny, that will do for now.”

  “Yes sir Colonel.”

  Then moving closer to Samuel, the Colonel said, “Prisoner Tillman, since I have been ordered by President Harwell to provide you with special treatment, and you have asked what that would be, please allow me to show you what we have in store for you.”

  With a subsequent glance and a nod by the Colonel, a large steel door with a small window was opened. Behind it was a long staircase leading down, and Samuel was escorted to yet another subterranean level which contained four specially designed cells formed into a semi-circle. As described by the Colonel, the bottom level was more than eighty feet below the surface. Each cell wall, floor, and ceiling was made up of solid clear Plexiglas which was a foot thick. Outside the barrier above, below, to the rear, and the external sides of the two ends to the semi-circle was solid rock. It had taken several well-shaped charges, and an abundance of man hours, to blast and carve out what little space there was on this most claustrophobic level of maximum security. Therefore even if the thick clear walls were somehow broached, it would be impossible for anyone to dig their way to the surface.

  As Samuel stared at what would be the area of his confinement, he realized that all four of the unoccupied cells contained the most minimal of creature comforts. There was a strange looking toilet in the front corner, and what served as a mattress was on the floor in the back with no elevated bedframe. Not a single thing protruded from any of the walls such as a shelf for books or personal items, while a small showering area next to the toilet appeared to be locked off from random entry.

  In the opposite front corner there was another barely larger than a phone booth area which faced the front of his cell. It had been partitioned off into two sections, and in the rear portion of it, there was a small clear bench. The partition had three distinct holes cut through it, which were directly above a clear flat surface in the forward section. Samuel was informed that the small room would only be used for meals, and there were strict guidelines as to how he would proceed while eating. Samuel could not move the plate through any of the openings, as they were too small. Therefore he would need to reach through one of the smaller holes for the provided spoon or cup, and bring the food and drink up to the larger opening where his face would be. Once any meal was completed, the prisoner was to return the spoon and cup to the tray and clasp his hands behind his head before the chamber would be unlocked for his retreat into the main cell. If he didn’t return both items, then he would remain locked in the small eating chamber until he did so.

  As for the shower and toilet, rules applied to those as well. Of course the prisoner would have free access to the toilet whenever it was needed, but the amount of paper which he received would be limited. Upon request a minimal roll of paper would be dropped by a guard through a tube, and then the unused portion would be returned via a separate tube by the prisoner. The shower would be used only twice a week, with soap delivered and retrieved in much the same manner as the toilet paper. Only after the prisoner returned the soap would he receive a rolled up towel via a larger tube, and only after returning the towel, would he be allowed to exit the shower stall. Each of the protective measures were designed to limit the ability of the prisoner to cause problems, as he would have no means to damage anything within his cell.

  Heath watched with keen interest as all of this was unfolding. Those in charge of the prison were going to break the will of Samuel Tillman piece by piece, but Heath knew that it would not be as easy as they believed. However the contents of the file had perhaps implied that reality, so the Colonel and his men could be prepared for what lay in front of them.

  As Samuel was about to be walked into his cell and unshackled, he turned toward Heath and asked, “You think that you have beaten me don’t you Agent Bishop?”

  “No Mr. Tillman, I don’t think that at all. I’m fully aware that we have beaten you, and on behalf of President Harwell, have a pleasant evening.”

  A moment later the last of the guards placed a single pillow and blanket on the floo
r and backed from the cell to lock it while several weapons were trained on Samuel. Turning back to face his captures, Samuel noticed four large flat screen monitors near the stairway that faced each of the corresponding cells.

  Realizing that conditions could only get worse if he tested the system, Samuel swallowed his pride and asked the Colonel, “Sir, what is the purpose of those four flat screens?”

  “Those are there to inform any prisoner on this level of anything that we wish them to know. Should the screen directly in front of you be turned on, then I strongly suggest that you pay attention.”

  President Harwell could have and most assuredly would have played the card during the convention if he believed that the race was extremely tight. News of his latest plan probably would have been enough to push him over the top against Vice President Sutherland had the need for it arose, but fortunately it was unnecessary.

  Now as the Labor Day weekend of early September was less than a week away, the President and his close advisors thought it would be an appropriate time to unveil the plan. It was sound in structure and need, no cost to implement the project would be incurred by the American taxpayers, and it was the correct thing to do under the circumstances.

  For President Harwell the added benefit to the above was that his opponent from New York could neither take credit for the action nor condemn it if questioned. Therefore the plan was viewed as an avenue to help those in need who had been wronged, while also as a method to secure additional votes from those citizens who were humanitarian in nature.

  Since the guilt of the organization had been realized, a project had been quietly moving forward to present an aid package to Syria in the form of rebuilding at least a portion of what had been destroyed in the early days of January 2027. The aid would not come in the form of currency, as that could be used to simply line the pockets of a few select individuals or for other ill-fated purposes. Instead the aid would come in the form of materials, supplies, and manpower with an offer to rebuild homes, schools, and other infrastructure within various cities. Although not every crumbled structure could be tended to in the short run, it would at least be a beginning.


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