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Sex God

Page 12

by J. a Melville

  He frowned when his head came around, those stunning eyes of his trapping me in their gaze. “Night off? You mean from work?”

  I rolled my eyes, aiming for a bored look. “I would have thought it was obvious. You’re here with my brother so I assume you’re on the hunt for pussy.” I paused, looking out to the dance floor although I couldn’t actually see Leo or Ava in the crowd. “My brother is dancing with my friend and I don’t know what’s going to happen there, but he’d better not hurt her. I don’t care if he is blood, I’ll castrate him.” I turned to face Shay. “You’re sitting here so have you decided on a quiet night? Maybe you’re slumming it? Or is sitting with us your way of keeping a low profile while you scope out the lay of the land so to speak?” As soon as I fell silent I regretted my words.

  A look of amusement crossed Shay’s face. He leaned in until his lips brushed my ear, the feather light touch of them sending a shiver up my spine. I struggled to hide my reaction from him. The last thing I wanted was for him to see how much he affected me.

  “You wouldn’t be a tiny bit jealous now, would you?” The rich, deep timbre of his voice vibrated against my ear doing all sorts of things to my girly bits.

  My head swung towards him, anger flashing across my face. I froze once I was facing him. The position putting us nearly nose to nose and I felt my heart begin to flutter. I should have moved. He could have moved, but he didn’t. We stayed like that. How long I wasn’t sure, but it was long enough for me to breathe in his scent until my head was swimming. It was long enough for me to feel each breath he took touch my skin, and it was long enough for me to feel like I was drowning in the depths of those beautiful eyes.

  Shay’s nostrils flared and I realised he was breathing me in too. As the tension began to build, I watched his eyes darken and I felt like I couldn’t breathe, the air between us was so thick and heavy.

  “Holy shit!” Karen’s voice and her hands slapping down on the table destroyed the moment and feeling almost like I was under the influence of drugs I turned to her.

  She was watching us, a hint of a smile on her lips. “I’m going to the ladies.” She announced it like she’d just won Bingo at the RSL Club.

  “Ok. I’ll watch your drink.” I told her. Nodding she stood up and with a final look between the two of us, she headed off through the crowds of people in the direction of the ladies toilets.

  Left alone with Shay I turned to him again but his eyes were on the people on the dance floor. The sexual tension I’d felt between us must have been one sided. He was obviously restless to go and find his intended victim for the night.

  “You don’t have to stay here babysitting me or whatever you’re doing.” I told him. I hadn’t thought of that but perhaps Leo had asked Shay to sit and make sure I stayed out of trouble. Sometimes I think our roles were reversed and he thought he was the older brother and me the younger sister.

  “I’m not here because I’m babysitting you.” He dragged the palm of his hand across the back of his neck before his eyes met mine again, a frown marring his forehead. “I…I don’t know why I’m sitting here.” He raised his beer to his lips and I watched the movement of his throat as he swallowed. Somehow he even managed to make that look sexy. I was doomed with this man. I wanted him. I wanted the night with him, even if it meant he’d never speak to me again afterwards.

  I didn’t want to fight it any more. I was attracted to him. Powerfully, profoundly, hopelessly attracted to him and I wanted desperately to find out if he was truly worthy of his Sex God status.

  I shot another glance at him. What was I thinking? I already knew how he’d earned his Sex God status. He’d given me an appetiser in my shop that day. He’d brought me to orgasm so easily and that had just been from his fingers. Bring his tongue and that pierced cock of his into play and I wasn’t sure I’d survive it.

  “I’m back.” Karen’s voice interrupted the moment again and I had to restrain the desire I had to wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze: hard.

  As she sat down I heard Shay curse alongside of me. “I need some air.” He said and when his eyes shifted from Karen to me I could have sworn I saw frustration in them.

  Disappointment speared through me. He was going. “Ok.” I smiled brightly, hoping it looked like a smile and not a grimace.

  When he reached for my hand, my eyes flew to his. “Come with me.” He said, his words soft enough over the music that I wasn’t sure I’d heard him properly. I had to be mistaken. He couldn’t possibly have asked me to go with him. When he stood abruptly, tugging on my hand I finally realised I had heard him correctly. He wanted me to go with him.

  Karen watched us and when her eyes fell on our linked hands I recognised her shit eating grin and I just knew my outspoken friend was going to give me hell for this later.

  “Umm…we’re just getting some air.” I mumbled.

  “I’ll watch your drink.” She said, still with that knowing smile on her face. “You two enjoy your…air.”

  I felt colour heat my cheeks at the way she paused over the word ‘air.’

  As Shay started to lead me away from the table Karen called out that she would let Leo and Ava know where we were. I turned back briefly to her and she winked, her hands coming up to give me a double thumbs up. Blushing I turned away and on shaking legs I let Shay lead me through the crowds in the club, my heart pounding with nervous tension all the way.


  With every step towards the entrance of the club I questioned my motivation for asking Lyla to join me outside. I didn’t need air. I wasn’t overheated from dancing or anything like that. The truth was it was all her. I was completely overcome by her.

  Sitting next to her had been torture. I’d been so painfully aware of her. Aware of every breath she took, every movement and most of all, I’d been intoxicated by her scent. It had swirled around me, heightened by the warmth of her body. Hell, even where our thighs almost touched I could feel the heat coming off her. Slowly going crazy and trying to hide it I’d been tormented by those images of her that day in her shop and driven near crazy by the sounds she’d made playing over and over again in my head.

  It was time to accept I couldn’t fight my attraction for her anymore. Since that day I’d touched her and made her come, then the night with Milly in my apartment, I’d barely shown any interest in fucking women. I’d tried; god knows I’d fucking tried. I’d gone so far as to chat some up, only to lose interest in them and end up going home alone. Then there’d been the embarrassing attempt where I’d finally taken a woman to my fuck pad and hadn’t been able to perform.

  She’d tried. I had to give her points for trying. She’d sucked on me until I’d finally managed enough of an erection to give fucking her a go but then she’d looked up at me with my dick in her mouth and I’d instantly gone soft. It wasn’t that she was unattractive. It was the image of Lyla’s face superimposed over hers that killed any chance of me maintaining a hard on.

  This sort of shit wasn’t supposed to happen to me. I was the damn Sex God. I’d earned the fucking title and I’d had to endure looks of pity from that woman and me feeding her several pathetic excuses as to why I was little more than a damn limp dick.

  I’d suffered through weeks of wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I knew I wasn’t impotent because I had no trouble getting hard at home. It all went to shit when I tried to pick up someone. It was like my heart just wasn’t in it. No that wasn’t it because my heart was never in it. It was my dick. He’d lost the will to go on and without him willing to perform, I was no fucking Sex God.

  It couldn’t be Lyla. I barely knew her. The fact it had all started going to shit after that day in her shop could only be a coincidence. Maybe I was sick? Maybe the gods had finally decided to punish me for all the random fucking I’d done?

  When Leo had suggested coming to the club tonight, I seriously hadn’t wanted to come. If he were to witness my dismal efforts of late or hear how shit my sex life had become, I wasn�
��t sure I’d be able to live with the soul destroying humiliation of it.

  All day leading up to us leaving for the club I’d worried about potential performance anxiety and if I’d have it should I get lucky. It was seriously messing with my head and fucking with my confidence. Without my title I had nothing. If I wasn’t the Sex God, I was nothing.

  The moment we’d run into Lyla and her friends every single one of my senses was tuned into her. When I sat next to her with her perfume teasing my nostrils and our bodies almost touching I realised it was all about her. She was completely wrong for me because I instinctively knew she’d never be satisfied with just one night, but I couldn’t pretend any more that I didn’t want her.

  Fuck, every time I came anywhere near her I could barely keep my hands off her. After that day in her shop I’d realised the attraction was a powerful one but I’d still foolishly thought I could touch her, bring her to orgasm and walk away, straight into the arms of the next willing woman. What a fool I was for thinking that way.

  It was time to concede defeat and give into my desire for her. I wanted her. I knew I wanted her because my cock was trying to bust its way out of my jeans and that was merely from seeing her and inhaling her scent. I hadn’t laid a hand on her yet.

  Much as I wanted to fuck her, I had to make it clear before anything happened that it would only be one night. I didn’t do relationships and no matter how badly I craved her, I still had no aspirations of a happily ever after scenario. Love and romance were nothing but a crock of shit in my opinion. My parents had been proof of that. Maybe I’d be able to convince her to settle for friendship? It would make things less awkward on those occasions where I ran into her around her brother.

  Shaking my head to clear it and not wanting to be weighed down with guilt or the potential repercussions of taking a woman like Lyla to my bed, I shoved my way through the doors of the club and stepped outside.

  Chapter Twelve


  As soon as we were outside I sucked in a few deep breaths of air that wasn’t tainted by a hundred and one different perfumes or alcohol. I turned to Lyla, taking in her beauty under the lights that ran along the length of the club. I wanted to kiss her. I needed to kiss her until I’d had my fill. That alone should have told me that there was something about this woman that was different. I wanted to kiss her. Not just to test her readiness for sex. I wanted to kiss her because I liked it. I loved to taste her. I loved feeling her lips on mine, her tongue sliding over mine. I loved the intensity of it. When I kissed Lyla, we were perfectly in sync.

  I couldn’t kiss her here though. Not right outside the club. I needed a more private place than right near the main door. After a quick glance around I set off towards the darkened end of the club, dragging Lyla along after me, her hand still held firmly in mine. I wasn’t sure where I was going but I knew I needed to get away from the lights around the entrance. I also wanted to be away from where the line-up of cabs were waiting for the first drunks to stumble out to them.

  We rounded the corner of the club and hit an area that was considerably darker. I released Lyla’s hand and bent forward, placing my hands on my thighs, breathing harshly. What the fuck was wrong with me? Suddenly I could barely draw breath as the reality of this moment registered with me. Lyla…was…going…to…be…mine.

  “Shay?” That one word. My name. Spoken so softly and then her scent surrounding me and her hand on my shoulder, tentative, unsure. “Are you alright?”

  Running purely on instinct I straightened, spinning around to face her. My hands came up, grasping her shoulders and in one fluid movement I propelled her backwards, not stopping until her body hit the wall, knocking the air from her lungs.

  Her mouth opened but before she could say anything or do anything my lips came down on hers. As the taste of her exploded over my tongue, I knew at that moment I was lost. Lost to her and the affect she had on me. Fighting it any longer was futile. I wanted her too badly for there to be any other scenario than her in my bed and me between her legs.

  When her lips parted and she opened to me, I groaned low in my throat, leaning my body into hers. Angling my hips I pressed my erection into her stomach. My elusive erection. The erection that had failed me for the last several weeks. The erection that had been fighting to be released from my jeans since I’d first seen Lyla tonight.

  God I wanted her. I felt light headed from the pull she had over me or maybe that was just my failing control? I felt feral and half crazed with lust. Any of my characteristic finesse gone with every brush of her lips and every sweep of her tongue over mine.

  I’d never felt like this before. I’d never been this close to losing control. Shit, I’d not been so lost to the effects of a woman before. So lost, I worried I might come in my pants like a horny teenage boy.

  Kissing her, my tongue in her mouth, hands restlessly sliding up and down her body, I ground against her like an animal. I couldn’t seem to rein myself in and I knew how this would look if anyone saw us. I would look like I was dry humping her, frantic to get inside her and I was.

  Dragging my lips from hers so I could suck in some much needed air, I looked into her eyes. She too looked dazed, chest heaving as she panted every bit as hard as me.

  “Come home with me.” I ground the words out surprised I sounded coherent when I was so close to going up in flames.

  I waited for her reply, watching her expression for some kind of reaction. For that something that would tell me if her answer would be yes or no. I stared at her, taking in the glazed look in her eyes. The flush of arousal blooming over her skin and her lips swollen from my attack on them. My focus shifted to them, to the dewy moisture that glistened on them. As I stared at them they parted and her tongue came out, sweeping along her full lower lip. Fascinated I followed its movement until it reached the other side and she opened more, enough for me to see the whiteness of her teeth.

  Everything in me tightened as I waited for her to say something. It was agonising. It was torture. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if she refused. I sucked in a breath and held it. My stomach knotted. I waited, wanting, needing her to say yes.

  Finally after an agony of waiting, she answered me. “Yes.” Just the one word. One tiny word that impacted me in such a big way. One little word that was going to change everything. One little word that had the power to bring me to my knees. One little word that for a brief moment made me wonder if things would ever be the same again.


  God I’d done it. I’d said yes to Shay. Oh…my…god! I’d just said yes to a night of sex with Shay Vidal. Shaking I raised my eyes to his and felt like I was drowning in his dark pupils that had nearly obliterated the blue.

  He looked so tense standing before me, a muscle ticking in jaw, his body rigid and hands fisted by his sides. I could see so much in those eyes of his. There was desire, but of course I knew it would be there. I’d felt his erection against my stomach after all. There was uncertainty too which tugged at my heart because it made me realise this stunning young man was not as confident as he wanted me to believe. But mostly there was confusion, as if he wasn’t entirely sure how he’d gotten to this point. I could understand how he felt because I was feeling it too.

  “Come with me.” He held out a hand and I smiled, a shaky smile as I took it. Turning he began to lead me towards the carpark and we’d already reached the second row of cars before I remembered I hadn’t come out alone tonight and I stopped.

  When I stopped it jerked on Shay’s hand forcing him to stop too and he turned slowly, a strange look appearing in his eyes. I wasn’t sure what it was at first until it dawned on me. He thought I’d changed my mind.

  “I can’t just leave with you. I need to let Karen and Ava know where I’m going. That’s if my buffoon of a brother has let her off the dance floor yet.”

  I watched amusement flash across his face before the tension returned. “Can’t you text them? I’ll send your brother one if you like?”

nbsp; I brightened at his words. “Of course. Why didn’t I think of that?” I pulled out my phone from my small clutch and quickly sent a text to both Karen and Ava before putting the phone back in my bag.

  When I turned to Shay again, he too was texting, his thumbs moving rapidly over the screen of his smartphone. He slipped it back in his pocket. “Ok, done. Your brother knows you’re with me.”

  I snickered. “I wonder what he’ll think of that.”

  “I thought this was what he wanted? Didn’t he want you to live a little?”

  “Yeah he did and he thought you would be a good start but we haven’t talked about this for a while, so I’m not sure if he’s still on board with that idea. I got the impression after the night I was drugged that he’d decided a life of celibacy for me was a better alternative.” I shot him a shaky grin. “I think he forgets sometimes that I’m the older sibling and I don’t need another mother either. I guess it’s too bad if he’s gone cold on the idea of a night with you. I’m a big girl now. I’ll do what I want.”

  He frowned, again, something flashing in his eyes. “Can we leave now?” He dropped his head, his hands fisting again. “I’m not sure I can wait much longer to be inside you. You have no idea how badly I want you. I’m not used to this…feeling like this. It’s…I’m not accustomed to it.” He brought his head up again, his eyes locking on mine. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since that day in your shop. Seeing you come apart. Listening to you. Tasting you. I need to experience it again.” He frowned as if his own words were disturbing to him.

  Hearing his words made my heart sing. I wanted so badly to smile but I was scared I’d frighten him off. He had no idea how much I liked knowing he’d been as affected by that day in my shop as I was. I was a little surprised he’d confessed to it and I knew it would be a mistake to read anything into it, but I wasn’t alone in my confusion with all this and for that I was thankful.


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