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Sex God

Page 32

by J. a Melville

  Again, pretending I didn’t know what she meant I frowned, looking down at myself. “What? You mean this?” I grabbed my cock and fisted it a couple of times.

  Lyla’s stance shifted. It was subtle because she was clearly trying to hide her reaction from me but I knew women and I sure as hell knew her. She was aroused. I knew it for sure in the way she tried to squeeze her thighs together but she seemed determined not to give into it. Or that was the game she was playing at least.

  Turning from her I walked over to the windows, staring out at the night time view of Hobart’s CBD, and I waited. With the tinting on the windows I could see Lyla reflected in them and I watched as she approached. When I saw, she was right behind me, I turned, my eyes drifting over her, absorbing every inch of her beauty. It was only when I finally raised my eyes to hers and I saw the expression in their blue depths I knew she was done playing the game.

  As if choreographed, we both moved together. I reached for her as she leapt at me and our lips met in a near violent kiss which resulted in our teeth momentarily clashing together.

  My hands came up, grasping her head so I could ease her back and bring the kiss under control. It was hard to do. Lyla was frantic, her fingers fisting in my hair and tugging on the strands hard enough to make me wince. Her tongue licking at me and tangling with mine as her need became more desperate.

  I didn’t worry about kissing her with the finesse I usually did when playing my role of Sex God. This was different. She was different. This was not a performance. This was not a polished act on my part. No, this was Lyla. This was the truth of how powerful the attraction was between us. It was the opposite of everything I normally strived for. Raw, primitive, primal and frenzied.

  Our lips moved over each other’s. Our tongues duelling and curling around one another’s. While our hands clawed, and grabbed in a desperate bid to get as close to one another as possible.

  When oxygen finally became a necessity, I dragged my lips from hers and we stood, the gap between our faces a mere couple of inches, breath mingling, as we locked eyes.

  “Shay.” That was all it took. Just that one word, my name, spoken in that husky tone of hers, so filled with desire that the last thread of my control snapped and before my name had even faded from her lips, I spun Lyla around, pushing her against the nearest window.

  Her hands hit the glass stopping her body from falling against it, her fingers spreading out as if to brace herself. Watching her, I recognised she was surrendering to me and it was confirmed when I met her heavy-lidded gaze through the reflection in the glass.

  “Bend over and spread your legs.” I ordered her, my tone making it clear she was to obey me and she didn’t hesitate. Her feet shuffled back, bringing the curve of her gorgeous ass towards me, and as she lowered her upper body, she widened her stance, ready for me.

  I didn’t hesitate, my fingers spearing between her legs, gliding easily through her folds, unable to hold back the low growl that squeezed its way up my throat when I felt how wet she was. I knew that wetness wasn’t just from her though. I knew it was partially from me. From earlier when I’d come in her and knowing she was marked by me, that she was carrying traces of me inside her still, drove me crazy.

  Bracing one hand against the glass near where her hands were, I rubbed a finger over her clit and she bucked, a sound somewhere between a gasp and a sob making its way out of her.

  “I want to fuck you baby. I don’t want to wait. I don’t think I can.” I groaned bending over her to press my lips to her back. “Do you want me to fuck you? Is this what you want? My cock inside you?”

  I felt the way her body trembled against mine, and I heard the need in her voice when she answered me. “Oh-god-Shay. Just fuck me…please.” She cried out as I circled her clit again.

  Dragging my fingers back I stabbed a couple into her, hard and fast, feeling her pussy grasp at them. Once, twice I plunged them in and out of her before raising my fingers to my lips. When I was sure she was watching my reflection in the glass, I sucked them into my mouth, licking them clean of the moisture that clung to them. Tasting both of us on them.

  When I was done and Lyla was squirming against me, her need to have me inside her as great as my need to be inside her, I positioned my body behind hers and with one hand on her hip to hold her steady, and the other one wrapped around my cock, I pressed the swollen head against her entrance. In one smooth, fluid thrust I buried myself deep in her. When I bottomed out, I stopped moving and simply savoured the feel of her surrounding me: hot, tight and so fucking wet.

  “Straighten sexy girl.” I ordered her. “I want to see your breasts touching the glass.”

  Immediately she pulled herself upright again and a low moan forced its way out of me when her movements caused my cock to shift inside her, enough that I felt her tighten around me as if fearful our connection was about to be broken.

  No way in hell was I letting that happen, so when she stepped forward, I followed her to make sure there was no risk of our bodies separating. The sight of her breasts flattening out on the glass and her nipples hardening made my cock swell inside her even more. When her head fell back brushing my shoulder, as she hissed from the shock of the cold glass, I had to clench my teeth hard together. Watching her and hearing the sounds emanating from her were driving me crazy. She was systematically destroying my self-control and I hadn’t even started fucking her yet.

  “Shay.” She whimpered my name again, and I felt the answering pull of desire course through my body. I knew I was driving her crazy dragging it out like this but I wanted her to savour the moment.

  Sex wasn’t all about rushing towards that ultimate release. It was about teasing and tormenting. About savouring and delaying gratification, all to guarantee a more intense, more powerful orgasm in the end.

  “Stretch your arms out, palms flat on the window. I want it to look like you’re sacrificing yourself to me.” I ordered and when she did as I asked, I brought my hands to her shoulders, smoothing my palms over her soft skin, working my way along her arms until I reached her hands. Closing my fingers over them, I encouraged her to flip hers until her palms faced mine. With her exactly as I wanted her, I took her hands in mine, her arms still outstretched, our fingers entwined, and finally I let my need to move take over.

  Widening my stance and bracing my thighs so our bodies lined up perfectly, I gave us both what we desperately needed. Easing my way most of the way out of Lyla, I dropped my eyes to the space between our bodies and I watched as my cock emerged, the skin wet from her pussy. The sight of it caused a groan to work its way up my throat and I fought to restrain it.

  Our bodies were a perfect fit. Lyla’s made for mine, as I was made for hers, and watching as I disappeared and re-emerged from her was a sight so beautiful, I’d have watched forever, had we been able to stay this way for eternity. Of course, that was impossible for so many reasons. The main one right now being, I would never be able to last - doing this - forever.

  My head knew it. My heart knew it. But most importantly, right now, my body knew it. From the pressure building in my cock and balls, to the network of highly sensitised nerve endings running up and down my spine. It was too much. She was too much, and in an effort to control the pleasure building in me, I raised my eyes again and tucked my body up against Lyla’s back, my fingers tightening on hers as I picked up the pace, thrusting harder, deeper and faster into her.

  Bringing my eyes to the glass again, I watched her expression reflected in the window. I watched the way her breasts flattened out as I drove into her, impaling her each and every time on my cock. It was all too much. I was being bombarded with so much stimulation from the feel of her and the sight of her, in front of me, against me and surrounding me.

  The pressure was building to an exquisite level and for the first time I couldn’t bring myself to care that I was rapidly losing control. For the first time, I wasn’t worried about leaving myself open and exposed. I wanted to feel the release I knew w
as coming in all its beautifully primitive glory, and not care that I was leaving myself open and vulnerable before this woman. I didn’t want to fight it. I wanted to let go and for Lyla to see me letting go as I extracted every fraction of pleasure I could from her body.

  “Faster…god…faster…harder.” Her voice broke from her lips, tortured sounding and I realised at that moment, I was not alone in the intensity of this coupling.

  Smiling fleetingly, I met her eyes again in the glass and leaning closer, I gave her exactly what she wanted. Pounding into her so forcefully my body raised hers up on her toes as I fucked her the way she was begging me to fuck her: Faster, harder.

  As I surged in and out of her my whole being came alive. Every nerve ending, each one of my senses tuned into Lyla and the sounds we made as our bodies came together. Her throaty cries. Our heavy, rasping breaths as we both fought for air and the relentless crashing of our bodies against one another.

  The familiar tingling began along my spine and my balls felt full, heavy and I knew I was going to blow at any moment. I needed Lyla there with me. I didn’t want to come without her experiencing this with me. Easing back a little on my powerful thrusts, I reached around her and sought out her swollen clit.

  Strumming that hard-little nub with my thumb, I heard her cry out and that one throaty sound pushed me over the edge. Helplessly I lunged into her one more time, slamming deep, the head of my cock hitting against her womb, and with all control stripped from me, I started to come.

  Lyla’s name burst from me, shouted over and over as I shuddered behind her. The last traces of my normally polished performance abandoned me as I grunted my way through every jet of cum I fired into her.

  With my thumb and forefinger working harder on her clit, finally I was rewarded with the sweet sound of her scream as it was ripped from her, filling the air, as she too joined me in a powerful release.

  I tried to watch her in the glass. I wanted to see her in the middle of her orgasm, to see if it was having as powerful effect on her, as mine was on me. I couldn’t focus on her though and the deafening roar in my ears drowned out her cries, as I continued to spill inside her. We stayed like that. Locked together. Both in the grip of something incredible.

  I could feel my legs shaking and for a moment I thought I might lose the battle to stay on my feet, and as my hands clung to Lyla’s, I realised I was not alone in this, when I felt her body shaking against mine.

  This was my ultimate nirvana. This was bigger than anything I’d ever experienced with another woman before. I felt like I was going to come forever and as I continued to spill inside her, her pussy gripped my cock, squeezing it and milking it, emptying me of everything I had left in me to give.

  It was only as the intensity of it began to ease that Lyla’s knees gave out on her and I just managed to snag her around the waist before she took us both down. Suffering from a case of shaky legs myself, I eased us both to the floor, holding her body against mine so we wouldn’t lose our intimate connection.

  We fell to our sides lying on the plush new carpet I’d recently had laid. One of the things I’d done to remove all reminders that this apartment had once been my fuck pad. We didn’t speak. There was no need to speak. I held Lyla lightly in my arms as we both panted and slowly came down from our orgasms.

  When my cock softened and our bodies separated, I rolled onto my back staring up at the freshly painted ceiling. I felt strangely content. It was something I wasn’t really used to feeling, but I knew it was because of the incredible woman lying beside me, that I felt this way.

  I sighed. A deep, sigh which matched the feelings coursing through me. I heard an answering sigh from Lyla and I turned my head, watching as she rolled onto her back. Curious to see more of her, I shifted onto my side, propping my head up in one hand, giving my eyes free rein to run over every inch of her body, my gaze finally stopping on the swell of her stomach. Before I could question my motives, my hand shot out, my palm settling on the smooth skin that curved over where our baby lay. It was firm which surprised me, but then I guess I’d never really touched a pregnant woman before.

  Moving closer to her, I continued to touch her, smoothing my hand over the soft skin of Lyla’s stomach and feeling the conflicting hardness of our baby beneath.

  Wanting more, needing to touch her, explore her and worship her beauty, I shifted even closer, lowering my lips to her shoulder, kissing my way along it. Not stopping there, I slowly moved down her body, over one breast, licking the hard nipple on my way, before working my way lower, until my lips reached her stomach. Again, I explored it, my lips following the same path my hand had moments before.

  When finally I stopped, I raised my head again, placing my hand back on her stomach. I didn’t lift my eyes to Lyla’s although I sensed her watching me. Instead I focused on what I was doing, spreading my fingers wide as if trying to hold our child within my palm. After staying like that for several moments, silent, thoughtful, fascinated, nervous, but at the same time, strangely accepting of what was to be; I raised my eyes to hers. She was watching me closely now, and before I could think about it too much and find a hundred and one reasons why I shouldn’t make myself that vulnerable, I let the words fall off my tongue. “I love you.”

  Chapter Twenty Six


  “I love you.” Shay’s words seemed to echo around the room well after they’d spilled from his lips. Or maybe it was just that they kept reverberating around inside my head like a message stuck on repeat. My eyes shot to his thinking that perhaps I’d imagined them, but he was lying there staring at me and I could see the warmth, and something else shining in those silvery blue irises.

  “Are you sure?” I couldn’t help asking.

  Amusement with a hint of vulnerability flashed across his face. “Would you prefer I thought about it a bit more? I can take it back and get back to you at a later date?”

  “Ugh.” I slapped his arm at his teasing response but secretly, inside I was thrilled. I felt like screaming from the roof tops that Shay had made a joke. He was being funny. Something that I’d always suspected was inside him, but due to his closed off nature, something rarely seen by others. Reaching out to run a hand up the arm I’d just hit, I curled my fingers into his biceps. “No, I’ll take it. I love you too. More than you probably realise. There is so much about you to love. Never forget that.” I told him.

  For some reason my words caused lines to form on his brow as he frowned at me. “Is this a sex thing again?” He finally asked.

  I slipped an arm across his stomach tucking my body into his. “No, god no. Well – ok - I can’t deny the sex is fantastic but it’s not it that makes me love you. When you’re not being an ass there is a sweetness to you that is very appealing. I like the vulnerability you have that you try to hide. You have a huge capacity to love Shay, despite all that’s happened to you. How you were with your mother, and what you did for her to make her last months’ special, shows how deeply you can love. It breaks my heart that you have not felt loved other than your mother but that’s not your fault, that’s your bastard of a father’s fault. You have closed yourself off to love because of him but I see past that. I see a man with a beautiful, big heart who has just confessed to loving me.”

  He didn’t respond immediately but I could tell by his expression that he was digesting my words. Finally, he raised troubled eyes to mine. “I’m terrified about the baby. I can’t help it though. What if I make a really shitty father? I wasn’t exactly raised by the perfect example of fatherhood.”

  “I don’t believe for a moment that you will be a bad father Shay. You know what shitty is like and I don’t believe you have it in you to be anything remotely like your father. It’s ok to be scared too. You think I’m not? I have no idea what kind of mother I’ll make. Despite what some might think, women aren’t necessarily born with natural, maternal instincts. Babies don’t come with instruction manuals, so I’ll have to pick it up as I go along, and so will you.” I
sat up. “Now, are we going to have that shower because if I lie here much longer you’re going to need to get your carpet cleaned?”

  One eyebrow shot up so high it disappeared into the hair that fell over his forehead. His gaze dropped down me and I knew he was looking to see what I was doing to the beautiful plush pile carpet we were lying on.

  Sitting up, I scrambled to my feet in a manner that was far from elegant. As soon as I was standing I felt the warm moisture begin to run down my thighs. Shay noticed. I knew he did when his eyes shifted to watch and I saw his cock twitch where it rested against his thigh. I stared at it, not used to seeing it in its relaxed state. When it jerked and began to lengthen and harden, I rolled my eyes.

  “Down boy. I need to shower and I need food. Growing your baby is hungry work.” I told him, stepping back so he couldn’t try and use his sex god skills on me again, when he too sat up, his eyes heating as his attention shifted from my face to between my legs.

  He sprang lightly to his feet, doing it with such little effort and looking so damn good doing it that I had to swallow down the moan that was trying to fight its way past my throat. The man really was in superb shape. I’m sure I could sit and watch him do the most mundane of chores all day. He had such a natural, fluid grace, that he was a thing of beauty to watch.

  His hand shot out, palm upturned and I stared at it blankly as my pregnancy hormones reminded me again how horny I was right now.

  Shooting me an amused look, which I was sure meant he was aware of the effect he was having on me, he waved his fingers at me. “Come on then.” He reached for my hand and I slipped mine into his, allowing him to lead me through to the bathroom.

  One Week Later

  “Now when Shay arrives I don’t want to see any displays of testosterone ok?” I warned my brother as I paced up and down the living room of our apartment. Shooting him a stern look I saw he was watching me, scowling at me from his position on the lounge.


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