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Sex God

Page 41

by J. a Melville

  She turned flashing blue eyes on me. “Don’t fucking tell me I can’t push. If I want to push, I’ll bloody push. I’m the one having this baby. I’m the one who…who...has to push something the size of a watermelon out of my vagina, not you.” She yelled.

  My eyes widened at the tone of her voice and the venom in her eyes. She was angry at me. I didn’t know how to react to her rage so I did the only thing I could do. “I’ll call an ambulance.” I muttered, rushing from the bathroom to grab my phone.

  As I dialled I heard Lyla begin to moan again and it rapidly escalate to a scream, which became a harsh groan and then a loud grunt. Shit, I didn’t know much about babies being born. Fuck, I didn’t know anything about babies being born but I was pretty convinced she was ignoring me and pushing.

  When someone answered the phone I frantically gave the operator a rundown on what was happening, bellowed the address at them, as I rushed back to Lyla when I was asked to look and see if the baby was visible at all.

  The sight that confronted me this time was enough to have me screaming down the phone for them to hurry up with the ambulance. I didn’t need to try and peer between her legs to see if I could see the baby. She was in a half standing squat, with her hands between her legs, holding them pressed against her, but I could see they weren’t against her, they were cupped around the curve of a small head covered in strands of dark hair, plastered to the baby’s skull.

  “The baby’s head is partially out.” I cried down the phone and after a few more words from the operator who sounded like she was trying to calm me down, I was informed I was going to have to help deliver our child.

  Get me to pose for a photo. Ask me to give you an orgasm you’ll remember for life. Fuck you until you can’t remember your own name. Now those things I could do. Deliver a baby? Not so much.

  “I can’t do that.” I said, my voice rising with my panic. “Where’s that fucking ambulance?”

  “Oh god…OH FUCK!” Lyla cried out again and I watched helplessly as her face contorted, turning bright red, grunting as she quite clearly pushed as hard as she could, her efforts bringing a little more of our baby’s head into view.

  “You need to assist your wife.” The operator’s voice came over my phone that I’d put onto speaker.

  “She’s not my wife.” The words tumbled out before I could stop them and I briefly wondered why I’d bothered to point out that, when we had much bigger things to worry about right now.

  “Shay.” Lyla’s voice broke and when I looked at her again, she had tears in her eyes. She was exhausted and she was scared. Through her pain and sweat dampened hair, I could see that. Seeing her like that. Seeing that she clearly needed me to help her snapped me out of my shock and I rushed to her, skidding onto my knees, my hands coming up to take the place of hers, holding our son or daughter’s head.

  With her hands free, she went back to hanging onto the vanity and when she needed to push again, she did, so hard, her whole face turned beet red. As she pushed, she bellowed and screamed, as if that somehow helped her deal with the pain.

  She pushed hard, my beautiful girl. Cursing and grunting, yelling and sobbing. As she pushed, I felt our baby lower until suddenly the whole head was out, cradled in my waiting hands.

  “Oh god it hurts…it hurts.” She cried and I so badly wanted to help her. There was nothing quite like watching a woman give birth to make a man feel useless.

  Vaguely I heard the operator asking if the baby’s head was out and I leaned towards the phone to tell her yes. She gave me some instructions about turning the baby so the shoulders could be delivered and I tried to hide my fears over what I was doing as I followed the operator’s commands.

  As soon as I turned our baby, Lyla gave one almighty push again and our daughter immediately slipped straight out and into my waiting arms, a rush of fluids following her.

  “It’s a girl baby.” I managed to choke the words out through a throat tightened by a hundred emotions flooding me. “You did it…you did it.”

  With our baby born Lyla seemed to lose the little energy she had left and she sagged to the floor, just as I heard the wailing of a siren approaching.

  I lowered myself alongside of her, one arm circling her while I held our daughter in the other one. She began to shiver, her shivers increasing until she was trembling quite violently and I suspected it was shock. I couldn’t do anything for her in our present situation so I held her, telling her over and over again how much I loved her and how amazing she was.

  When we finally heard the intercom, I knew I was going to have to get up to buzz the paramedics in. Gently I eased Lyla into a more comfortable position and handed her our daughter who was still attached by the umbilical cord. I rushed to the intercom to let the paramedics into the apartment building and waited until they rode up the elevator and knocked at the door.

  After that, it was chaotic while they tended to her and our baby, and helped seat her in a wheelchair so she could be taken to the hospital.

  Chapter Thirty Two


  I smiled sleepily at Shay as he walked back and forth within the confines of my hospital room. Never in a million years would I have expected to see the sight I saw before me.

  My incredibly handsome and sexy man was smiling. Not one of those fake smiles he used to give when he was trying to charm a woman into his bed. No, this was a relaxed and happy smile. This was a smile filled with love and it was at that exact moment that I knew, not only would he be ok, we would be ok.

  “Isn’t she perfect?” I asked him. Watching as he tore his eyes away from our daughter’s sleeping face to look at me. He shot me one of his panty melting smiles before his attention returned to her where she lay sleeping in his arms. He didn’t answer straight away, simply looking down at the tiny bundle he held so reverently, while a myriad of emotions crossed his face.

  “Well, she is now.” He smiled. “She gave me a heart attack coming as fast as she did though. I’m just glad everything went alright and that you’re both ok.”

  “I feel surprisingly good.” I told him. “Tired but happy. Still there’s one thing we have to do.” Shay’s brows drew together in a frown when he looked across at me. “We have to name her.” I finished.

  His expression cleared. “Jesus, a name?” He raised his eyes to the ceiling and I couldn’t help laughing at him.

  “You won’t find a name for our baby there.” I pointed out. “Do you have any ideas?”

  “Not really.” His eyes shifted to our daughter again.

  “What about your mum? What was her name?” I asked him.

  “Rosa, her name was Rosa.”

  “It’s a beautiful name Shay. How about we name her after your mother? I know how important she was to you.”

  His eyes rose to mine again and I could have sworn I saw the sheen of tears in them. Before I could look closer he lowered them as if to hide his emotions from me.

  “You would be ok with naming our daughter after my mother?” He asked.

  I smiled at him. “Of course baby. Come here.”

  Shay walked towards me and I could see he was keeping his steps light, so he wouldn’t wake Rosa. When he reached the bed, I moved over to make room for him, and when he sat down, I leaned closer so I could look at our daughter’s face. As I stared at her, still in awe that we had made her, I reached out, one hand closing around Shay’s arm, letting my hand slide up and down from his elbow to shoulder, feeling the hard muscles beneath my palm.

  “I love you.” I whispered and he bent down, brushing his lips against mine.

  “I lov-“ He stopped abruptly when we heard a knock at the door to my room.

  Frowning, he handed me Rosa before standing and walking over to it. He’d barely begun to open the door, when it suddenly swung wide, nearly knocking him out of the way and a mass of helium filled balloons spilled into the room, followed by a huge arrangement of flowers. Accompanying them both, were my brother, Ava and Karen.

hen they saw Shay, then me in the bed with Rosa, my friends shrieked causing her to stir momentarily in my arms. As they rushed forward, Leo looked between Shay and I with a wide grin.

  “So you two made a fucking baby.” He spread his arms wide. Flapping them about as if making a hugely profound statement. “A baby. You…made…a…baby.”

  “We had noticed.” I said dryly. “I’m just surprised that you seem so surprised. What did you think was going to come out of me after nine months? A basketball?”

  Leo chuckled. “Motherhood hasn’t made you any less of a smart ass I see.”

  “I’ve only been a mother for a few hours now. Give it a chance. Miracles can happen, but seriously Leo, if you’re gonna say stupid things you’re gonna get stupid answers.”

  “Ooh can I hold her?” Karen rushed to the side of my bed once her and Ava had arranged the flowers and tied off enough balloons that I wondered if it were possible for my bed to become airborne. “She’s so cute.” Her eyes moved from me to Shay. “She’s got her daddy’s colouring. Look at that dark hair.”

  “I want to hold her next.” Ava waved a hand in the air like the hospital room was class and she wanted the teacher’s attention.

  “Ugh are you women going to go all broody now?” Leo looked between my friends with disgust, his eyes lingering just a fraction too long on Ava or so I thought.

  “Babies are adorable.” Karen cooed down into the sleeping face of Rosa.

  “Babies are the cutest.” Ava parroted, her focus on our daughter too.

  I saw Leo shudder and couldn’t hold back my laughter. “You look a little green around the gills brother dear. You haven’t forgotten you’re Uncle and as Uncle, you will be expected to babysit sometimes?”

  His eyes shot open so wide I wondered if they might bug out like in the cartoons. “Oh hell no. Babysit? I didn’t sign up for that. You can’t make me do that. I can’t change nappies and babies sick up and cry, and stuff comes out of both ends of them.” He shuddered before a wicked look flashed in his eyes. Walking over to Shay he slapped him on the back. “Welcome to fatherhood buddy. I’m sure you’ll be a master pro at dealing with nappy changes and lots and lots of vomit and shit before sis pops out the next one.”

  “Leo, shut the fuck up.” Ava snapped at him. “Stop trying to frighten Shay.”

  Amazingly he looked suitably chastened by her words and did shut up, coming over for a closer look at his niece.

  After that slightly awkward moment between my friend and brother, the conversation and teasing banter resumed, and continued right up to the end of visiting hours. By the time everyone began to file out of the room, kissing me and congratulating us on our beautiful daughter, I was exhausted.

  Shay came over and climbed carefully onto the bed beside me once everyone had left, and after Rosa had fed and gone back to sleep.

  He stretched out beside me, his body tucked up against mine, one arm slung over my waist.

  “You should go home and get some rest.” I told him and he lifted his head, his eyes locking on mine.

  “I don’t want to leave you and Rosa.” He said, lowering his head to kiss my cheek. “It will be too quiet at home. You won’t be there. Our daughter won’t be there.”

  “We won’t be in the hospital very long Shay. Hopefully the doctor will let us go home tomorrow. Despite Rosa’s rushed entry into this world, she and I are both fine. They’re just keeping us to be sure, that’s all.”

  “I know but I want you both home.” He whispered, his lips brushing my cheek again.

  I turned my head to meet his lips, kissing him. “I love you Shay. You’re going to be a fantastic father. I can tell.”

  His eyes met mine and this close to him I could see the bright blue around his pupils, and the grey that circled the blue, giving them that silvery look.

  “How can you be so sure? I haven’t exactly had the greatest role model.”

  I smiled at him. “I knew the moment I saw the look on your face when you gazed down into the face of our daughter.” I leaned in to kiss him softly again. “You already have the look.”

  “The look?” He asked.

  I brought a hand up to cup his cheek, letting my palm slide lightly over the stubble that covered his jaw. “The look of love. You love her. From the moment you saw her, you loved her. I know this because I love her too. It’s amazing. It’s an instant reaction. Suddenly this small human is here and immediately she has us wrapped around her fingers. I bet you anything that she will end up daddy’s girl.”

  “I do love her baby. I can’t explain it. I look at you and her, and think back to what it was like before I met you and I know the life that I thought was so fucking fine, was fake. I hid the pain, anger and humiliation I felt by putting on a front. I pretended to be this confident male to get myself laid, because the sex made me forget, at least for a little while. I took the challenge of being the best and ran with it because it gave me power and control. Something I’d never had. I know now, it was never really me. I was playing a part, acting out a role. It was never the real me.”

  “Because the real you is so much better Shay. The real you will make a great father, despite you not having a good influential male figure in your life. Just as you make a great partner for me. I hit the jackpot when I got you.” I smiled again, tears welling up as my emotions took control of me.

  “Don’t cry baby.” He kissed me, his lips trailing over my cheeks, anywhere the tears ran, drying them on my skin. “You’re my safe place to come home to. You’re my little slice of heaven. My saviour. The keeper of my heart. You’re mine. My woman. My everything.”

  The door suddenly opened disturbing our perfect moment. The midwife looked surprised to see Shay and then annoyed.

  “Visiting times are over. I know you’re the father but the mother needs her rest. You can come back tomorrow.” She pointed out and with a sigh Shay climbed off the bed.

  He smiled at her, turning the full force of his charm on her.

  “I want to stay with my girl and our daughter. I promise not to interfere with her getting some rest.” He shot her a dazing smile again but she simply stood there, glaring at him and I struggled not to laugh at his perplexed expression. It seemed not every woman was overwhelmed by his looks and charm. He’d just found one who was clearly immune.


  Two weeks later

  “Do you think my parents are going to be disgusted that we got caterers in to provide the meal?” Lyla asked, her worried eyes surveying the dining table. The food had been delivered by the catering company I’d called and any that needed to be served hot, was currently being kept warm in the oven.

  I shot her a nervous smile. It was hard to worry about her parents’ reaction to us calling caterers under the circumstances.

  “Stop worrying about it baby. They’re getting fed so they shouldn’t complain. It would be too much to cook for everyone who is coming tonight and Rosa demands a lot of your time. If anyone complains about us calling in caterers they can go home.”

  Lyla frowned, slapping me on the arm. “Don’t say that. We can’t send them home. They’re all here to eat, and mum and dad want to spend some time getting to know their granddaughter before they go home.”

  “Everyone’s going to pass her around like she’s the damn parcel in pass the parcel.” I muttered.

  Lyla laughed. “I think that’s all part of having a baby. Family and friends want to have a hold. You’re just going to have to grin and bear it.” She reached up, roughing my hair which made me frown down at her. “Let’s face it, they aren’t coming to see us. They’re here for Rosa. Don’t be jealous. She’s still going to love her daddy the most.”

  My brows came together as I stared down into her dancing blue eyes. Before dropping lower to where her lips threatened to curve up in the grin she was trying to hide from me.

  “She’s too young yet, to love me the most.” I argued.

  “Oh no she’s not. You know when she’s crying and uns
ettled, or she’s got wind, you are so much more effective at settling her than I am. She loves her daddy. Never doubt that.”

  An answering grin tilted my lips up in response. “You think so?”

  Lyla nodded before rising up on her toes to press her lips to my ear. “I know so. No female stands a chance against you Shay. Not even your daughter. Once she’s in her daddy’s arms, she’s got no desire to leave them. Except for when she’s making demands on my boobs of course.”

  My eyes lowered to those boobs where they pushed against her dress, so full and larger now she was in milk. “Rosa might have some claim on those boobs for a while, but she will never own them. They belong to me.”

  Again Lyla grinned. “Is that right? So what about the rest of me?” She asked and I realised at that moment, that very second, that now was the right time. I didn’t want to wait until her family arrived.

  Dropping to one knee and completely taking her by surprise, I dug in the pocket of my dress pants and pulled out a small red velvet covered box.

  She gasped, her eyes wide as she stared at it in my hands and I watched her, the myriad of expressions crossing her face and felt like my heart was going to burst free of my chest, it was pounding that hard.

  “Shay?” My name was the only thing that passed her lips but I heard the question in it and saw the growing shock in her eyes. “What are you doing?”

  I sucked in a deep breath. This was it. “I want you to marry me baby.” I managed to get the words out without my voice failing me.

  Her eyes met mine again before moving over my face as if searching for something. Maybe my sanity, because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stay sane while waiting for her to give me an answer.

  “Marry you? I…I thought you never wanted to get married?”

  I frowned at her words. Was she building up to reject my proposal? I was barely holding it together now. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if she said no. I had to try and convince her that I wanted her. To make her understand how much she meant to me.

  “I never thought I’d want to marry. I never thought I’d find someone I wanted to be in a relationship with. You know my past. You know what I was. Then you came along and I couldn’t ignore you. I couldn’t stop wanting you. I couldn’t stay away from you. You’re the only person who has ever truly tried to get to know me. You’re the only person who has ever cared. You are the only person besides my mother who loved me. You’re the only person beside my mother that I loved. I know we had a shaky start and I was an ass at times. I know I hurt you and I wish I could take back all the times I hurt you, but I can promise you that I will spend the rest of my life trying hard, to never hurt you again. I love you baby. I love you so much. I love our daughter. I never thought I’d be a father. I thought there was no hope for me to ever be a good father after what the man who raised me put me through, but I love Rosa and I will do everything I can to be the best father to her. So, yes, I want to marry you. I want you to have my name. I want Rosa to have married parents even if that seems old fashioned. I want to see my ring on your finger. To see you walk down the aisle. I want you. I want you Lyla to please, be my wife.”


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