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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

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by Needa Warrant


  Satan’s Fools MC

  Needa Warrant

  Thirsty © 2016 Needa Warrant

  This is a work of fiction. Names characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, business, establishments, locations or events is entirely coincidental. Any reference to real events, business, organizations or locations is intended only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five




  About The Author

  Special Thanks

  A very big thank you to Glenna Maynard for letting me use the Black Rebel Riders MC. My thanks to Warrant's Wenches & the Rebels & Wenches groups. Thank you to my family, friends and my ol man. for their support. Thank you to Sabrina Robert, my editor, and Tabby Coots my cover maker. Thank you to my readers, you make it possible for me to rescue animals, feed horses and doing that is a big part of my life. Please donate to your local animal shelter, if you can't donate money, donate your time. Helping animals is good for the soul.

  To ride a horse is to ride the sky. ~Author Unknown


  One more session with her therapist and she would have done almost everything True, Whistler, and Morgana had insisted on. She’d left work early on a Friday afternoon just to get this over and done with. They still wanted her to go to the AA meetings, but she absolutely refused to go to another meeting. She’d been drinking on the sly and they never knew it. Bossy, nosy bastards. All of them had some nerve pushing at her to clean up her act when they all were full of their own faults; she was a psychologist for Christ’s sake.

  Lana knew what was wrong with herself and she didn’t want to fix any of it, not now and maybe not ever. She probably knew more than this idiot Morgana had found her to talk to. She didn’t want to talk to him and she never told him the truth. Why would she? Her past was so dirty even she didn’t want to think about it. Morgana had made sure the damn guy was too ugly to fuck too. She applied her pink lipstick and walked into his office. As if this was supposed to ‘fix’ her… She burst out laughing. The receptionist glared at her.

  Chapter One

  Alana-Lee North walked as fast as she could to her car. The nerve of that bastard, telling her that she was broken and until she could talk to him about it, she would always suffer from being broken. He was damn lucky she hadn’t stapled his fat lips together. She hated the word broken! It didn’t exist in her mind. And she was far from broken. She might be wild, she might be a bit crazy, and she did love sex. However, she was not nor would she ever be B R O K E N. Hitting something right now would be lovely but she wasn’t dressed for it.

  She got into her sleek 2014 Mustang and sped out of the parking lot, heading towards her house. She hoped to hell there was vodka left in the bottle because there was no way she could stop at a store now. Angry thoughts filled her head and she just needed a drink to calm down. What kind of a man, a so-called psychologist, called a fellow psychologist out like he had? She bit into her bottom lip as she pushed the car faster. Suggesting she needed a psychiatrist since she refused his help. She laughed bitterly thinking she had turned down his offer of dinner too many times, which probably had hurt his feelings. She had leaned over his desk and told him that his professional demeanor was lacking and to sign her paper.

  Now she had the proof she had done as her siblings had asked of her. His beady eyes had glittered in rage and she had held in her laughter. She wondered if she had made an enemy. Well, he could get in line, right at the very back of the line. She had plenty of enemies these days, mostly family.

  As she went by the Satan’s Fool MC clubhouse, she happened to noticed Trick standing by his motorcycle. Fuck Trick too. How had she forgotten what he had done and she wondered if he even remembered that night so long ago. Thinking about it made her more determined to never be broken. She didn’t need anyone aside from her cat, Brew, and a fun weekend away.

  Drinking wasn’t as appealing as it used to be either. She knew it was not good for her to drink and that she used it as a crutch to not think of the past. All she wanted was to be left alone right now. Everyone seemed to have someone in their lives but her. The excuses she’d heard about why nobody would ever settle down with her swirled through her mind; high maintenance, crazy, wild, slut, druggie, alcoholic, they all haunted her. She pulled in front of her ranch house and heard her cell pinging. Reaching into her bag she pulled it out.

  Trick: Heard you’re doing good now. Wanna hook up?

  Lana looked at the text and a tear slipped down her face. Once she would have been so happy to reply to him. Trick had tossed her away like garbage and she had no use for him, he disgusted her now for so many reasons. She hit block on his number and got out of the car. She wasn’t going to step backward. It was hard not to text back ‘Go fuck yourself’ but she managed to keep her fingers off her phone.

  Brew rubbed against her legs and she sighed. He loved her for feeding him and doing his litter box. But at least it was love. More than what Trick wanted from her, that sick bastard. More than what so many men had wanted from her. None of them had ever really looked at her; looked past her pretty face and thought of the woman behind the face. None. She wasn’t like Morgana and didn’t want to be her. She had brains and she wanted to help people. She wanted a loving relationship and maybe a few children. Maybe it wasn’t in her future though and she might have to accept that. Which meant she might be a lonely old woman later on in life.

  She sighed and went into her bedroom to shower and dress for the night. She grinned as she slipped out of her clothes. If True and Whistler knew what she was doing, they would have a fit. It was their own fault, though. It was those two that had banned her from their club, Satan’s Fools.

  It was their fault she was driving into the middle of southern bum fuck New Jersey to screw around with guys that raised cows and wore cowboy hats. She couldn’t chance being seen with another motorcycle club although she had gone up to a bar the Devious Jokers MC hung out in. She had chickened out going home with the hot biker that wanted to tattoo her. Bikers were just trouble for her these days. The scent of honeysuckle body wash filled the air as she scrubbed herself. She toweled off and blew her hair dry. Not an ounce of fat on her body, she checked herself out in the mirror and smirked at herself, sticking her tongue out at her reflection. Naked, she walked back into the bedroom and thought about what to wear.

  She pulled on tight jeans and slipped on a tight pink tank top that r
ead Cowboys Buck Better in glittery letters. Her dark brown hair, loose and shiny fell straight down the sides of her face. She slipped on a pair of expensive cowboy boots she had bought a few weeks ago. Looking in the mirror she smiled at herself. Damn, she sure didn’t look almost thirty-six years old.

  She strutted over to her closet and reached up for her black cowboy hat and a blue jean jacket. Her overnight bag was packed and she tossed it on the bed next to her hat. Some of these cowboys even rode Harleys. She’d even been riding horses again when she had the time. Not that True had noticed that she was tending and grooming his horses more. He’d been glad to see her spending time at the farm but she rarely had anything to say to him.

  As for Whistler, she hoped he was good at keeping his precious secret safe, it hadn’t taken her long to find it out and she wondered what True would say about all he was hiding. Bikers and their rules! Marianne had never been True’s ol’ lady. In fact, Marianne had been a lot like she was before she set her sights on True and Whistler. She tossed her bags in the backseat, got into her car and carefully placed her cowboy hat on the seat next to her. Blasting a CD she had made with her favorite songs she hit the road. Friday night and the weekend off, all was good so far in her world. At least her bad mood was gone.

  She should go see Marianne soon and tell her all about her cowboy adventures. Marianne would understand and have a laugh with her. She thought back to their twenties and the fun times they’d had. She learned a lot from Marianne. It was Marianne who had taught her to let a man know if he sucked in bed. Maybe she had taken it too far, tossing some out of her bed when they didn’t get her off, but she had loved to see the expressions on their faces after being told they’d wasted her time. Yeah, she’d gotten slapped a few times for it, but it was the power of being in control and being the one who spoke her mind when a man failed to get her off that seemed totally fair to her. The hell with pretending, if she did that, she’d have academy awards lined up and down both sides of the parkway. Maybe the turnpike too.

  Marianne always said men expected to be treated like they were kings and they rarely gave a hoot about a woman getting off. Lana pondered that again. It was true in the MC. The men never kissed the sluts unless they were wasted and they sure never went down on them. She, of course had been an exception. The few brothers that she’d been serious about had pleased her, but things hadn’t ended well in those relationships. Death, life in jail, and cheating had ruined any chance of happiness for her. Still with Trick she thought it was going to be different. How stupid she had been. Yeah, her drinking had been outta control but he’d drank as much as she did if not more.

  Once she had remembered that awful night and just who Trick was she had told Morgana everything. Her cell chimed out Morgana’s number and she hit the ignore button. No way was Morgana going to ruin her weekend. She didn’t want to hear how cute her son, Hawk, was or how Raven was treating her like a princess. Morgana deserved all of that. Hearing it just made her hurt more inside.

  The sign for the Rope ‘Em Inn flashed neon blue ahead and she had a reservation there this weekend. Off to the side she could see the trucks, and horse trailers, and the cowboys getting ready for the rodeo. Damn, some of these men had some damn fine asses. And most of them had such sweet manners, even teaching her how to dance. The bar was attached to the motel so she wouldn’t need to worry about getting a drunk driving ticket. The summer was beginning to look good she thought as she pulled into the parking lot. A thought crossed her mind, was she going to be labeled a buckle bunnie? She shook that notion right out of her head, this was just her summer fix. Bikers were in her blood and she couldn’t see a life without one in it. Damn but she was thirsty and in more ways than one. She pulled into the parking lot and found a spot for her car.

  Chapter Two

  Once in her room, Lana checked herself out in the mirror. She added more lipstick, put her cowboy hat on, tossed the room key into her bag, and slammed shut the door then headed for the bar.

  “Hey there Alana-Lee, you got some sugar for me?” A tall cowboy stood in front of her and smiled, his dimples showing.

  “Cody, of course I do.” She hugged him and turned up her face for his kiss. Firm lips met hers and she felt a quiver of excitement run through her body. She had a crush on Cody and seeing him right away meant that he’d keep her around all night. She immediately noticed the new belt buckle he had. “You won again! How wonderful.” She stepped back to admire it and hugged him again. He led her to the bar and ordered two Jack and cokes for them. Yes! He remembered what she drank. Lana was impressed by more than that damn buckle.

  “Are you riding tonight?” Lana noticed he was dressed up more so than he usually was if he was going to be in the rodeo.

  Cody’s dimples showed, “No, I came to see if you’d be here. I am taking a break for the next two weeks. Banged my head so I can’t compete.” His smile deepened as he looked over her body. He was younger than Lana but she wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “Guess that is my gain and the rodeo’s loss. I need another drink, let me buy you one for winning.” She motioned the bartender over and placed money on the bar and pointed to it.

  They toasted his winning and drank their drinks as they watched couples dancing. After the third drink Lana was feeling pretty good.

  Cody stroked her arm and whispered in her ear, “Do you want to go watch the rodeo or go somewhere else?”

  Lana took a deep breath and hoped he meant what she was hearing. “What do you want to do?”

  “How about we take this back to your room? I figured you might be this weekend so I didn’t get a room yet.” He winked at her.

  Lana thought about it as she looked his body over. He was all hard muscles and he was such a sweetheart to her.

  “I think we should get something to eat first, I’m hungry. We can go to my room and hang out after.” She flashed him a huge bright smile.

  His smiled deepened and he took her hand. He pulled her out of the bar and headed them over to the corn dogs and other food vendors.

  “What do you want to eat? I plan on having corn dogs and funnel cake.”

  “I guess that sounds good. Same for me.” She was busy looking around at the crowd around her and it felt different. She felt like eyes were on her but she couldn’t find anyone watching her.

  They ate and Cody wanted to stop by his truck to get a bottle of Jack and the cokes he had in a cooler. In the parking lot, Lana looked around and still didn’t feel comfortable. It must be the drinking, she thought. They got to her room and she opened her bag to get her key out. Before she could get it into the door, she heard whistling. Oh, shit! she thought. It couldn’t be, not her brother Whistler. It sure as hell sounded like him.

  “Cody get behind me, right now,” She demanded as she looked around.

  Trick stepped out of the shadows as Whistler came forward into the light.

  Trick had his hand curled in a fist as he looked at Cody. “Hiding behind a woman cowboy?” He snarled at the man Lana was trying to shield.

  Cody tried to push Lana aside as soon as he heard the words come out of Trick’s mouth. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, dirt bag?”

  Whistler and True were leaning on the hood of her Mustang, both watched the scene play out in front of them. They watched Lana block the cowboy with her body, keeping Trick from hitting him.

  Lana took measures into her own hands. “Cody, those are my brothers leaning on my car and you don’t want to be messing with Trick. I think it would be best if you went on to the rodeo.” She still tried to keep her body between the two men. “Back the fuck off, Trick. True! Call your boy off right now. I mean it or I’ll scream so loud every damn cowboy at the rodeo will come running over here.” She curled her lip at him and waited.

  Cody looked at the three men and Lana, she was just another piece of ass in the long run and getting into it with these bikers wasn’t worth it. He nodded and strode away leaving Lana standing there with he
r key in her hand.

  She looked at the three men and rage built up in her. Those bastards had found her only source of fun. How dare they ruin this for her. As she was about to step inside True grabbed the door before she could slam it in their faces. Tears threatened to run down her face but she blinked them back. She walked toward the bed and sat down and the three bikers followed her inside the motel room. Trick locked the door and was leaning against it, staring at her.

  Lana felt like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar. She tossed her cowboy hat on to the bed and looked coldly at her two older brothers. She didn’t say a word, True would be the one talking, this scene had played out many times before. In other motel rooms over the years with other men and True always won in the end. This time she was going to try to stand her ground. True had to stop interfering and let her have a life.

  True picked up the cowboy hat and looked at it. “Now I know why you’ve been up at the farm riding my horses. You trying to get yourself a cowboy now Lana? Gonna be a cowgirl or just one of them bunnies?” He didn’t sound angry at all but that was how True was, you never knew when he’d lose his temper.

  “Not that it’s any of your business if I do, True. You have no right to be busting in here and wrecking my night. I don’t bother you when you’re hooking up, do I? And how the hell did you find me?” Her voice rose as she got angrier.

  “Since it was your last appointment we wanted to take you to dinner and since we can’t trust you to behave, Gonna put a tracker on your car last night.” He was matter of fact and a satisfied smile formed on his lips.

  Whistler finally spoke up. “No cowboys in the family Lana. I had enough of that cowboy shit with him.” He nodded toward True who was now grinning at everyone.

  Lana jumped off the bed and poked her finger into Whistler’s chest. “You don’t get to decide to tell me who I can see or where I can go, any of you. Now get the hell out of my room and go home. Maybe I can fix this with Cody.”


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