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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

Page 3

by Needa Warrant

  “Let her go True, Lana come here.” Whistler looked angry but Lana pushed herself off True and ran to him. The shirt dropped and Raven and Whistler looked at her face.

  “I’ll get my truck, she needs to have that looked at.” Raven didn’t wait for anyone to answer him. He looked at True with disgust as he passed him. He saw his ol’ lady bringing ice to her sister. “Morgana, she needs the emergency room, get her as cleaned up as you can. We’ll think of a story on the way over there.” He paused and directed his next comment toward True. “He’s back there. Better find somebody to fix him up. True, if I see him in full colors, I’ll handle it my way. When you were in jail we didn’t have shit like this happening. Whistler handled that shit and did a fucking good job of it. Got any idea how domestic violence laws can fuck up the club? Get a fucking clue!” He went out the door leaving True with a migraine headache.

  Whistler took the ice and wet towel Morgana handed him. He looked at her nose and hoped it wasn’t broken. “I need a wet towel to get her cleaned up.”

  “I think I should do that, I’m a nurse. You get her one.” Morgana didn’t understand her brothers and wanted to care for Lana herself.

  Lana spoke up, “Please Mor, let him, he needs to do this for me.”

  Suddenly it dawned on Morgana, this was Whistler’s way of showing he was sorry. She went to get more towels and hoped a shirt without the club name on it. She could switch shirts with Lana if she had too. The less the club name was involved the better. She hoped like hell True didn’t ask her to help with Trick’s care, or she might kill that piece of shit.

  Whistler stroked his sister’s hair. “Alana. I didn’t know. I never would have tried to wreck your weekend if you wanted a cowboy. I didn’t want a repeat of what’s happened with you before.”

  “I know, it’s okay Whistler, I’ll be okay. I always am, aren’t I?” She looked up at him with fear in her eyes. “I am fine, right?”

  “Yeah, Lana, you’re fine, we always said you were like a cat right?” His eyes sought True’s eyes. Lana better be fine he thought or True was in for a world of pain. He and Morgana cleaned their sister up and got her into a clean shirt.

  Whistler hung back as the two women began to leave.

  “I think you and Lana should walk into the emergency room alone. Let them think something happened at your house. We got shit, and I mean shit to handle here. I’ll get someone to drive the Mustang over to the hospital, and Raven can bring them back here. It’s best for the club.”

  Morgana didn’t have to say what she was thinking; her brothers knew how she felt about things like this. Both women knew not to let the club be involved. They’d been doing it for years, covering for Satan’s Fool MC. Both nodded as they walked out the door.

  Lana called back, “Trick has my keys and my pocketbook is in the car, I’ll grab it so I’ve got my insurance card.”


  Whistler went behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Tequila. He looked for a lime and swore when he couldn’t find one. He grabbed the bottle and poured some into two glasses. True stood looking at him, before downing the alcohol. “Another one.”

  “What do you want to do with him?” Whistler poured more into their glasses.

  “Fuck if I know. He can’t be tossed out for what he did years ago. We use the scrap yard and he was doing what I asked. Kinda puts me in a bad spot.” True watched Whistler’s face.

  “Yeah it fucking does, sucks to be you. You were trying to make sure our sister didn’t get hurt and she ended up hurt.” He drank some more. “Maybe she would have had a nice weekend with that cowboy. Or maybe we would have been rescuing her from a bad weekend. It’s happened before, True. No sense beating yourself up over it.”

  True leaned on the bar. “I don’t know what to do with her. I had no idea about Trick. And her problems, Christ I don’t know what they are. You know brother, we want the best for Lana, both of us.”

  “I know True, and she sure is a handful. Maybe we let her be and just keep a watch on her? We gotta clean up Trick and think of what to do with him. He knew once he hit her, he’d get a beat down. He ain’t stupid, well maybe he is, but he knew it was coming. I don’t think he’ll be a problem and you’ll get that bike back.” Whistler grinned at his brother and True grinned back. Things between them were back to normal at least.

  Chapter Five

  Morgana paced the waiting room, she hated not being with Lana but the hospital had called the police, not believing Lana had tripped over a tree root in her backyard. Lana seemed to be able to talk to the cops just fine and as they passed Morgana on their way out, the older cop stopped to speak with her. “Morgana, that was no tree root, that Alana fell over. We aren’t fools.”

  Morgana sounded bored as she replied, “I don’t know. I got a call from her that she was hurt and I got her here. Raven doesn’t hit me or you’d know about it. What Lana does, I don’t know. Hell it’s Lana. You know she leads a wild life.” She hated to make it sound like her sister was crazy or a slut but she had to use the only defense she had.

  The cop nodded, “Alana-Lee says it was a tree root and unless we find out differently, we’ll go along with that. Although I doubt it was. Get that root taken care of so it doesn’t happen again. Take care of her Morgana, one day that girl is going to get hurt badly.”

  They left and Lana was ready to go, her face puffy and swelling.

  “No broken nose but I’m going to have two black eyes, I bet. At least I’m away from Trick though so it was worth the slap. It got him a beating too. I wanted that. I hope he’s going to stay far away from me.”

  Morgana opened the driver’s door and the keys were under the seat. “Raven will make sure of it and so will True and Whistler. Now I have Nicola at my house, what do you want to tell her about your face? She’s going to see you come in.”

  Lana didn’t want to see anyone. “No, I can’t see her or anyone, just take me home. I want to be alone. Please Morgana, I can’t talk to Nicola right now. Mousey will tell her and I won’t have too.”

  “No way, you aren’t going to be alone, Lana. What if you start bleeding again?” Morgana was adamant.

  “Whistler will come to my house and I’ll come stay with you tomorrow.” She was scrolling through her cell phone for his number to text him. She waited, holding the cell in her hand for his reply. “See, I told you, he’s on his way and Raven will meet you at my house.”

  Morgana knew Lana wouldn’t go to her house tonight and that Whistler would take good care of her. In a way, she was glad. She and Raven tried to keep Satan’s Fools out of their life on the farm as much as they could. Lana wore her out too. Raven wouldn’t want to deal with all of this tonight and she still had to break it to him that she planned to make Lana stay a few days with them. She sighed as she pulled into Lana’s driveway. Both men were waiting for her as she got out of the car and she handed the keys to Whistler. He pulled her in for a big hug.

  “It went alright; the cops believed her?” Whistler asked.

  Lana spoke up, “No, they didn’t believe me but I have my reputation to fall back on. It’s all good, they can’t get me to change my story and they know that. Raven, thank you so much for all you did, I know I’m not your favorite person.”

  Raven walked over to her. He bent down a little and kissed her on the head. “You’re growing on me, Lana. You get scared, you tell me. You stop hiding shit from us, right? When you need us, we’ll be there for you.”

  Lana was shocked that Raven had actually kissed her. “I won’t hide anything. Now go back to baby Hawk. I’m fine and Whistler will take care of me. Thank you both so much, I love you two.”

  They stood together and watched Morgana and Raven get into the truck and pull away. Whistler unlocked the door to Lana’s house and put her overnight bag down.

  He made a decision he hoped he wouldn’t regret. “Lana can you drive?”

  Lana looked at him in confusion. “I refused pain medication. I guess I can drive.

  Whistler looked at her and knew he was making the right call. “I want you to stay with Marianne and meet my son. You’ll need to drive because I can’t stay too long there, maybe a day or two at the most. You can stay until your eyes heal. You know I’m trusting you with my secret. I want you to meet Michael.”

  “Of course you can trust me, I knew it! I knew it was your baby but Marianne didn’t say she had a son or you were the daddy. I heard a baby when we talked. I need to get more clothes.” She hurried to pack more as Whistler texted Marianne he had a big surprise for her. She didn’t reply but he figured she’d be happy to see Lana.

  It would be good for his ol’ lady to be with his sister who needed a place to heal both on the inside and on the outside. He texted True he was taking Lana away for a couple days. True texted an okay back and he wondered if True was ready to know the truth. Right now, it was all about Lana though.

  He walked into the spotless kitchen. Damn it looked like Lana never used it. He opened the fridge and found half and half and put some coffee on. He’d been drinking and needed it, Lana probably could use a cup too. Marianne would worry if he took too long and he hated to worry her. It was bad enough they weren’t together every night.

  He got a text and laughed. True was at his house and Trick was down in the cell. A former medic was tending to him. Raven had made a wise decision in having that cell put in his former house. Even if he had ended up being a prisoner in it for a few days. He had to find a way to tell True the truth and wondered if the jail cell would bother Marianne. Morgana had been fine with it for many years. The only doubt in his mind was would Marianne stay away from True. He wasn’t worried about his brother, all True wanted was to see everyone happy. If True had an ol’ lady this all would be so much easier on him and he could stop trying to lead a double life.


  It had taken them awhile to get to Marianne’s condo. Whistler led them on a twisted route to make sure they weren’t followed. He knew Raven was aware of everything but he had his word he’d look the other way and so far, he’d kept it. The condo was dark and he grabbed Lana’s overnight bag as they made it up the steps and into the dark living room.

  “I’ll go wake up Marianne unless you want to wait until morning?” Whistler was tired and hoped Lana was too.

  “Don’t wake her, just tell me where to sleep and get to bed, you look worn out.” Lana replied.

  He brought her down the hallway and turned on the light in the guest room. It was plain room with a double bed but it was clean. She kissed her brother goodnight and was getting ready to undress when she heard the fighting. She sat on the bed hugging her knees.

  Whistler had gone into the bedroom as quietly as he could but Marianne was wide awake. Whistler explained what was going on and she wasn’t happy. She had been hoping he was going to be handing her a ring and instead he had brought his crazy sister to their condo.

  “Why on earth would you bring her here? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with her, Whistler. When she gets thirsty and wants to go find a man, is she going to bring him here?” Marianne hissed loudly.

  “You talk to Lana all the time, I thought you’d want to help her and see her. Mari, she got hurt and she needs to rest. What the fuck is wrong with you? You always complain you don’t see anyone.” Whistler was getting angry and he was puzzled.

  “I thought you were bringing something for ME, not crazy problem child Lana. I’m a mother now. I don’t hang out with women like her. I changed! Now Morgana, I’d love to see her and Raven. Not Lana, her calls bug the hell out of me. I only talk to her just because it sucks living here and you won’t stand up to True. She amuses me when there is nothing else to do. What if Lana drinks and tells True?”

  Whistler was baffled. “What did you expect, spill it out. I don’t have time for your games. And you’re only friends with Lana because she amuses you? Fuck you, Mari, you were the one she looked up to!” He suddenly understood. “You thought I was giving you a ring, didn’t you? I tried to give you one and marry you when you got pregnant. You had to wait for the DNA test though because you fucked me and True.” He laid down and stared at the ceiling listening to Marianne cry. They kept going over and over this all the time, it seemed. He prayed Lana was asleep and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Six

  Lana grabbed her bags and headed out of the guest room. A small light was on in the room across from her and she snuck in. A toddler was fast asleep with his thumb in his mouth. He looked an awful lot like Whistler. So, this was Michael. She touched his cheek softly and felt sad for this child. She made her way out of the house. It was pitch black as she shut the door and she clearly heard the lock turn and click behind her.

  Marianne had locked her out in case she changed her mind. Her brother never would do that to her. She wanted to cry but tears were a thing of the past. She got into her car and checked out the GPS on her cell. After getting directions home, she began to drive. It was late and a motel would be a wise choice but she just wanted her own bed. So, Marianne thought she was thirsty, huh? She was livid. True never would have made her his ol’ lady and she would have gone right to True if Whistler wasn’t involved. She had to let him figure out his mess himself. Just as she needed to figure out her own messes now. She focused on driving and was happy that the way home was faster than the crazy way Whistler had taken them. She should send him a text saying that she went home but she didn’t. He’d know when he woke up and knowing her brother he’d be hot on her trail to try to smooth things over.

  She pulled over and looked up the word thirsty. She knew what it meant but she wanted to make sure when she sent her text to Marianne.

  To crave attention. To be extremely desperate.

  Lana typed the words into the text. And added that she’d never had to live off either of her brothers because she was too lazy to get a job. She’d used her brain and went to school while Marianne had been a stripper because it was easy money and she didn’t think about the future. Marianne was a hell of lot thirstier in her life than she’d ever been and that she was on her way to True’s house to tell him everything. She sent the text and felt a little better.

  Marianne didn’t handle stress well and the mention of True’s name would worry her to death. Although she really had wanted to see her, they hadn’t been real friends in a long time. Not since True had let her live with him. Lana didn’t understand why Whistler had touched her, he liked women that were able to stand on their own. Or did he? Maybe he wanted a woman to depend on him.

  He was the brother that had pushed college at her and made sure Morgana had went to nursing school. He had drummed it into their heads, that no man should be counted on to support them. This was his mess, and she didn’t understand the big deal over all of it. So, he had banged True’s fuck buddy and knocked her up. Why not just tell True? She didn’t understand men at all! She pulled over at the all night convenience store to get some soda. She didn’t notice Raven’s truck on the side of the building as she went into the store.

  She got herself a six pack of coke and a bag of potato chips and went to the counter. She jumped when she heard him say her name.

  Raven stood there, his long black hair pulled into a tight braid, looking curiously at her. “Lana, True said you went away for a few days. Why are you here?”

  “I really don’t want to talk about it, Raven. It’s been a long night and I want to go home. When you see Whistler ask him.” She went to pay for her purchases but Raven beat her to it.

  “I don’t like this; you’re supposed to be resting. I had some shit I had to do and I’m wide awake. You want to come back to our house? Morgana would want you to and so do I. We can sit out back and talk this out.” His voice was kind and gentle.

  Lana did want someone to talk to and Morgana would be angry if she went home alone. At Raven and Morgana’s house she wouldn’t have to deal with Whistler or True either.

  “Would you text Whistler and tell him I’m with you.
I don’t want to see him for a few days and he’s got some shit he has to deal with.” She hadn’t given his secret away but found a way to get word to her brother she was fine.

  “Soon as we’re at the house I will. I’ll follow you.” Raven guided her out of the store and to her car.

  It took about fifteen minutes to get out to their farm and Lana was now wide awake again. There were three people, she didn’t want to see and maybe Raven would keep them away. Marianne, Whistler, and True. If not, Morgana would for sure if she told her the reason why. She pulled off to the side, so Raven had his usual parking space. He was at her car for her bags before she could get them.

  “Please don’t wake up Morgana. I don’t know if I want her to know what I want to talk about, okay?” She hoped Raven would be agreeable to that.

  “We can go directly to the back deck if you want. Morgana won’t mind. Unless I think she needs to know, whatever you tell me is between the two of us.” He answered back.

  He took her bags and she followed him on the brick path to the backyard. He’d made a beautiful area back here for them to have cookouts and a hot tub stood to the side of the deck they climbed. Lana pulled two cold cans out of the bag and her potato chips. She handed one to Raven and popped hers open. She took a long sip and felt the coke burn down her throat. It felt icy cold and good.

  She didn’t say anything but looked out over the back of the farm. Her sister’s goats were sleeping she guessed because they weren’t making any noise. The full moon was beautiful and she remembered spending nights here as a child. So long ago she thought and yet she could remember it as if were yesterday. Where had the time gone to she wondered.

  Raven watched her and decided to break the silence. “He took you to Marianne’s house? What a stupid move.”

  Lana spoke carefully, “Yes he did and he doesn’t know I heard what she said about me. I may be a little crazy… but thirsty? I’ve never had to beg for a man in my life, nor did I screw around with two brothers!”


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