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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

Page 11

by Needa Warrant

  “Ram doesn’t like Lana with Caesar.” He stated, still staring down the driveway.

  Raven, the voice of reason tried to calm down True with words this time. “Nah it ain’t that, Ram is a careful man bro. I wish Lana didn’t work at the prison to be honest. I worried about Morgana every fucking day. Now I worry about Lana being there. She does have to be on her guard. We’re heading out, Marianne, we’ll give you a ride home.”

  True saw Nicola come outside to say her good-byes, then she came stand next to him. They watched Raven help with the sleeping boys and waved good-bye to them.

  “What’s wrong True?” Nicola leaned in to him.

  “I don’t know, might be that it’s a fucking full moon tonight. We’ve got no food in the house, do we?”

  “Nope, I called and ordered Chinese food, I’ll run into town and pick it up. Could you watch Alex?” Her fingers ran up his arm.

  “I could have one of the guys bring it out here instead. I don’t want you going off by yourself.” He held her hand as they walked to the house.


  Cain and Abel were tired of watching bulls and had made every bull joke they could think of. Finally, they heard the roar of a few bikes headed their way. A car was behind the bikes and they wondered who was finally coming to relieve them.

  The car parked a bit further down from the motorcycles. Woody, Rasin’, and Rover got off their bikes. Rasin’ was their older brother and he had just been patched in. Woody was prospecting like they were.

  Able pointed to the car, “You get followed here?”

  Rover laughed, “Yeah, some ho who wants to hang around. I plan to tell her if she wants to hang out that she has to suck some bull cock, if she ever gets out of her car. Maybe she’ll just leave.”

  He no sooner spoke the words when the car door opened and LaDonna got out and began to walk toward them. She was drunk and unsteady on her feet.

  “I thought I’d keep you boys company while you’re out here. I heard you were cow tipping or some shit.” She was eyeing the younger guys up.

  Rover laughed at her. “Only cock you’re gonna get is if you get your ass out in that pasture and suck on a bull dick.”

  She looked at him and frowned. “I’d suck your cock…I’ll suck all your cocks.” She slurred.

  The moon revealed the state she was in and it wasn’t kind to her features. All of the bikers laughed at the older drunken hobag trying to come on to them.

  “Rasin’, you want the crypt keeper to suck you off?” Rover joked.

  “Fuck no, bitch you want my two brothers’ cocks get your skanky ass over to a bull cock and let’s see if you still got any suction going on.” He laughed at his younger twin brother’s protests. “Bitch ain’t got the balls to go over the fence.”

  LaDonna shocked the shit out of them all by crawling under the fence. She stood up and looked around for the bulls but wasn’t seeing any. She began to walk out into the middle of the pasture.

  Cain frowned, “True said nobody was to bother the bulls tonight. We’re off duty since you three got here, let’s go Able we’re done.” The twins jumped on their bikes and took off revving their engines.

  Rover’s cell began to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket.

  “Yeah, we’ll head over to the clubhouse now. Nobody got shot, did they? Who’s on True?” His free hand went to check that his gun was in place. “We gotta go, these bulls will be fine.”

  Woody looked out into the pasture but a cloud covered the moon. “We leaving her out there?”

  “Just had a drive-by at the clubhouse, shots fired, you and Rasin’ are heading up to True’s until we find out what’s going on. Who gives a shit about some crazy, drunk cunt? Move it, I’ll be in touch.” He got on his bike and jetted off.

  Rasin’ was already on his bike and waiting for Woody. “She will pass out and be fine. We got a president to protect and we can’t even cut across the pastures now. We gotta use the main road, this sucks, move it, Woody.” They took off and left a drunken LaDonna in the pasture with the bulls.


  Whistler felt like he’d died and come back from the bowels of hell. He’d puked so much that his throat ached. He realized he was in the cell and wondered how badly he fucked up. Raven would use any excuse to get him in the cell as payback but True wouldn’t have put him here unless he had a damn good reason.

  He sipped on some of the soda. He was never going to drink moonshine again, not ever. He wasn’t sure if he could even eat an apple again. He felt his cell vibrate and pulled it out of his pocket. His eyes tried to focus on the text. Shooting at the clubhouse. He rolled over and let the cell lay by his side as he heaved again into the bucket, the text forgotten in his miserable state.

  He wanted to be home with Marianne and have her taking care of him. He wouldn’t even be so sick if she was with him. This was all her fault, he reasoned in his head. He had some flashes of smashing up chairs and an ugly hag trying to talk to him. He shuddered and heaved some more. Christ, if that was a Filthy Fiend bitch they were getting desperate. He hoped like hell she wasn’t one of his brother’s ol’ ladies. Hopefully someone would come and get him. He wondered about the text briefly and figured he was seeing things. He closed his eyes and passed back out.


  Marianne washed up Michael and put him to bed. This was the time she missed Whistler the most. He liked to spend time with his son before bed having their alone time together. She wondered if Michael would ever get that again with his daddy. Whistler and drinking moonshine was bound to be trouble. She hoped he stayed home and went to bed. It was a big full moon and looking at it from her porch she crossed herself. She wasn’t religious but there was something in the air tonight and she made sure to lock the windows and the doors. Sleep would come hard tonight, if she got any. She put a movie on and tried to pay attention to it but all she did was think about Whistler and hoped he was safe.


  LaDonna wandered around the field before deciding to sit down and let those assholes think she was messing around with a bull. She took out her cell and tried to get service but she had none. She heard snorting and stood up, the cell phone falling to the ground. The clouds shifted and she saw the huge bull pawing the ground. She screamed and took off running, trying to find her way to the fence, her cell phone lost in the grass.

  She couldn’t believe she’d agreed to get information on the Satan’s Fools MC just to be able to stay around the Filthy Fiends MC and the promise of a new boob job. She tripped and sprawled into the grass as she felt the first hoof strike her. She screamed but there was nobody to hear her. Her hands went over her head as the bull picked her up with his head and horns. He was tossing her around like a rag doll. His bellows of rage filled her head and she knew this was the end for her unless she could reach the fence. She tried to run but she was no match for the angry bull.

  She decided to lie there and play dead until he moved away. She knew she was bleeding, but she couldn’t make it to the fence while he was near her. Lying still, she heard him move away. After a few minutes, she got up and again tried to find her way to the fence. She heard the bellow and tried to move quickly, but he was too fast for her. She felt herself tossed into the air again and started to pray. The pain was intense as he tossed her into the air over and over. He stopped when her body was limp and wandered back into the pasture. Her body was still as the blood seeped out of her and she moved no more.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lana smiled at Caesar who was enjoying his steak. They had talked over shrimp cocktails about the plans he had for starting a new life. He was an interesting man and a good conversationalist too. He was educated or maybe he’d read a lot in jail but this date was the first one where she felt a man was interested in her and what she did for a living.

  “Lana, you look beautiful tonight. I thought you were from the day I met you. I looked forward to our appointments, it was one of the bright times of my life in that fucking prison.” />
  Lana turned pink, “Thank you. I don’t know if I want to continue working there anymore. I want to help people but the pressure of the club asking me to do favors scares me. Morgana was better at doing it, and I’m tired of working there.”

  Caesar raised his eyebrow at her. “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to have a life without True sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. I want to have babies. And I’m tired; I hear so much ugly shit that I’m burned out.” She pushed her hair back and took a bite of her steak.

  “So quit, you could work somewhere else. You know doing shit for us will only come to a bad end. I fucking don’t like it.” He covered her hand with his. “True can’t make you stay there, if he’s pulling that shit, I’ll have a word with him.”

  “No, True wouldn’t care if I quit. I told him I might move; I don’t have much of a life here anyway. I can’t meet anyone that understands me. I need a life; I know I can’t drink and party anymore. What man wants to be involved with a woman like me?” Her voice was soft and a touch of pain came through her words.

  His hand tightened on hers, “A man like me. I’m very interested in you, Lana. Why do you think I headed to Whispering Pines? It sure wasn’t to hang out with your brothers.”

  A tear slipped down Lana’s face. “Caesar, you don’t know about me. I’ve fucked up so much in my life and you wouldn’t want me if you knew some of the crazy shit I’ve done. I don’t deserve to be happy, I think. I know that sounds crazy but my past is dirty.”

  Caesar frowned, his hand still on hers. “Your past is your business. I’ve gotta past and I don’t hear you asking about it. The past is just that, the future is what we both need to look forward to, get me? I don’t give a fuck what you did as long as you don’t give a fuck about what I’ve done. How does that sound?”

  Lana felt hope fluttering through her body. “That sounds fine to me. I’d like to know you better too. One of your guys is headed over to the table. And my cell is ringing.” She reached to her purse to read a text as Rush bent down to talk to Caesar. Morgana was telling her to get some place safe asap. She looked up at Caesar and saw him motioning for the check.

  “We’ve got to leave Lana, I’m sorry. We’ll go out to dinner tomorrow night. I think you should stay with me tonight, I’ll tell you more as soon as we get to the car.” He stood up and waited for her to gather her things.

  He paid the checks and left a large tip as Rush and Attitude ushered them to her car. “Motherfucker, I don’t even have a fucking license to drive. You know how to drive this thing fast if we run into trouble?” He looked at her and felt anger at not being the one driving.

  “Caesar, I can outdrive my brothers in this car. I have plenty of experience dodging them. Trust me, I can drive. Now what is the problem?” She was unlocking the car and getting in as he walked to the passenger side.

  “There was a drive by shooting at the clubhouse. Filthy Fiends, but nobody got hurt. They were in a pack so I think you should be with me tonight.”

  Lana thought hard and she made a snap decision. “No, you and your guys are coming to my house. It’s a lot safer and I have a big garage. Tell them to follow me, I have plenty of room.” She waited as he got out to talk to his boys and took the time to text Morgana she was on her way home.

  Caesar spoke fast, “She’s offered us her house and her garage. I think it’s a hell of a lot safer being in a house. What do you wanna do?”

  Attitude looked at Rush, “Fuck the motor coach, I’d rather be in a house and if she lives in town it is safer than trying to reach True’s farm.”

  Rush shrugged, “I’m good with going to her house, Caesar. Let’s just get out of here.” Both men walked toward their motorcycles.

  Caesar got back into the car and nodded to Lana. “Your house. Is it closer than going out to the farm?”

  Lana started the engine and pulled out onto the highway. “Yes, it is and I have a garage door opener, they can pull right in next to me.” She drove a little over the speed limit and they made it to her house and into the garage within minutes.

  Caesar liked that she had been calm and asked no questions. She did what was the smart thing and used her head, her house was a safer place for them to be. A chick with looks and brains was just what he wanted. Now if they could turn this into a relationship he’d be a hell of a happy man. He noticed her garage was spotless and wondered if her house was too. If she could cook that would be the icing on his cake.

  They entered her house through the kitchen and he liked her décor. It was spotless and yet it suited Doctor Alana-Lee North very well.

  Lana showed them the living room and turned the TV on to the local news channel. Sure enough, the news crew was at the Satan’s Fools clubhouse. The three bikers sat down on the couch and watched as the cops were talking to people and wandering around.

  “I can make some coffee, I’m sorry but I don’t keep any alcohol in my house.” She apologized to the men.

  “Coffee would be good, Bella. You did good Lana. I’ve got to make a few calls though. You’ll be in the kitchen?” Caesar asked.

  Lana looked at him, “Bella? You speak Italian?” Her heart beat a bit faster, he’d called her beautiful.

  “Yeah, my parents were from Italy. Grew up speaking it and you are my Bella Mia, now go make the coffee.” He turned and began to talk to his boys.

  Lana moved over to the windows and pulled the drapes closed and retreated into the kitchen to make coffee. She wondered if she had the ingredients to make her special blonde brownies. She knew Caesar didn’t want her in the living room and she figured she might as well get busy cooking.

  She slipped quietly into her bedroom to remove her tight jeans and get into cutoff shorts and slipped a ‘support your local Satan’s Fools MC’ tank top on. They didn’t notice her as they spoke into cell phones. Lana got herself busy cooking and was singing quietly as Caesar slipped behind her, his arm encircling her waist.

  “Bella, is that coffee ready? I could use a cup.” His voice was low and she leaned back into him enjoying him holding her.

  “Yes, it is. I didn’t want to interrupt you. I’ll fill the mugs and put everything on the breakfast bar.” She stayed inside his arms.

  “You’re baking? Something smells fantastic.” She felt his lips touch her hair as he spoke.

  “I like to cook and bake. I thought since we didn’t get dessert, you might like my blonde brownies.” She felt relaxed and didn’t want to move. Caesar wasn’t letting go of her anyway.

  “God sent you to me, Bella. I don’t deserve you but damn, I find myself finding more and more to love about you. Ti amo.”

  Lana knew he had said I love you but she didn’t let him know she spoke Italian yet. She was enjoying all of this attention. She hoped it lasted. The timer went off on the oven breaking the magical spell. Caesar dropped his arms from around her and she went to the oven. He wandered back into the living room as she used a toothpick to make sure her brownies were done in the middle. It came out clean and she put them into the freezer to cool faster. She filled four mugs of coffee and put them on the breakfast bar. She filled a pitcher with half and half and got out the sugar bowl. Spoons and napkins were placed next to the mugs. She hated to cut into her brownies while they were warm but her brothers liked them warm and gooey. Her house phone rang and she answered it.

  “Lana, it’s Raven, I need to talk to Caesar. You doing okay?”

  “Of course, I thought it was better if I brought them here. Is True okay? Has anyone called Marianne?”

  “True is fine and I’m going to get Marianne to stay here. Can you put Caesar on?”

  Lana walked with her cordless phone into the living room. “Caesar, Raven needs to speak to you. Coffee is ready and the brownies will be cut in a minute.” She handed the phone to him and walked back into the kitchen, happy that Marianne and Michael would be safe. She got her brownies out of the freezer and heard Rush laugh.

  “My ol’ lady do
es the same thing. My sons can’t wait for her brownies. I think you and Daisy would get along good.” He fixed his coffee and waited for a brownie.

  Lana wasn’t used to True’s boys talking nicely to her. It had been a while since she’d been around any of them. Making small talk was new to her but she appreciated the effort Rush was making.

  “I’d like to meet her someday. I don’t hang out with True’s boys anymore. Too much partying there for me.” She confessed.

  “Daisy doesn’t drink or get high anymore either. Doesn’t want it around our sons. She doesn’t do many parties either. Hates the bullshit with the ol’ ladies she says.” He sipped the coffee. “I like this area, small town and the farms. My sons have to go to a park to play. You’re lucky to live out here.”

  Attitude came over to get his coffee. “Yeah its nicer here, you got any hot friends that like bikers, Lana?”

  Lana thought for a few minutes of the nicer girls that hung around the club. “Judy is nice and she’s pretty, she dances at the juice bar and is going to nursing school. You might like her if you like redheads. I really don’t go to the clubhouse too much.”

  “I love redheads, so I find her at the juice bar?”

  She nodded and began to cut the brownies in to squares. She put them on a plate and carried them to the bar. She smiled, as each biker went to grab one. Just like True and Whistler, she thought.

  Caesar walked back into the kitchen and handed her the phone. “Raven needs to speak to you, Lana.”

  “Raven, what’s up?” She wondered what he wanted.

  “Lana, I need to ask a favor of you. You’re the closest house to where a friend of ours is staying and you’ve got room for a few of the guys to stay there, right?”

  Her stomach bottomed out. “Yes I do, I have the bonus room in the basement and the three bedrooms upstairs.”

  “You willing to do a favor for us, sis?” Raven never asked her for favors. This must be important.


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