Book Read Free


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by Debi Wilder

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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©2005 by Debbie Fritter

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Debi Wilder


  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright ©

  2005 by Debbie Fritter

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 1-59374-308-4


  Cover Artist: Scott Carpenter

  Editor: Laura Reagan

  Printed in the United States of America



  "Push the button, instant ejaculation.” Do I have your attention? New erotic writer Debi Wilder got mine with that opening line of Chapter One of S.P.A.R., her debut erotic romance. Better yet, she kept my attention through the entire story.

  Enter the world of the future. All sexual contact has been outlawed by the World Government. Procreation of perfect humanoids is done by Spermdroids and Uteroids. There are no more pure humans. Or are there?

  Reola Clark is Head Sperm Technician for S.P.A.R., Sperm Pollination Alternative Resources. Fearful of breaking laws, she resists the all too human feelings that shiver through her every time Stu Whitager comes around. Stu, on the other hand, is a bit more of a rogue. But then, he knows something Re doesnt and, come her impending thirtieth birthday, hes going to share his secret with her.

  S.P.A.R. is an interesting cautionary tale of suppressed emotions and sexuality in the future played out by an engaging hero and heroine. If you are looking for a fast-paced, sexy read with a sound plot that contains some unexpected twists, S.P.A.R. is the book for you. I hope to see more juicy morsels from Debi Wilder.

  Reviewed by Roxi Romano, author of FANTASIES R US. Visit her web site at


  To Elaine, for all the research material and to my husband, Randy, for believing we dont have to try everything in those books.


  "What the? Jules!"

  Jules Clark ran into the room her husband had been rifling through for the past hour. It was one of the many “forbidden” areas totally off limits to the sperm technicians of S.P.A.R. That was until Miles found a key taped under one of the old cabinets marked “PG 101” and feverishly set about trying every door in the collection room to see which lock it fit.

  "Are you okay?” Jules knelt next to her husband her hand on his shoulder.

  "You ... you ... oh Jules, you wont believe.” His laughter filled her with alarm as he held up a tattered black book. “Look at what Ive found. Its all here, every bit of information on sexual relations we were led to believe impossible between a man and woman."

  Miles quickly tossed the tattered book back inside the dust covered cardboard box and it fell open to reveal a shocking photo. Jules looked at the color photo of a naked woman laying on her back, legs wrapped around an equally naked man with his penis jammed right up into her vagina. The close-up not only dazed her, it sent her own private region into twitching fits.

  She slanted a sidelong glance at Miles, knowing her life mate well enough to realize he shook with anticipation not only from his find, but also from the graphic pictures on the book pages. The sparkle in his eye revealed an excitement she hadnt seen in a long time, and it worried her.

  "Miles, youve got to destroy this. Theyll send us to Outer Siberia if they know we found this, this stuff.” Jules paced around the small room. They needed to act quickly or suffer the consequences. As exciting as the find was, the box of contraband spelled one thing ... trouble.

  "Ive got the perfect place to hide them, Jules. Only you and I will know about the books and video tapes..."

  Jules knelt, opened the box and shuffled through its contents. “No! Miles, we cant risk taking this information home with us. You cant be serious.” There were books called Romantic Fantasies & Other Sexy Ways of Expressing Your Love, The Slave and The Loving Dominant, but the one that interested her the most was the little red one by the name of 203 Ways to Drive a Man Wild in Bed. The aspect of driving her man crazy sounded interesting, even to her virgin body, which acted anything but virginal at the moment. A twitching between her legs pulsed, feeling like moisture had seeped out from her regions. She couldnt put a name to the feeling, except it felt delicious.

  "You like that one?"

  Jules looked up to see the feverish look of a wild animal waiting for mating season to start in her husbands eyes. The fiery glint sent harder and quicker pricks to her private area that shed been trained to believe was used only for expulsion. How could such a meaningless object as a book cause a reaction in her Miles could detect?

  They may have been the last to be conceived without the assistance of droids, but theyd been the first to be raised under new methods. And those methods didnt include having the feelings her body sent her right now.

  Miles picked up a book with a photograph of a woman and a baby on it by a physician named Dr. Peabody. She looked over Miles shoulder as he flipped through the pages, then stopped at the centerfold. Again, a woman lay flat on her back, a sheet draped over her legs, and a rather large object looked to be protruding from her waste area. The caption read “Woman giving birth to healthy baby boy".

  Jules sat back on her butt, took a deep breath, and felt a tear slip down her cheek. “Thats not a uterdroid, is it Miles?"

  "Not according to that caption. This means it is possible to have a child grow in a human body, Jules. Weve been talking about a child, and..."

  "No way, Miles. Its too dangerous."

  "But worth every second of that danger. It would truly be a part of us, not a premanufactured makeup of what we think our child would be like. I think Rand and Deb would help us. Rand said theyve been talking about a baby now that theyve reached the acceptance qualifications. There might be a way we could..."

  "We dont even know where to begin such a process. We dont know anything but collection tubes and injecting the specimens into the uterdroids."

  "Yes we do.” Miles patted the box and smiled.

  Chapter 1

  33 years later...

  "Push the button, instant ejaculation."

  Reola Clark readied yet another in a long line of collection tubes containing Andrew Fives specimen. As Head Sperm Technician for S.P.A.R., Sperm Pollination Alternative Resources, Re often wondered how her grandmothers before her ever had children. She couldnt imagine a foreign substance in her body or to willingly give up her bodys nourishments to another being. The thought sent scorching shivers through her until they settled just past her stomach.

  This was exactly why S.P.A.R. had b
een founded a century ago. Women didnt want to disfigure their bodies any longer, and it was a way for the World Government to control the population. Only those in the upper realm of society could afford to have pollinated children. Andrew Five was a favorite among S.P.A.R. clients as well as the most expensive.

  His ancient looks and loving manner had been well established at the time of his production. Lifelike to the touch, Andrew Five was anything but human. His purpose, as well as the other spermdroids, was to produce its own unique blend of synthetic sperm. Then to be matched with the uterdroid whose synthetic egg closely matched the desires of the clients in a child.

  Re herself was an offspring of a sperm/uterdroid couple thirty years ago. Charlie One and Lydia Two were the top of the line in the reproduction business at the time. It was when actual human sperm and eggs were used well before the chemical reproduction of synthetic sperm and eggs were starting to be developed and tested fifty years ago.

  "Come on, big boy, this will make number thirty-six for you today.” Re placed the lip of the tube at the tip of the artificial penis. Pressing the sperm button, she waited for the latex member to become engorged then make a creamy white deposit into the tube.

  "If this is how those before me became pollinated there would have been less disease in the world. What do you think, Andrew?” She looked into the droids expressionless face. “Were the species of hundreds of years ago as cold as you are? Or was there an ancient forbidden excitement in the process?"

  "That kind of question could put in you in danger, Re."

  Stu Whitagers voice came dangerously close to her ear. The heat of his breath singed through her body, causing a sensation of those once unfamiliar feelings in her deepest region to spring up again. Over the past year, whenever Stu came around her, warm shivers flowed through her body. At first, she thought there was something wrong and it frightened her, until she realized it wasnt a constant feeling.

  Re removed the filled tube as nonchalantly as humanly possible. She placed it next to the thirty-five others, then set the timer to five minutes for the next specimen. Andrew Five needed time to recoup from the experience. The programmers had yet to find a way to have the specimens cum quickly one after another. Shed heard that it was once the same in human reproduction; the human male species always needed time to recover while the female seemed to be ready for more.

  "Stu, how do you do that?” she asked, placing a label on the next container.

  "Sneak up on you? Or cause that scent to come from your body?"

  Re looked up from her notes, meeting whiskey colored eyes filled with something she couldnt define. Stu was a few years her senior, stood about five foot nine with hair the color of gold. The beige S.P.A.R. lab coat hung off his shoulders and ended just above his knees.

  "What scent might that be, Stu?"

  Stu moved to the other side of the collection table and faced her. “The one of a woman in heat."

  "What would you know of such unspoken things? Theres no written word on the subject, Stu.” Re pushed the button and waited for Andrew Five to make another deposit.

  "Isnt there, Re? How can you be so sure?"

  Re placed tube thirty-seven next to tube thirty-six. “You know there isnt. All printed text on old-fashion pollination was destroyed in the fire fifty years ago."

  "Thats what S.P.A.R. says, Re. I know otherwise."

  "You must be making that up, Stu. Lydia Two was pollinated by Charlie One to produce. I am the result of that pollination. Lydia Two gave me the nourishment I needed to grow and form within her artificial womb. There is no other way in the world and we both know it. Nothings about to change, Stu."

  "Suit yourself, Re. There once was a different way filled with pleasure and warmth."

  Stu touched Andrew Fives arm, “Andrew, youre finished here.” Reacting to the touch of Stus hand and the sound of his voice, the spermdroid glided behind Stu and followed him toward the door.

  Re watched Stu and Andrew Five leave the collection center. Stu forever talked about forbidden things from past centuries. If their parents hadn't been such good friends, Re would have reported his unlawful suggestions to the authorities weeks ago.

  Re prepared the next set of collection tubes as John Three glided through the automatic doors. Writing the date, time and spermdroid's name on the labels, she looked up at John Three.

  "Well, J3, do you think Stu has flipped or were there really such books?” she asked, pressing the sperm button.

  As the tube filled with manufactured sperm, Re laughed out loud.

  "What a silly notion, women becoming pollinated by men. Thered be no possible way for it to happen without a button to push, or a way to collect the sperm."

  Taking the full collection, Re placed the label around the tube and prepared the next one from the tray Stu brought in moments ago. The lab overhead light reflected off a piece of metal stuck under some of the specimen containers, capturing her attention.

  Re put down the tube, followed by several more until the object became exposed. The object was a small silver key. She lifted the key from its hiding place, turning the cool metal over. Engraved on the other side was “PG 101."

  Turning the key over again, Re jumped when the timer buzzed for the next collection of John Three. Re set the key down, placed the glass tube at the tip of the latex penis and pushed the button. As the creamy liquid spurted out, her attention focused in on the mysterious key.

  How had it gotten on the tray? Maybe the better question was, who put it there? What does PG 101 mean? The only one to bring the trays to her for the past few hours was Stu. Had he placed the key there or had someone else in an attempt to test her loyalty to S.P.A.R.?

  Nerves popping through her circuits, Re looked around the room to make sure she was indeed alone, then slipped the key into her lab jacket.

  * * * *

  Stu stood at the door watching Re through the plexiglass window, the ache in his engorged cock throbbing against his BVDs. Hed never had her, yet couldnt get enough of her. Ever since they were children, he had known they were different and meant to be together. Now shed reached her thirtieth birthday and would discover what hed known for fifteen years, the pleasures the human body had to offer.

  The inherited box of contraband came with a key and the promise to find a way to have a child of his own with Re. First, hed have to convince her it would be the right thing to do, discovering their bodies and each other.

  Hed seen the videos and read the books left in his care by their parents. More than once hed closed his eyes, placing his hand over the hard bulge in his pants and imagined it was Res hand teasing his organ.

  "Whitager, whats so interesting?"

  Stu jumped in surprise, “Geez, Bailey. You scared the crap out of me. I was just returning Andrew Five to the droid station."

  "Hmm, you expect me to believe that, then youre sadly mistaken.” Bailey crowded in next to Stu where he too would be able to get a good look at Re. “You were watching her again, werent you?"

  "Guilty as charged. Shes always there, you know. Always occupying every thought of every second in every day. Always has been, always will be."

  "Just dont get caught at it, or youll end up in Outer Siberia like your parents. I wont always be the one to save you, Stu.” Baileys warning was something Stud heard on more than one occasion. It was what he worried about most, being separated from Re for the rest of his life.

  "Much like you and Andi, my friend."

  "And thats one of our many little secrets, my friend.” Bailey waved, then disappeared around the corner. He was right. If caught, Stus carelessness where Re was concerned would put him in an unhealthy situation. Castration and banishment didnt top his list of things to accomplish in his life.

  Stu took one last look at Re finishing up in the collection center. The ache in his loins passed up to his heart with a longing for what he wanted to possess. She had been promised to him before shed uttered her first word. Their parents made a pact through
their children that theyd know what it was like to feel the human touch of sensual love. That through them, the human race would begin its uphill climb back into society.

  Tapping Andrew Five on the shoulder, Stu sauntered down the hallway to the spermdroid holding room with the spermdroid on his heels.

  * * * *

  Re placed the last of the collection tubes in the tray. Once again, she picked up the mysterious key turning it over. Her thoughts drifted to the multitude of possibilities it represented.

  The possibility Stu had placed the key in the tray didnt make sense to her. Unless, of course, he secretly worked for security and shed come up for the loyalty testing. Yet, she couldnt imagine him doing such a thing to her, or anyone else for that matter.

  Even so, it could be a plant from S.P.A.R. security. Shed heard they did things like this to test the technicians. It was rumored that years ago a spermdroid technician had found a key and then went against World Law to discover what it fit. Thats where the rumor ended. No one ever knew what happened to the technician or the key.

  The smooth key warmed to her skin as she rubbed it repeatedly between her fingers. Could this be the same key? Not possible, it was too shiny and new looking to be as old as the story. Then theres the engraving and its meaning.

  It looked like it might fit a lock to a chest, not a door. Who would have such a chest to keep out of the hands of World Law and S.P.A.R.? Whoever it was, trusted her to keep their secret and the key in safekeeping. Shed have to figure out if she could trust Stu and ask him what he thought of the entire matter.

  "Re, is John Three ready to go back to the holding center?” Stus voice whispered so close she felt the warmth of his breath on her ear.

  "Ah, yeah.” Re slipped the key back into her lab coat pocket and handed the tray to Stu. “I was just getting the tray ready for the cool storage.” Here it comes again, that surge of heat when hes near me. I wish I knew what it meant and why it happens only when Stus around me. If only my parents were here to explain it all, then maybe Id understand whats happening to me. But my parents wouldnt know anything about it anyway; they only donated their sperm and eggs for my creation.


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