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Reece's Faith

Page 3

by T J Vertigo

  "Of what!? ME? What have I ever done to you for you to be afraid of me?" She practically screamed.

  "You didn't let me finish. I'm afraid of how you'll react, and well, you just confirmed my fears."

  Reece suddenly felt like a shit. Of course she's afraid, look at you, you idiot! She took a deep breath and sat down on the bed.

  "Faith, look, I've been freaking out all week over this."


  "I'm having trouble at the club, and now you're hiding something from me. I knew it the minute you walked in the door after the read-through. Are they killing you off? Are they gonna hurt your character? C'mon, what gives?"

  "What trouble at the club?"

  "Inspectors showing up daily, auditor sniffing my ass. It seems your friend from my favorite club has been getting his rocks off torturing me."

  "I'm sorry Reece. Really. If I had known you were having such a hard time.."

  "Please, Faith, just tell me what's going on so I can stop popping Tums like Tic Tacs."

  "Well, I, Judith, has a love interest." She paused, gauging the reaction. Reece's lips got tight.

  "Who's the lucky guy?" It looked like Reece's pupils disappeared.

  "Jim" she whispered.

  Reece made fists in her lap, her knuckles turning white. Faith stood and stepped away from the bed.

  "We, uhm.."

  "Consummate?" Reece offered through gritted teeth.

  "Exactly." Faith flinched as her tall lover stood up and seemed to grow even larger.

  "Oh. I see. Is that all?" She failed to make the smile sincere.

  Faith nodded hesitantly.

  "You were afraid I'd dislike this new character development and run amok all over your little set?" Reece looked her dead in the eye.

  Oh, that's bad. Way too calm.

  "Well, sorry to disappoint." she stated, still too calmly for Faith, "I'm very happy actually. Congratulations. This is good for "Judith".

  "Thank you." Faith said to her lover's back.

  Reece exited the room, her boots clomping across the hardwood floor.

  Wait for it...


  The actress let out the breath she was holding and threw herself on the bed. She called Cori and filled her in, adding that she should be careful not to get in the way of her angry boss tonight.

  * * *

  The tall form restlessly paced the length of her club. Sometimes she mumbled, and other times she sneered. The dancers whispered, the patrons stole glimpses. No one looked her in the eye. They 'd heard the rumors and she did, after all, live up to her reputation. If they hadn't witnessed it for themselves they knew someone who had, and they weren't suicidal. But what they didn't know was that Reece Corbett wasn't at all angry, she was a nervous wreck.

  As the owner of the most lucrative gentleman's establishment in New York City, The Lounge, Reece already had her hands full. She didn't need this new development. Tonight, the love of her life was going to lie in bed with someone else, and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Feeling very helpless and threatened, she made fists and continued to pace. No one dared confront the agitated woman, but some people never learn.

  "Geez, boss, I saw a thing on spontaneous combustion on one of those learning channels... this woman, all that was left was an arm."

  Reece looked at Cori like she was speaking Chinese.

  "What the hell are you talking about?!?" she yelled.

  "I'm just saying, that you should stand outside or something. Don't take us down with you," Cori said rather boredly.

  The tall woman glared at her magenta-haired friend.

  "Hey, easy tiger, Faith is acting... she's not actually doing anything with the guy. What is the big hairy deal?" The dancer shrugged. "She did more up on that stage with me."

  Reece narrowed her eyes. "And that's supposed to make me feel better?" She stomped off to her office to brood.

  * * *

  Faith was lost in thought. Here she was, with a great part on one of the most popular TV shows, and she was miserable. Why? Because Reece is miserable, that's why. She sighed sadly. It's just a show... Why is she reacting like this?

  "Excuse me, Miss Big Bad Wolf, could you stop huffing and puffing? You're blowing all the powder off the brush."

  John, the makeup artist, had just spent 15 minutes covering her hickeys, and just had to comment.

  "Oh, sorry. I'm just thinking." Faith sighed heavily again, this time through her nose.

  "Well then, could you not think so hard?" Finding yet another little bruise he sighed himself. "So Louise, how long have you been together?"

  "Almost 5 months. Why do you keep calling me that?"

  "Because I call all the men Mary." He covered the last mark with a flourish. "Aaaanyways, you can tell Mr. Wonderful that pissing on his property like a dog is quite the neon sign of insecurity." He lifted her chin to survey his work.

  Faith paled slightly.

  "Gorgeous! I'm just guessing here, but I think someone's been having a lover's spat? You know, I can see how he would be bothered by you kissing another man, any normal person would. You are stunning."

  She got a little nauseous. Normal? Reece?

  "If I were into women, HA! you get it?" Slightly indignant at the lack of response, he continued anyway. "Hokaaay, like I said, If I were into women, which thank god I'm not, I can't figure you out anyway, and I mean that 'you' collectively.."

  "John, I'm getting old."

  "Righty then, I'd be following you around all day."

  Oh god.. I'm such a moron! She jumped up from the chair. "I gotta go make a phone call!"

  "Women." John rolled his eyes.

  * * *

  Reece sat behind her desk with her head thrown back over the top of the chair. She had been in this position for nearly an hour and it was making her scalp feel funny and her lips numb. She groaned out loud, making the poor auditor even more uncomfortable than he already was. The lightheadedness was much better than looking at Roy's latest distraction sitting across from her, so she spun the chair around a few hundred times. Fuck Roy and his rat- infested Playhouse! If it weren't for that dickless shit head, I'd be....what? I'd be stalking Faith and I know it. She stopped spinning. Why does she have to kiss this Jim guy? What if she likes it? Man, and they gotta lay all over each other in bed too. On freaking TV! God, if that Jim gets the slightest woody.. heh. Why shouldn't he? He better get a fucking hard on if he knows what's good for him. Reece's eyebrows met in a frown. What the hell am I saying?!? I gotta calm down. As soon as this moron leaves I'll go speak to ole Jim boy and make sure he keeps that tongue where it belongs. Fucking Roy! I have every right to march right over there and...

  "Ms. Corbett?"

  Reece just grunted from her current position.

  "I was saying, It seems that these books are fine. You keep impeccable records. You run a tight business, ma'am."

  Reece didn't move but held up a hand to point at the man. "Thanks. Don't ever call me ma'am again. K?"

  He looked at the strange woman, who appeared headless for most of this session. "Are you alright?"

  "Peachy. You can go now."

  "Um, ok. Well, I suspect you have other things to do...Thank you for your time, Ms. Corbett."

  Reece's hand just made shooing motions.

  The auditor was met by Sarge and escorted quickly through the club. He was glad to be out of there to escape the pounding music but also the odd woman who made him feel more uncomfortable than the dildo standing on her desk. God, she was wierd.

  * * *

  The phone rang, making Reece jump up and giving her a good case of vertigo."Fuck!"

  "What?!" she yelled into the receiver. There was a long pause.

  "Uhm, hi."

  Reece sat straight up in her chair. "Faith?"

  "Yeah." There was awkward silence.

  "Are you ok? What's wrong?"

  "I just called to tell you that I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about your feelings, Reece..." she pa
used to place the words in order. "This must be hard on you, you must feel, um, .."

  "Sick? Left out? Jealous? Frustrated? Angry?" The words left Reece's mouth like rapid gunfire.

  "Whoa baby.. yeah. But I wanted you to know, I love you, ok?"

  "Someone is tasting your mouth Faith.. don't you get it?"

  "I'll eat an onion if it will make you feel better."

  "No. Not at all. I don't like the idea of this one fucking bit... I don't share my things.." Oh crap.

  "Wait just a minute. Reece, you do not own me, and I don't like being referred to as property," she said with controlled anger.

  "I didn't mean it to sound like that.. really. It just fell out." She ran her hand through her hair in frustration.

  "Well? What did you mean?"

  "I just hate this. I'm so happy for you, and at the same time...I don't know what to say without making you angry. I don't want his or anyone else's lips touching you but mine." The last part was a whispered admission.

  "Can we talk about this when I get home? I'm not angry with you baby. I know you're happy for me, but I also know how upset this makes you feel."

  "Can you make believe it's me you're kissing?"

  "Are you sure that's what you want? That could get dangerous." She chuckled nervously. "Besides, I'd know your lips anywhere." she stated confidently.

  "On second thought, make believe it's Pepe."

  They both chuckled at that.

  "I gotta go, they're calling me to the set."

  "Soo, then, this is it?" Reece sounded crestfallen.

  "Um, yeah, it is. I love you Reece."

  "Me too Faith."

  "I always know."

  The tall woman stretched herself out on the couch.

  Ok, it's just a job. Like Cori said, they did way more up on that stage than she'll be doing with him. But she never kissed Cori. The tension headache came back. Reece rubbed her temples. She got up and cleared off her desk, sticking the dildo back in her coat pocket. The only reason it had been on the desk in the first place was because that had been the last place she'd used it. An evil grin graced her lips as she thought about that particular time. She'd know my lips anywhere huh? Another wider grin spread on her face.

  * * *

  After shooting the first half of the scene, there was a disagreement over lighting and everyone took a break. The writers were called onto one of the empty sets for an impromptu meeting by one of the producers. The head writer, Jayme, wasn't at all happy with this and voiced her displeasure loudly.

  "There had better be a good reason for this!" She glared at the producer, Charles.

  "Oh yeah, trust me. Is everybody here?" He smiled like a three-year-old with a secret.

  "Good, if I miss one more week of Nikita, someone's gonna get hurt." Jayme added. The scary thing was, she was serious.

  "OK, it seems we have a bit of a problem. Our Judith has a very unusual way of spending her free time."

  All heads snapped in his direction.

  "And..." the head writer prompted with a hand gesture.

  "And... it's a strip joint." he added with a grin.

  Nobody seemed fazed. This was NewYork.

  "A TITTY club.." he clarifed.

  There was a collective "Oh" and Jayme was the first to speak up.

  "Who the hell cares? Maybe a friend works there, her sister... fuck, maybe she owns the joint! Wait a minute, how do you know anyway?".

  Charles ignored the question. "Or, maybe she's queer. Did you think of that? We don't need any extra shit..especially from a newcomer."

  "Of all the homophobic... What shit? She's boffing Jim tonight. It'll air in a few weeks." Jayme, was at the door, ready to leave.

  "What I figured..." Charles suggested "is that we make her the campus floozy. Ya know, a new male interest every few weeks?"

  "This is insane. The girl could have had to take a leak and walked in there for all you know. You guys figure it out."

  Jayme was outta there. "Alright people! Lets get moving! I want to be home by ten!" Campus floozy indeed. I gotta talk to this girl before we lose her. "Um, Faith? Can you come here a sec?"

  * * *

  Not great at apologies, Reece decided to head over to the studio, take Faith out for a ride, maybe even fulfill a little fantasy of hers. When it came to show and tell, Reece was much better at the show part. She grinned. Besides, she could have her little chat with Jim while she was there.

  Thankful for the unseasonably warm weather, she mounted the bike and revved her up loudly. The rumbling echoed through the garage and set off a myriad of car alarms. Even though it meant he'd be scrambling around half the night shutting off alarms, Pepe was amused. She's something else, this Reece. In a way, he wanted to be just like her. He even sat on her bike sometimes. He whistled loudly through his teeth and watched as she drove up the ramp and out of sight.

  Reece drove past The Playhouse. Idling at the light, she turned her head and looked back at the club. No, you're better than that shit, Reece. Still, she felt all the built-up misplaced anger rise. It had been a long time since she let loose. Too long. Her jaw clenched. Maybe if I just rough him up a little? Not one to analyze, she immediately blamed Roy's annoying antics for distracting her, making her angry, and therefore, making Faith afraid of her. That will never do. The bike peeled away from the light in a screeching left turn. He almost made me fuck this up with Faith! Irrationally furious at Roy now, Reece was out for blood. She circled the block and parked on the sidewalk in front of the bouncer, nearly taking off his foot. She lifted her helmet and with a sneer, dared him to say something. He didn't.

  "Wise choice, my man." She patted him condescendingly on his cheek. "Where's my buddy Roy?"

  "Who wants ta know?" He gave her a long leering look, puffed himself up, and then arranged his crotch.

  Reece snorted, restraining herself from strangling the goon with his own thick gold necklace.

  "Charming." She breezed by him towards the door, which he sidestepped in front of.

  "Sorry, no ladies without an escort." he grinned.

  "No worries." Reece flashed an evil grin. "I ain't no lady." And she pushed him aside effortlessly.

  Reece walked in like she owned the place. Many heads turned in hopes that she was the featured dancer tonight. She banged her helmet on the bar and the startled bartender came running.

  "Where's the boss?"

  The bartender glanced at the woman's eyes and nodded recognition. "He's not here," she lied, throwing a warning glance to the waitress.

  "Oh, I see. Thanks for your help" Then she turned to the waitress and flashed a winning smile.

  Yikes! Someone should feed her.

  "Maybe you would know where Mr. Roy is?" Reece narrowed her eyes seductively.

  The waitress nearly swooned. "Oh, I'm Ronnie! He's in his office! " She giggled like a schoolgirl.

  Reece inwardly rolled her eyes. She bent her elbow and linked Ronnie's arm through. "Lead on, my fair lady," and the tall woman bowed gallantly, shooting an evil smile at the bartender.

  "What the hell was that?" asked a customer.

  "Fucking Ronnie...That... is Reece Corbett. Owner of The Lounge and Frankie's former right arm. What she's up to though... never mind. I don't want to know." the bartender shook her head.

  "Fuck she's gorgeous.."

  "Yeah well, she's equally as dangerous. I hope she leaves Roy at least one tooth. He's ugly enough as it is."

  * * *

  Reece thanked Ronnie with another bow and a kiss to her hand. The dancer giggled again, and skittered away. Reece spat just in case. Poor girl.

  The club owner really needed to get this out of her system. She couldn't afford to have Faith see her lose it. She took a moment to allow "The Animal" to surface, and then with one kick, blew the door clear off the hinges.

  Roy hit the deck, nearly pissing himself.

  "Ah, glad you remembered how to greet an old friend." Reece grinned ferally.

  "Fuck of
f." he scrambled to his feet.

  As Reece advanced with menacing slowness, he backed up slightly.

  "You having fun playing games with me Roy? I got no patience for you, or your bullshit." She gestured with her hand, chuckling when he flinched.

  "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I think you should leave." He was proud and thought that came out rather forcefully.

  Reece guffawed.

  Roy fumed.

  "Oh that's rich. You think.. Oh stop, you're killing me."

  Before he saw it coming, her fist was buried deep into his stomach. While he was hunched over, and before his brain had time to register the pain, her knee connected hard with his nose.

  "You know what I think, Roy?"

  Roy retched at her feet.

  Reece squatted down to his level and picked his head up by the hair. "I think you have too much time on your hands."

  The blood poured out of his mouth when he responded.

  "Please, Reece, don't kill me... "

  "Your boredom gave me grief with my woman, it pissed me the hell off. You understand?"

  She shook his head for him. "Atta boy. So, I'm going to give you something to keep you busy, and, consequently, out of my affairs. Comprende?"

  Roy wasn't stupid. He nodded.

  "Thanks, old friend." Wuss.

  He flinched at every crash and bang that echoed through his club. He wept. I thought The Animal was dead?

  Feeling much better and very adrenalized, Reece hopped on her bike and headed towards the set.

  * * *

  Jayme had pulled Faith off to the side. "You know, there's a bit of an uproar about you Faith."

  "What? What did I do?" she nervously shifted her feet.

  "You a dyke?" the head writer asked bluntly.

  Faith's eyes widened. "Uh..."

  Jayme's eyebrow shot up. "Well I guess that answers that question. You should work on that."

  "What does this have to do with anything? Is it Jim?" She felt sick.

  "No, but Charles is having a cow over it. You gotta be more discreet about where you hang out, Faith." She put her arm around the trembling actress' shoulder.


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