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Reece's Faith

Page 12

by T J Vertigo

  Cori started to panic. Reece was a fun drunk, unless someone pissed her off. Then she was a raging drunk, which was a very frightening thought.

  "Acting like what? I asked a simple question, that's all."

  "Why are you so bothered by the bartender? She's a good worker and she's perfectly harmless." Reece defended Christina.

  "How would you know she's harmless? Have you tested that theory?"

  "What's going on, Faith?" Reece sat up straight and cocked her head.

  "Nothing, I was hoping you'd answer that same question." She said with anger.

  "Um, Faith, why don't you let it go for now, huh?" Cori tried to end this argument before some regretful things were said, but nobody paid her any mind.

  "Are you still stuck on thinking that me and the bartender are having a thing?"

  "You said it, I didn't."

  "You're talking crazy. Why would I want her if I have you?" Reece was serious.

  "I don't know. Maybe because you can?"

  Reece stood up and shook her head in disbelief. She could feel the familiar rage bubbling up, her fingers tightened around the bottle. Is she fucking insane?! She swallowed hard, trying to force the reflexive aggression that Faith's accusation triggered.

  "Well Reece? Don't you even have some sort of an answer?"

  The club owner looked to Cori, and shook her head. Please Cori, make her go away. Somewhere amidst the alcohol and the anger was the knowledge that this is Faith. This is the woman I love. Try as she might, she couldn't help the rage from surfacing. The woman I love..and after all I gave her? This is what she does? The adrenaline pumping out of control through Reece's body suddenly wasn't as welcome a feeling as it used to be. The need to lash out wasn't thrilling her as it should. In fact, it was scaring her. Reece realized the violent outburst was imminent and it made her feel sick.

  "Faith, hon, let it go." Cori slid her arm around Faith and glared at her, begging her to stop. The look in those ice blue eyes frightened her. The dancer could see Reece at war with herself, and as much as she'd been intrigued about "The Animal", now was not the time to meet her. The dancer was afraid for her friends.

  "Well, I guess her silence is all I need to know."

  "I thought you knew me." The club owner hissed through gritted teeth. "I thought you noticed that I changed," she threw the beer bottle against the wall. "You know what? Fuck you, Faith! I don't need this crap!" The angry club owner swiped the bottle of wine off the table and stomped out of the house.

  Cori and Faith cringed in preparation for the slam and were surprised when Reece didn't even bother closing the door at all.

  * * *

  Reece stormed out of the house and jumped on her Harley. She had no idea where she was going at first, but her bike must have because she turned onto the highway and headed out of the city.

  * * *

  Faith just sat there staring at the beer as it dribbled down the wall. Cori felt bad for her friend, but couldn't understand why she had acted as she did. She knew Reece would flip out. She knew the tall woman had no patience for confrontation. Especially drunk. She also knew that Faith was aware of these things. It was like she wanted this fight to happen. Didn't she just say how much she trusted Reece in the kitchen?

  Violet went over to the actress and squatted down in front of her, lifting her chin to face her.

  "Wanna tell me what that was all about?" The piercer asked harshly.

  Faith shook her head and fought back tears.

  "Vi?" Cori wanted to know why her girlfriend was being so hard.

  "No, wait, Cor, hear me out. Do you know what we were talking about in here first, Faith?"

  "You're going to tell me anyway aren't you?" The actress sighed in defeat, looking to the ceiling to staunch the flow of tears.

  "I thanked Reece for introducing me to Cori. I told her how much Cori means to me, and how much better my life is because she's in it. Look at me, Faith."

  Faith looked into Violet's eyes and saw sincerity.

  "Do you see the truth in there?" When the actress nodded she continued. "Reece told me the same about you. She told me how much you mean to her. She told me how she trusts that you will always be there, and how hard it must be for you to put up with the likes of her. And how scary it was to let go of her demons."

  "Oh no.." Faith sobbed.

  "She told me how unreasonable and stubborn she is, what a hardass she can be, and still, through it all, you never give up." Violet wiped Faith's face with her sleeve and smiled.

  "But the best part is, that hardass, stubborn, unreasonable woman told me that she'd die without you. Now, you wanna tell me what that was all about?"

  Faith cried her heart out. Cori cried with her. Never did she think that Reece would spill her guts like that to any one. She was proud of her girlfriend for getting Reece to open up like she did. Jesus, just add alcohol...

  "I'm such an asshole. I probably just blew everything!" The actress wept loudly in the arms of her two friends.

  "No, I think you can fix it. But you'll have to let her cool off."

  "I don't think she'll ever forgive me! I love her so much! What the hell is wrong with me?"

  "No, she will forgive you, she's just hurting right now. After how she put you on that pedestal, she has to be smarting pretty bad. Just give her time."

  "Oh god, I really hurt her!" Faith panicked.

  "Shh, babe, it happens, it's normal." Cori comforted her friend.

  "Normal? You're talking about Reece.. " The actress sniffed.

  "You'd be surprised at how deep her feelings go for you, Faith."

  "But she's really upset! She does irrational things..."

  Everyone looked at each other, unable to argue with that statement. "She's going to take it out on someone, somehow..."

  "Oh no... Christina!" Cori and Violet spoke in unison.

  * * *

  Reece downed the last of the wine and threw the empty bottle, the crash barely satisfying her. "And to top it off... she accuses me of fucking the bartender!" She threw her helmet in anger, watching it smack into the neighboring marble cross.

  The tall woman had been there nearly half an hour, pacing, ranting and raving about what happened since the last time she was here.

  "I have never felt like this in my whole goddamned miserable life! I feel like a piece of my chest was ripped out.. like my heart hurts!" She punched herself in the chest as she spoke.

  She walked in circles for several minutes, winding down. Once the rage had silenced, Reece could hear his voice in her head.

  "Siddown or I'm gonna hog tie ya to that ugly freakin' cross over there!"

  "Sorry, Uncle Frankie," her words slurred slightly as she relaxed. Feeling the need to be closer, she squatted over his grave.

  "You know, there's plenty of people who'd kill you to have me in this position. That's if you weren't already dead, you asshole. I miss the shit out of you."

  "Ay, such an ugly mouth on such a pretty face!"

  The club owner smiled briefly and began to feel very drained. She turned around, leaned her back on the stone, and slid down.

  "I know she's just being jealous. I know what jealousy can do. So why did I react the way I did?"

  She stretched her legs and pressed her cheek against the cool marble.

  "I love her, Frankie, I really do. I'm not afraid of it anymore. I trust her... more than anyone in this world. How come she can't trust me?" She closed her eyes and pictured Faith's face. "I gave her everything. I may not know how to tell her how much she means to me, but I sure can show it." She grinned with the memory of hours before and how she had demonstrated her love.

  "And I can honestly say she loves me just as much."

  The tall woman looked sadly off in the distance.

  "I'm no angel, I know why she said those things. So why did I react like that? Jealousy isn't new to me. What is wrong with me? And why haven't I fired that bartender yet if she's making so much trouble with my woman?" She sco
wled and made a mental note to do just that when she got home.

  "I just don't know how to do this. Where did I fuck up?" She yawned, blowing warm breath across Frankie's name, fogging up the stone.

  "Heh, sorry 'bout that, I had a bit to drink."

  She winced after admitting that to him, hearing him in her head loud and clear.

  "You stupid son of a chooch! You wanna get yourself killed?"

  Reece dropped her head down to her chest like a chastised child.

  "You drive that freakin' thing drunk? After you tell me how much you have to live for? Go somewhere and sleep it off, then go home and tell Faith how much you love her."

  "Yes sir." She saluted, then whispered, "I miss you, Uncle Frankie."

  "Me too, Animal."

  * * *

  The three women ran into the Lounge fully expecting a riot of some sort, but there was nothing.

  "Sarge? Is the boss here?" Cori asked, her eyes scanning the place.

  "No, did you lose her or something?"

  "Sort of. Where's Christina?" Faith asked expectantly.

  Sam shrugged. "Beats me. She's not working today. She lost too? Maybe they're in the same place."

  "I sure as hell hope not." Violet said with a glance towards Faith.

  "I'll be right back." The actress started towards Reece's office.

  "Faith, what are you doing?" Cori caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm.

  "I'm going to leave a note in her office. I have to apologize."

  Cori didn't buy that story; the look on her friend's face clearly indicated she was going in there to snoop.

  "Faith, this is ridiculous. Reece would never fuck around on you. Especially with someone here! What has gotten into you? If she finds out you went through her things, she'll be even more angry. Think about that." Cori let go of Faith's arm and let her go on.

  "She's going to take inventory, ain't she?" Violet asked Cori.

  "Unfortunately. I wish I knew why this was upsetting her to this degree. Jealousy is one thing, but Faith is really gone."

  "Love does some strange things, Cori."

  "That it does." The dancer agreed.

  "Where do you think she went if she's not here?" Violet wondered.

  "I don't know. I'm worried about her. I'm kind of upset that she's not."

  "You'd rather she kill Chris?"

  "At least I'd know where she is." Cori frowned. "Reece, in that condition.. I hope that not being here isn't the only thing she does out of character tonight."

  "Yeah, for everybody's sake." The piercer frowned too.

  "Hey ladies, can I interest you in a drink?" Sam tried to lighten the morose mood.

  * * *

  Faith put the key in the door and felt guilty the moment she stepped inside the dark room. It smelled like Reece--leather and cologne. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. After shutting the door, she glanced around the room. Everything looked normal. What was I expecting to find anyway? Panties hanging from the lights? She looked at the lights reflexively. Stop that, this is wrong. Cori is right, Reece would never do that. Grow the fuck up and stop the bullshit.

  The actress locked the door behind her after one final inhale of Reece. She found her two friends seated at the stage waving money as a new girl danced. She chuckled when the dancer put her thong on Cori's head.

  "Hey, who is that? She's good!" Faith shouted over the music.

  "Susan." Cori yelled back and placed the dollar in the naked girl's garter.

  "Doesn't seem that shy to me."

  "Thank god, where's the fun in that?" Violet laughed.

  Cori gave Faith a questioning look and was answered with a reassuring smile.

  "You did the right thing, babe. I'm proud of you."

  "Thanks. But it wasn't easy."

  * * *

  Reece felt something hit her foot and jumped up, ready to strike. She immediately regretted that as every muscle protested the abrupt movement.

  "Did you hear me? Get the hell out of here before I call the cops!"

  The club owner focused her bloodshot eyes on the security guard holding a blackjack over his head.

  "Oh please, you can put that thing down now." Reece twisted her neck every which way until it popped loudly.

  "Go on, get moving. I know all about you cemetery sickos..."

  He was cut off along with his air supply as Reece lifted him off the ground by his throat.

  "You know, I could have shoved that stick so far up your ass by now if I felt so inclined. But as luck would have it, I'm in no mood to hear you scream."

  The guard fell to the dirt and rubbed his neck. He watched the tall woman as she brushed off her butt and shook the stiffness out of her arms.

  "God, I can't believe I fell asleep." she mumbled as she reached for her helmet. She frowned when she noticed the dent and shook her finger accusingly at the cross.

  "You know, you're a real nut, lady..."

  The club owner slapped her hand over the guard's mouth and glared at him.

  "Don't you know when to shut up?"

  The man mumbled behind her hand.

  "Please, I beg of you, don't make me hurt you. I have a screaming hangover." She released the man, who stepped back a few feet watching as this crazy person twisted her back until that too popped.

  "What the hell are you doing here at this time of the morning?" the guard asked from a safe distance.

  Reece shrugged. "I guess I didn't want to sleep alone." she said as she walked away.

  Oh shit, do I hurt! The club owner winced as she straddled the bike. Ok, here goes nothing... She gritted her teeth and brought the beast to life. She felt as if every single internal organ was being jostled as the machine sputtered, rumbled and roared.

  "Oh god.." she moaned as the sound echoed inside her helmet. "I know this is your doing, Frankie, thanks a lot."

  "No problem chooch. You earned it."

  "You I can talk to. Now, how do I explain myself to Faith?" she wondered as she drove off.

  * * *

  Faith woke up from her restless nap and glanced at the clock. "Shit! Reece?" she hollered, jogging up the stairs to the bedroom. "I can't believe I slept so long!"

  "Reece?" she asked again, opening the door to the empty room.

  "Oh God, she never came home!" Faith ran downstairs and flung open the door to the guest room in hopes of finding her lover. Finding no one in that room, the actress walked back to the couch she slept on and cried.

  "She isn't coming back." she sobbed. "She took off on that bike and she's never coming back." The redhead punched the couch.

  "Oh no! She took the bike?" Faith's heart beat frantically. In that condition? What if she had an accident? What is she's laying hurt somewhere? What if she's... It would be all my fault..

  Just then the sweetest sound she'd ever heard broke her out of her morbid thoughts. She ran to the front window in time to see Reece cut the engine and back her bike onto the sidewalk in front of the house. Faith fell to the floor and cried again, but this time they were tears of relief.

  The tall, exhausted woman slowly put her key in the door, afraid of what she'd face on the other side. It's not like I don't deserve it, running away. I'm always fucking running.. Steeling herself and her hideously pounding head for the wrath of Faith, she took a deep breath and turned the doorknob.

  Opening the door slowly, she peeked inside. Upon seeing Faith on the floor she threw open the door and rushed in. Hearing the redhead's hysterical sobbing made Reece's heart leap into her throat--a rather unwelcome feeling with the extent of her hangover. Immediately thinking she was the cause of such pain to her lover, other things leapt to her throat and she barely made it to the bathroom in time.

  Faith was so relieved when Reece entered the house. She was back, a little disheveled, but in one piece. The fright she gave herself earlier made her knees weak and now she couldn't get up off the floor. The actress noticed the horrified expression on her lover's face and was about to ex
plain that she was 'happy crying,' but didn't get the chance as Reece bolted to the guest bathroom to throw up.

  "Oh my god! Sweetheart!" Faith didn't give her numb legs a second thought as she flew after her lover in concern.

  "Go away." Reece moaned pitifully into the toilet.

  "No, baby, open the door, you don't understand.."

  "No, you don't understand, I'm no good for you. Just go away." She groaned and was sick again. "Ooohhh, my fucking head.."

  "Reece Corbett, if you don't open this door right now I'll bust it down!" Faith was adamant.

  The actress heard the toilet flush and the water run as Reece brushed her teeth. She began looking around for something to pick the lock with when the door opened.

  "Are you ok?" she asked her lover's back.

  "Yeah, just wonderful." Reece grunted, spitting out toothpaste.

  Faith put her hand on the club owner's back under her jacket, needing to touch her. She felt a stab of pain in her gut when the woman flinched.

  "Honey, you're all clammy. Let me help you get undressed and into the shower."

  "I meant what I said. I'm a fuckup, you deserve better than me." Reece resisted Faith's effort to undress her and pushed past the smaller woman and out of the room.

  The actress took some time to will herself to stop crying and followed her lover into the kitchen. She's beating herself up, you knew she would. Give her some time. Halfway there, she saw Reece's jacket on the floor. A little further down the hall were her boots, then her shirt, her jeans, then finally her bra draped over a kitchen chair. She smiled as she collected the clothing, knowing that Reece was planning on staying a while.

  She noticed that there was odd-looking dirt on her pants, on the ass and knees specifically. Mud? She checked the other items and found mud on her jacket and boots also. Where the hell was she?

  Reece was leaning her elbows and forehead on the counter waiting for the coffee maker to finish. Poor baby must feel awful. Faith frowned.

  "Must you brew so damned loudly?"


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