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Reece's Faith

Page 61

by T J Vertigo

  "Fuck you, Violet. I am not."

  The piercer chuckled at her discomfort. "I think it's cute, really. You're going to have a hell of a time explaining this to Faith, aren't you? You feel like you're doing something wrong, don't you?"

  "Well, in a way... yeah," the club owner admitted.

  "That's a good answer, Reece. I am very relieved to hear it."

  The tall woman nodded. Yeah, it's not like I'm being unfaithful, I just want to see her piercing. I shouldn't be this fidgety. "Well then, are you going to lift up your skirt or do I crawl under it?"

  "Ha ha... " The piercer lifted her skirt and, to Reece's surprise, she spread her lips.

  "Jesus, Vi! That looks painful!" Reece had to stop herself from touching it.

  "Just don't play with it, Reece. It may only be the hood, but it's still my clit."

  Reece nodded at the instructions. She could only imagine how it would feel. "Wow, I bet you come so quickly with this." The club owner tilted her head to get a better look. "I can't believe you shave the entire thing Vi. If Faith did that, I'd feel like a child molester."

  "That's what Cori said. I just like it better like this. And I do come pretty quickly if you play with it."

  Reece felt like this was a dream or something. She was actually on her knees, in front of her friend, who was holding her sex open for her to examine. She stood up quickly and shook her head. "How weird was that just now?"

  Violet laughed as she pulled on her panties. "I'm so used to whipping it out at work for the potential clit piercings that I'm immune to embarrassment. I have to admit, having you on your knees like that was a great experience. I'll treasure that visual for a long time," she wiggled her eyebrows.

  The club owner narrowed her eyes. "I bet you will," she teased.

  Violet knew Reece felt awkward so she changed the subject. "So, you wanna come with me today? My partner is out today and it will only be me in the shop for a couple hours. I really don't want to be alone."

  "Why didn't you say that in the first place? Let me shower and we'll head out, okay?"

  "Thanks, Reece. I appreciate it."

  * * *

  Faith had a shit-eating smile on her face all day long. John couldn't get her to fess up to the source of her glee, but he was absolutely positive that it had something to do with Spike. He kept bringing up her name just to see Faith's reaction and it confirmed his assumptions. She would arch her back on occasion, like she was afraid of leaning on the chair, she was constantly avoiding any physical contact and he was dying to know why. He figured Reece must have done something memorable to her and she kept reliving it when he brought up her name. As she walked into her trailer, the make-up artist thought of ways to make her talk. "Did you get a tattoo?"

  "What?" Faith sat on the bed and gave him a strange look. She had no idea why John would ask that question.

  "Well, you are protecting a certain part of your body and I was just wondering."

  Faith blushed, "No, I didn't get a tattoo."

  He frowned, not getting the answer he wanted. "Well, are you going to tell me why you're acting so weird?

  John was like a best girlfriend and she felt comfortable talking to him. "I have a few scratches on my back that I'm trying to forget, but with you bringing up Reece all day long, I can't do that," she explained.

  "Spike scratched you? Isn't it the femme who scratches?" he asked with confusion.

  "For someone who hates stereotypes, you certainly said a mouthful."

  "Oh, I did? I just thought..."

  "No, it's okay. I just get tired of that. I look the way I look, so I can't be gay. Reece looks the way she does, so she must always be on top. I just get so frustrated sometimes," the actress threw up her hands in defeat.

  "I hear ya. Something happen?" John sat down next to Faith and rubbed her arm.

  "Yeah, but I think I took care of it."

  John pushed her hair off her forehead. "I'm sure you did. Now that I know you're on top, I have no doubts to your abilities," he grinned. "I'm in awe, even."

  Faith snickered. "I'd be lying if I said that's true. Reece allows me certain liberties, but..." Faith smiled indulgently. "Actually, Reece was plenty in control when she scratched me up like this."

  "Lemme see?" he asked expectantly.

  Faith turned around and lifted her shirt. John gasped, "Spike has some set of claws!" He made cat noises.

  "Honestly, her nails aren't that sharp, but she's strong, and anyone can do damage if they keep going over the same path," she shivered at the memory and she heard John snicker. "Oh, you laugh, Mary. If it were you, you would have fainted after the second run. I barely contained myself."

  "I'm very impressed," he said truthfully as she put her shirt down. "I would faint from the mere idea of her putting her nails on me. You have my respect. Especially since I see that the marks didn't end at your waist line."

  Faith groaned at the memory. "No, they don't."

  "Ew... are you getting horny?"

  "I have been perpetually horny, lately. I think there's something wrong with me," she said with a giggle.

  "Nah, it's normal. Plus, I know you're at that time. You always have a few extra hickeys when that happens," he said with a confident nod.

  "I do?" Faith wondered if this was true. "You know? I think you're right. I do get a little... demanding around this time."

  "Honey, most of my friends are women. You're not alone. Besides, not many women let their partners near them, let alone Hoover all over them like you let Spike."

  "Well, it certainly is a fight, she can be pretty insistent, but this time I'm not letting her near me either. I just don't feel comfortable."

  "Poor Reece," he said with an exaggerated sad expression.

  "Hey, whose side are you on?"

  "With the hormones you're throwing around, I'm on hers," he said with a nod.

  "Thanks a lot," she threw a pillow at him.

  "Hey, no problema. I feel bad for you when you're done. She's gonna show no mercy, you can count on that."

  Faith shuddered at the thought... in a good way. She knew she was torturing her lover, but she couldn't help it. Just remembering Reece begging for mercy this morning was enough to start her heart pounding all over again. Picturing the club owner's naked, sweaty breasts heaving as she gasped for breath was making her stomach clench. She stifled a groan as she recalled Reece's fingers clenching her head painfully tight in an attempt to pry Faith's face from between her legs. "I deserve whatever she's going to give me, John."

  "Just what are you doing to her, Louise?"

  "Whatever I want." The actress thought about how Reece was allowing her to run rampant and how she took complete and total advantage of it. Then she thought of how she left Reece this morning, dead to the world and snoring her head off. The club owner wouldn't let her get away with this unless she had some ulterior motive. "Oh god, I am so in for it," she chuckled.

  "Oh yeah, and I pity you," John snorted.

  * * *

  The phone was ringing as soon as Violet unlocked the door to the studio. Reece finished turning on the lights, so the piercer could answer it. She only heard the one side of the conversation and snickered, knowing immediately who was on the other end.

  "Yes baby, I swear. She's right here. I'm not alone," Violet rolled her eyes. "Fine, here," she held out the phone to the club owner.

  Reece took it and chuckled, "Hey, Freak."

  "I am so glad you're there. Did she tell you about the crazy guys who came in last week and almost trashed the place?"

  Reece's eyes narrowed and she shot a look at Violet, "No, she didn't tell me that."

  "Well, I told her if she couldn't get you to come there, I would stand there with a bat and just bop the guys that looked like trouble."

  "That's good for business, Cori," Reece laughed, knowing full well Cori would do it. "I'm here and I'll stay until the guy comes later, okay?"

  "Thank you, Reece, I owe you," Cori blew kisses into the

  "What was that, Cor? I was scratching my ass with the phone."


  "Freak." Reece held out the phone, "Here, Vi."

  The piercer took the phone and Reece went snooping around the shop. It looked like a dentist's office, with all the mechanical chairs, and it kinda freaked her out. Everything was wrapped in those sterile bags and she winced at all the packages of needles everywhere. When Violet hung up the phone, she stood behind Reece as the tall woman examined a clamp.

  "What's this used for?"

  "You don't want to know. Besides, you'll see more than you bargained for, soon enough."

  "Oh," Reece nodded, not sure if Cori and her bat would have been such a bad idea after all. She wandered into the tattoo section of the shop and was soon engrossed in the more elaborate designs.

  "See something you like, Reece?"

  "I see a lot that I like, but I don't know that I'd want it permanently inked on my skin. Some of this is amazing artwork."

  "It is. I don't know, when I first met you, I assumed you'd have at least one naked lady adorning your body, not to mention a few piercings."

  "I have one," Reece said defensively and wiggled her tongue.

  "How very original for a lesbian."

  "Fuck you, Vi."

  "Yeah, yeah... why don't you get a tattoo?"

  "I always wanted one, but could never decide on what I want," Reece shrugged. "I hear, though, once you get one, you can't stop."

  "That's not entirely true, but I understand that you would have to really be into something to want it on you forever."

  "I once took out my tongue piercing and I missed it so much I had it re-done." Reece didn't know why she offered that information, she just felt comfortable talking about it in this atmosphere.

  "I did the same with my lip. It annoyed me and I took it out, but after a while, I missed having it there."

  The tall woman migrated to the tribal pictures and Reece took an interest in quite a few of them. Violet noted that she kept going back to one in particular and looking at it again. She made a mental note of which one it was and went about preparing her area for her first appointment.

  "Hey, how much does one like this cost?" Reece asked, pointing at the design she'd been favoring.

  "That one is about a hundred or so, but I wouldn't charge you, Reece," Violet smiled.

  The club owner contemplated the tattoo a while longer before walking over to another set of designs. Violet had a feeling that her tall friend was going to leave here with a new addition.

  * * *

  * * *

  The Lounge was even busier than usual and the club owner should have been ecstatic, but she was too distracted to enjoy it. Reece had been sitting at the bar, staring blankly at the TV and nursing the same drink for hours. Amber, the bartender, had tried making conversation when she'd had a free moment and though the blue eyes looked at her, even she knew that the owner wasn't paying much attention. Reece was too busy thinking of the many ways in which to pay back her torturous little lover. She was the reason Reece was in this state and she was going to have to be punished. The club owner's eyes narrowed as she smirked at the thought of getting back at Faith. With an evil little snicker, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back, envisioning her lover in various stages of bliss.

  Cori found the sight amusing and hopped up on the bar in front of Reece. "Hey, boss lady, thinking about Faith?"

  "Mmm, yeah."

  "Must be juicy."

  Reece lifted her head to reply and leaned forward only to find her face in Cori's naked cleavage. She jumped back so quickly that she fell off of her stool and lay sprawled on the floor in a very un-Reece-like manner.

  Cori didn't know what to do. Everyone seemed to be staring at the spectacle and Reece did not look pleased... at all. The dancer wanted to jump down and help her friend off up from the floor, but her legs wouldn't listen to her.

  Amber leaned over the bar and started to laugh. This started a chain reaction and peals of nervous laughter filled the area. Reece still hadn't moved and considering the way her eyes were glowing, it wouldn't have surprised anyone if Cori had burst into flames on the spot.

  Finally finding her legs, Cori hopped down and squatted by her fallen friend. "Uh... sorry?" she stammered, offering her hand.

  Reece was beyond embarrassed. She knew that, if she made a scene, it would only make it worse, so she pushed Cori's hand away and stood up on her own. Glaring dangerously at the onlookers, she casually dusted off her backside and straightened out her jacket. Cori backed away as Reece stood up, fearing the worst. She flinched as the tall woman's arm lifted but breathed in relief as she was only smoothing her hair.

  "You okay, Reece?" she dared to ask. "Oh, just great," the tall woman replied, red faced, as she turned on her heel and strode calmly to her office.

  Confused, Cori shrugged her shoulders and had started towards the stage when a strong hand wrapped around her neck and dragged her backwards. She knew it was too good to be true and just prayed that Reece would get it over with quickly.

  The club owner practically threw Cori into her office and slammed the door. She stood there fuming for a few seconds before she opened her mouth to speak. Cori watched quietly as Reece's mouth shut and she buried her face in her hands.

  Suddenly, the tall woman's shoulders began shaking with laughter. "In all my life, I've never..." she laughed, "never been thrown on my ass by a pair of tits," Reece continued to laugh hard enough to evoke a snort.

  Infinitely relieved and glad to be in one piece, the dancer started laughing too. "So, you're not going to kill me?" she asked between chuckles.

  "I was, but I haven't got the strength," Reece said, still laughing and snorting.

  "Okaaay..." Cori furrowed her brows at the unexpected turn of events.

  Reece snorted again before she controlled herself enough to speak, "I should start billing you as 'The Most Dangerous Tits in New York'." Cori looked down at her chest. "I had no idea that was going to happen. Honestly," she started to giggle again.

  "S'okay. You got me fair and square. I wasn't paying attention," Reece said as she crossed the room and sat in her chair.

  "How unlike you. What's going on with you? Are you having trouble with Faith?" the dancer asked as she sat on the desk, far away from Reece.

  "I wouldn't call it trouble. No, not at all," Reece paused and laced her fingers behind her neck. "She's teaching me a lesson in self-control."

  "S'plain," Cori raised an eyebrow and leaned forward.

  "She has her way with me... and I have to keep my hands to myself."

  "Whooo," Cori shook her head in sympathy, "and you went with this willingly?"

  "I figured I'd give it a shot," the club owner shrugged one shoulder.

  "Wow. I'm totally impressed, Reece." She truly was and her eyes went wide.

  "Yeah, well, it's Faith, ya know?" Reece said quietly. "If not for her..."

  The dancer held her grin to herself. She was very pleased to be hearing this. Straight from the horse's mouth, too. Reece certainly has changed, she thought with a wide smile.

  "Go on, tell me how whipped I am. I'm waiting."

  "I'm not going to say it. There's no need," she winked at her friend. "So, how long has it been?"

  "Two long, hard, exhausting days," the club owner crossed her ankles on the desk.

  "You look no worse for the wear a little pleased with yourself, actually," Cori observed.

  "Believe me. I'm suffering."

  "Oh, poor baby," the dancer replied sarcastically.

  "You would know this... how long is Faith's period, anyway?"

  Cori laughed out loud. "So this is what it's all about?" Good one, Faith! "Three or four days. It depends." Reece nodded. "Is that what's got you so distracted? Thinking up ways to get her back?"

  "You bet your ass. I can't wait to bury my nose so far..."

  "OKAY! Okay... I get the picture," Cori sniggered at the expres
sion of lust on Reece's face. "Hey, want me to play double agent and find out exactly when she's finished?" Cori asked with a gleam in her eye.

  "You aren't gonna sell me out, are you?" Reece asked suspiciously.

  "Oh please, Reece, like she doesn't know what she's in for and, no, I wouldn't do that to you," Cori huffed indignantly.


  * * *

  Faith was waiting up when Reece came home. The club owner silently chuckled as she saw the light on upstairs. She's really gonna be the death of me, she thought with a shake of her head.

  "Oh, sweetheart... I have a surprise for you."

  Reece felt her heart pick up speed at the sound of Faith's teasing voice. She hung up her jacket and called upstairs, "Should I be naked for this surprise?"

  "Clothing is optional," came the sultry response.

  Oooo... yay! Reece grabbed a liter of water out of the fridge. Fluid, plenty of fluid, she chuckled to herself. Bending down to pay attention to the spinning pup, she let her mind conjure up all sorts of scenarios that may be waiting for her upstairs. She's like an animal lately. Heh. An animal. The Animal Junior... Mini-me. Reece started to laugh uncontrollably, causing the dog to get even more excited and jump up and nip at her face. "Hey, not the lips! Auntie Reece needs them! Not to mention Mommy." Mini-me! HA! I kill me! She laughed loud enough for Faith to hear.

  "What the hell are you doing down there that's so funny?" the voice called from upstairs.

  "Just thought of something, baby." Reece willed herself to stop laughing. This could be very bad if she had a laughing fit when she went upstairs.

  "It better not be me."

  "Would I laugh at you?" Reece asked from the bottom of the stairs.

  "Not in this outfit, you wouldn't," was the confident reply.

  Reece tore up those stairs in record time.

  * * *

  Reece turned over in her bed and looked at the clock. It was late in the afternoon. "Well, I suppose I don't really need the gym today," she snickered to herself. The slight whimpering besides the bed prompted her to reach down, scoop up the little dog and plunk him down on her chest. She immediately hissed through her teeth. "Ooo, gotta cut them nails, Little Man." As she stretched, she replayed the events of the night before in her head, absently stroking the puppy who had curled up contentedly in the crook of her shoulder.


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