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Reece's Faith

Page 65

by T J Vertigo

  "You suck so bad! I can't believe how bad you suck!" Reece growled. "At least take my shirt off my head!" She bucked her lower body, trying to dislodge Cori.

  "No fucking way. God, I wish I had a camera." Cori took in the whole picture and snickered, "I wonder if you're ticklish?"

  "Don't you even THINK about it! Fucking freak!"

  "Hey, all I wanted to do was see the tattoo, you were the one who had to tie me up."

  The actress started breathing again, relief washed over her like a Valium and she almost slid to the floor. When she first walked in, she really didn't know what to think. Now that she had some sort of idea, she figured Cori was retaliating and, boy, was she surprised to see how the dancer had bested her lover. A grin spread across her face as she got a really devious idea.

  "Get off me! Cori! This isn't funny!" Reece was dragging the chair back and forth during the struggle and it finally fell over, taking her upper body with it.

  Cori laughed her ass off as the tall woman's shoulders slid off the desk, arching her naked chest to the ceiling. "Oh, yeah, this is priceless. I really wish I had a camera."

  The dancer jumped a foot in the air when she felt the hand cover her mouth. When Faith stepped into her line of vision, Cori paled visibly and her eyes threatened to pop out of her head.

  "You're too quiet, Freak... what are you planning? This is sooo unfair. You just wait until I get up! You are so dead!"

  Faith nodded her chin towards her struggling lover and winked at the dancer, letting her know it was okay. Cori, breathed an audible sigh of relief, so loud that Reece stopped struggling and craned her neck to try and understand what was going on.

  "What was that for?" the club owner asked.

  "Just admiring your tits," the dancer glanced at Faith who covered her mouth and giggled quietly.

  "Cori, don't play like that. Let me up," Reece said with discomfort in her voice.

  "Do you know what I can do with you in this position, Reece? God, the possibilities are endless."

  Faith snuck over towards Reece's chest and leaned over her lover.

  Reece's whole body flinched when she thought that Cori was breathing that closely to her breasts.

  "Okay, Cor, that's enough," she started dragging the fallen chair around in an effort to get up.

  "Yeah? Then why are your nipples getting hard? Hmm?"

  Reece gulped, "Hey, it's only normal that they would, I mean..."

  Faith bit her lip at her lover's babbling.

  "Yeah... yeah. You know, I dream about you sometimes, Reece, mmmm, yeah," Cori squirmed on top of the tall woman or emphasis and Reece stiffened her body. "You won't tell if I have a little fun, will you?" Cori winked at Faith who rolled her eyes at the dramatics.

  "Uh, come on, Cor, I'm getting uncomfortable. All the blood is rushing to my head."

  Faith breathed on an exposed nipple and Reece tried to back away unsuccessfully.

  "Fuck, Cori! That's enough!" Reece's body acted on it's own accord and her nipple got even harder.

  "Ooo, yeah, look at that..." Cori bit her lips so she wouldn't laugh.

  Faith opened her mouth and the dancer almost died. She had no idea what Reece would do if she thought that she was licking her tit. She prepared to for the worst, gripping Reece's arm like a vice. The actress flattened her tongue and bathed her lover's nipple, Reece gasped and continued to struggle. Faith bit the nipple and the club owner went wild.

  "What the fuck?" Reece bucked violently trying to get Cori off. "Are you demented?" she asked in a near hysterical tone, thrashing around on her back like crazy.

  Faith reached up and ripped the shirt off her lover's head, grinning like a maniac.

  "Faith? Oh shit... you have no idea..." Reece let her head fall back over the side of the desk and tried to calm her heartbeat.

  Cori got up off of Reece and stood with a shit-eating smile. The two women high-fived each other and waited until the tall woman gathered herself together.

  "Would someone mind untying me?" Reece asked meekly. "I see spots before my eyes."

  Faith volunteered, but when her lover sat up and pulled her shirt back down, she had to laugh, "How the hell did Cori get you in that position?"

  "She ambushed me," Reece said with a small embarrassed blush.

  "You had it coming," Cori stuck her tongue out. "Now can I see that tattoo?

  "No fucking way am I pulling my shirt over my face again with the both of you in the room. Uh uh," Reece gripped the hem of her shirt tightly.

  Faith laughed. "It's okay, baby, we'll behave," she and Cori winked at each other.

  Reece narrowed her eyes. "You have no idea what I went through just now. I thought that Cori was... well... you guys suck."

  "Oh, my god! Is that a pout?" the dancer pretended to be shocked.

  "Cute, huh?" Faith wrinkled her nose.

  "Fuck you both," Reece pouted harder.

  Faith went over and pouted back at her lover, looking as pathetic as she could, sniffling and everything.

  "The only way I'll forgive you is if you finish what you started," Reece poked Faith in the forehead. "You, on the other hand," she shot a look at Cori, "are not ever forgiven."

  "You're just pissed 'cuz I got you," Cori gloated. "But seriously, Reece, you need to put stuff on that tat."

  "You promise not to move?" Cori crossed her heart. "Alright then." The club owner gave the dancer a final glare then quickly pulled the shirt over her head.

  "I'll cover your tits, baby," Faith said as she palmed both Reece's breasts.

  "Gee, thanks," the tall woman gulped and beckoned the dancer over to see.

  "That's awesome, Reece! Wow!" she studied it for a minute and watched as the tall woman spread the ointment on. "So, that in the middle means 'faith'?

  The actress stood taller and smiled proudly. "Yep," she answered for her lover.

  "That's so cool. I'm totally tingly over this whole thing," Cori smiled warmly.

  "You sure it wasn't my tits?" Reece teased, leaning into Faith's hands.

  "Oh, yeah, that was it," the dancer rolled her eyes.

  "Speaking of her tits..." Faith gestured to the doorway with her chin. "I got something to finish."

  "Roger that." Cori marched out of the office and closed the door behind her. She opened it again to tell them to lock it and found that Faith was already attached to Reece's breast, the club owner's head thrown back. I don't think their honeymoon will ever be over, she mused to herself as she closed the door again.

  * * *

  Reece slipped quietly out of bed and gently kissed her lover on the cheek. She was so relieved to see Faith still in bed with her that she almost jumped up and down. Summer was approaching and, with it, the final weeks of filming for Faith. The atmosphere in the Corbett-Ashford household was tense, for more than one reason. If Faith wasn't on the set, she was running to a studio to do dialogue replacement. Reece felt like she saw her lover less and less every day. This sucked for the club owner, since she'd just recently began to feel comfortable in their shared daily routines. Now, with this going on, they hardly had time to talk to each other face to face and wound up having most of their conversations via cell phone. Faith was stressed out and she was very nervous about her first movie. Reece would be happy when all of this was over and she had her girlfriend back home where she belonged. The tall woman would never admit it to anyone, but she couldn't remember how she lived in this house before Faith.

  To make Reece's nerves even more frazzled, Smudge had just reached his six-month mark and that meant a trip to the vet today, one that made her less than thrilled. The pup's embarrassing behavior had increased and he was indiscriminate about whom he humped, sometimes leaving Reece slightly red faced and apologetic while she took him for his daily walks. Although she understood why she had to neuter her dog, she still felt bad about doing it. At least Faith was going to be home today and they'd both be there with Smudge. Just thinking about spending some time together with her lover mad
e Reece smile and her mood brighten.

  The small dog bounded into the kitchen and skidded to a stop at Reece's feet. He looked at the spot where his food was supposed to be and then back at his auntie with his head cocked to the side. "Sorry, little man, no breakfast for you, today's the big day," Reece sighed as she watched her coffee drip.

  Smudge didn't approve of this and he began to yap, attacking Reece's bare ankle.

  "Ow! Quit it!" The tall woman squatted down and picked up the dog, glaring at him. "You'll wake Mommy!" He only squirmed around and tried to chew on her fingers. "Okay, I know you want your food. Later, buddy, when we come home."

  Still not satisfied, but hearing the sad tone of his auntie's voice, Smudge relented and sat still in the strong hands.

  "You see, your mommy -- not me, mind you -- made an appointment for you at the doctor's today. He's gonna give you happy drugs and you'll do sleepies. When you wake up, you'll be a whole new dog."

  Smudge didn't know what to make of the whole thing, but he loved his tall human, so he allowed her to kiss his nose and put him on the floor. He sat there obediently at her feet looking up at her, waiting for his food. When it didn't come, he slinked dejectedly into the living room.

  Reece sighed into her cup of coffee and sat at the table. "He hates me," she muttered to herself.

  Faith finished brushing her teeth and flopped back into bed. She rolled onto her stomach and stretched loudly, knowing that when Reece heard her she'd be up the stairs in seconds. The actress was so happy to be home and to have this whole day with her lover. She snickered a bit when Smudge raced into the room first, hopping madly by the side of the bed. She reached over and grabbed him, plopped him down on the fluffy comforter and waited for Reece. Faith smiled widely when Reece appeared in the doorway with a cup of coffee for each of them.

  "Morning, sexy," Faith leaned over and kissed Reece as she settled down on the bed.

  "I missed you," the tall woman pouted.

  "I know, honey. It's only a few more weeks. Then I'll be all yours again."

  Reece thought for a moment, drinking her coffee. "We're going on a vacation when you're finished. Just you and me."

  Faith perked up. "Oh yeah? Where are we going?" she asked excitedly.

  "Someplace far. Preferably a beach."

  Faith took Reece's coffee and put it on the nightstand with her own, then jumped on top of her, pushing her onto the bed with a big hug. "I love you."

  "Mmmm. I love this," Reece smiled.

  "I'm so sorry, baby. I miss you terribly, too," the actress showered Reece with tiny kisses.

  "It's not your fault, movie star," Reece teased.

  "Hey, that's not fair," Faith slapped her playfully.

  Reece chuckled, enjoying the feel of Faith in her arms, awake.

  The actress kissed her lover on the lips before sitting up. "Baby? As much as I hate to break this moment, I have to get dressed. We have a date with the vet."

  "Ugh. Don't remind me." The tall woman picked up the pup and hugged him to her chest as she watched Faith go to the closet.

  * * *

  Faith sighed and put her hand on Reece's bouncing leg to still it. After dropping Smudge off at the vet's, they went out for breakfast and then did a little shopping to ease Faith's nerves. This, of course, did nothing to calm Reece's agitation; it only made her more edgy. They'd been back at the vet's office for almost a half hour and, in that small period of time, Reece menaced the poor receptionist a total of three times. Faith rolled her eyes as her lover stood abruptly to pace the small waiting area. She shot the poor receptionist a sympathetic smile as she flinched when the tall woman shot out of the seat.

  "Reece, he's fine. It's a minor procedure. They just want to watch him while he wakes up from the anesthesia." Faith gestured for her lover to come back and sit.

  "They cut off his balls, Faith. You call that minor?"

  Now the receptionist gave Faith a sympathetic smile. She'd had much practice explaining this sort of thing to worried "parents".

  Faith sighed again and closed the magazine she was reading. She was about to give Reece an annoyed glare when the doctor came into the waiting area carrying a very sleepy Smudge.

  "It's about time!" Reece held her hands out to hold the dog who attempted to wiggle his way towards her even in his semi-drugged state.

  The doctor placed the pup in Reece's hands and raised an eyebrow when the first thing she did was lift his tail to inspect. "Okay, so he's going to be sleepy for a while, don't let him bite at his boo boo..."

  Reece tuned him out and walked outside of the office cradling her pup. Faith would get all the instructions. Right now, she needed some air. Seeing her baby with his tongue hanging out made her queasy. "How are you, little man?" She whispered to the dopey pup. He whimpered pathetically and tried to burrow under her arm. "I know, baby," she soothed and arranged him in his favorite position in the crook of her elbow. She narrowed her eyes at the door at the same moment that Faith exited the office.

  "So, how is he?" the actress asked expectantly, hurrying over to touch the pup.

  "I guess he's okay. He was crying, though; it probably hurts," she looked down at Smudge, now sleeping comfortable against her body. "That's right, you sleep."

  The two women walked slowly through the village, Faith holding Reece's elbow, steering her most of the time as she didn't take her eyes off of Smudge. Faith expected Reece to be overprotective, but she didn't expect her to be so tender. She had no idea from where the tall woman drew this. She smiled at her lover's behavior and allowed her to dote on the dog for as long as she wanted. It was fascinating to watch Reece grow emotionally; Faith wasn't going to interrupt.

  * * *

  Knowing Faith probably needed reinforcements, Cori and Violet showed up a few minutes after they arrived home with Smudge. Cori was amazed at how Reece interacted with the small dog, but she didn't make a big deal out of it; she didn't want to embarrass Reece. She took in the sight of the tall woman laying on her stomach, stretched out on the floor next to Smudge's bed. The club owner was wearing a tank top and jeans, her ass looked different than the last time he saw her in those same jeans. She noticed that Reece seemed to have grown more muscle in the last month, her arms and legs more cut and defined, too. Her tattoo now adorned her bicep like a trophy and Reece seemed eager to show it off to the world, wearing a lot more sleeveless shirts lately. Cori glanced over at Faith and received a raised eyebrow, questioning her pensive expression. The dancer decided to ask her question out loud. "Hey, boss lady, have you been spending more time at the gym?"

  "Yeah, why?" Reece rolled over and sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees.

  "It shows. You look good."

  "That's the understatement of the year," Faith snorted. "She's divine. She's a goddess... and she's all mine."

  "Oh, brother," Violet chuckled.

  "Pipe down, Freaklett," Reece growled.

  "Do you have a new workout or something? I haven't seen you look this good in a long time." Cori commented.

  "Yeah, something like that." It's called, 'Faith's never home and I hate it here without her.'

  "Well your tattoo looks great on that beautiful bicep," Violet mentioned.

  Faith eyed her lover's arm as she lifted it up and flexed. "Oh, baby, bring that here," she licked her lips dramatically.

  "Oh, please! Do you guys ever stop?" Cori rolled her eyes.

  "Hey, we hardly see each other any more. It's more like, do we ever have the time to start?" Reece said with a tinge of frustration in her voice.

  "I'm sorry, sweetie, come here," Faith patted the couch next to her.

  Reece sat down and immediately wrapped her arm around Faith's shoulder. The actress smiled contentedly as she leaned into the warm body.

  "Aww, that's a perfect picture, guys," Violet grinned at the couple.

  Faith lifted her hand and traced Reece's tattoo with her index finger. "I have this urge to lick it," she said with a chuckle.
r />   Reece raised an eyebrow and wiggled it. "Ooo, baby. Save that for later," she purred.

  Faith shivered as she always did when Reece spoke in that tone of voice.

  "Licking tattoos," Cori sniffled. "Our little Faith is all grown up," she dabbed at invisible tears.

  "Ha ha," Faith replied dryly, running all of her fingers up and down Reece's arm.

  Blue eyes lowered and Reece watched Faith's fingers and the wake of goosebumps they left behind. "That feels good," she muttered.

  "Uh oh, that may be our cue, baby," Violet teased.

  Cori laughed as her tall friend closed her eyes completely. "Definitely our cue. Later guys."

  Faith had already climbed onto Reece's lap and was running both hands up and down both Reece's arms when the door closed. The actress had quickly gotten lost in the feel of her lover and vise versa.

  Reece let her head fall back and she hummed in pleasure as Faith's fingers began to tickle her belly, her whole body breaking out in goosebumps now.

  Faith traced every muscle in Reece's torso, loving every inch of her newly sculpted body with her fingertips. She pulled the tank top off of Reece's body and smiled indulgently at what was presented to her. "God, you're beautiful," she whispered as her hands started their journey all over again.

  Reece groaned. "Wanna take this upstairs?"

  "No. I don't want to make love. I just want to touch you. Is that okay?"

  "Perfect. What ever you want."

  * * *

  Reece reclined in the hot tub with Faith nestled between her legs. The club owner had her knees bent and Faith's back was snuggled up to her front. The actress's arms draped loosely over Reece's thighs, the back of her head resting on a strong shoulder. Reece sighed contentedly, loosened her arms around Faith's middle and let the warm water relax every muscle. Her thumb traced slow patterns on her lover's belly as the constant sound of the motor that worked the water jets lulled her.

  Faith's earlier exploration started innocently enough, she seemed to want to memorize every inch of Reece's body with her fingertips. The strong, tall woman thought she could withstand the touches, allow Faith the opportunity to learn what she wanted, but, in the end, her body was thrumming with energy, charged and ready. It wasnt so much arousal, although that was definitely in the mix, more like a crackling, an electric current traveling through her veins. Reece wanted to retaliate, but Faith felt the intensity radiate out of those blue eyes and she wasn't prepared to let that kind of raw power loose on her already stressed body. Reece was surprised when she was marched into the bathroom, but she was hard pressed to find a reason to complain now.


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