A Night With Consequences

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A Night With Consequences Page 2

by Margaret Mayo

  ‘I am not unhappy doing what I do. Since my father died she has no one—why shouldn’t I spend my time with her?’ Her voice rose defensively without her even realising it.

  ‘I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t, but you should try and maintain a balance too. You’re like me, an only child, so at least we have something in common. What was your childhood like? Did you have lots of friends when you were younger or have you always been a stay-at-home girl?’

  ‘Pretty much,’ she admitted.

  ‘Did you have a happy childhood? What was your father like?’

  ‘Why all the questions?’ she asked, her voice unconsciously sharp. He had touched a raw spot. There was no way in this world that she was going to tell him what a rotten father she had had, and that even now he was dead he had left them with a whole host of new problems. ‘I thought we were supposed to be going over the conference notes?’ She inched away from him, curling herself into the corner, unconsciously using the defensive posture she had always adopted when her father threatened her.

  Blake’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. ‘You’re right. It should be business.’ But he could not help wondering why Kara was so averse to talking about herself—or her father. Perhaps she had loved him so much that she found the loss still painful? The way she had turned in on herself when he mentioned him suggested that.

  He had no idea how long it had been since her father’s death, but could not remember her asking for time off to attend his funeral so it must have been before she’d started working for him.

  A pity she did not want to talk. He would have enjoyed finding out more about her. She intrigued him. Overnight she had practically turned from an ugly duckling into a swan, knocking him for six in her tight-fitting jeans and hot pink sweater. He had not wanted to take his eyes off her. Unless the dark suits were her office uniform and outside of work she always dressed like this! It would be interesting to see what she had brought with her for the conference.

  He opened his laptop, staring at the screen without truly seeing it. All he could see was Kara. The intriguingly, surprisingly beautiful Kara. He could not understand why she kept her raw beauty hidden. She had truly fine features—her nose with a delightful little curve at the tip, amazing blue eyes, and a cupid’s bow of infinitely kissable lips. They all begged to be explored.

  Kara was glad that Blake had stopped asking questions. She had begun to feel suffocated—or was the rapid beat of her heart caused by a surprising and unwarranted attraction towards him? Her father had banned her from having boyfriends, and even after his death she had never found the time or the inclination. So this was the first occasion she had ever been close to a man who had shown an interest in her, and she found it a scary experience.

  When finally Blake began concentrating on the screen in front of him Kara allowed her head to drop back and closed her eyes. But it was not easy ignoring him—not when his cologne teased her nostrils, not when she knew his leg was mere inches away from hers, not when she sensed that sometimes his eyes were on her instead of his computer.

  Quite how she managed it Kara did not know, but somehow she fell asleep. She was woken by Blake’s light touch on her shoulder as he told her that they were about to land and she needed to put on her seat belt.

  Embarrassed now, she moved to her original seat and sat rigidly upright. Blake on the other hand was totally relaxed, a smile turning up the corners of his lips. Had he watched her while she slept? Kara went hot at the thought. Had her mouth fallen open? Had she looked stupid? ‘I’m sorry I fell asleep on you,’ she said quietly.

  ‘And very beautifully too. It was quite something, having you resting your head on my shoulder. My usually prim and proper PA behaving like a real woman for once.’

  Alarm raced through Kara. Her head on his shoulder! Was that what she had done? Her heart went wild, leaping within chest as though it was trying to escape. ‘I really am sorry.’

  ‘No need to apologise,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘It was my pleasure.’

  His pleasure! Another source of heat seared the surface of her skin. This was too embarrassing by far. ‘It was very rude of me.’ She sat up even straighter. ‘I didn’t sleep very well last night. That must be why.’

  ‘Was it the thought of joining me today that kept you awake?’ His grey eyes met and held hers and Kara shivered. There was something in the tone of his voice that alarmed her.

  It was wrong to judge all men by her father—but her mother had told her to be careful, that men were not always what they seemed. And all she knew about Blake was that his affairs were legend. There was no way on this earth that she wanted to become another statistic.

  But how to answer his question? ‘It was the thought of what lay ahead,’ she said, which in itself was not an outright lie. ‘I’ve never been to Italy.’

  ‘Then I will enjoy improving your education, showing you places that you have only read about or perhaps seen on the television.’

  ‘Mr Benedict.’ Kara put on her most professional demeanour. ‘I am sure we will not have time for sightseeing. You have a very full schedule.’

  His slow smile said it all. ‘There is always time for enjoyment, Kara.’


  IT SEEMED like no time at all before they were being driven to their hotel, and because Kara had booked the rooms and seen photographs of it she knew what to expect. Except that the grandeur of the building actually took her breath away. The architecture was stunning. But what stopped her breathing altogether was the discovery that her room was right next door to Blake’s.

  And it was clearly actually part of his suite, because it had an adjoining door. Fortunately locked, but that did not make her any happier, nor ease her alarm. Had he asked for her to be put here?

  There was only one way to find out. She walked the few yards along the corridor and tapped on his door, entering at the sound of his voice. ‘Why have I been roomed next to you?’ she asked bluntly, without even waiting for him to ask what she wanted.

  ‘Does it bother you?’ Blake did not look in the least concerned. He did not even look surprised—which told her that he must have been expecting a reaction.

  ‘Actually, yes, it does,’ she retorted.

  ‘For what reason?’ Grey eyes captured blue.

  ‘Because—well—’ She lifted her chin a fraction higher, realising that she actually didn’t have a particularly good reason. ‘Because it doesn’t feel right. I should be with the others. It’s as though you’re giving me some exalted presence.’

  Dark brows rose and he folded his arms across his magnificent chest. He had taken off his jacket and undone the top buttons of his shirt, revealing a scattering of springy dark hairs against darkly tanned skin.

  Kara had only ever seen him in a collar and tie. She had never seen the flesh and blood man beneath. Although it shouldn’t have affected her, it did. He suddenly looked less daunting and more human. And—she hated to admit it—sexy.

  ‘For your information, I was thinking of practicalities.’

  Kara hardly heard what he was saying. She was still staring at his chest, which was quite magnificently muscled. Did he work out somewhere? A private gym, perhaps? Or did he have his own gym? She realised she actually knew nothing about Blake; she had never been interested. But now all sorts of questions sprang into her mind. She was seeing the man now, and not her employer, and could not ignore the way her pulse raced that little bit faster.

  ‘It makes perfect sense,’ he said now. ‘You are my right-hand woman. You are the trigger to this whole conference running smoothly. There are sure to be things we need to talk about. I need you close to me.’

  He needed her close to him! They were the only words that penetrated through the haze that fogged her brain. Close to him!

  Then she blinked and everything snapped back into place. ‘I do not agree, Mr Benedict. There is no need for us to—’

  Her words were abruptly cut off. ‘Miss Redman—Kara—it is too late to
change now. The hotel is full.’ His expression suggested that she was making a mountain out of a molehill. ‘But if it will make you feel any better I promise not to intrude on your privacy.’

  Kara felt hot colour flood her cheeks. Was that really what he thought she had been thinking? She somehow managed a glare before turning around and marching back to her room. After her initial concerns she had been excited at the thought of coming here, of hopefully seeing something of Milan, but now new fears began to build. What had happened to the barrier she had supposedly erected? One look at a V of exposed chest and she had gone to pieces. How stupid was that? She was behaving like a teenager instead of a twenty-six-year-old woman.

  Unfortunately she would now see Blake Benedict in a completely different light, and it could spoil the whole conference—unless she took herself in hand. Even with his shirt buttoned up and a tie in place, his jacket over his magnificent chest, she would still remember what she had seen. It would still haunt her thoughts and she would hunger to see it again, perhaps to even touch! Oh, God, this was crazy. She was turning into someone she did not recognise.

  She needed to be careful. Blake’s attitude towards her had changed as well. She knew that. He had never really taken the time to get to know her before. She had been a faceless woman who quietly and efficiently kept his office running. But something had happened on the flight over. He had taken a second look, and a third, and seen a changed person. And if her instincts were anything to go by he was taking a very real interest in her now.

  On the other hand maybe she was making a mountain out of a molehill. Maybe she was seeing things that were not there. Embarrassment coloured her cheeks again, made her wish that she had not gone to his room. The time to confront him would have been if he had stepped over the mark. It was going to be sheer hell facing him now. It would take all of her courage to keep her chin high and pretend that nothing was wrong.

  After unpacking she stepped under the shower. They would soon be attending a pre-conference dinner, where everyone could get to know each other. A supposedly relaxing evening before the work really started. The trouble was that she could not get over her unease that Blake Benedict was on the other side of that door.

  Was he showering too? Was he standing there naked? Was all that fabulous flesh exposed? All hell let loose inside her body. Despite the fact that she kept telling herself everything was in her imagination she could not shut him out of her mind.

  Which was ridiculous when she thought about it. She had worked with this guy for nearly twelve months and not felt even a second’s interest in him—so why was it happening now? Was it because, for the first time, she was seeing him as a human being instead of a man driven by work? Or was it the reverse? Was it because he appeared to be taking an interest in her?

  Was that it? Was she falling under his influence? Was it because he was the first man ever to take an interest in her? Please, God, don’t let me be so weak as to fall for him, she prayed. Please don’t let me be like all the rest.

  When it was time to get dressed she was undecided whether to wear one of her work suits or a black dress that she had once bought for a New Year’s Eve party she had never actually gone to. It had been only a few months after her father had died and she had felt uncomfortable about leaving her mother. But was the dress too dressy for tonight? Should she save it for the last evening?

  As she wasn’t used to going out like this she was still debating when a sharp rap came on her door. ‘Kara, are you ready?’

  Kara groaned inwardly. ‘Almost! I’ll be down shortly.’

  ‘I’ll wait for you.’

  Mild panic skittered; goosebumps rose on her skin. ‘There’s really no need. I can find my own way down.’

  ‘I want you with me.’

  It was a command, and Kara knew he would not go away. But she was not going to let him in—not when she was standing in her bra and panties. Embarrassing heat attacked her at the mere thought.

  Hastily now, because it was the quickest and easiest, she pulled on the dress. She had already fixed her makeup, but there was no time to do anything with her hair other than a swift flick of the brush.

  She opened the door just as his hand was raised to bang on it again. It stayed where it was. He simply stood there looking at her. God, she must look awful. ‘Is there something wrong?’ She ought to have taken another look in the mirror. ‘Am I overdressed? Should I change? I didn’t really know what to wear.’

  ‘You look—stunning. Absolutely stunning.’

  Blake could not take his eyes off her. The dress fitted her body like a glove—as though she had been poured into it. And what a figure she had! A perfect hourglass! Never before had he seen her dressed like this. Nor had he realised how thick and luxuriant her hair was, or that it was reddish-brown with copper highlights. Wearing it loose made her look sensational. It brushed her shoulders and swung like a silken curtain when she moved.

  Why she usually hid herself beneath shapeless clothes he had no idea. Unless it was simply that she thought tailored suits were the correct uniform for work. Which, he suddenly decided, was OK by him.

  Otherwise, if she flaunted her fabulous figure as some of the girls in the office did, she would have all the male members of staff drooling over her. And he did not want that. He surprised himself by suddenly feeling very protective towards his PA.

  After his welcoming speech to the other delegates he introduced her. ‘Gentlemen, may I present to you Kara Redman, my PA? The most competent assistant any man could wish for. She will be at your disposal during the next few days—for work-related reasons only. Anything personal you keep to yourself.’

  His last words created the expected laughter but Kara felt embarrassed. She had not dreamed for one moment that he would introduce her so publicly, and for him to say that…Her cheeks burned and she felt on fire.

  When the food was served and everyone’s attention was taken she looked at him and said quietly, ‘Did you have to make a joke of me?’

  Blake’s brows rose questioningly. ‘It wasn’t a joke. It was for your own protection. I’ve already seen one or two of the men here eyeing you up.’

  ‘And you think I cannot look after myself?’ She was totally embarrassed. Admittedly she’d never had to fight men off, but he didn’t know that.

  ‘My apologies,’ he said drily.

  Despite her initial concerns Kara enjoyed the evening far more than she had expected. She enjoyed meeting the people she had been in touch with, putting faces to names, and all seemed to be going well—until after their meal, when everyone mingled and one of the guys from New York suggested to her that she was more to Blake Benedict than his PA.

  ‘What makes you say that?’ How could he even think it, yet alone put it into words? Was everyone else thinking the same? Was that why they thought he had made that hands-off statement about her earlier?

  ‘I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s like a guard dog on patrol. I just wanted to see if I stood a chance. You are a stunning woman. Any man would give his right arm to go out with you. Blake’s a lucky a so-and-so if he’s already got you.’

  ‘No one has got me,’ she retorted, flashing her blue eyes. ‘Blake Benedict is my boss and that’s all there is to it.’

  ‘Is that so?’ he asked with a slow smile, and he moved closer—so close that Kara could feel his breath on her cheek.

  She took a step back and felt herself cannon into a rock-hard chest.

  ‘Is everything all right here?’

  Blake’s voice sounded in her ear and she felt his hand on her waist. The next moment both arms came around her and she was held prisoner against him. Her first instinct was to pull away—but, knowing it would make a fool of him when he was trying to save her from this man’s advances, she made herself relax.

  Amazingly, her world shifted. She was aware of nothing except the hard strength of his body, the soft thud of his heart against her back—and the pounding of her pulse. These were new and unexpected fe
elings, and except for the time on the plane she had never been this close to a man. She had certainly never felt her heart flutter because of a man’s touch! This was not her employer any more. This was Blake, the man.

  For a few mind-blowing seconds they were the only two people in the room. Her heart began its own roller-coaster and her mouth grew dry. She could not speak even if she wanted to, so it was a relief when the other man backed away.

  Once he had gone Kara struggled to free herself, feeling mortified now by her reaction to Blake, unable to understand what had come over her. Thank goodness he had no idea that she had been turned on by him. It would be so embarrassing if he knew—if he even suspected it. She put on her most indignant face. ‘I am capable of looking after myself.’

  ‘I’ve no doubt,’ he answered calmly, a tiny smile turning up the corners of his mouth, ‘but Miles can be very persuasive. He also has a wife at home. I should have warned you that on occasions like this a lot of the guys seem to forget they have other commitments, like wives and families.’

  Kara began to realise how little she really knew about men and life. All thanks to her father! But she would learn, and she would learn quickly.

  ‘I’ve seen the way some of them are already looking at you,’ he continued. ‘And why should they not? You are incredibly beautiful.’

  Kara could not stop a flush of hot blood. No one had ever called her beautiful before. And for it to be her boss! ‘It’s kind of you to say so,’ she said primly, at the same time wishing that she had gone with her first instincts and worn a boring suit. None of this would have happened then. No one would have looked at her twice. ‘But, like I said, I don’t need a bodyguard.’

  ‘That may be the case,’ he admitted, ‘but surely you’re not going to take away my credit for doing the gallant knight thing?’

  Kara laughed. The first time she had really felt comfortable with him. ‘For which I thank you. But shouldn’t you be mingling with your colleagues, not worrying about me?’ She did her best to sound prim again, though was aware that she failed dismally.


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