A Night With Consequences

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A Night With Consequences Page 3

by Margaret Mayo

  ‘But I do worry, since this is your first conference. I feel obliged to look after you. And I will only mingle, as you so delightfully put it, if you accompany me.’

  He looked at her with such determination that Kara did not dare refuse. She was conscious, though, as they stopped and talked to each individual in turn, that he was reinforcing the impression that she belonged to him. His hand was on her elbow often as he guided her around the room, and her worst fear was that they would leave together at the end of the evening. And that maybe he would insist on her joining him in his room for a nightcap.

  Her heart beat unreasonably fast at the mere thought of it, and the tales she’d heard about his other PAs would not go away. Not that he’d given her any reason for alarm, but even so …

  When he was called away for a moment, Kara saw her opportunity and almost ran up the stairs in her haste to escape, closing the door to her room and leaning back against it as though at any moment it would burst open and Blake Benedict would walk in.

  It was not until her breathing returned to normal that she realised how stupidly she was behaving. Blake had not said or done anything to make her believe she was in danger, so why was she panicking? Her problem was that she did not know how to handle men. She had never had a boyfriend. She had never even dated. Not one single date. How pathetic was that, at her age?

  She got ready for bed and crawled into it but was unable to sleep. Her mind was far too active. Too much was going on in it for her to relax. That Miles man, for instance, and Blake’s intervention! She was grateful, but she also felt extremely foolish. He must think her a real ingénue.

  Finally she heard Blake’s door open and close, followed by the murmur of his voice. At first she thought he had someone with him, but then realised he was on the telephone. Even when there was silence she still did not settle down.

  Her fertile imagination saw him undressing, and she couldn’t stop herself visualising the hard, strong lines of his body. She even imagined threading her fingers through those dark chest hairs. How would it feel? Would they be soft and springy? Or quite firm? Would the heat of his body transfer itself to her fingers? Would he capture her hand and hold it against his beating heart?

  She had absolutely no idea. But she did know that something was happening to her own body just by thinking about it. And if she carried on like this she would get no sleep tonight.

  But how to stop her thoughts? These were new feelings. Her body felt vibrantly alive and she could not help wishing that he would unlock the door and tiptoe into her room and slide into bed beside her.

  What she would do if he actually did she had no idea. Probably scream at him to go away. Ask him what the hell he thought he was doing. But her body warred with her mind. For the first time ever in her life it burned with excitement.

  How she managed to sleep Kara was not sure, but somehow she did. She slept well, and was woken only by her alarm. Feeling self-conscious now about the attention that had been paid to her yesterday, she slipped on a white blouse that fastened right up to the neck and one of her dark suits. Then, as there was still plenty of time before breakfast, she went down to the conference room and put out the notes that would be needed during the day.

  She did not hear Blake enter, and gave a tiny cry of alarm when she turned to leave and cannoned right into him.

  ‘Steady, Kara.’ And although it wasn’t necessary his arms came around her.

  Immediately the tantalising smell of his cologne stung her nostrils and the crazy sensations from last night came rushing back, threading their way from her throat right down to her stomach. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said huskily, at the same time pulling away from him. ‘I didn’t know you were here.’

  ‘Are you afraid of me?’ he asked, a frown pulling his brows together.

  ‘Of course not.’ Her reply was instant and fierce, and she looked him straight in the eye. But whether he believed her was another thing. If the truth were known she would not have believed herself.

  ‘Good, because we’re going to be spending an awful lot of time together. Have you eaten breakfast yet?’ And when she shook her head, ‘Then perhaps you will join me and we can go over today’s agenda?’

  They had already gone over it many times, thought Kara, but refusing did not appear to be an option. The dining room was full, and all eyes were turned on them as they made their way to Blake’s table.

  Blake had never come across any woman who intrigued him as much as Kara Redman did. He could not make up his mind whether she truly was the innocent she appeared or whether she was putting on an act.

  ‘We’re two of a kind, do you know that?’

  Kara stopped picking at a croissant and frowned at him. ‘What makes you say that?’

  ‘It’s simple. We’ve both lost our fathers, we have no siblings, and we’re both career-minded. Maybe myit career has taken me on a different path from yours, but you’re very good at what you do, very conscientious, which in my eyes makes you the perfect PA. I wish never to lose you.’ And that had to be the truth.

  ‘It’s very kind of you to say so.’

  ‘Do you mind if I ask how long it’s been since your father died? I gained the impression the other day that his death had hit you hard. My father died when I was just eleven, so I’ve had some time now to get used to it.’

  Instantly Kara’s face changed. A mask came over it, and when she spoke her voice had become much cooler. Blake instantly felt her withdrawing from him. ‘I’d really rather not talk about him, if you don’t mind. My father was—well, he wasn’t a very nice man. And that’s more than I should have told you. I’m sorry.’

  ‘And I’m sorry that I asked.’ Her confession had stunned Blake and he wished now that he had said nothing. Kara’s hurt still sounded raw. Maybe one day he would discover exactly what sort of man her father had been, but for the time being he needed to bring the conversation round to something pleasant.

  ‘I lived here for a while,’ he told her. ‘It’s a beautiful country. My mother is half Italian.’

  To his relief a spark of interest brightened her eyes. ‘Does she still live here?’

  ‘Actually, no. She prefers England. Says she likes to be closer to me. But I do have cousins in Seville.’

  ‘And will you be visiting them after the conference? I’ve never known you take a holiday.’

  ‘I doubt it,’ he answered. ‘My work means far more to me than spending time looking up relatives. How about you? Where do you go when you take your annual leave?’

  Kara shrugged and looked as though she wished he had not asked her that question either. ‘I stay at home. My mother isn’t well enough to travel.’

  Of course. He was forgetting her parent’s illness. ‘In that case you have no right criticising me,’ he said, accompanying his words with a smile. Sometimes Kara looked as though she was terrified of him and he had no idea why. She intrigued him, and he felt a very real need to get to know her better while they were here.

  Kara found the first day of the conference an eye opener. She was spellbound. Watching Blake take command, the respectful interest everyone had in him, the energy that buzzed around the room, somehow invigorated her as well. She felt more alive than she had in a long time.

  She had expected to sit quietly by Blake’s side, making notes, feeding him any information he did not have readily to hand, but somehow she found herself being drawn in.

  Maybe the fact that she was fully conversant with everything helped. She had made it her business to be the most efficient PA Blake had ever had so that he would never feel the need to get rid of her. And she felt very proud of herself when she was able to answer any question that he threw her way.

  ‘A very successful first day,’ he announced when the meeting broke up. ‘Thanks to your excellent organisational skills. You’ve done me proud, Kara, thank you.’

  Kara felt swift colour flood her cheeks. ‘I only did what I’m getting paid for.’

  ‘And more,’ he said
, his eyes locking into hers so that she felt a swift river of heat tumble its way through her body. ‘Remind me to give you a rise when we get back. For now, I think we should get some air before dinner. We need to stretch our legs.’

  Kara was not sure whether this was a command or a suggestion. ‘I actually thought of relaxing in my room.’ The whole day had proved more exhausting than she had expected.

  ‘Nonsense!’ he said briskly. ‘You need fresh air and exercise. It’s either a walk—I could show you some of the sights Milan has to offer, La Scala for instance—or—’ his eyes lit up as he spoke ‘—we could take advantage of the swimming pool. You do swim, Kara?’

  Every nerve in her body shuddered. The mere thought of seeing all that exposed, bronzed, muscle-packed flesh, scared her to death. It was not that she did not want to see him, she did—her heart raced at the thought—but she was afraid that she might give herself away in the process.

  ‘I do,’ she answered, unaware that her voice had gone suddenly husky. ‘But I think I’d prefer to walk. In any case I haven’t packed a swimsuit. I had no idea that swimming was part of the agenda.’

  Blake smiled his appreciation at her attempted humour, his eyes crinkling at the corners and making him look—different. Softer, kinder, poles apart from the tough-guy businessman she had got to know so well. This new man frightened her. He sent prickles of heat across her skin and an ache low down in her belly.

  ‘They do have a shop here in the hotel that sells that sort of thing.’

  ‘I’d still rather walk,’ answered Kara quietly, since she wasn’t being given the option of going back to her room. He was overpowering her, and wasn’t giving her any time to herself. And, although she did feel a need to drag some fresh air into her lungs, she could do that just as easily in the hotel gardens—alone!

  Amazingly, though, once they set off she began to relax. She even found herself chatting to him as though he was an old friend. Not divulging anything personal, but commenting on the shops that lined the streets, selling jewellery and handbags and all sorts of interesting things. But it was definitely La Scala itself that entranced her.

  ‘I’ve always wondered about this place,’ she exclaimed as they stood looking at the elegant building.

  Blake smiled indulgently. ‘Do you like opera?’

  ‘Sometimes,’ she admitted. ‘It depends if I’m in the right mood.’

  ‘And what mood would that be?’ he asked, half-turning to face her.

  As she met those stunning dark eyes her body flooded with new and different sensations, different emotions that spun her into a whole new world. A world of hunger and desire. A world where there was just Blake and herself. Blake making love to her, teaching her, encouraging her. She felt embarrassed by it. This should not be happening.

  But how to help herself? She had the feeling that Blake could read the thoughts in her mind. The countless thoughts that raced round and round, confusing her and worrying her, bringing swift colour to her cheeks, and she wished now that she had gone to her room and shut herself in.

  In London Blake was her boss, her employer, and she had never let herself think of him in any other way. She had not even wanted to. But now that she was far away from home, away from the safe and familiar, she was changing, relaxing—and almost welcoming the attention he was paying her.

  ‘When I’m feeling sad,’ she admitted in answer to his question, surprised to hear that her voice sounded normal. ‘I don’t really understand opera, but it somehow helps me. Not that I’ve ever been to a live performance.’

  ‘Is that so?’ Blake’s brows lifted. ‘Then we will have to see whether we can remedy that while we’re here. Watching an opera being performed at La Scala is a serious sensation in itself.’

  Swift alarm stabbed at Kara’s chest. Attending a concert with Blake went far beyond anything that was reasonable and sane. ‘I doubt whether we’ll have time.’ And even if they had would she really want to go with him? Sit with him for two or three hours, or however long it lasted? This new-found awareness would fill her to such an extent that she would be unable to concentrate on what was going on on the stage. She put on her very best office voice. ‘You have a very full schedule, Mr Benedict. And even if you didn’t, I doubt you’d get tickets at this late stage. They must be sold out months in advance.’

  ‘Are you trying to get out of it?’

  ‘I am.’ There was no point in lying.

  Blake laughed at her honesty. ‘Tut-tut, Kara. Have you not realised yet that I always get my own way? And perhaps you could learn to call me Blake?’

  There was a whole world of difference between calling him Blake in her mind and saying it to his face. Maybe she was old-fashioned, but using his surname was what she needed more than anything right now. It held up the barrier. It prevented intimacy. It reminded her of who he was.

  Not that her body took heed of any barriers. The longer they were together the more aware of him she became. And the more uncomfortable she felt. It was such a foreign feeling that she wanted to turn and run in case he sensed it.

  Blake was a man of the world. He knew all about women. If he looked too deeply into her eyes he would be able to see how much he affected her. He would guess at the riot of emotions he had stirred. And he might play on it. Take advantage. Hammer away at her senses until she weakened.

  The thought of weakening, of allowing him to flirt and tease, maybe even go further, caused a fast, heart-thumping eruption of excitement, of actual physical need. She turned and began to walk away. Finally she was beginning to appreciate what all the other girls in the office talked about.

  ‘You do understand, Kara—’ his voice came closely over her shoulder ‘—that running away tells me more about you than if you had stayed and argued.’

  Blake knew that it was not going to be easy getting Kara Redman to relax in his company. For a few minutes earlier, when they had been window shopping, she had become animated, but as soon as he had suggested doing something that would throw them into close contact she had frozen.

  The question was, why? And how long was it going to take him to find out? Kara was the most private person he knew. Other women were always eager to talk about themselves, to show off, to preen like a peacock in front of him. Not so Kara. And the less she opened up the more intrigued he became, the more determined to prise open the shell of security she had wrapped around herself. There had to be a reason and he wanted to know what it was. Whether it really was because of her father or whether it was something else.

  ‘I am not running away.’

  He smiled at the hint of defiance in her voice. ‘Good, because I want you to relax. I want you to enjoy your time spent here. It’s not all about the conference, and since you’ve never been to Milan before I think you should see something more of the city than the inside of a hotel. In my humble opinion La Scala is the pièce de résistance. You cannot possibly leave without embracing a performance here. And I would be honoured to be the one to introduce you to the delights of live opera.’

  ‘It’s very kind of you Mr—er—Blake, but your diary is full.’

  ‘As you constantly remind me.’ He smiled as he spoke, sensing how difficult it had been for her to use his first name. ‘Nevertheless we will make time.’ He saw the apprehension in her blue eyes, and the way her teeth bit nervously on her lusciously plump bottom lip—something else he had never noticed before.

  He was tempted to kiss away her nervousness, to taste those delicious lips for himself. But he knew that to do so would be fatal. Kara Redman was without a doubt the most intriguing female he had ever come across, and if it was the last thing he did he was going to remove the barriers she had built around herself. And he would take great pleasure in doing so.

  ‘I actually think we should be getting back,’ said Kara, looking pointedly at her watch. ‘Dinner will be in an hour, and I need to shower and—’

  ‘You are right, of course,’ said Blake, but she need not think that he had given
up on the opera. The idea of them sitting together watching a performance, her slender body close to his, touching him perhaps, of letting her delicate perfume entrance him, maybe even finding himself far more aware of his surprisingly beautiful assistant than of what was going on onstage, was something that would not go away.

  Kara Redman had begun to get beneath his skin like no other woman ever had. He’d been out with lots of beautiful women since his divorce, but their beauty had been skin-deep. His assistant was very different. Once he had really looked at her he had seen a strikingly good-looking woman—and he would never be able to understand why she hid her amazing figure beneath sensible clothes. She was also superbly intelligent. In fact she was one hell of a woman—and he could not believe that he had not realised this months ago.


  RELIEF flooded Kara when she finally got back to her room, and she gulped in great breaths of air. Spending time with Blake left her feeling breathless and exhausted. Crazy feelings swirled in her stomach—desire mixing with unease. Hunger with fear.

  What she could not understand was why she was experiencing these feelings now when she never had before. What was the difference between working for him in London and working with him here? The fact was that he’d never taken her walking in London. They had never met outside the office. In fact everything was different.

  Even Blake was different. He was no longer the man who barked orders. Who expected them carried out to the letter in the shortest possible time. He had become human. And in so doing he had triggered something inside her that was scary. Because of her father she had always kept her feelings tightly controlled, everything hidden behind a mask.

  And when Blake had shown not the least interest in her, when no man had shown interest, it had been easy to remain behind her mask of self-preservation. Now it was in danger of slipping. In fact it had already begun its downward slide. A few kind words, a desire to get to know her, and something inside had sprung into life. An amazing new life that both scared and excited her.


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