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Everything We Need (Finding Forever Book 4)

Page 6

by Rebecca Raine

  “I’ll go get the food,” he said, gesturing to his own front door.

  “Do you need help?”

  “No, it’s fine. I won’t be long.”

  “All right. See you soon,” she said as she watched him disappear. She left the door open as she made her way into the kitchen and turned on the oven. She’d just finished when Jeremy stomped up the stairs.

  “Thank God the day is over,” he groaned as he walked in and dumped his bag on the dining table. “I swear, if I have to see any more teenage girls dressed like Harley Quinn I’m going to go lunatic joker on their arses.”

  “Oh, dear. I take it you’ve had a bad day?” She moved toward him, and he drew her into a warm hug, nuzzling his face into her neck. She felt his lips brush against her skin in a kiss and smiled. They seemed to have fallen into this space where they were physically affectionate in a way that went beyond friendship, but stopped short of anything more. She wasn’t sure if Jeremy was waiting for her to take it further, or if he simply enjoyed being close to someone. Either way, she liked the way Jeremy held her, and she was too greedy for his touch to make him stop.

  “Not bad so much,” he mumbled into her neck. “Being busy is good for business. I’m just being grumpy.”

  “I bet I can ungrump you.”

  “I bet you can, too.” One hand slid down to squeeze her arse.

  She smacked him on the arm. “Not like that.”

  He drew back to give her a questioning look, though his arms still encircled her waist.

  “Brady’s oven is broken. He’s going to feed us dinner in return for the use of our oven. He’s gone to get the food, should be back any second.”

  “No shit, really?” At her nod, Jeremy’s face lit up. “And he can cook? That settles it, we have to keep him.”

  She rolled her eyes. If only it was that simple. “If you don’t mind keeping an eye out for him, I’m going to jump into a quick shower to freshen up.”

  He grinned. “Hoping for some dessert after dinner, are you?”

  “No.” She gave a firm shake of her head. “What I want is to wash the stench of bad tempered boss from my skin.”

  “I could help you scrub,” he offered with an obvious leer.

  “Down boy,” she insisted as she pulled free of his arms. “You watch the door, I’ll go scrub.”

  He gave a sigh. “Spoil sport.”

  Trina couldn’t help but laugh at his unruly behaviour. While she could admit the thought of having both Brady and Jeremy all to herself for an entire evening filled her stomach with all sorts of butterflies, she knew nothing would come of it. That would be ridiculous. But she could still think about it. While showering. And scrubbing. Just in case.

  Jeremy watched Trina’s luscious backside disappear through the door to the bathroom, before turning his head at the sound of movement behind him. That would be Brady coming out of his apartment with their dinner. Striding to the door, he pulled it wide and laughed as he saw the other man struggling to close his own front door while holding several bags and one enormous foil-covered dish.

  “Hell man, how many people are you feeding?” He came forward to reach for the dish.

  “Careful, it’s hot,” Brady cautioned.

  Jeremy took hold of the handles as he lifted the heavy glass. “Not as hot as you.”

  Brady snorted. “You never quit, do you?”

  “Nope.” He shrugged one shoulder. “But I could, if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  Not looking up, Brady shook his head. “Doesn’t bother me.”

  Fighting a grin, Jeremy stood to one side so Brady could pass him on the way in, then he kicked the door shut and followed the other man into the kitchen. “Trina’s having a shower. She’ll be out soon.” He pulled back the layer of foil, inhaling the delicious aroma of the lasagne, before sliding the dish into the oven and closing the door. When he straightened, he saw Brady unpacking one of the bags he’d brought with him. He pulled out a large bowl filled with chocolate mousse, a punnet of strawberries and a bottle of whipped cream. Jeremy glanced into the other bag and found two bottles of red wine. His eyebrows lifted. This wasn’t a meal, it was a recipe for seduction. “Should I be making myself scarce?”

  “No.” Brady was headfirst in the fridge, making space for the mousse. “I want you to stay.”

  Jeremy nodded, then tried again. “Should Trina be making herself scarce?”

  He watched as Brady closed the fridge door. “No.”

  “Interesting.” Taking a chance, Jeremy made one more guess. “Your oven isn’t broken, is it?”

  Brady swore under his breath as he turned to lean back against the counter, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “It’s been a while since I had people I could count as friends. Trina suggested the three of us could be that and I’d like to take her up on the offer. You too, if you’re willing.”

  “I don’t know, man.” Jeremy crossed his arms over his chest as he glanced sideways at Brady. “Are you a card-carrying member of Superwholock?”

  Brady gave him a quizzical frown. “Super what now?”

  Jeremy chuckled as he reached over Brady’s shoulder to pull some of Trina’s wine glasses out of the cupboard. If he ever met a man who understood his geek-speak, he’d fall head over heels before the first kiss. “Don’t worry about it. Eyes like yours have me overlooking all sorts of shortcomings.” He gave Brady a wink.

  Brady gave him a questioning look. “Are you always this confusing?”

  “So far.” He put the glasses on the counter to Brady’s left, standing too close for a straight man’s comfort, and was gratified when Brady didn’t move away. “I’d ask whom you’re trying to seduce with all this, but I’m not sure you know the answer.”

  There was a long moment of silence, before Brady spoke. “No one is seducing anyone.”

  “Of course not.” Cracking open one of the bottles, Jeremy poured generous portions of wine into each glass before handing one to the other man. “I’m sure you always have homemade chocolate mousse prepared. In case your oven breaks and you have to beg help from a beautiful woman and her devastatingly handsome flatmate.”

  Brady huffed a laughed. “Don’t be a dick,” he muttered, before taking a long swallow of the wine.

  “But that’s half the fun.” Jeremy turned to lean one hip against the counter so he could watch Brady’s profile. The longing there was palpable, tempered though it was by wariness and restraint. This man needed them, for whatever reason, and it had taken courage for him to yield to that need.

  Jeremy could relate, a little too well, and he didn’t want to scare Brady off. But he did want to make sure they were on the same page where Trina was concerned. “She’s special.”

  Brady’s head tilted toward him, though his gaze stayed riveted to the floor. “I know.”

  “I won’t let her get hurt.”

  There was a curt nod. “I have no intention of hurting anyone.”

  “Good. Just making sure you got the memo.” Holding up his glass, Jeremy took a long sip. “Thanks for dinner. And whatever else the evening may provide.”

  Chapter 10

  Jeremy tried not to groan out loud as he watched Trina lick the last of the chocolate mousse from her spoon. He hadn’t realised, until now, precisely how talented her tongue was. The information made him hard as a rock. Having Brady and Trina in the same room with him was enough to do that all by itself, but the addition of wine and chocolatey goodness was about to push him over the edge. Thankfully, they were still sitting at the dining table. As long as he kept his chair pulled in, no one would witness his predicament.

  “That was the best chocolate mousse I’ve ever tasted, Brady.” Trina gave a dreamy sigh as she reluctantly lowered her spoon. Pushing the bowl away, she picked up her wine glass and took a sip. “I think you’ve ruined other mousses for me forever.”

  “You think that’s bad?” Brady’s voice was husky as he watched her, his chin resting in the palm of his hand. “You’v
e ruined spoons for me.”

  Snorting a laugh, Jeremy raised his glass and drained the last mouthful. “I’m right there with you, man.” At least he wasn’t the only one having trouble keeping his arousal to himself. When Trina blinked at them in confusion, he added, “It’s the tongue, Trina. You were making out with your spoon. It was all kinds of hot.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open before slamming shut again. “Oh, dear God. I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not.” Jeremy and Brady said together, before all three of them burst out laughing.

  “You two are driving me crazy. You know that, don’t you?” Trina lifted her hands to cover the blush working its way up her cheeks and sank further into her chair. “Derek would laugh so hard if he could see me now.”

  “Who’s Derek?” Brady asked.

  “My brother. He has two life partners—Scott and Julia.” She twirled a finger between the three of them. “He knows how to handle this whole three people, sexual tension, cut it with a knife thing.”

  “You hear that, Brady?” Jeremy teased. “We have sexual tension.”

  Brady’s eyes flickered to his for a moment. “You noticed that, did you?”

  “Just wanted to hear you say it,” he replied with a wicked grin.

  Turning back to Trina, Brady asked, “Your brother and his partners. The three of them are all together?”

  “Yeah,” she said with a nod. “Why?”

  “No reason.” Brady shrugged, but it was obvious there was a reason.

  “What is it?” Trina asked, her curiosity clear as she leaned forward on the table.

  After a lengthy pause, Brady said, “Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person left who’s never had a threesome.”

  Jeremy felt his whole body tighten in response to Brady’s words. For all the other man’s denials, it seemed he had seduction on his mind after all—whether he realised it or not.

  “Oh, don’t worry.” Trina leaned further forward to put one hand on his arm. “I promise, you’re not the only one.” She held out her almost empty glass in a toast. “To us. The last of the great innocents.”

  Brady dropped his head, giving it a rueful shake. Still, he held his glass out anyway. “Holy hell, thirty-two years old and I’m toasting my own innocence. Pathetic.”

  They touched glasses and drank. After she took her sip, Trina turned to Jeremy. “What about you?” she asked. “Should you be joining us in our toast?”

  “Hell no,” Jeremy announced. “And you guys are missing out. Threesomes are heaps of fun.”

  Trina and Brady gaped at each other with wide eyes before both sets zeroed right back in on him. He laughed at the comical looks on their faces.

  “How many times have you done this?” she asked.

  “Not often, I’m not some orgy slut, you know.” He placed an indignant hand on his chest. “A couple of times at parties. And there was this one night with my boyfriend…” He paused to clear his throat. “With my ex-boyfriend, I mean. We met a woman in a club and she came home with us. It was a good night.” That was almost the truth. Aaron had gotten the most pleasure out of the evening, making himself the centre of attention as he usually did. Jeremy hadn’t minded that so much, was so used to it he barely noticed, but he wasn’t sure the lovely brunette they’d been with had gotten what she’d wanted from the experience and he regretted that. If a woman was going to put herself into his care, even for a single night, he wanted her to go home satisfied.

  If he had Trina in such a position, he would move heaven and earth to please her. The way her and Brady were acting now, he didn’t think it would take more than a gentle nudge to have them falling into bed with him. He wanted to nudge, if only to see how far they’d go.

  “We could always take care of that innocence factor for you—for both of you.” He glanced at Brady, before returning his attention to Trina. “Two birds, one stone, and one stellar night of fucking.”

  For a long moment, no one moved. No one spoke. No one left either. It was all the answer Jeremy needed.

  Rising from his chair, he reached for Trina’s hand and tugged her to her feet. She came easily, her lips parting on a sharp intake of breath.

  Jeremy dropped his hands to her waist and turned her to face Brady, who still sat in his chair. He had yet to move a single muscle, though his eyes drank in every movement they made.

  Stepping up to Trina’s body, he was rewarded when she leaned back against him, as if grateful for the added support. Her body trembled and her breath came in choppy waves. He curled his fingertips into her hipbones and she gasped. Her arse tilted up against him, brushing against his erection, and he had to take a deep breath before he could continue.

  “You want her, Brady,” he said, holding the other man’s gaze over Trina’s shoulder. “If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have lied about the state of your kitchen appliances to get your foot through our door.”

  Trina’s head lifted toward him, a frown marring her features. “What are you talking about?”

  “Come now, Trina. Did you really believe that bullshit excuse?” Her brows lifted in surprise and he leaned his forehead against hers. “He wanted to spend time with you.”

  They both looked at the man in question. Brady had lowered his head, one hand raking through his hair. “Sorry about that.”

  A smile tugged at Trina’s lips. “It’s okay. I wanted to see you too.”

  “Here’s the other big secret,” Jeremy said as he slid his arms around her waist and hugged her close. “Trina here would love the chance to fuck your brains out.”

  “Jeremy!” Trina groaned, dropping her face into her cupped hands again. “Have you ever heard of subtlety?”

  “Yes, but I have no use for it tonight.” Laughing, he dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “There are better ways we could be using our time.”

  “And what about you?” Looking up at the rough question, he met Brady’s heavy-lidded stare. “What do you want, Jeremy?”

  Jeremy frowned at the odd question. “This isn’t about me. This is about what you and I can give Trina.” Sliding one hand under her chin, he cupped her cheek and turned her face toward him. His thumb dragged over her bottom lip as he leaned closer. “What do you say?” He rasped the words against her lips. “Do you want to be worshipped?”

  Chapter 11

  Do you want to be worshipped?

  Trina licked her lips in an attempt to speak without her voice breaking apart. “I… I don’t know.” A hot threesome with friends wasn’t a prominent part of her plans for future romance—or at least, it hadn’t been until about thirty seconds ago. But then again, if she did succeed in finding true love, this might be her last chance to experience a night of pure sex with these two incredible men who could turn her inside out with a single molten glance. It wasn’t like she could go about indulging in these sorts of fantasies after she began dating.

  “Brady, man, she needs a little convincing.” Trina shivered as Jeremy’s warm breath washed over the curve of her neck. “What are you gonna do about it?”

  Trina held her breath as Brady stood up. What if he didn’t want this? What if it was too much and he walked away, turned off by the sight of her in Jeremy’s arms? All she could hear was the rush of her own blood, her heart thundering in her chest. She grabbed onto Jeremy’s hands, where he still held her around the waist. Her fingernails dug into his palms but he didn’t object. Instead, he pressed closer against her back, held her tighter. “I’ve got you,” he whispered, his voice harsh in her ear. “I won’t let go.”

  Brady took slow steps toward her. His gaze slid down over her simple button up shirt and flowing skirt, all the way to her bare feet, before lifting back to her face. Reaching out to capture her face in his hands, he splayed his fingers out across her cheeks. “Tell me, Katrina. Do you want me?”

  “Yes,” was the instant reply, the word bursting forth like a confession.

  He glanced over her shoulder at Jeremy. “And what about Jeremy
? Do you want him, too?”

  Behind her, Jeremy went still. His grip on her tightened a fraction, as if he thought there was a possibility she would leave him out of this, and take Brady for herself. She lifted her chin a notch, meeting Brady’s eyes with conviction. “I want both of you.”

  Brady licked his lips, his fingers curling along her cheeks as he leaned closer. “Good,” he murmured. His jaw tensed as he swallowed hard before lowering his head. When his lips finally touched hers, Trina sighed in relief. His hands were warm against her skin and his mouth brushed back and forth over hers in gentle caresses. Slowly, she released the death grip she had on Jeremy’s hands and reached up to twine her arms around Brady’s neck. She pressed her body against his and he gave a low moan, deepening their kiss. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip and she met him instantly, encouraging a deeper invasion.

  Meanwhile, Jeremy lifted her hair so he could place open-mouthed kisses on the side of her neck. He moved restlessly behind her, his fingers sliding across her stomach, between her body and Brady’s. She knew how much Jeremy wanted to be with Brady himself and she moved to make room for his hand between them.

  Brady pulled back, his breathing harsh on her face. “Both of you, come with me.” He took Trina’s hand and lead her down the short hallway into her bedroom. It was on the small side, but comfortable. The large bed was covered with crisp cotton sheets and a thick quilt. Not that they’d need the extra warmth tonight. Trina’s skin was already aflame and they’d barely begun.

  “Do you have protection?” Brady asked as he took her in his arms again.

  “In the drawer beside the bed.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to let go of you for a second.” He kissed her again, hard and passionate. Their bodies pressed together and she could feel the hardness of his desire through the clothing separating them. His hands gripped onto her arse, lifting her tighter against him and she moaned into his mouth.


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