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Everything We Need (Finding Forever Book 4)

Page 11

by Rebecca Raine

  Peeking through the door to Brady’s workspace, she saw his new desk. He might have managed to keep his mess to a minimum in the living room, but his office still looked like it had been ransacked. Appearing at her side, Jeremy saw the state of the room and gave a low whistle. “Just when I thought he was perfect.”

  Trina put a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle a giggle. Looking up, she saw Jeremy staring at Brady’s whiteboard. It was still covered in the usual lists of tasks, due dates and tick boxes. Extra notes had been added or crossed out, all of it neat and easy to read. “What is it?” she asked, seeing the odd expression on his face.

  Jeremy turned back to where Brady stood, patiently waiting for them to finish their visual interrogation of his belongings. “You have excellent penmanship.” There was the slightest hint of devotion in his voice, as if he’d found something he’d been searching for his whole life—and here it was, standing in front of him.

  “The written word is one of my main forms of communication. Not much point if no one can understand me.” Brady tilted his head to one side, seeming as baffled by the look on Jeremy’s face as Trina. “What of it?”

  “Nothing.” Jeremy cleared his throat, snapping out of whatever trance he’d been in. “I appreciate beautiful writing, that’s all.”

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door. “That’ll be dinner,” Brady murmured as he went to answer it.

  The instant his back was turned, Jeremy grabbed onto Trina. “If you let him get away,” he told her, “I won’t speak to you for a month.” She didn’t have a chance to reply before he pressed a kiss to her forehead and walked away.

  Chapter 17

  They spent the next few minutes dishing up the massive Thai feast, which Brady insisted on paying for. The presence of food helped ease any remaining awkwardness, and before long they were telling stories and laughing as they had before. Only, this time, the overwhelming sexual tension that had enveloped them in the past had morphed into a more relaxed kind of intimacy. Trina enjoyed the company of both men and felt she could be herself when she was with them.

  Toward the end of the meal, as they sat around his tiny dining table, Brady asked how she and Jeremy met. Trina let Jeremy tell the tale and enjoyed listening to him recount the events as they happened from his point of view. Despite her knowledge of the ending, she gasped in surprise several times along the way.

  “You told me it was the parade of women that first caught your interest,” she said after her friend described, in gruff male terms, the memory of seeing her for the first time.

  “Maybe the parade was the second thing,” Jeremy admitted. “I noticed your fine self the moment I stepped into the place. And fate took care of the rest.”

  “Oh, no.” Trina put a hand of caution on Brady’s arm. “Watch out. He likes to invoke the name of fate when he wants something.”

  “What do you call it?” Brady asked as he sat back in his chair with his legs stretched out in front of him. “The way you met.”

  “Coincidence put us in the same place that day and sheer desperation made me offer him the room,” she said. “I needed a flatmate. He needed a room. It made logical sense.”

  “Logic-smogic,” Jeremy said in a faux-grumble. “You’re no fun.”

  Trina gave a sigh of agreement. Jeremy’s theory, imbued as it was with a sense of romance and wonder, was exactly the kind of crap she used to fall for. Even now, his words tugged at something deep in her chest. But she’d seen the proverbial light that same day and unless fate showed up at her door, complete with a name tag to confirm her identity, Trina was not about to be sucked in again. Her future happiness depended on her making sound choices from here on out.

  “Does that count for me too?” Brady smirked at Jeremy, his own scepticism stamped across his features. “Or did I move here because of, I don’t know, my own free will?”

  “That’s what fate wants you to think,” Jeremy insisted. “I don’t buy the three of us ending up here together by accident. We’re here because we need something we can only get from each other. Mark my words,” he added, waving his fork in the air, “we’re going to be stuck with each other until that cranky bitch is satisfied.”

  Brady didn’t seem convinced. “Jeremy, sweetie, is this your roundabout way of telling us fate wants us to continue having sex with you?” he drawled.

  Slack-jawed, Trina swung her head back toward Jeremy in time to see him choke on the piece of chicken he’d popped into his mouth. After a great heaving cough, he gulped down some lemonade before returning fire. “Brady, darling, I think you’re the one who keeps bringing up sex at the dinner table.”

  Folding his hands behind his head, Brady appeared to consider that statement, before conceding the point with a nod of his head. “Even so,” he added with a chuckle, “it’s still the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

  Trina snorted. “I’ve heard worse.” Both set of male eyes turned to her and she dropped her head, focusing on the few grains of rice she was pushing around on her plate.

  “Katrina.” She shivered at the way Brady’s deep voice rumbled over her full name. “Was this on your date?” He bit out the last word as he stood up to clear the empty plates. A minor thrill ran through her at the thought of him being jealous. A response which was not only illogical, but entirely inappropriate, considering he’d expressed interest in asking her out and she’d turned him down.

  “Come on, now.” Jeremy started putting plastic lids back onto the takeaway containers. Each one pushed into place with a loud snap. “You can’t leave us hanging. Spill.”

  With a roll of her eyes, Trina gave in and told them about her date with Alec while they cleaned up. She might have added a little embellishment here and there to provide dramatic flair, but it was worth it—by the time she was done, all three of them were in stitches.

  “If he’s the best the internet has to offer,” Jeremy said as he finished drying the last of the cutlery, “you’d be better off looking closer to home for your next date, if you know what I mean.” He made a show of pointing at Brady, before giving Trina an exaggerated nod and wink.

  Trina cringed as she saw the smile on Brady’s face dim. “You might want to stop there,” he said, putting the last of the leftovers into the fridge. “The lady’s not interested.”

  That wasn’t exactly true. Brady was everything she could ever want in a man. Broad and gorgeous, he had a quiet confidence that was devoid of arrogance. He was intelligent, curious and had encouraged her in a moment she needed it. And when he’d held her in his arms on their one night together, she’d felt both sexy and cherished.

  Not so long ago, she would have jumped at the chance to go out with Brady. Wilfully ignoring the attraction she knew existed between him and her gay friend, she would have followed her instincts all the way to the heartbreak that would have inevitably followed. Her decision to keep her distance was logical and would save her from such heartbreak. Unfortunately, no amount of logic could stop the longing. And damn, she longed for Brady in ways she’d never thought possible.

  “That’s ridiculous.” Jeremy leaned back against the counter while he dried his hands on the tea towel he still held. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you—”

  “And she’s seen the way I look at you,” Brady interrupted. His gaze locked on Jeremy in that rare way Trina knew had to be turning his insides into molten goo. It happened every time Brady looked at her like that. She watched the two men stare at each other, felt the tension in the room ratchet up a few dozen notches, then caught her bottom lip between her teeth as a telltale pulse started up between her thighs. This made no sense. The sexual attraction between Brady and Jeremy was the only thing preventing her from exploring a deeper relationship with Brady. And yet that same attraction continued to hold her in thrall.

  She wanted to know how Jeremy would react if Brady crossed the length of the small kitchen and kissed the hell out of him? Would he kiss him back? Would it turn into more? Holy crap,
she hoped so.

  “The fact is,” Brady said now, in a regretful tone, “if Trina finds the idea of me being attracted to you such a turn-off, we never would have worked anyway. I’m done pretending that part of me doesn’t exist.”

  Trina blinked. What did he say? She was standing there creaming her panties over the mere thought of witnessing another kiss between the two of them and Brady thought the idea was a turn-off for her? What the hell?

  She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. If she said nothing, this would be over before it began. The three of them would go their separate ways and she could content herself with the knowledge she had successfully overcome her base desires.

  Or she could speak up. Correct Brady’s error. And see what happened next.

  Maybe if she got this out of her system, it would no longer fascinate her and she would be free to continue with her plans for finding real, lasting love. That could work, couldn’t it? It could be logical.

  Clearing her throat, she raised one hand in the air. “Excuse me, but someone here is a crazy person and I’m pretty sure it’s not me.” When Brady looked at her out of the corner of his eye, she continued, “You’re hot, Brady, and Jer is hot. The two of you together is like hotness with interest. It’s compounding hotness.” She fought the urge to laugh at her own joke. It was probably just nerves that made it seem funny anyway.

  “What are you getting at?” he asked, shaking his head in confusion.

  Heart hammering in her chest, Trina said the words that would send her life into a tailspin one more glorious time. “I’m saying, nothing the two of you can do to each other, would ever turn me off.”

  Chapter 18

  Brady couldn’t move. Couldn’t even breathe. His thoughts were tripping all over themselves as he tried to align their conversation of a few days ago with what Trina said now. Nothing the two of you can do to each other, would ever turn me off. His imagination jumped at the chance to provide a slide show of possibilities, and his body was only too eager to transform every single one into a carnal reality. Still, he couldn’t comprehend Trina’s abrupt change of heart. “That’s not what you said before.”

  Trina put her hands on her hips as she glared at him. “I said I didn’t think it made sense to start a relationship with a man who looks at my best friend like he can’t wait to tear his clothes off. I never claimed to be turned off by said looks.”

  “Hang on a minute,” Jeremy broke in from the sidelines. “This is why you were all weird on Wednesday morning? Because of me?”

  Brady ignored him, preferring to confront Trina on her bullshit. “So, if I kissed Jeremy right now, right here in front of you, you wouldn’t be disgusted?” The challenge was intended to shock her into revealing the truth, but instead of the distaste he’d expected, his words were met with parted lips and a delicate intake of breath.

  “Not at all.” She took a step toward him, her smile insolent. “And if you want to shock me, you’ll have to try harder.”

  She was testing him, she had to be. The instant he touched Jeremy this would all be over. And yet, the set of her mouth, the sensual way she moved, told him she was aroused. “What if I got down on my knees, huh?” He wanted to taunt her, break her, put an end to her game once and for all. “What if I took him into my mouth and sucked long and hard? You’d feel nothing?”

  He watched in fascination as her pupils dilated and her breathing deepened in her chest. She licked her lips and he damn near growled at the sight of her pink tongue. Finally, she cocked her head to one side. “I might feel a bit offended about being left out. Does that count?”

  Fuck, she was sexy. He wanted to believe every word that came out of her libidinous mouth, but he wasn’t yet convinced. “I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me and my wandering eyes.”

  “I’m not saying we’re going to ride off into the sunset together. I’m simply pointing out your assumption was incorrect. I enjoyed watching you kiss Jeremy.” She met his gaze through lowered lashes. “And I wouldn’t be against enjoying it again.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he glared down at her. “But you’re busy hunting down the perfect man. Don’t you think he’d object to you giving yourself to two men who aren’t him?”

  “I think it’s none of his business.” She shrugged a feminine shoulder. “I’m single and I can do whatever pleases me.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re using that stupid logic of yours to justify wanting this, aren’t you?”

  She hesitated, before straightening her shoulders and thrusting her chest out. “I don’t have to justify anything. Now, are you planning to do something about all those what ifs? Or are you all talk and no action?”

  Brady stared at her in amazement, a slow smile curved the corners of his mouth. It didn’t seem to matter how many glimpses he showed this woman of the need clawing at his insides. She didn’t run. She didn’t even flinch. “Are you sure?” he rasped, hoping like hell she wasn’t bluffing.

  She nodded and he moved forward to cup her face in his hands. “You are the most incredible woman.” Capturing her open mouth, he delved inside to taste every part of her. When, at last, he pulled back far enough to look down at her, her face was alive with anticipation.

  “Can I point out the two of you are being awfully free with my favours?” They both turned to look at Jeremy when he spoke. He hadn’t moved from his spot against the counter, the tea towel still clutched in his fists as he pulled the material so tight it threatened to tear. “Especially when you seem to have forgotten I’m still here in the room with you,” he added with a breathy laugh.

  Pushing away from the counter, he dropped the mangled towel on the dish rack before facing them once more. “I’m sorry I caused trouble between you. I never would have kissed Brady if I’d known it would ruin everything. And it didn’t mean anything anyway, not really.” He glanced at each of them, before focusing on the space between that was the only way out of the kitchen. “I think I should go, give you guys some space.”

  Brady’s heart pounded as Jeremy walked toward them. His fingers curled at the memory of Jeremy’s cock in his hand when he woke up two days earlier, the way Jeremy had trembled before he’d pulled his hand away. And then, as they’d made love to Trina, both of them moving inside her, the feel of him so close had driven Brady to the edge of sanity. He’d reached for Jeremy again, hadn’t been capable of keeping his hands to himself.

  Brady had lost count of the number of times he’d given himself over to those memories of the three of them together. The feel of Trina’s soft curves, of Jeremy’s rigid flesh. Of low moans, sweat and the smell of sex. In the last few days, holed up in this place with only his desire for company, he’d thought of little else.

  And so, when Jeremy tried to pass between them, Brady’s hand wrapped around his forearm from behind, and held on tight.

  Jeremy stopped, took a deep breath as he stared down at the place where Brady touched him. “Don’t do this,” he said, his voice low and urgent. “Tell her you don’t want me. Then, the two of you will have a chance to—”

  “No.” The word cut through Jeremy’s frantic murmuring like a scythe. “I won’t lie. Not to her and not to you.” Reaching up with his free hand, he cupped Jeremy’s cheek, encountered the beginnings of stubble and dragged his fingers across the roughness. He felt so different, so male. Brady’s blood ran hot through his veins, burning him from the inside out. “I want you so bad I can taste it.”

  Brady slid his hand around the back of Jeremy’s neck, drawing him closer. He kissed him, gently at first, gauging his reaction. Then, when Jeremy made a small noise in the back of his throat, Brady increased the pressure, demanding more. He entered Jeremy’s mouth in a slow, thorough exploration, relishing the feel of Jeremy’s tongue curling around his own.

  By the time he pulled away, they were both breathing hard. Jeremy’s eyes had slid closed and when his lids lifted, the stark longing in his eyes made Brady’s hold on him tigh
ten. He turned his head to look at Trina, and any previous expectations he’d had about what he’d see in her expression vanished in an instant. The woman was grinning like a lunatic, her hands over her mouth. “Holy everliving fuck,” she whispered as she stepped forward to wrap her arms around both of them. “That was insanely hot.”

  Brady couldn’t resist the smile that spread across his face. The tension that had lived inside him for so long, gripping him tight, began to crack for the first time.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt.” She backed up a step. “Please continue.”

  “No, no continue.” Jeremy pushed away, putting an arm’s length between them before turning around. “I think we’ve screwed this up enough. If we go any further…” He shook his head, looking at Trina with imploring eyes. “I can’t lose you right now. Certainly not because Brady’s suddenly decided to indulge his curiosity.”

  Trina went to him and they wrapped their arms around each other. “You’ll never lose me, you silly man,” she told him. “I love you too much.”

  Brady’s gut tightened, knowing those words would never be directed at him. Even if Jeremy and Trina ended up as no more than friends when all this was over, Jeremy had Trina’s heart in a way Brady never would and damn it, the knowledge hurt. He could have her tonight though, he could have both of them. And he wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass him by because they would never love him back.

  “Curiosity,” Brady said when Trina shifted to Jeremy’s side, making room for him to approach. “Is that what you think this is?” He took a step forward, would have brushed against Jeremy’s chest if the other man hadn’t stepped back. “You seem to think you’re the only man I’ve ever looked at twice. You’re not.” He kept walking forward with slow, measured steps. Jeremy continued to back away, his eyes wide but wary.


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