Book Read Free

The Power of Twelve

Page 6

by William Gladstone

  As a former therapist, Eve was fascinated with Otto and The Book of the Dream. Although the book was barely known outside a small circle of Otto’s immediate acquaintances, Eve had been able to get a copy from Barbara’s literary agent, Randall Jenkins. She immediately devoured the book and started doing the exercises. That had been two months ago. She had just completed the final exercise and was excited to share her experience of The Book of the Dream with Otto.

  “Otto, my name is Eve. I am Barbara’s assistant and I have just finished reading and doing all of the exercises in your Book of the Dream. I cannot imagine a more magical or more effective book,” Eve shared, regarding Otto with gratitude and awe. “Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom with the world.”

  Although Otto was pleased with her reaction, he was nonplussed by her use of the word “magical.” “There is nothing magical about The Book of the Dream. It is based on scientific principles that I have validated over more than thirty years of practice.”

  “Oh, I did not mean to offend you. I know that there are no magical techniques, but the overall impact certainly is. I have been able to achieve and manifest so much already. For example, I never dreamed that I would have an opportunity to meet you directly and to have a major role with Barbara and Jack in facilitating Project Wake Up, and yet here I am. I do think that I owe much of this happening to your book,” Eve explained.

  “I see,” he said, mollified. “Well, as long as you understand that the book simply employs scientific techniques. The real magic is within you and within anyone who takes the time to put these techniques into practice.”

  Inga interrupted the pleasantries, asking everyone to take a seat. “Jack has only two hours before I have to take him to the airport to catch a plane for Hawaii. He is giving a workshop there, and I will be joining him after the workshop for a much-needed vacation we both have been planning for more than three months. You would think with all of Jack’s success that life would be slowing down, but it seems to be actually speeding up.”

  “Two hours should be plenty of time,” Jim volunteered. “As I understand it, the goal of today’s meeting is to set specific dates for using our Chateau to meet with those who can take Project Wake Up to the next level. We need to create a business plan that will allow for hundreds of millions of people to start acting in ways that will truly raise their own consciousness and that of those with whom they interact.” He scanned the faces of the group and found everyone rapt with attention. “Today we need to identify the primary goals, the aspects of Project Wake Up that are already in place and the financial and human resources needed to execute our plan. We need to identify those organizations and individuals we think most important to attend. That is one of the reasons why I invited Otto. He has personally worked with most of the royals and heads of state throughout Europe, especially the leaders of Eastern European countries and several heads of large multinational corporations.”

  Abigail/Barbara asked Otto a question that had been puzzling her. “How is it you have come to have relationships with such powerful leaders? I think it is wonderful that you are willing to share these relationships with us and with Project Wake Up. And, Otto, could you also tell us what motivated you to write The Book of the Dream?”

  “You are very kind. I am an admirer of your work as well,” Otto answered. “I wrote The Book of the Dream because I truly wish to help the human race. Based on what I have observed over the course of three decades, human beings are destroying this planet and preventing themselves from evolving to their higher destiny. The techniques that I use in The Book of the Dream were developed for my clients who were facing specific health issues. I quickly realized that the same principles that govern health also govern relationships, including business relationships. I was able to help several prominent royals recover from illnesses that were thought by their doctors to be terminal. These clients were grateful, and as they got to know me better, they introduced me to their network of leaders. In some cases I was able to assist greatly in helping them to generate even greater wealth. I soon realized that these principles could be shared with all of humanity and that all humans could master these simple techniques. I am only disappointed that my book is not reaching the general public. Perhaps it is because I am not much of a salesman. In any event, all that I know is available for you to use in Project Wake Up, and I will share my entire network of contacts as well.”

  Abigail/Barbara was impressed with Otto’s generosity, but she also realized that, wittingly or not, he had given the sacred knowledge of manifestation to those who already controlled the sources of power on planet Earth 769. So despite the fact that Eve and other ordinary people could also now access that knowledge through The Book of the Dream, with the Illuminati already fully aware of the book, she was also becoming aware that it was perhaps too late to undo what had been done.

  Abigail/Barbara pressed Otto for additional details. “You are extremely generous. I don’t know how we can thank you,” Abigail/ Barbara began. “One concern, however, that I have is that from my understanding the techniques you share in The Book of the Dream can be used for either good or evil. Is that true?”

  Otto understood her point immediately. “I suppose that is true, just as nuclear energy or any other force can be used for good or evil,” he acknowledged. “I cannot control what people do with the knowledge and power they will gain from The Book of the Dream, but I think we are living in a time in which it is impossible to know who is truly good and who is truly evil.” He had obviously given the matter a great deal of thought, because he explained his rationale this way: “I may be naïve, but without knowing how to create a system to select the good from the bad, I felt the best strategy to help the world was to simply provide the information in a low-priced book and let the world determine how the techniques would be used. The techniques actually work best,” he pointed out, “if you are helping others and creating the most good for the largest number of people. Still, selfish people can manipulate this knowledge and use it for their own ends and even evil goals. I hope that that is not happening, but I suppose the knowledge is similar to a force of nature. It does not judge how human beings use that force, whether it be fire, electricity, or, in my case, the mystical connection between thought and manifestation.”

  “Yes, I think you are correct,” Abigail/Barbara agreed. “Once knowledge is available it is impossible to contain it. Many times throughout history this has been tried, and though it can be successful for a while, eventually the knowledge reaches everyone. My understanding is that the specific techniques you teach are a form of meditation and visualization. Is that correct?”

  “That is an oversimplification, but in essence The Book of the Dream does teach meditation and visualization techniques,” Otto confirmed. “However, the way in which these techniques are presented is what makes the book so valuable. After just sixty-three days anyone can manifest that which they truly desire. My hope is that if millions of people with a shared vision practice the techniques together, we can accelerate the evolution of consciousness on this planet.”

  Looking at his watch, Jim Cusumano joined the conversation. “Otto, thank you so much for your support. We are truly aligned, for part of the mission of Project Wake Up will be to ensure that millions of people become aware of these techniques. I know that we could talk for hours about the specific techniques you teach—and I am personally fascinated to learn where and how you learned them— but given how short the time is, we need to focus on the specific roles of each of us in developing Project Wake Up.”

  Within the ninety minutes before the meeting had come to an end, everyone knew what they were to do before the next meeting, which would be at Chateau Mcely.

  As Barbara walked back to Eve’s car, she had an inner dialogue with Abigail, who started the conversation. “Otto has already shared information, which for thousands of years was held only by sacred teachers. I think it is now too late to undo what he has done. We will have to find an alter
native solution to stopping the Illuminati from controlling this planet.”

  Barbara’s thought back to Abigail was: “Do you know how you are going to do that?”

  She was not reassured when Abigail’s only response was, “Not yet.”




  ARNOLD WHEELER HAD ALREADY toured his windmill generators and genetically modified wheat and soybean operations, and he was speeding in his private limo to Malibu. He had spent the day with Jean-Pierre Montana discussing the purchase of Jean-Pierre’s tequila and spirits distribution company. Looking at his diamond-encrusted gold Rolex watch, Arnold realized that he had almost missed his window for giving the command for his climate control project. “Excuse me, Jean-Pierre,” Arnold interjected. “I need to have Eugene order a little exercise for me that I think will be of interest to you.” Turning to his bodyguard, Arnold asked, “Have you given the all clear to mission control?”

  “Yes, Mr. Wheeler. The pilots are ready on your command,” Eugene answered.

  “Go ahead. I want all twenty planes in flight immediately,” Arnold confirmed.

  Eugene did as he was told, and just minutes later, Arnold and Jean-Pierre heard the roar of jets overhead. Behind them lingered chemtrails that were being produced by the seeding that was taking place. Arnold had devised a plan that he felt was ideal. By seeding the skies over his agricultural holdings in California, he was not only controlling the climate but creating an environment in which his genetically modified crops would thrive while the non-genetically modified crops around him would not. The result would be less competition and greater profits for his companies. Arnold looked out the window of the limousine and was startled by the rich purple, orange, and green shapes that were spreading throughout the sky. “A thing of beauty, Jean-Pierre, a thing of beauty. Not even God can create such colors and shapes. And to think these chemicals are going to increase the value of our crops by hundreds of millions of dollars.”

  “How is that the case?” asked Jean-Pierre. “And how is it related to my own agricultural holdings?”

  “Just think about it, Jean-Pierre,” chortled Arnold, “these chemicals will kill any plants that are not using our specific genetically modified seeds. I ordered the driver to pass by one of the farms you own not far from here that has not yet switched over to our GMO products. We should arrive any minute.”

  “What are you saying? You’ve poisoned my grape harvest?” asked an alarmed Jean-Pierre.

  “Well, yes, but do not be concerned. This is one of the farms we are buying from you, and we are not paying any less because the grapes are ruined. We will be replanting anyway.” Jean-Pierre still looked very concerned, and Arnold went on. “You see, I wanted to make a point. You have great influence in this part of California among other growers, not only of grapes but of a great variety of agricultural products. You are now one of us, and you will reap the benefits of being one of the Illuminati. All we want you to do is to convince those who may not understand that they must cooperate by purchasing our seeds. Those who do not will suffer financial ruin. You will be doing your friends a favor and they will be grateful, yes?” Arnold explained, not expecting any answer other than enthusiastic agreement.

  Jean-Pierre was not enthusiastic, but he understood that he had no choice. He had already signed the contract with Arnold, and although he realized the potential danger of the world switching to a complete GMO agricultural base, he knew that his own financial survival was now tied to that strategy. As Jean-Pierre looked out the window and saw ever-more amazing purple and green and lavender plumes from the chemtrails, he looked Arnold in the eye and confirmed, “Yes, we have a deal. May God forgive us for destroying the natural diversity of our environment.”

  Genetically modified organisms are increasingly the primary source of nutrients on planet earth. How dangerous might this be?

  What steps can be taken to balance the need for low cost agricultural products with the need for biological diversity?

  “Oh, Jean-Pierre,” Arnold assured him, “I have studied this nonsense about biological diversity. The writers are just a bunch of egghead scientists and tree huggers who have no better cause to promote. Our planet is here for us to use, and there is no substitute for our improved genetically engineered crops. We are doing the world a service. You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

  He paused briefly to pour two glasses of champagne from the bottle in the ice bucket. “Let’s have another glass of your fine champagne to celebrate. We should drink to our partnership and the total control of the market that we will soon enjoy. Life is wonderful, Jean-Pierre, truly wonderful.” Looking out once again at the dramatic shapes overhead, Arnold reaffirmed his enthusiasm for all he had accomplished that day. “Indeed, Jean-Pierre, not even God can make such shapes and colors. Not even God.”

  ONCE ARNOLD RETURNED home after dropping off Jean-Pierre, he relaxed on his multi-section couch and looked out over the sunset tinged waves washing up on the beach just below his living room window. He mulled over the advances he had made over the course of the day. He liked to make advances every day. That’s because he believed in taking care of business. It was not for nothing that his friends called him Arnie Wheeler-Dealer. Even as a young boy, he reflected, he had exhibited an extraordinary talent for deal making. It had started with the board game of Monopoly. When properties were purchased, he would immediately start talking with his opponents, convincing them to do trades that always resulted in him winning the game. His most common ploy was to exchange a higher-valued property for a less-valuable property, but, in the process, obtain all the properties of a certain color and be able to begin adding houses and hotels at once while those with the more valuable property had to wait to acquire the missing properties to complete their own set.

  Arnie pretty much used his Monopoly game strategy in real life. His family had owned the worst tracts of land surrounding New York City, with much of the land being swampland in neighboring New Jersey. Through expert manipulation of zoning laws and political connections, his father had much of the swampland filled in and then leased to become the football stadium for the New York Giants. Arnie observed what his father had done and created a real estate company that specialized in acquiring land in undesirable, out-of-the-way locations within fifty miles of major urban centers throughout the world, and then arranging for major sports stadiums and convention centers to be built in each location. His latest exploits were in China and India, and he was generating billions of dollars in profit annually.

  In addition to making billions for himself and his investors, Arnie enjoyed the acclaim he received for his business acumen. He was treated as a saint and savior by local governments who gave him proclamations and keys to their cities for creating jobs and ongoing revenue streams wherever he built. Even world leaders considered Arnie an extraordinary man, and his large monetary donations to the United Way, Habitat for Humanity, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and other high-profile not-for-profit organizations led everyone to believe, including Arnie himself, that he was a truly good and generous man.

  One side of Arnie that others did not always see was that he was extremely competitive and ruthless. Once he set his sights on obtaining a property or lobbying a politician for specific favors, he was unstoppable. He felt that he had a special relationship with God and that any means necessary to obtain his goals were justified. After all, he really did know what was best for others, or so he thought, and he never questioned or doubted himself or his tactics.

  Part of the reason Arnie never doubted himself was his role as the leader of the Illuminati. At the age of twelve his father had introduced him to Mackenzie Hardy. Mr. Hardy lived in Ireland but visited the Wheeler family whenever he was in the United States. Arnie was not sure what Mackenzie did, but he knew that his father treated him with deference during their many business dealings. As was the custom in the Wheeler household, Arnie, along with his two
brothers and sister, always ate at an earlier hour in the kitchen, while his parents dined in the elegant dining room, served by the butler and the cook. One evening, Arnie, as the oldest sibling, was invited to join his parents in the dining room for what he was told was a special dinner honoring Mackenzie Hardy. At this dinner Arnie learned who he really was.

  The dinner started with a toast to Mr. Hardy. Arnie was poured a glass of red wine along with the adults and, following the lead of his mother, sipped the wine as if he were tasting it to ensure it was aromatic and a “good” bottle.

  “Here’s to you, Mr. Hardy,” Arnie’s father toasted, clinking glasses all around. “I am most grateful to you for your assistance these last several years in helping us build our business in so many ways. I have always felt inadequate in my ability to repay your kindnesses, but at least I can host you for as long as you choose to be doing business with us here in New York and New Jersey.”

  “You know I am quite happy staying at the Hotel Pierre in the city, but your hospitality is quite wonderful,” Mackenzie commented as the butler served an exquisitely carved rack of lamb with mint jelly, potatoes au gratin, and Brussels sprouts. “Do not worry about repaying me for my kindnesses. We are linked through the Illuminati, and it is my responsibility to ensure the success of my brothers and sisters who share our cause.”

  This was the first time Arnie had ever heard the term“Illuminati,” and he was intrigued. Though he knew he should not have spoken up, he could not help himself and asked his mother, “Are we members of the Illuminati?”

  His father spoke before his mother could reply. “Arnie, you are twelve years old,” he said gravely. “Next month you will be thirteen. It is time for you to understand who you are and the responsibilities that come with being a Wheeler.”


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