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The Power of Twelve

Page 11

by William Gladstone



  IMPOSSIBLE!” interjected Sheba Sheba.

  “Unacceptable!” exclaimed Madman Michael.

  “Preposterous!” shouted Karl the Kingmaker.

  The Thirteenth Apostle had just informed the Council of Twelve of the decision of The One to remain on planet Earth as Max and not intercede directly in the crisis being caused by Earth 769.

  The only member of the Council of Twelve who was unperturbed by the announcement was Sophia the Subtle. She just smiled and said, “How curious.”

  Terry the True regained his equanimity and he entered the conversation. “Sophia is correct. This decision is most curious, but let us examine the facts. At the present moment Earth 769 is sending off negative thought forms, and these forms are actually causing the ripple in the universe. We do not have to destroy the planet to prevent this catastrophe. We must focus all our attention on changing those who are generating these thought forms, and if we do that, the crisis can be averted.”

  “Easier said than done,” remarked Caleb the Cantankerous.

  “Yes, not easily accomplished, but not impossible,” interjected Harold the Hilarious with a crinkled smile suggesting a bemused chuckle.

  “Isn’t Abigail already on Earth 769 trying to accomplish this goal?” asked Lily the Lovely.

  “Not really. When Abigail volunteered to go to Earth 769, the idea was to undo the unintended consequences of the release of the sacred information in The Book of the Dream that I had interjected into the planet,” Freddy reminded them. “If the report from the Collector of Data is correct, it is too late for that. The thought forms are too strong and too well established. I agree with Terry the True that the only viable solution is to work with those emanating these negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts.”

  “As I said, easier said than done,” interjected Caleb the Cantankerous again. “How in the name of the known universes can we possibly alter the thinking of these Earthlings on 769 in such a short period of time? According to the report, we have less than ninety days. It’s just impossible—”

  “Nothing is impossible,” interrupted Freddy the Freeroller. “I know from experience that the most unexpected outcomes unfold precisely when situations appear impossible. For me, making the impossible possible has always been the greatest challenge and the greatest joy.”

  “I agree with Freddy,” added Mother Magnificence. “Nothing is impossible, especially when love is at the foundation of the solution. If we focus on the love we feel for all of life throughout the universe, I am sure we will arrive at a solution.”

  “How curious that The One has decided not to participate in our deliberations,” Sophia said with the softest of voices, barely audible to the other members of the Council of Twelve. “I do not think that his decision was made without thinking of the consequences for us and the known universes. He has always shown the ultimate compassion for us all. His refusal to participate in these deliberations may provide the clue to the resolution of this crisis.”

  “I am not sure I agree,” the Thirteenth Apostle said wearily. “The One seemed to have had his mind made up even before I arrived. He seemed more interested in playing with his grandchildren than wanting to give serious consideration to the problem of Earth 769. I was shocked and dismayed by his behavior, though I must say his eyes never looked at me with greater love and compassion than when he rejected my entreaty.”

  “Ah, there it is: love and compassion,” beamed Magi. “That is the key to resolving this crisis. We must find a way to interject greater love and compassion into those controlling planet Earth 769. Although we generally regard love and compassion as feelings and emotions, they are actually thought forms. If we strengthen these thought forms, I am sure we will avert the prognosticated disaster.”

  “Yes, yes. All fine and good, but as I keep reminding you, wishes alone are not enough,” Caleb the Cantankerous growled.

  “Why must you be so negative all the time, Caleb?” asked Freddy. “Of course this is easier said than done, but perhaps not so hard as you imagine.”

  “Freddy is correct. This is not impossible,” affirmed Terry the True. “The generation of thoughts of love and compassion is actually easy. It is the natural flow of thought itself. The trick is that so many on planet Earth 769 have lived so long with thoughts of fear, scarcity, and greed that they have programmed themselves into thinking that their formulations of survival of the fittest and laws of natural selection or the dominance of the selfish gene are the principles that govern their survival. If we can alter these misconceived false principles, thoughts of love and compassion will naturally return and force out the negative thought forms.”

  “Excellent,” smiled Sheba Sheba. “We have the first step in the plan. We know our goal. How do we proceed?”

  “Carefully is how we must proceed. If Earth 769 self-destructs with Abigail’s essence inhabiting a planet Earth body, she will be unable to resume her existence as Abigail. Effectively, she will die,” Freddy answered. “Abigail is already in grave danger and she does not know it. We must communicate with her and have her alter her plan. The Illuminati on Earth 769 are the key players in this drama. We must warn Abigail that most of them, even those who are pretending to support Project Wake Up, in fact mean to obstruct and not facilitate it. Ironically, Project Wake Up is now more important than ever.”

  “I agree with Freddy,” spoke Karl the Kingmaker. “But I am not sure how best to proceed. Perhaps it is time for all of us to take form on planet Earth 769 and assist her. We have only ninety days and the task is huge.”

  “I truly wish The One were here with us now to help decide our next step,” sighed the Thirteenth Apostle. Since that was not the case, he fell silent, letting all of the ideas that had been voiced percolate in his mind. At last he reached a conclusion. “I see no reason not to send more of us to Earth 769 to assist Abigail, but I do not think that we should all go at once. When taking human form, even as a walk-in, we restrict our abilities to fully remember the true nature of our consciousness and our full powers as evolved enlightened beings. We need to keep a core majority of the Council of Twelve here on Naranjada to monitor the progress of this transformation of thought forms on Earth 769. I suggest we send only three of us at this time.”

  “Point well taken,” seconded Karl the Kingmaker. “We do not know what lies ahead, and we need to keep the Council strong. Let me be one of the three volunteers to go.”

  “You will be one of the three,” confirmed the Thirteenth Apostle. “Who else chooses to go?”

  Lily the Lovely spoke next. “I believe it is my destiny to go. If love is the answer to this dilemma, I feel my essence and my experience will be invaluable.”

  “Yes, you have unique qualities for this task. You shall go,” the Thirteenth Apostle acknowledged. “And who shall be our third and final volunteer?”

  Unexpectedly, Harold the Hilarious spoke up. “I think the third planetary explorer should be me. A good sense of humor can change thought forms faster than any quality I know. I think I can be a valuable addition to the team. Let’s get started immediately.”

  “Excellent. Excellent,” the Thirteenth Apostle smiled. “I think the three of you are ideal messengers for this assignment. All right, now that the choices are settled, we need to turn to the next matter. We must visit the Akashic Library and choose which humans on Earth 769 will be the best vessels to utilize while in human form.”

  For the first time since leaving The One on planet Earth to play with his grandchildren, the Thirteenth Apostle felt that he was moving in the right direction. Perhaps changing the negative to positive thought forms in just ninety days would not be impossible after all.



  FOR EFFICIENCY AND EASE of connecting Lily, Karl, and Harold with the right walk-in candidates for their mission to planet Earth 769, the Thirteenth Apostle suggested that th
ey convene in the den of William the Pen. He had a holographic Akashic Record reader. It was normally stored and guarded with the downstairs files and the books of wisdom that were in his collection, but the Thirteenth Apostle helped him carry the device upstairs, where it was carefully placed on the round reading table at which Lily, Karl, and Harold were already seated.

  The very existence of the Akashic holographic reader was known only to William the Pen, the Thirteenth Apostle, and The One. The reason for such secrecy was that access to the Akashic Records was restricted to those with special circumstances. Plus, traveling to the non-space of space where the actual Akashic Records existed was both an arduous journey and subject to danger for the travelers.

  Karl was the first to comment upon seeing the strange device before him. “What is this? I thought we were meeting here to be briefed before traveling to the actual site of the Akashic Records themselves.”

  “This is a holographic Akashic Record reader,” William the Pen stated proudly. “It was created just for me so that I could access the Akashic Records at will as part of my duties in transcribing official documents for The One and the dignitaries here on planet Naranjada.”

  “It is such a lovely device,” interjected Lily. “The blue, almost turquoise color of the holographic images is mesmerizing.”

  “And it is amazing how I seem to be looking at millions of images simultaneously without becoming confused,” chuckled Harold.

  “Just wait. The reader is merely warming up. Once we request specific life histories, the images will sort themselves out with a clarity that is equal to viewing events in actual space and time,” William the Pen explained.

  “Just one reminder to you all before we get started,” interrupted the Thirteenth Apostle. “This is a sacred device. Should it fall into the wrong hands, the results could be catastrophic. The reader contains all of the information in the actual Akashic Records. How this is possible I do not fully comprehend, but every event from the beginning of time as well as all future events until the end of time are contained in this device. The actual flow of the creative universes would be endangered if this information were used incorrectly. I have only arranged for access because of the immediate crisis being created by planet Earth 769 and because I know that for this special project only, The One would approve of my actions. Please promise me that you will not share your knowledge of the existence of the holographic Akashic Reader even with the other members of the Council of Twelve.”

  “We promise,” Lily, Harold, and Karl all said at once.

  Lily continued. “But please explain how the Akashic Records can contain all future information as well as past. I do not understand. If the Akashic Records contain everything that ever will happen, how it is possible for us or any beings to ever avert future calamities or alter the future in any way whatsoever.”

  The Thirteenth Apostle held up his hands in a helpless shrug. “I do not fully understand how the Akashic Records work or how this can be. Perhaps William the Pen has a deeper understanding.”

  “I am an expert on reading and interpreting the Akashic Records. I was trained directly by The One when he appointed me the official scribe for planet Naranjada,” William the Pen explained. “However, only The One truly understands how non-space space, non-time time, and non-future futures can coexist within the Akashic Records. The One has explained to me the nature of infinity and what infinity really means. Infinity within the Akashic Records implies that literally infinite worlds and universes and infinite futures exist. So when reading the Akashic Records, we are always tuning in to actual events. At the same time, the number of futures is so overwhelming that a normal being is unable to interpret which future is the one in which he or she actually exists or even the one that is being viewed. That is, the nature of infinity itself protects the gross misuse of the Akashic Records by unevolved beings. Such a being would never know the level of probability of whether the actual events of a particular life they are viewing are relevant to their own temporal existence or not.”

  Lily sighed as she confessed, “I was never very good at math. I am afraid I do not really understand your explanation. For me the real question is: How can we alter the predicted destruction of planet Earth 769 and all the known universes if the future already exists?”

  “The short answer is, we can alter the future because through our actions we are able to choose the specific timeline of events that we experience in these spirit bodies and with these molecules and atoms. At the same time, from the perspective of the infinite varieties of the evolution of the universe, there is a universe in which we are not even having this meeting and in which planet Earth 769 is in fact self-destructing in such a way that this and all known, and perhaps unknown, universes are also already destroyed, including, for all we know, perhaps the Akashic Records themselves.”

  “Quite amazing,” laughed Harold. “Who could have ever imagined such a universe or such a possibility?”

  “Obviously, The One could imagine it, since here we are. And let’s not forget the reason we are here,” Karl spoke solemnly. “Enough about the theory of how the holographic Akashic Record Reader can or cannot work; let’s get down to the business at hand. Which human forms on planet Earth 769 are the most likely candidates to assist us in replacing the destructive negative thought forms of fear and greed with thoughts and actions of love and compassion?”

  “Well stated,” the Thirteenth Apostle affirmed. “William the Pen, please focus on the individuals on Earth 769 who have the strongest connections with those of the Illuminati who are responsible for the negative thought forms.”

  William the Pen pressed several buttons on the holographic Akashic Record reader, and soon it responded with flashing lights and a gentle murmur like the sound of a large cat purring contentedly.

  The first image that appeared was that of a young boy suffering from meningitis. The boy was coughing and his mother was comforting him with ice packs and praying for his recovery. “Please, God, let my Horatio live. He is a good boy and he will be a credit to you and all mankind. Do not let him die,” she sobbed.

  The next image was of the same boy Horatio playing stickball on a side street outside his working-class home near Chicago. He had recovered from his illness but was still on the scrawny side compared to his ball-playing friends. But because little Horatio had guts and determination and a fierce desire to compete, he was hitting the ball just as far as his stronger friends and running just as fast around the bases.

  More images appeared. Horatio was in college playing intramural football. He was winning awards as the MVP of his college baseball team. He was going to law school; he was dropping out of law school. He was working for a local soft drink bottling company. He was hired by a larger company. He was relocated to California for his work, he was hired back by his firm in Chicago, and he was headhunted to run even larger companies until he eventually became the CEO of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. He ran the company in a way that produced a level of profitability that was extraordinary, and he did it by using common sense and believing that everyone in his company, as well as his suppliers and customers, had to be treated with respect and honesty at all times. The final images were of Horatio retired and being sought out by business leaders and leaders of state throughout the world to assist with global initiatives affecting hundreds of millions of people.

  As the images faded from view, the Thirteenth Apostle started to explain. “You have just witnessed scenes from the life of Horatio Rhinegold. Horatio is now eighty but is still strong and vital. He was not born into the Illuminati, but through his achievements he has gained the trust of the most powerful members of the 319 families. I suggest you approach Horatio and see if he will allow you to utilize his form for our mission.”

  “Seems like an excellent choice,” agreed Karl. “I am comfortable with this human and I am sure I can convince him that the higher good requires him to collaborate with us. He has a strong sense of ethics and morals and will imme
diately resonate not just with our mission, but also with the specific benefits of assisting the Illuminati to focus on love and compassion.”

  “So be it,” confirmed the Thirteenth Apostle. “But before you leave for planet Earth 769, you must know the selections made by Lily and Harold.”

  The Thirteenth Apostle turned toward William the Pen, and once again buttons were pushed and lights flashed, the loud purring began and images started to appear.

  The first images were of a beautiful baby born to parents in Prague. The baby quickly became a happy child full of energy and smiles. They saw images of the child playing at a country estate outside of Prague, enjoying nature, laughing with the butterflies, chasing birds and squirrels, and picking flowers. These were replaced by images of a slightly older girl, now with long willowy blonde hair and crystalblue eyes, playing tea with her friends, making sure that the tea set was perfectly arranged with every detail in place in perfect symmetry and harmony. The young girl grew into a woman even more beautiful, with a soft sensuality that attracted the attention of many suitors. But the young woman was focused on building a career and developing her individual autonomy and sense of power and self-reliance, and she was not interested in long-term suitors. She became an expert in real estate, especially in the restoration of historic buildings in central Prague. She made money, purchased beautiful clothes, and lived with a personal ease and satisfaction that fed her need for aesthetic beauty in all aspects of her life.

  Images of a great, yet almost in ruins, estate appeared. The Chateau was an hour outside of Prague and would require enormous resources. Loans were negotiated, contractors were hired, and a dark-haired older man from a distant land appeared. The Chateau was transformed. Guests appeared. The young woman and the older man were married. They had a daughter. They used their Chateau to host notables from throughout the world. Many members of the Illuminati were among their guests and increasingly in their network of friends.


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