Book Read Free

The Power of Twelve

Page 16

by William Gladstone

  “You really think you can change the nature of human nature just with words and ideas?” Arnold asked.

  “Yes. I am certain of it,” Jack responded.

  “If I may interrupt, let me respond as well,” chimed in Gayle. “I have worked with Jack for many years, and he is in part responsible for my own work in writing Full Feminine Power Now. When writing my book I took some of the techniques that I had learned from Jack as well as the new information I learned from Otto in his Book of the Dream to demonstrate how simple it is to actually change human behavior.”

  “It is one thing to change human behavior, but Jack and the rest of you are talking about changing human nature. Isn’t that a great leap?” asked Arnold.

  “Not really,” responded Gayle. “My good friends at Synchronicity in Virginia have done studies showing that emotions and feelings can change physical outcomes in extraordinary ways. The future of our planet is going to be determined as much by our feelings and emotions and ideas as by technology itself. I am convinced that the technological breakthroughs of the past fifty years have positioned our planet to take an extraordinary leap into a more balanced and harmonic way of being. The key is going to come from the mindsets of our leaders and ourselves. For me, I can think of no better way to achieve immediate results than what Barbara and others have proposed with Project Wake Up.”

  Abigail/Barbara joined the conversation, hoping to further convince Arnold to participate.

  “Gayle and Jack, thank you so much for your support and clear explication of why Project Wake Up is so important. For me, the most exciting aspect is that this is all so doable at this precise moment in time. For years I have dreamed of how we could use our technology to make a significant difference for good in the world. Too often, even when technology brings us comfort and ease through better cars, faster planes, and more rapid communication, we are ignoring the human impact of our technology. Too often it has been used for war and for destroying our environment in our striving for short-term profit and domination of others. It is time to change the mindset so that future uses of technology are focused on creating a world that works for all seven billion people on this planet, not just the fortunate one or two percent.”

  “I see, I see,” Arnie commented, and then he faked a yawn. “This has been a wonderful initial introduction to Project Wake Up. The only problem is, I’m still on New York time and it is nearly four in the morning for me. Why don’t we break until tomorrow? I have much to ponder and I will save my questions for you all until then.”

  “Arnold,” Jim put in, “I am so grateful that you have taken the time to join us here at Chateau Mcely. It is truly an honor to have you. I apologize for having this meeting right away, but given how short the time is, I wanted to be sure to at least introduce you to the primary team and concept right away. We can reconvene at noon tomorrow here for lunch. That way if you and George would like to sleep in, you can, and others can explore the gardens in the morning.”

  “No need to apologize, Jim,” Arnold responded as he rose from his seat. “It has been my pleasure and honor to get to meet the team. I am sure tomorrow will be a most eventful day.”

  The doubts Arnold had felt before arriving had magnified by a factor of ten. A hundred million dollars to fund the initiative? And how much more was being donated from other sources? People were already rioting on the streets without any organizing at all.

  As soon as Arnold reached his bedroom, he knocked on the adjoining door and summoned Eugene Green. “Eugene, a van will be arriving at the basement entrance in the next thirty minutes. Please be on hand to greet the driver and assist in carefully taking possession of the delivery. Do not let anyone know of the delivery,” he warned Eugene severely, “and store the packages in the basement where they will not be seen.”

  “As you wish,” Eugene confirmed. “No one but you will know of the delivery.”

  If this group wanted to encourage widespread rioting, destabilizing governments all over the world, they would soon find that those who were trying to rule it for everyone’s betterment would not sit idly by. Insurrection would be met by decisive action. Arnold nodded as he gazed out the bedroom window, watching for the van. Before the body had even started to grow, he was determined, its head would be chopped off.



  WHILE GEORGE, Horatio, Barbara, and Inéz were munching on chocolates and caviar, Harry, Karl, Abigail, and Lily were having their own telepathic conversation at the exact same time.

  “So good to see you guys,” Abigail greeted the other three as she popped three chocolate bonbons into Barbara’s mouth in quick succession. “What are you doing here? I thought I had the situation under control.”

  “Great to see you too,” Lily responded. “There’s been a change in plans.”

  “That’s right,” added Karl. “We aren’t going to try to undo the dissemination of The Book of the Dream. Too late and not practical. The plan now is to help disseminate that information even more widely and do everything we can to ensure that Project Wake Up will be a success.”

  “That shouldn’t be too hard, especially now that the seemingly allpowerful Arnold Wheeler is joining the effort,” Abigail responded.

  “Don’t be too sure of that,” Harry chimed in. “I have been traveling with Arnold, and he is not who he pretends to be. I have never met a more ruthless or calculating human. He is the Grand Light and Keeper of the Code for the Illuminati. He is not here to help Project Wake Up but to sabotage it.”

  “Oh, dear!” Abigail exclaimed. “That is such a pity. He seems like such a nice man.” She glanced at the assemblage, starting to move toward the arranged chairs. “We better quiet down our telepathic communications, as I see people are starting to take their seats.”

  “I’m really just a real estate developer,” Arnold began once the meeting had begun.

  “Don’t believe a word of this,” Harry communicated to Abigail, Lily, and Karl. “Arnold has phantom companies set up all over the world. Those companies are the largest shareholders in most of the Fortune 500 companies, including Apple, Microsoft, and Exxon, and are also major investors in the biggest hedge funds in the world, including Blackstone and Wexford. This guy is controlling literally trillions of dollars. He can buy and sell the White House—and he did.”

  “… and perhaps just as important, if our money is being used in the best possible fashion,” Arnold finished his opening speech to the directors of Project Wake Up.

  “Lies, all lies,” Harry communicated with consternation to his spiritual colleagues. “Arnold just wants to be sure he subverts Project Wake Up altogether. He explained to George Bush that his goal is to offer his money to ensure that the directors break off communication with other sources of funding and become dependent solely upon his funding. He’s then going to stall and allow financial commitments to be made that will not be fulfilled by Project Wake Up. His goal is to sully the reputation of the project and embarrass Barbara and the other directors so no one will support them in this or any other project they do in the future.”

  “Calm down, Harry,” Karl interceded. “We already knew this. What we need to focus on is how Arnold is intending to use any information provided to him to strengthen the Illuminati. Our goal at this time is less the support of Project Wake Up itself than finding a way to either weaken or change the thought patterns of Arnold and the Illuminati. For the most part, these Illuminati are highly evolved humans. We need to change their still-primitive focus on power. Arnold is a key figure, but let’s not lose sight of our overall goal.”

  “Well stated,” added Lily. “Let’s listen and see what this Jack Canfield has to say. I have heard that he is one of the planet’s most effective teachers.”

  “… I know that real change starts on the inside …” Jack was saying as he explained his background and approach to helping individuals make meaningful changes in their lives.

  “I like this Jack
Canfield very much,” Abigail communicated over his voice. “In the weeks that I have been sharing Barbara’s body, I have had multiple occasions to spend time with Jack. He is quite extraordinary. He has the ability to connect with others and go immediately to what is most important to each of his students or clients.”

  “Yes. He has a most attractive way of communicating,” Lily added. “Oh, let’s pay attention to what Jack is saying. His insights might be useful to us in changing the nature of the negative thought forms.”

  “… Based on my own research, changing the very nature of human nature is not only possible but imminently feasible,” Jack declared with calm certainty.

  “Now, that is a bold statement,” Abigail thought to her companions. “I am not sure Jack is actually correct that this is the fundamental dilemma we face. The human race as a species can evolve, but by definition human nature itself is not subject to change.”

  Lily could not help but respond. “I disagree. Human nature can in fact change, and it is love that will drive this change. Once humans understand that they are spiritual as well as physical beings, they will stop being so self-centered and egotistical.”

  “Lily, you may be correct, and my own experiments with past members of the Illuminati were based on your assumptions, but I am no longer certain that I have been on the right path,” Karl responded.

  “You have had past experiments with the Illuminati?” asked Harry.

  “Indeed I have,” explained Karl. “In fact, for a brief period of time I was a walk-in with Arnold’s mentor, Mackenzie Hardy.”

  “But wasn’t Mackenzie Hardy the man responsible for the negative approach Arnold has taken to maintaining the power of the Illuminati?” Harry asked with alarm.

  “Indeed he was,” confirmed Karl. “Mackenzie loved Arnold as if he were his own son. Mackenzie meant well, and in his own way, he was a great man. The twentieth century on this planet just changed the power structure so drastically that the old ways were no longer applicable. I take personal responsibility for providing the wrong type of guidance to Mackenzie and his fellow members of the Illuminati. At the time I felt that there needed to be greater control. I was just very wrong.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Karl,” interjected Lily. “In the end all beings are responsible for their own actions. You meant well, and perhaps even Mackenzie Hardy had good intentions.”

  “As they say on this planet, the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” Abigail put in wryly. “Let’s listen and see how this meeting is going to end.”

  Barbara spoke after Jack and Gayle and reminded the group that technology alone was not the answer to the problems facing humanity on this Earth. “… Too often our technology has been used for war and for destroying our environment in our striving for short-term profit and domination of others.”

  “I do like this Barbara Marx Hubbard,” Abigail continued telepathically to her companions. “Those are her words and insights, not mine. If more Barbara Marx Hubbards inhabited this planet, I think this present crisis could have been avoided altogether.”

  “I could not agree more,” Lily asserted. “Our goal needs to be to help these humans evolve to be the universal humans that Barbara is talking about. If we do that, Illuminati notwithstanding, I am sure the crisis will be averted.”

  “Unfortunately, we may not have time for that,” Karl communicated solemnly. “Remember, according to the Collector of Data report presented to us by William the Pen, we have only weeks left to avert the prophesied disaster.”

  “Quite true,” Harry quipped with an oddly cheerful vibration in his communication. “Not impossible to pull off, but quite the challenge. Oh, seems the meeting is breaking up. I am going to join George in getting a good night’s sleep. I think in the morning we will be able to pool our insights and come up with a strategy for counteracting whatever Arnold may be plotting.”

  “… I am sure tomorrow will be a most eventful day,” concluded Arnold as beings both physical and spiritual departed the grand dining room and headed up the stairs to sleep and, for some of them, to dream.

  “Enjoy your beauty sleep,” Arnold remarked and then muttered to himself as he watched them, “for it will be one of your last.”



  AS SOON AS ARNOLD reached his room, he opened his briefcase and took out The Book of the Dream. He had been given this copy by his good friend Serge Kolnakov. Serge was the wealthiest man in the former Soviet Union. He not only owned the largest oil reserves, but controlled the major banks. Like many members of the Illuminati, Serge had found ways to hide his true wealth and keep a low profile.

  Serge had been given a copy of The Book of the Dream directly by Otto. Otto had been working with Serge for many years and knew only that Serge was generous in compensating him for his previous efforts in healing members of Serge’s family. Otto was also aware that Serge was known for his many charitable acts, and assumed he was a man of good character.

  Arnold had been careful, when greeting Otto at the Project Wake Up meeting, to act as if he had never heard of Otto and had no knowledge of The Book of the Dream. Arnold was waiting for the more detailed meetings in the coming days to learn exactly how Project Wake Up planned to disseminate The Book of the Dream to millions of people. In the last six months that he had been personally using The Book of the Dream, he had learned just how powerful and effective the technique of envisioning desired outcomes just before sleep could be. So he knew full well that Project Wake Up could significantly alter the status quo and endanger what, at least for the last forty years, had been nearly complete control of world economies and governments. He was determined to prevent The Book of the Dream from reaching everyday people.

  So as he had done every night for the last six months, once he had changed into his bedclothes, Arnold lay on the bed with his upper body erect as if he were sitting. He looked to the right and then the left and started to imagine exactly what he hoped he would achieve the next day and the day after that and into the future for the entire month. Arnold’s primary wish was to envision a world that went on just as it had been going on, with the Illuminati in complete control. He saw himself receiving news and congratulations from George Bush, Serge, and other members of the 319 families. “Oh, Grand Light and Keeper of the Code, you have protected us again from the rabble. You have maintained order and crushed all movements that could alter the destiny of our lineage.” Arnold envisioned these words as he practiced the techniques available to those who used The Book of the Dream. With these thoughts firmly realized in his mind, he fell into a gentle sleep. He slept like a baby without a care in the world.

  AT THE SAME TIME that Arnold was practicing his Book of the Dream exercises, Abigail/Barbara was dealing with the consequences of indulging in chocolate.

  “Why did I let you have so many bonbons?” Barbara lamented to Abigail. “We’re eighty-three years old. We can’t eat twelve pieces of chocolate late at night and expect to get a good night’s sleep. Not only is my mind racing with the caffeine, but my stomach is experiencing heartburn.”

  “I wish I were only eighty-three years old,” Abigail commented. “That is the age of your body, perhaps, but I am much, much older than that.”

  “All the more reason you should have known better,” Barbara joked. “But seriously, Abigail, you must get control of your addiction to chocolate. It could seriously injure our health.”

  “You are, of course, correct,” Abigail admitted. “But I had never seen or tasted such exquisite chocolates. Those chocolates alone justify saving your planet. They were the most divine food I have ever tasted on this or any planet.”

  “Yes, they were quite tasty,” Barbara agreed. “I do admit that I too enjoyed them, but promise me greater self-control tomorrow. We are not going to get a good night’s sleep because of this, and we need to be as alert as possible if we are to convince Arnold Wheeler and George Bush to give us those hundred mil
lion dollars.”

  “Actually, it’s just as well you are unable to sleep quite yet,” Abigail said. “I need to warn you about Arnold. My friends from the Council of Twelve have advised me that Arnold and George do not intend to provide funding at all. They are here to make you think they will so you do not pursue other financial backing. Then at the last minute, when it is too late to seek other funding, they will find an excuse to renege on their commitment and destroy Project Wake Up.”

  “Are you sure? Both Arnold and George seem genuinely interested in helping,” Barbara asked.

  “I am positive,” Abigail confirmed. “Their interest is in learning what is planned so that should they be unable to derail Project Wake Up, they will know exactly what to do to counteract any success the project may have. They are dangerous men, and you need to be more cautious when speaking with them tomorrow. I believe that not only Project Wake Up but your very life may be in danger.”

  “Surely you exaggerate,” Barbara stated, both shocked and alarmed.

  “No, one of my good friends from the Council of Twelve is acting as a walk-in for George Bush, and he has been in close communication with Arnold. He has learned things about Arnold and the way he operates that would make your blood run cold.”

  “Oh, dear. What are we to do?”

  “I am not sure, but altogether we have four members of the Council of Twelve here sharing human forms. I am certain we will find a way to counter Arnold’s plans. Just pay close attention to what Horatio, Inéz, and George Bush do in the next two days. We are the ones who are working together to ensure that Arnold will not succeed.”

  “I greatly appreciate the support,” Barbara sighed. “Let’s try to get some sleep if we can.”

  But despite her best efforts to sleep, she could not. She tossed and turned, and soon the first light of dawn was creeping into the wellappointed bedroom of Chateau Mcely. It was too early to get up, so she went to the bathroom and filled the tub with nice warm water. She slowly entered and began to enjoy a soak made fragrant with lavender bath salts. She leaned her head against the side of the tub, and only then did she fall into a deep but uneasy slumber.


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