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Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Brian

  Not knowing what to say, he remained quiet.

  “Because of your bravery, after your war, I’ll grant you one wish of anything you desire,” she said.

  “War?” Eoin asked.

  “Right now, you are in the battles. They will intensify shortly, and you will be in the war. Once the war is over….” Her voice drifted off.

  “You mean the storm before the calm?”

  Martha nodded. “Yes. But you are a brave, strong warrior whose strength grows with each victory.”

  Eoin didn’t like the sound of this, but in his heart, he knew that there was no choice. He had been chosen to fight for God and was determined to glorify Him no matter what. Thoughts started pouring through his mind; he could ask for wealth, a house, a car, or anything he wanted. But it only took few seconds before he knew what to ask.

  Looking straight into her eyes he merely said, “I desire Talitha’s freedom.”

  Martha smiled and replied, “I must go now.” She took his hand, patted it softly and left.

  “Who was that?” Isabella asked when she returned.

  Eoin was still trying to process what Martha had told him.

  “That was Martha,” he said softly.

  “Martha who? I don’t know who she is. What did she want?”

  He explained that Martha was the one who had warned him to leave the apartment. He knew that she was from heaven above.

  “Apparently, our fights are going to become more and more intense because they are desperate to defeat us.”

  Isabella became very upset, starting to cry.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” she sobbed.

  Eoin held her tightly, rocking her in his arms as he brushed her hair away from her face with his hand across and behind her left ear.

  “You have to. We must. But for whatever reason, God has deemed us worthy to fight for Him.”

  “I…I can’t…” she stammered. “I just can’t do this anymore,” she said.

  “Shhh. I’m confident we’ll be ok, because while we’re going through the dark, God is on the other side painting a rainbow for us,” he whispered.

  Her sobs quieted down at his firm, confident words, he continued to encourage her with scripture and God’s promises. Occasionally, her body would shake with a whimper, but with Eoin’s arms around her, she found a new strength from within and eventually accepted what God was asking of them.

  Chapter 45

  As time went by Talitha became more and more uneasy about completing her assignment because of her feelings for Eoin and Isabella. She wanted to protect them at all costs, so she decided to secretly inform Eoin and Isabella of the details of their impending fights. She was able to put up a temporary wall so those from below could not hear her giving away vital information.

  “Alaya will be coming tonight,” she told him gravely.

  “She comes every night.”

  Choosing her next words carefully, she continued.

  “Yes, however, but tonight Magus will be coming with her.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  Eoin felt his body tense.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Magus and Alaya are coming together. Alaya will try to use her body to weaken you, and Magus will use his strength against you. They will both occupy This One at the same time so be ready.”

  “Magus?” he said unbelievingly.

  “Yes. You must--” Talitha's voice trailed off as she was trying to think of the words. “You must read.”

  Frustrated because she didn’t know the words she wanted to say, Talitha put her hands together with her thumbs pointing up and her fingers straight out in front of her. Slowly, she opened her hands as if her little fingers were hinges. The gesture was simple, but Eoin immediately understood.

  “It’s called the Bible, Talitha. It’s God’s loving word.”

  Trembling, she continued.

  “I didn’t know what to call it, only that there were Words from Above. You will be ok, but you need to read them and be prepared.”

  Eoin was nervous since the leader of the coven would be the tenacious and cunning spirit in the coven. That day, he and Isabella spent more time than usual in the Word and discovered that God was directing him to a special scripture that would not only help him in that night’s battle but in all areas of his life.

  After getting her family settled for the night, Isabella once again came over around 11:00 PM, and since Eoin had made coffee a bit earlier, it was still hot and fresh when she knocked on the door. They embraced tightly and kissed, and then Eoin excitedly took her by the hand and led her to the table where he had set a tall cup of coffee, his Bible, and his laptop.

  “Look what I found!” he said. “Jesus has given us the authority to cast out demons in His name. Mira! Look! In Mark 16:17 it states:

  ‘And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My Name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues.’

  Eoin continued speaking excitedly. “That’s what happened with Alaya in your front yard! God made it possible to do His work as long as we believe and command with authority!”

  Eoin’s enthusiasm was contagious, and Isabella also began to search the Bible for relevant passages, sharing the ones she found of interest. They were both nervous, but through prayer, they managed to garner courage as they asked God for protection, strength, and guidance during their research.

  It was only a short while later that Isabella body grew tired. Whenever she felt that tiredness, she knew that they were coming, it allowed them the chance to prepare, a moment before they would show up.

  “It is time,” she softly announced.

  They finished their coffee and headed upstairs so Eoin could help Isabella into her pajamas. As they were getting ready, Isabella told Eoin that Talitha wanted to speak to him.

  “I just wanted you to know that I’ll be in her head during the fight tonight. They won’t know I’m here since they are so focused on you.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I believe in what you are fighting for, and I can give her strength and encouragement,” Talitha said. Although she is not able to see what is happening, she gets sent to a very dark place and I can help her not be afraid.

  When Isabella came back, Eoin explained to her that Talitha would be with her, something they were grateful for as Talitha’s presence often brought comfort to Isabella. Isabella then lay on the bed, while Eoin prepared for a fight

  Her head slumped once more.

  “Hey baby. I missed you!” said Alaya.

  “Alaya, I wish I could say it was nice to see you again.”

  As always, Eoin held her firmly to the bed.

  “Let go of me!” she hissed as she struggled to free herself. Her legs immobilized by the covers that were tightly wrapped around her.

  “Release me!” she demanded.

  “No, Alaya. I’m not stupid. What do you take me for anyway?”

  Eoin still didn’t acknowledge that he knew Magus was there.

  “Give me the password!” she hissed.

  Rolling his eyes, Eoin started taunting her. “Fuck you, Alaya! I will never give you anything you want, whether it’s your craving for sex or the password!”

  Laughing, she tried changing her tactics and alluringly said, “All I want is a little fun with you!”

  “I wouldn’t give you that pleasure, Alaya. I’ve already told you I wouldn’t waste my seed on the likes of you!”

  This infuriated her causing her to switch back to the wickedness that was Alaya, she then again demanded, “Give. Me. The. Password!”

  “NOW!” she screamed.

  He smiled and taunted her, even though he had no idea what the password was that they wanted, he said “the password is safely stowed away in a place you will never be able to find.”

  Her eyes opened wide, for this was the first time Eoin had confessed to knowing what the password was. She continued to move trying to loosen his hands
from around her wrists. She soon noticed that Eoin’s hands were beginning to weaken and started to thrash even harder.

  “You know, Alaya, I like you, and I bet under different circumstances we would be lovers.”

  Alaya was momentarily speechless, giving Eoin just the time he needed. In one quick movement, he placed his knees on her shoulders and bore down with all his weight, causing her to holler out in pain. Soon enough Alaya suddenly gathered more strength supplied by Magus and was able to push Eoin off her. At once they both stood up. With a sudden move she bent over and drove her body into him, causing him to fall to the ground. He hit his head on the nightstand momentarily stunning him. At that point Alaya was able to do what Eoin had done to her, she put her knees on his shoulders and held him down.

  “Doesn’t feel to good does it lover? Alaya taunted. “Now try to get up honey!”

  Eoin was lost as to what to do. He couldn’t move anything but his legs. Suddenly he had an idea of what to do. He swiftly rocked his body and was able to place his legs around Alaya’s throat tightening it and watching as her face grew more and more purple. Her hands went up to her neck, losing the hold she had on him, giving Eoin the advantage this he turned and tossed Alaya next to him. They both turned at the same time, each trying to overcome the other, but Eoin moved faster and was soon on top of her again.

  “Ok I am growing tired of this. You are nothing but a bitch and I am ready to throw you out of here.”

  “Fuck you Asshole.” Alaya said with venom in her voice.

  “But, like I told you before, I’d never give you that pleasure. Now it’s time to say goodbye to you.”

  Remembering his lesson from the Bible, he grasped her t-shirt, and in a firm, commanding voice, he demanded she leave.

  This weakened Alaya, but she still managed to say “NO! not until you give me what I want, and I WANT THE PASSWORD NOW!” she yelled.

  Suddenly out of the blue another voice came in, “You are nothing and we will complete this mission and bring you down.”

  “Ah and what idiot may I ask am I speaking to now? Or did Alaya just grow some balls and become a man?”

  Again, Alaya came in and said “Fuck you, I am more woman than you could handle baby” she laughed.

  “Alaya! Quiet, let me speak!” again the male sounding voice came through.

  “Magus, you must allow me to say my worth!” Alaya once again answered.

  Eoin started laughing “Ah I see we have the twin wonders, they can’t get me one at a time, so they come in two’s. You both are pathetic. It makes it that much easier to rid of the both of you, kind of like a two for one deal”

  He then commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus. Both Immediately disappeared Talitha hurriedly came back.

  “I am proud of you, for you didn’t show panic in your dealings with them. I must go for a short while because I don’t wish them to know I was here.” She left with a small smile on her face.

  He watched in wonder as Isabella came back, still amazed that this was even possible.

  “Isabella? Are you ok my love?”

  “Yes. What happened?”

  Eoin recounted for her the fight and how he had cast both her and Magus out.

  “I’m tired. I don’t know if I can continue.”

  “Yes, you can my love. You are a strong woman, and we will persevere. I need you, my love. God needs us. He has called on us to do this, and we must be ready to fight for His glory.”

  She smiled faintly and closed her eyes. Eoin knew she was about to go under again and wondered who would be coming next. He was pleasantly surprised to discover it was Talitha.

  “Talitha,” he said. “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, I am fine. Magus didn't know I was here earlier. Magus was surprised by your strength and abilities and has sent me to help weaken you for the next battle, but I shall not do what they want.”

  “Talitha, he was smart to send a Seeker, but it won’t work the way he thinks it will.”

  “Magus has underestimated you,” Talitha said. “But, I must go now.”

  “I’ll be back here,” she said pointing to her head.

  Chapter 46

  Before he could say anything else, she was gone. When Isabella returned, she opened her eyes, smiled weakly, and lifted her arms for Eoin to slip into. Without saying anything else, she took that now very familiar deep intake of breath, and he knew to be ready. When he felt the next spirit coming into her body, he held her wrists down on the bed. Eoin could feel heat Cascading throughout her body.

  “You!” the voice said.

  “Who are you?” Eoin said.

  “That isn’t your concern!” The voice was high pitched as it screeched angrily.

  “It is my concern” Eoin said mimicking Vigor’s high pitched voice. “You come here, uninvited, into This One, into my house, and into my bedroom. I have every right to ask you who you are!” Eoin said forcefully.

  “Harrumph!” He was exasperated. “My name is Vigor.”

  “Ahhh, Vigor. I’ve heard your name before. What is your position in this coven? And what happened to Magus?”

  “You don’t need to know this!”

  “I’m writing a book, and I want to put your name into it so people throughout the ages can read about you.”

  Appealing to Vigor’s concept of his self-worth, Eoin gave Vigor reason to rethink.

  “I am second in command,” he said.

  Eoin smiled.

  “Second in command, huh? Are you not good enough to be IN COMMAND?”

  Vigor realized his mistake, but it was too late.

  “What’s wrong, Vigor? Are you not good enough to be number one? What makes you think you are good enough to defeat my God and me?”

  “Arrrrgh! Get OFF ME!” he demanded.

  “No, I don’t think so. Let me think a moment. Magus is the chief creep, and you are second. Why are you second?”

  Eoin was taunting Vigor now.

  “Could it be because you ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH to be number one?”

  Vigor was thoroughly enraged.

  “Do you EVER stop your incessant talking? Just SHUT UP!”

  “Get out!” Eoin commanded

  Vigor laughed with an evil hiss.

  Summoning his strength, Eoin said a swift prayer in his mind before he once again grabbed the shirt and skin underneath it, just over Isabella’s heart and commanded in the name of God for him to leave.

  “No! You can’t do this!”

  “Oh yes, I can. Watch me!”

  Eoin repeated the command and threw him out, just as he had done earlier to Magus and Alaya. Isabella’s body rolled onto her stomach and just lay there. As always, Eoin checked to be sure she was breathing and rolled her onto her back. She lay there, breathing but still out of it. After a few moments, she began to stir. Her hand moved up to her head.

  “What happened? Why does my head hurt?”

  “I don’t know why your head hurts, but I just fought Vigor.”

  Her eyes popped open. Her question was long and drawn out. “What?”

  Smiling, Eoin said, “You heard me. I just fought Vigor and found out some interesting things.”

  “Like what?”

  “Oh, like he is second in command to Magus.”

  “Wow. How did you make him leave then?”

  “The same way I did with Magus and Alaya. With God’s power, I was able to cast him out.”

  She threw her arms around him and cried. She was happy, she was scared, but most of all, she was in love. Eoin had become her rock and strength. Not only had they rediscovered each other, but also, they had made God the center point of their lives.

  Eoin, though, still had other thoughts on his mind. Hearing the deep rhythmic breathing of a deep slumber, he called to Isabella softly, but when there was no response, Eoin carefully reached for his phone to message Lilith. He had been sharing information about their battles with her, and still thought she was a good friend to him.

“Isabella and I are in for the night,” he texted her.

  “I’m glad. Did it go okay?” She replied.

  “Yes,” he answered back. “Vigor was strong but was no match for our God, who provides me strength for this. Good night, Lilith.”

  “Praise God,” she replied. “Please be careful, Eoin.”

  Chapter 47

  With the calendar turning over to October, the days were cooling off and the nights even more so. They were preparing to go out of town to meet some old friends when Eoin asked to speak to Martha.

  “You’ve fought bravely and with the strength of God,” Martha said. “We can place a Ring of Protection around you and your family while you are gone.”

  “We are leaving on October 23rd and coming back on October 26th,” he said.

  “It is granted. Nobody will know where you are, nor will they find you. It is important that you understand they will know you are gone and will continue to search for you. We will put it around you the night before you leave, and it will remain until you come back. Once you are back in town, however, they will know you are back and where you are.”

  Nodding, Eoin said, “Thank you, Martha. Thank you so much. The respite will be good for both of us, I think.”

  Martha smiled and bade him goodbye.

  The next evening, they enjoyed peace as they were busy preparing for their weekend excursion. Eoin and Isabella were going to meet one of Eoin’s old girlfriends from his college days, along with her husband. Eoin was nervous because he hadn’t seen or heard from Alicia for twenty-five years, and Isabella was apprehensive because she was his old girlfriend.

  “Eoin, why are you nervous?”

  “I’m not,” he said quietly.

  “Oh, I see. You can fight Magus, Vigor, and Alaya, as well as other spirits from below, but you’re nervous about seeing Alicia?” She giggled.

  “What about you?” Eoin asked. “Aren’t you nervous about meeting Alicia? Are you afraid I’ll want to rekindle what we had once?” he said with a snicker.

  “Ha! I’m not afraid of anything of the sort! You love me, and you know it, so THERE!” she volleyed.

  Reaching across to hold her hand, Eoin smiled.


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