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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 9

by Madison Street

  I slip down to bend and give him a kiss on the forehead. I step back, heading for the door as Major bends down to him.

  His voice whispers softly to his son. “Goodnight buddy. Sweet dreams.”

  Crew sits up, wrapping his arms around Major. “Goodnight daddy.”

  We shut the door, watching as he nestles into his bed and closes his eyes. I head into the kitchen and glance behind to ask Major. “You want some coffee?”

  He huffs. “Coffee? No. Actually, I better get going. It’s getting late.”

  Disappoint seeps through as I watch him grab his jacket and slip into it. He sends me a smile before opening the apartment door. “Thanks for tonight Dylan. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. Listen, you could stay if you want.”

  He shakes his head no. “Don’t think that’s such a good idea right now. I have some things I need to think about.”

  I step closer, wanting to touch him, just for a brief moment. Just as my hand reaches his arm, he opens the door and heads out into the hall. I watch as he jogs down the stairs. I slip back into the apartment, shutting the door. My back leans against it as I let out a deep breath, holding back the tears.

  I miss you.

  I lock up the door behind me and my steps take me to the living room and I slouch on the sofa. Just as I hit the power button on the TV remote, a low tap sounds from my door. I sit up, wondering who could it be at this time.

  I sneak up to the door, looking through the peephole, only to see Major on the other side. I quickly unlock the door and hold it open as he leans with both arms on the door frame.


  He’s gasping for air as if he just ran up these stairs.

  “You alright?”

  He sucks in a deep breath as his deep dark eyes stare into mine. “I drove around the block before I realized something.”

  My brow arches. “Yeah?”

  His hands slip off the door frame and cradle my hips. His body presses into mine; his lips inches away from mine.

  “I need you.”

  And at that moment, our lips lock. The familiar taste of him bring my sensations to a high as we kiss in the hallway. He presses my back against the wall as our lips tangle with one another. My hand presses against his chest and just as I pull him closer, he breaks away.

  My breath catches as he licks his lips. “I should go.”

  In agreement with him, he smiles one last time before heading back down the stairs. Just as he turns the bannister, he looks up at me. Right then and there, he races back up the steps to give me one last kiss.

  “Maybe I should stay.”

  A soft mumble echoes under my breath. “I only ask of one thing.”

  His deep voice whispers. “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “Ice cream.”

  Major smirks as he pecks my lips. “Be back in a few minutes. Any particular flavor?”

  I smile with excitement. “Surprise me.”

  Major races down the steps as I laugh, shutting the door behind me. I race into my bedroom, to change into something a little bit more appealing for his taste. I let my hair down, knowing he loves my long golden locks.

  I apply a coat of mascara and a dash of gloss. Just as I finish up, a knock comes from the door.

  That was fast.

  Giddy with excitement I head out into the hall, to let him in. As soon as I open the front door, I immediately regret it. At that moment, I come face to face with my hidden memories of the past who have come back after all this time.

  That same creepy voice mumbles, sending chills down my spine. “Hey there darling. I told you I’d find you.”

  That rugged voice rings through my ear as my body goes on high alert. My hands immediately push on the door, hoping to lock him out before he barges in. But it’s no use. He’s already barreling through.

  My body spins glancing around for my phone so I can dial 9 -1 -1. I see it on the kitchen counter as my body jumps to reach it.

  The goon tugs onto my long hair, yanking me as my body retracts into his grasp.

  His face nuzzles into my neck, sniffing my scent, causing goosebumps to crawl on my skin. He breathes in deep. “Now, tell me where the money is.”

  Trembling forces shakes my core as I try to wiggle out of his grasp. “I don’t have your money. I never did.”

  “I know you took it. You and that punk.”

  His hand clasps around my neck, squeezing tight. My throat aches in pain as his fingers clench around it. My voice strains to get the words out. “It wasn’t me. Please…don’t.”

  And with all my strength, I force my elbow into his stomach. He keels over, allowing me to escape his grasp. At that moment, I pick up the closest thing I can find, and smash a glass vase on his head. Shards of tiny pieces of glass explode all over the floor as he slumps forward.

  A loud groan escapes him as he yells at me. “Bitch!”

  My feet take me to the kitchen as I grab my phone. I dial the police just as I hear a faint sound coming from the hallway.

  “Mommy? I heard noises.”

  The operator answers in seconds. “9-1-1. What is your emergency?”

  The sight of Crew walking toward our scuffle causes my heart to drop. Ignoring the operator my instinct directs right to my son.

  “Crew, get out of here! Go get help!”

  The goon gets up glancing as Crew stands within an arm’s reach. I watch as he lunges forward, grasping to get to him.


  Without any hesitation, my body leaps forward and on top of his back. My small frame does nothing to stop him so I force my thumbs into his eyes.

  He cries out in pain as I watch my son escape into the hallway.

  “Run Crew!”

  An elbow meets my face, knocking me off, as my body flies to the ground. A faint dizziness fills my mind as I crash. My back screams out in pain on top of the hardwood flooring.

  Before I could even begin to recoup, hands are around my neck, pulling me up and off the floor. Strong fingers wrap around each crevice, each inch, as I open my eyes, staring at my assailant.

  I try to squirm and kick into him as blood oozes from a gash in his head. Tiny specks of glass scar his face as my eyes stare into the man who’s hunted me for all these years.

  “You’ll pay for this.”

  My mouth opens, gasping for air, as my lungs yearn for oxygen. “Please…”

  In a blink of an eye, a fist glide through the air, hitting the goon from behind. He loses composure, releasing me from his grasp as I collapse onto the ground.

  My eyes blink open to see Major and the goon throwing punches at one another. I scour back toward the hall and tiptoe to the kitchen, grabbing a knife to use as my weapon.

  Seconds later I return to see Major send his opponent to the ground with a solid punch to the face. His chest heaves up and down as his lungs gasp for air after that strenuous fight.

  He glances my way with a level of concern I’ve never seen before. “Are you alright?”

  I drop the knife as he pulls me into his arms, laying a kiss on my forehead. Tears spill down my face as my body trembles, trying to calm down from my attack.

  Sirens blare in the distance, growing louder as patrol cars park along the curb. Major pulls away from me as he realizes Crew is nowhere to be found. He bolts toward the bedroom, shouting his name.

  I race into the hall, looking for him. “Crew?!”


  Crew appears from one of the neighbor’s apartment as he runs into my arms. The elderly woman talks to the emergency operator notifying them of the attack. I glance at her as she describes the ordeal.

  My mouth whispers a ‘thank you’ as I cradle Crew in my arms. Major arrives, bending down, and wraps his arms around us. The three of us hold onto each other, squeezing as the police file into the apartment building.

  A paramedic immediately takes hold of me, ushering me to sit so they can examine my injuries. I leave Crew with Major
as Major tells them about the incident as they arrest the goon.

  It’s hours until everyone leaves and I’m exhausted. Major locks the apartment door, securing it for the night, as I tuck Crew into bed, hoping he’s able to sleep after all this.

  “Mommy, why was that man hurting you?”

  I hold back tears as I kiss his cheek. “Well, because he’s a very bad man.”

  “But you’re okay now, right? He’s not going to hurt you anymore?”

  I let out a deep breath. “I will be. Now try to get some rest.”

  I shut his bedroom door and head into the living room, noticing Major on the sofa. He pats a spot next to him so I comply. I nuzzle into him as he wraps his around me. I glance around the apartment still seeing the pieces of glass on the floor, flashing that moment before my eyes.

  My body tenses as I remember that terrorizing moment and tears spill. Soft cries escape me and Major keeps hold as I let it all out.

  I’ve learned to appreciate the things that I have since my near-death experience. And if it wasn’t for Major, I’m not sure I’d even be around anymore.

  A month has passed and I still wake up in cold sweats. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, getting over what I experienced but at least I am not alone. Major has never left my side. He’s somehow managed to commute every day to and from the city and still be here with us in Connecticut.

  As the cool nights turn warm, spring begins to bloom in the air. Trees beam under the shining sun as birds chirp and sing to each other. Flowers of all shapes and sizes blossom in fields of wonder as I see my little boy grow a new inch every day.

  The news of Major’s existence shocked my parents but eventually they understood how much it meant to me for them to welcome him. Once Juliette heard that Major knew about being a father, she jumped for joy and already started planning double dates.

  It’s hard to say when Major and I officially became a couple. We never really talked about it. Sometimes you just know. Every time he walks into the room, my heart flutters, skipping beats as he stares at me with those deep dark eyes of his.

  And as he holds my hand as we walk along the streets of New York, I smile. I’m so lucky to have found him again.

  “Dinner was amazing tonight. I loved it.”

  He sends me a wink. “You’re welcome.”

  We cross the street, hand in hand, as we head toward Juliette’s house to pick up Crew. I catch Major peeking over at me for a brief moment.

  “What is it?” I ask, wanting to know what he’s thinking.

  He breathes deep. “Well, I’ve been thinking with me commuting to and from Connecticut, it just makes more sense if you and Crew were to move in with me. I’ll be expanding to a third restaurant soon and I’d love it if you both were here in the city.”

  My eyes open with shock. “What about my job? A school for Crew? I mean it sounds a little crazy if you ask me.” I laugh away my statement just as Major stops walking; forcing me to stop and face him.

  His eyes darken. “No, it’s not. I want you both here with me. It’s not crazy. It’s right.”

  A nervous chuckle escapes my lips. “Geez, so serious. Like you’re asking me to marry you or something.”

  I glance away for a brief moment until he responds.

  “And what if I am?”

  My heart drops. Tears fill my eyes as Major’s face lights up, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Marry me.”

  Without any hesitation, my body leaps into his arms, planting a kiss on his lips.

  I whisper the word, “Yes.”


  I glance at my phone just as the cab pulls to the curb. A groan escapes my lips as my mother pays the cab driver.

  “Mom, we’re going to be late. Come on, let’s go.”

  I reach my arm out, opening the door as I step outside. The warm spring sun heats my body as I exit the vehicle. I turn back, letting my hand out for Crew. He takes his hand in mine with a bright smile filling his adorable face.

  My mother exits from the other side, shutting the door. “Your father’s already there, waiting for us.”

  I squeeze Crew’s hand. “Come on sweetie. We gotta make a run for it.”

  We enter the building, racing through the busy crowd as we make our way to the destination. The similar scenario reminds me of a time that I’ll never forget and a smile curves along my lips as I remember that exact night.

  The three of us turn the corridor and race through the long hallways as we make our way to the center of the crowd. As we enter, I scour the scene, looking for Major and my father.

  Mom points them out. “Over there.”

  As we approach, I catch Juliette and Declan nearing from the distance. Juliette pulls me into a hug, tears in her eyes as she hands me the bouquet. Declan smiles, nodding his head, silently congratulating.

  The blaring sound of the station manager’s voice echoes through the station’s speakers.

  “Train 784 from New York to Newark, now boarding.”

  I catch sight of Major, staring at me with awe. Heat rises to my cheeks as his face fills with emotion.

  Crew stands next to him waiting for me to make my walk as the bride, meeting her future husband. The officiator motions for me to begin.

  I take a deep breath, grasping the bouquet as I take my first step. The white satin from my gown flows along my curves as my legs move forward. My father’s arm wrapped around mine keeps me steady, ensuring I don’t trip on the dress. I glance up at him, tears in his eyes as he walks his daughter down the aisle.

  We approach the center, as my dad hands me off to Major. Major thanks him and squeezes my hand as we face the officiator. The crowd around us quiets as they realize a wedding has begun in the middle of the Grand Central Station.

  I sneak a quick peek at Major as the officiator talks, welcoming all who have come to witness the happy moment between Major and I.

  My mind wanders to the past for a brief moment. A time when I thought my life had turned upside down for the worst. A time when I was completely helpless and just a basket case. A hot mess, so to speak.

  And as I stand here, side by side with the man, the stranger who helped me that cold night. The same stranger who broke my shoe so I could walk, the same stranger who gave me his pink scarf, and the same stranger who showed that love has no boundaries.

  It may have taken us a while but somehow, we managed to get through it all and realize that we are perfect for each other. And as Crew hands us our rings, a single tear trickles down my face as I look at what our love has created.

  A beautiful, healthy young boy. My greatest joy; my whole world.

  My lips curve into a bright smile as Major slips my ring onto my finger. He bends down, kissing it with his lips. My fingers tremble in his grasp and as I slide his ring onto his finger, I stare into his eyes and whisper ‘I love you’. He responds with his infamous wink.

  And as we are announced husband and wife, my heart flutters as Major takes hold of me and dips me backward for our first kiss as a married couple. Our friends, family, and the spectating crowd around us erupt into cheers as we lock our lips, displaying our love for the world to see.

  We rise back up smiling as the cheers continue; our hands united as one. Juliette pushes forward, hugging us both as she cries with tears of joy.

  She sniffs, wiping away the tears. “A perfect ending.”

  Crew joins Major and I, holding my hand, as Major keeps his arm around me. We look at each other, grinning with happiness and love.

  Major glances at Juliette, correcting her. “No, it’s just the beginning.”

  The End

  Don’t miss out on all the other stories available in the Passion, Vows & Babies Kindle World! They’re all crossover stories with characters from the Sex & Vows and/or Yeah, Baby series by Fiona Davenport.

  About the Author

  Madison began writing at a young age. She would write episodes of her favorite television shows and her passion has grown since. Sh
e decided to pursue her dreams and debuted her dark romance suspense novel, Little Things, in June 2014. It was well received by thousands of readers and became a bestseller in Romance Suspense on Amazon.

  Madison Street was born in New York City and was raised in the Bronx, where she resided until she was 17 years old. After 9/11, Madison joined the United States Navy to serve her country.

  During the deployments, Madison constantly wrote short stories and she discovered her passion for writing.

  For More about the Author:

  Also by Madison Street

  The Second Chances Series

  Little Things - Book #1

  Little Moments - Book #2

  Sea of Flames - Book #2.5

  Little Temptations - Book #3




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